Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

The next morning Callie called me as she was on her way to work. I was also getting ready to go to work, so we only made it a quick chat. Despite the fact that the previous night I had seen my sweet girlfriend get fucked by the entire football team and its coach, her voice still sounded sweet and innocent to me, and I remembered that I was not talking to a porn star slut, but my highschool sweetheart girlfriend, the girl I loved and who I got into this mess. It was not her but my fault and I was still determined to figure out a way to put an end to all this.

That night we went out for a late meal and headed back to my place where we made passionate love. I could not get the images of Callie being gangbanged out of my head, and despite seeing her turn into a wanton slut and her pussy stretched halfway to childbirth sizes, this Callie was the Callie I had known and loved for years ... almost. I did notice that she was more forward in sex than she used to be. Neither of us were that experienced at sex (I am still not!), and we made love slowly and softly, almost in a clumsy fashion. Now however, Callie was a little bit more forward and confident in her actions, almost taking charge of our love making. She was not aggressive about it, but she was definitely more confident about it all. As my dick slid into her pussy I deliberately tried to notice whether she was stretched so much that I could tell the difference. Considering the last time I saw this same pussy it was so wide I would have probably been able to put my fist into it, she had recovered quite remarkably. Her pussy did not feel as tight as it used to be with it's almost vice-like grip, although as I slid in I did notice that she was extremely wet ... much more so than she usually is during our lovemaking. I was not sure what had made her so horny. I hoped it was me, but I just could not help wondering if it was the thought of all those guys both black and white fucking her every hole. Still, thinking about those photos made me more horny too and I noticed that I was also being a little more forceful and direct in our passion, which was not a bad thing I guess.

That night we fell asleep in each other's arms and with only a half day of work each on Sunday we looked forward to the afternoon together just being boyfriend and girlfriend and going to do things normal teens did. I was just pleased that I had Callie all to myself and that she was still my sweet Callie.

The next day we met up after our morning of work and went out for a great lunch. We held hands, chatted, laughed. It was great and seemed as if the recent events never happened. We went and watched a movie and laughed so hard our throats hurt. During the quiet moments Callie rested her head on my shoulder and I took in the sweet smell of her hair. It was fantastic and we were having a hell of an afternoon and we certainly did not speak to each other about Ken or any of those other events. By late afternoon we were walking hand in hand down the main shopping street, each with a nice big ice cream when my cell phone rang.


"Hello James" came a voice which I immediately recognized. My smile disappeared in an instant. "This is Ken. I hope I am not disturbing your afternoon ... too much" He said with a slight laugh in his voice.

I was speechless. What did Ken want now? Whatever it was, I knew it was not going to be good.

"Listen, I need your help ... well rather I need Callie's help."

"Who is it?" Callie mouthed to me.

"Ken" I mouthed back. Callie immediately understood who I said, but remained fairly neutral looking. I could not tell whether she was disappointed or not. She certainly did not smile or anything, but she did not seem unhappy either ... just neutral, staring at me.

"James, you there?!" said Ken in a serious tone. "Don't make me angry James"

"Yes yes, I am here."

"Good. One of my side businesses is a small adult theatre, on Grott street. One of my regular girls has called in sick at the last minute, so I need Callie to stand in for her for a couple of hours."

"What?!" I firmly said. "No way ... she's not going to some dodgy..."

"James!" Ken shouted, interrupting me. "Do not forget that you two owe me. I have a hell of a lot of evidence which can still end up with the both of you getting into a lot of trouble, and until she has paid your debt to me, you will shut up and listen"

I shut up.

"It is the Sunset Adult Theatre. Be there just before 7pm and tell the man at the ticket booth that you are there. He will direct you into the booth."

I breathed heavily and my heart beat so loud I could hear it in my own ears as I listened.

"If I hear of even a single customer who was unsatisfied, I will be very unhappy with you both do you understand me James?"

"Er ... yeah ... but what do we ... er ... she have to do?" I stuttered, my voice betraying me and admitting defeat.

