Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

I was not sure when I eventually fell asleep but it must have been late. Callie's alarm was now buzzing away but I really did not want to get up. I felt like I had only been asleep for a few short hours. Slowly Callie reached over and turned the alarm off as I reluctantly got out of bed for the last day of school of the week.

"Ugh, I've got to go to work tonight." Callie mumbled sleepily. "If I miss another day I think I'll be fired"

"I've got tonight off, but I have to go to work all day Saturday and half day Sunday. Are you working this weekend?" I said, putting my clothes on.

"I'm working Saturday during the day but I've got the night off and then half day Sunday. Maybe we can do something Sunday night together?"

"Yeah that would be nice" I said, kissing Callie on her forehead. She still had that just woken up look and looked incredibly cute. I was a little annoyed that we would not be able to spend the weekend together until a few short hours on Sunday night but Callie was right; she probably would have been sacked if she missed much more work.

The minutes at school slowly ticked by and I had to keep splashing cool water on my face to wake myself up from my sleepy state. The end of the day finally came and Callie and I took the bus home.

"James I'm just going to drop my bags off then drive in to work, so why don't you just get off at the next stop and go home. You look like you need a nap." Said Callie, resting her head on my shoulder on the bus.

"Yeah that's a good idea. I could do with a nap." I said drowsily.

I gave Callie a big hug and kiss as she got off the bus at her stop. I stayed on the bus for a couple more minutes then got off at my stop, trundled upstairs to my bedroom and flopped onto the bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

"James! James are you up there?" I heard mum shout, waking me up.


"Dinnertime" shouted mum.

"Ok, I'll be down in a sec" I said, rubbing my eyes. I glanced at my watch to see it was 8:30 already. I had been asleep four hours and I actually felt quite refreshed. I went downstairs and had some dinner. My dad was not there and I had actually not seen him since the night before when he had slept with Callie. I had told myself to try and act normal when he was there and not say anything about him fucking my girlfriend. I felt betrayed by my dad but I found it hard to hate him. My dad and I had always got along well together and we enjoyed watching sports together on TV and when I was younger, going out for long walks in the countryside. The fact that he blackmailed my own girlfriend for sex behind my back did change things obviously and I was dreading seeing him for fear of how I would feel and react. I was glad it was just my mum and me for dinner. I quickly finished and made an excuse about homework and headed back upstairs.

Checking Callie's porn website had become an almost daily ritual for me but it was not updated very often and did not seem to have a regular timetable of being updated so I was used to just seeing that there were no updates and logging off again. Today however was different. As soon as I logged in I saw the now familiar 'UPDATED TODAY' banner at the top of the website.

The only time Callie had seen Ken since he and his friend forced her into the threesome was when he sold her to my dad and I knew there were no photos that day, so I expected that any updates would have to be in the video section rather than new photos since the threesome photos were already online.

My heart beat fast as I punched in the password. This was a feeling I was getting used to. The sense of dread at what I was about to see and what I knew would be my girlfriend being fucked by someone else yet at the same time the slight sense of excitement that I seemed to be getting from that same sight of seeing Callie being fucked my someone else.

The couple of seconds the page took to load into the main page seemed to take forever but it flashed onto the screen and I hastily clicked 'VIDEOS'. Another couple of seconds and it loaded.

"Huh?" I said quietly to myself. It still had the banner 'COMING SOON'. I guess whatever updates there were, they must have been photos. Maybe more of the previous events? I clicked back and into the photo section. There was a 'SET 5' now available. The photos of Ken and Yushi with Callie were in set 4 so this was something new and unexpected. I quickly clicked the link, my mind confused as to what these could possibly be.

The page slowly loaded and I could see immediately that there were 10 pages of photos and possibly more. I had a feeling the links at the top could only show 10 links at the most and there might have been more beyond as there was a little '>' sign next to page 10. Once again there was an entire page of photos but they were loading slowly. All I had so far were white boxes; the outlines of the photos on the page which had not yet fully loaded.