"Just go into the booth. It will be obvious once you are in there. Her shift ends at 9pm and I suggest you stay in the booth to keep her company. Bye James"

With that, he hung up. I slowly let the phone drop from my ear and turned to Callie who was staring at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Well, what did he say?"

"Umm ... he asked you ... well, told me that we have to go to an adult theatre of his and sit in a booth for 2 hours."

"What? What the hell does that mean?" Callie said, sounding slightly pissed off.

"I'm not sure exactly. That's what he said. He also said that if he had any unhappy customers he will be a very unhappy man ... and that we didn't want that."

We stood there staring at each other for a few seconds, both speechless. I had never been to an adult theater before, but the word booth conjured up images of dirty old men waking as they watched a porn movie on the TV.

I glanced at my watch and realized we did not have all that much time.

"We have an hour to get to the other side of town, so let's get going" I said, shaking myself out of shock. "Come on, I said, grabbing Callie's hand and pulling her along.

"Where is this place anyway?" She asked

"Grott Street — the Sunset Adult Theatre"

"Grott Street? Isn't that where there was a shooting the other day? That part of town is as dodgy as it gets!" Callie sounded slightly concerned "If it's not gangsters shooting or stabbing each other, it's the tramps and beggars there. Bloody hell."

"Ken told me to go into the booth with you to look after you. Don't worry we will catch a cab home as soon as we are done" I reassuringly said. The truth was that Callie was right. It was a very bad part of town and although I had not visited there, I had driven through the area on my way out of town. It was a poor area and it had a reputation for gang fights, and lots of poor and homeless huddling around burning oil drums in winter to stay warm. I would be lying if I said I was not nervous heading into that area.

We walked about 10 minutes to the main road where the busses, as neither of us drove our cars that day. We just sat in relative silence waiting for the bus. My happy carefree afternoon with my high school sweetheart had been shattered.

The bus turned up and we got on. The driver stared at us. I then realised that we quite obviously stuck out like sore thumbs. Being a hot summer, Callie was wearing a light blue flowery dress with straps over the shoulder. A fairly conservative dress despite her shoulders showing, with the bottom going lower than her knees, but one where she did not need to wear a bra. I was just in shorts and an Abercrombie T-shirt.

"Are you sure you guys are on the right bus?" the black driver asked in a slow voice, sounding thoroughly unimpressed.

"Yeah. This goes to Grott Street right?" I said meekishly.

The driver nodded very slowly, eyeing Callie up and down. As we went to sat down, the driver shook his head slowly and closed the door. The bus was not very full and we sat near the front. At the middle of the bus was an old guy wearing a thick jacket even though it was summer. The jacket was filthy as was he and we could smell him from several rows away. He was asleep and smelled like he had not had a bath in years. He also smelled heavily of alcohol and was no doubt drunk out of his mind. As we drove along he would mumble loudly to himself then drop back into his comatose state. Towards the back of the bus were two black guys probably in their twenties who were loudly chatting. I could not fully understand what they were saying as they were using a language which despite being English I could barely understand, although I heard them say "white ho" to each other and laugh. I discreetly looked around to see them laughing and looking our way, or more specifically at Callie's way. I turned my head and tried to ignore them. Callie had obviously heard them as she tightened her grip around my hand.

"Don't worry, I am here" I said, trying to be reassuring.

"I know ... and I love you, but still. I worry about you too!" Said Callie.

"I know. Don't worry, it will be ok. Just do whatever you have to do and then we'll get out of here. I'll stay with you the whole time, ken said I could"

Callie did not say anything. We looked out of the window and as the sky got darker we drove towards Grott Street. The houses were becoming more and more run down. There was graffiti on the walls and we passed a car sitting on some bricks with no wheels. Several of the shop windows had wooden boards in them and most of the shops had metal wire mesh protecting the glass.

"Grott street!" shouted the driver as we came to a halt. Callie and I got up and stepped off the bus and looked up. Right in front of us was a big sign that read 'Sunset Theatre'. It was dimly lit and the neon sign flickered on and off. A customer walked away from a small ticket booth off to one side and vanished behind a large red curtain. This place defined dodgy and could have been a poster for all dodgy adult cinemas across the country.

I glanced down at my watch. We had 5 minutes to spare.

Suddenly Callie let out a scream as the smelly old man who was on the bus bumped into her as he stepped off the bus. She was shoved to one side by the man who stood next to her grinning.

"Ewww, gross" she gasped, turning up her nose. The smell was incredible. The man stank of B.O and alcohol.

Callie grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the cinema, away from the stench of the drunk man. I glanced backwards as we crossed the road to see the two black men stepping off the bus and looking our way as we walked over to the ticket booth.

We walked up to the ticket booth and I glanced inside. There was a man with white hair who looked in his fifties who glanced up. He looked mean, but a faint smile appeared as he stared right at Callie.

"Um ... excuse me." I said meekishly. "I'm James and this is Callie ... and um ... well..."

"Yeah I know who you are" Interrupted the man, who despite talking to me was staring straight at Callie.

Callie glanced around nervously, aware that the man was staring right at her. It was even obvious to me that the old man was mentally undressing her.

"Curtain number 2" said the man, pointing his thumb behind him, all the time staring at Callie. "Trixie will be out in a sec and when she is, you're up" he grinned.

Callie tightened her grip on my hand and dragged me away, behind the ticket booth.

"What a scary man" she whispered.


We drew back the curtain and walked into a little hallway. There were 3-4 curtains hanging down over entrances to different rooms. On the left there was a curtain marked 'Video room/waiting room'. In front of us a different curtain simply labeled '2' To our right was a simple '3'. The room was dimly lit and the heavy curtains cut out almost all sound, so it was eerily quiet. The curtains all looked greasy and dirty even though they were a dark red velvet fabric. They looked old and seemed as though they had never been washed.

From behind one of the curtains we heard a click and a door open. Curtain 2 flung to one side and a girl who I assume was Trixie stepped out. She was the definition of 'hooker' and looked the part to the tee. She had blue lipstick on, a short tank top, a very, very short blue skirt and black fishnet stockings almost up to, but about two inches below the bottom of her skirt. She wore red high heels and a black floppy French looking cap.

She stared at Callie and I for a moment and smiling to herself, stepped aside us and vanished behind the curtain out into the lobby area.

I looked at Callie who looked back at me. Taking a deep breath she stepped forward, brushing the curtain to one side. There was a blue door which she opened and stepped inside. I stepped inside after her, holding open the curtain which felt damp and sticky. I closed the door behind us and looked around. It was not a very big room but was well lit. It was like the larger type of dressing room at the shops at the mall. The walls were painted white on 3 sides with paint which was peeling. There were various bits of graffiti written on the walls and stains everywhere. The room smelled musty and of a smell I could not put my finger on. It was not very pleasant but luckily not too strong. On the remaining wall was a huge mirror which went from floor to ceiling and was about 4 foot wide, stretching wall to wall. At waist height was a hole, about 4 inches across. Below the hole was a trickle of what was quite obviously fresh sperm, and below that lots of older dried stains which were no doubt the same thing. The concrete floor below was stained with many blotches and even the wall opposite had dried splash marks of what was quite obviously old sperm stains.

Callie glanced at me with a slightly horrified look, covering her nose with her hand. "Oh my god" she muttered.

There was a shuffling sound and the tip of a dick appeared out of the hole. It was wrinkly and semi-hard, with the foreskin covering about half of the head with the other half exposed. The man behind pushed himself as far forward as he could and through the hole you could see the base of the man's dick. We had no way of telling how old he was, or who he was but it was a white guy and his dick was about 4 inches long in its semi-hard state.

Callie looked at the dick with saucer-sized eyes, glancing at me then glancing back at the dick.

"Come on ... I don't have all day! I didn't pay to stand around!" said a voice impatiently.

Callie gulped and started to kneel when she caught sight of how dirty the floor was and instead crouched down, hiking her dress up over her thighs so that it would not touch the floor. She glanced at me expecting me to say something, but there was nothing I could say. I did not know what to say. She glanced back to the dick, looking slightly disappointed and slowly leaned forward, opening her mouth slightly.

I was still speechless as I watched my high school girlfriend open her mouth and flick her tongue across the head of this mystery man's dick. She licked the tip a few times before closing her lips across the head of the dick and started to bob her head slowly back and forth on the dick, which was growing stiffer by the second.

"Ooh yeah" I faintly heard from behind the mirror as Callie slowly sucked more and more of this guys dick into her mouth. At full size the guy was at around 6 inches and was not particularly thick, probably around average. Callie kept her hands on her knees as she crouched and continued to bob her head back and forth. Callie remained quiet as did I and in the well insulated room the only noise was the odd squelch from Callie's mouth and the odd moan from behind the mirror.

I watched, my gut wrenching, as my sweet girlfriend once again was being forced into giving herself to people other than me, making her feel lower than the lowest whore. I hated Ken and I hated myself for my inability to do anything about this situation. There was nothing I could do. I knew the consequences and Callie had to satisfy everyone here otherwise we would pay, and I know Ken would not hesitate to do all the things he said and drag us into the police.

Callie slurped away for about 5 minutes and with the moaning getting louder we both knew the man was about to cum. Callie took her mouth off the dick and grabbed it with her hand, moving to one side and started pumping the guy's dick with her hand.

"Don't you dare take your mouth off bitch" demanded the voice from the other side. Callie knew she had no choice and let go of the dick, taking it into her mouth again, and bobbed back and forth. The man grunted loudly.

"Hmm!!" Callie mumbled in a surprised tone. She continued to bob back and forth but I could see the man's dick in spasms and knew he was shooting his load into my girlfriend's mouth. A few seconds later, the fast softening dick pulled away from the hole and Callie coughed, dribbling the sperm out of her mouth. Unfortunately her dress was in the way with her crouching and the sperm fell onto the front of her dress. She did not even notice, as she regained her breath.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, just choked a little that's all. I'll be alright."

"That's good. I love you, you know" I said, smiling at her. It was a surreal thing to say as I stood over my girlfriend choking on another man's sperm.

"I love you too baby." Callie said softly in that girly teen voice I love so much.

Before we knew it, another dick appeared through the hole. This one was thicker than the last one and also belonged to a white guy. It was already standing full to attention and must have been about 7 inches long. Callie took a deep breath and leaned forwards, taking the dick into her mouth and immediately started to pump her head back and forth. There was absolutely nothing I could do but just stand there.

Callie very quickly had the guy's entire dick in her mouth, with her nose almost pressed up against the mirror as she quickly pulled her mouth off the entire length till just the very tip was on her mouth before plunging her head onto the dick as far as it would go. It seemed that Callie's cock-sucking skills had vastly improved in the recent weeks. I was immediately reminded of the image of her sucking all those dicks from the football team as they fucked her in every hole; something which Callie had still not admitted to doing.

I heard a loud grunt and saw Callie hold her head still with her nose pressed against the mirror. The guy was coming directly into her throat. She held for a few seconds as I saw her throat muscles gulp down the man's load. Several gulps later she pulled her head off the dick which also pulled away from the hole. This time there was no coughing and spluttering. Callie just panted, catching her breath.

Before I had a chance to say anything, another dick appeared through the hole. This one was a big black one. It must have been about 10 inches long and proportionately thick.

"Fuck me" I said under my breath

"God there must be a queue." Said Callie as she ran her tongue along the bulbous head of the circumcised black shaft. There were angry looking veins all the way down the dick and it was long enough that Callie grabbed it at the base and licked it like a lollipop.

"Yeah bitch," came the voice from the other side. I immediately recognized the voice as one of the two guys from the bus. They must have seen us come into the theater and known what was going on! Callie recognized the voice also and she glanced towards me with the head of the dick now lodged in her mouth.

"Yeah that's right. It's me from the bus. My friend's here too and you better give us our money's worth bitch." Came the voice.

"How the hell did he know we even glanced at each other" I whispered.

"Now bitch, I wanna see dose sweet teen titties of yours. Take off da dress." Came the voice.

I glanced at the mirror.

"Shit, it's one way glass" I whispered, realizing that the black man and the two before him could see exactly what was going on in this room from behind the mirror.

Callie took her head off the dick for a moment and glanced at me. With a look of defeat she stood up and pulled the dress over the top of her head, revealing her gorgeous teen breasts. With a summery dress she did not wear a bra and now all she was wearing was a pair of white panties and her sandals. Callie handed me the dress and nodded at the hook on the door behind me.

"Damn dose are fine" came the voice.

"Yeah" a second voice said, which I assume was the black guy's friend from the bus.

Callie crouched down again opened her mouth when she was interrupted.

"Hang on hoe! Take dem panties off too" came the voice.

Callie sighed and stood up, sliding her underwear down her legs and stepping out of them. She handed them to me and I immediately noticed on my hand that the crotch was slightly wet. It was not soaking or anything, but there was definitely a damp patch.

I glanced at Callie but she was already leaning to crouch down again.

"Yeah, damn fine pussy." Came the voice from behind the mirror. "I bet that's a tight one eh bitch?" sniggered the man.

Suddenly he pulled his dick out of the hole and suddenly a hand appeared stretched out.

"Give me a feel, slut" demanded the voice. Callie glanced down at the floor, looking slightly ashamed to be called such names and took a step forward. The hand reached up and cupped her fleshy pussy mound.

"Hmm, damn fine" came the voice as the hand rubbed back and forth a couple of times. Callie closed her eyes as the man extended his index finger. I watched as it slipped between Callie's slightly exposed pussy lips which I noticed were glistening slightly. The finger curled upwards and I knew the man had entered my girlfriend's pussy.

"Damn man, I like it when they're wet too" commented the man. Callie's face immediately blushed red even though she still had her eyes closed. I remained silent, unsure whether Callie was wet because the day was going to end with us sleeping together, or wet from sucking off two strangers and now being fingered by another.

Callie sighed and bit her lower lip as the man fingered her for about a minute or so before suddenly pulling his finger out of her.

"Dats nough of dat." Said the man. "Hey boyfriend. Give me dem panties"

I glanced down at my hand, still clutching Callie's underwear and stretched my hand out. The man snatched the panties and pulled them through the hole to the other side.

"Damn man, smell dat white teen pussy" said the man as they both laughed.

The man's dick suddenly reappeared through the hole and I watched as Callie bent down at the waist to suck the man's dick. She kept her legs straight instead of crouching down and started to take the man's dick deeper and deeper into her mouth. With every bob of her head she would take more and more of the huge dick until she had all 10 inches in her mouth. She then pulled her head slowly off the entire length before taking it all in again. I was stunned and amazed at how she was doing this, taking that huge dick into the throat without gagging.

"Yeah, bitch sucks cock good." I heard the man say as Callie sped up her pace.

This continued for quite a few minutes and I was surprised at how long the man was lasting with my teen girlfriend giving what appeared to me to be an expert blowjob. I became aware that my pants were bulging and that my dick was straining against the front. I was ashamed that I had such a reaction, watching my girlfriend unwillingly give blowjobs to strangers in a glory hole of a dirty seedy adult theater but I could not help it. Like the gangbang, this was the kind of thing I had seen porn stars do on the internet and had wanked off to. However unlike watching Callie's gangbang, I was watching this gloryhole action live right in front of me. I took one step to my right and glanced over at Callie's ass. The way she was standing, bent at the waist pushed her pussy mound outwards towards the wall behind her. I glanced at Callie's face which was too busy sucking the black man's dick to notice me as I took another step and leaned forward to get a good look at her pussy, which despite her head moving, was relatively still. I was no stranger to Callie's pussy, especially after seeing it plastered all over my computer monitor. I marveled at the pure beauty of my girlfriend's body. Her pussy lips protruded slightly, glistening from the fingering she had just been given by the black stranger. I desperately wanted to touch it ... to finger Callie's pussy as she sucked off the complete stranger, but I was too scared to do it. Scared that Callie would know I had a hard-on and scared that she would think I was a sick freak. I stood and stared at her teen pussy, my dick getting harder and harder and more and more painful as it strained to be let out.

Callie brought her hands up from her knees and pressed them against the mirror to support herself when I suddenly heard the man grunt.

"Arhhh, fuck" he grunted as Callie mumbled with her mouth still over the guy's dick. The black dick spasmed a couple of times then the man pulled back away from her mouth, shooting a thick wad of cum over Callie's face.

"Ooh" cried out Callie in surprise as a couple more shots of sperm splashed against her face. Before I knew it, the man's dick was gone.

"My turn" came the voice of his friend as another big black dick appeared through the hole. Callie did not even wipe the sperm from her face as she leant forward and took his friend's dick into her mouth and started to suck. The sperm from the previous guy dripped down her face as she slowly took the big dick into her throat.

Callie quickly worked up a pace and I thought I could hear her moaning gently as she sucked off the fourth stranger's dick. I leaned back and resumed my gaze at Callie's pussy. I thought to myself that her pussy lips definitely looked slightly wetter and more swollen than a couple of minutes before. Was she getting turned on by all this? 'Surely not', I thought to myself but then remembered that my dick was as solid as rock. If I was then maybe she was too?

I slowly reached out until my hand was a couple of inches away from Callie's tight pussy, unsure of what her reaction would be if I touched her. She let out a small moan as the man thrust his dick forward a little more. I moved my hand forward a little more and rested the tips of my fingers lengthways across her slit. She immediately let out a slightly louder moan and arched her back further, pressing her pussy mound into my fingers.

'Shit, she's definitely getting turned on by all this!' I thought to myself as I gently started to rub her pussy mound in a circular motion. I was aware that rationally I should have been shocked and hurt by the fact that she was enjoying this on some level, but as my dick was as stiff as a board, my hormones had taken over and I was getting more and more turned on by watching my sweetheart girlfriend suck some stranger's dick in a dirty smelly adult theatre. It was wrong I know, but I just could not help myself.

I applied a little bit more pressure to Callie's pussy as I continued to rub. She started to wiggle her little ass around at the same time and I could feel her slit getting a little wetter and she was now definitely moaning as well. I started rubbing in smaller and smaller circles until my index and middle fingers found her clit exposed from its hood. I gently rubbed her clit and she started to moan loudly. I could feel her knees getting weak as well and a couple of times they almost gave way before she straightened her legs out again to prop herself up.

"Yeah you like that don't you, you fucking white trash whore." Came the voice from the other side.

I thought Callie would be very hurt by this, but instead her moaning got a little louder as I continued to rub her clit. I could feel she was definitely getting a lot wetter now, so I gently slid my fingers up the gap between her delicate folds and found the entrance to her pussy. I eased my two fingers inside and Callie let out a big sigh, arching her back further and sticking her ass outwards, trying to get more of my fingers inside her. I thrust my fingers as deep as they would go and started to fuck her with my fingers.

"Look at you, you fucking slut. You're gettin' off aren't you? Gettin' off on sucking strange nigger dick while your wimp boyfriend fingers your pussy. Come on admit it you love it, bitch!" shouted the voice.

Callie did not say anything, although I think she might have moaned louder when that was said.

"Ah fuck ... fuck." mumbled the black man. "Yeah suck it bitch, take my black cum you whore! Argh!! Fuck!"

The man was quite obviously shooting his cum deep into Callie's belly. She continued to bob her head back and forth, sucking every drop out of the black dick, although with the huge load, some dribbled out from the side of her mouth and down her chin. A few last spurts and the guy pulled his soft but still long dick out of my girlfriend's mouth.

I still had two fingers plunging in and out of her pussy as her moaning got louder. Another dick appeared through the hole; this one belonging to a white guy. Even though you could not see the man, it was obvious that it was a fat man. He pressed his body as close to the hole as possible to make his short 4 inch dick seem longer, but in doing so his fat squeezed out of the hole as well. It was not a pleasant sight and the dick was as skinny as it was short. Callie spread her hands out against the mirror wider and dropped her head even more, which arched her pussy mound out even more against my attacking fingers. It did not seem to matter to Callie that it was a fat guy with a pencil dick. It was a dick and she did not hesitate as she sucked it into her mouth and started working on it.

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