The top photo loaded slowly. It looked like some people standing on a grass field somewhere. I could not wait to see the other thumbnails to load so I clicked this photo to expand it. The photo loaded fairly quickly and showed a whole bunch of guys in football uniform (helmets and all) standing on a grass field throwing a football. It looked like football practice. Callie was not even in the photo.

'How strange'. I thought to myself as I clicked back to the main page. The next thumbnail loaded which I also clicked to expand. This time the photo was taken from the side of the football pitch looking from behind a single cheerleader leaping up into the air, shaking her pom poms. It looked like Callie from behind, with her brown hair tied up in a short pony tail. The girl was wearing a typical cheerleading outfit and in fact it looked like the outfit from our school with a short blue skirt and white top with blue stripes at the waist and on the sleeve. I clicked 'next' and waited as the photo loaded. It was definitely Callie. The photo showed her with her arms in the air smiling, with a few people sitting in the stands behind her.

I had no idea when these photos were taken or where this field was. It definitely did not look familiar to me as anywhere I had been before. Callie was not in the cheerleader squad either so the uniform was definitely not hers and neither was I sure who was taking these photos but the uniforms of the footballers appeared to be the ones from my school although the photos were not close enough for me to see any of the faces. I clicked to the next photo where the football practice session had obviously ended and now the entire football team was standing around Callie who was just standing there looking innocent. There must have been nearly 20 guys all standing there smiling with their helmets in hand. I immediately recognized most of the faces. This was obviously our football team from school ... all of them. Butch and Ace were there as well. There was no sign of the coach or assistant coach though; just the team surrounding my girlfriend. Callie was by no means short but she was dwarfed by these giant bodies with muscles bulging. The team was split about 50/50 between black guys and white with the black guys slightly bigger and bulkier in general.

I was beginning to realize where this set of photos was going. I had seen porn movies like this with one girl and lots of guys. I had entered this website with a hint of excitement of seeing more of Callie having sex with someone but the excitement had gone. At that moment I just felt shocked. At the back of my mind I knew what I was about to see if I clicked onwards and was not sure if I wanted to see it. I felt a little nauseous in the pit of my stomach as I thought about all those guys and my innocent girlfriend, my childhood sweetheart.

I clicked to the next photo and saw Callie stepping up to get onto a bus. The football team were all surrounding her as she had one leg on the second step and her other leg up on the top step. The guys were all smiling at her and she had her head turned back towards them, smiling slightly. Her already small skirt had obviously been pulled further up from her hips to her waist. Normally cheerleaders wear fairly large pants underneath their small flimsy skirts to hide themselves. Callie had quite obviously omitted to wear this. As the camera angle was from the view of the footballers you could quite clearly see Callie was not wearing any underwear at all. With her forward leg on the upper step, there was nothing to hide her pussy and it was very clear that the guys were getting an eyeful. The entire football team was staring at my girlfriend's exposed pussy and god knows who else who may have been standing near the entrance to the bus or just walking past. My stomach felt heavy and my breathing was rapid and shallow. I felt humiliated that all these guys had seen my girlfriend; something which only I was supposed to see. It was no wonder that I had sensed Callie and I had been getting more funny looks from people in the last week. With the entire football team having seen my girlfriend's pussy I bet that the entire school probably knew by now what had gone on ... the entire school that is, except me, until now.

I clicked forward to the next photo which was still of Callie standing on the steps of the bus but zoomed in. With the skirt pulled up to her waist, the bottom of the skirt barely covered her ass cheeks and from the low angle looking upwards there was nothing hidden. Her bum cheeks were not wide open from this angle so you could not see her bumhole properly, but certainly you could see the light brown fuzz covering her fleshy pussy mound with her pink pussy lips exposed slightly and pulled apart ever so slightly by her right leg being forward. A view these guys must have loved.

The next photo was of Callie getting off the bus. She was again surrounded by the football team standing at the bottom of the steps of the bus but now they were in a different location. In the background there were trees but it was difficult to see where they were. Callie was standing at the top step with her legs slightly parted and the camera angle exposed her pussy mound with her patch of thin brown hairs trimmed neatly. Callie was grabbing the short rail on the door and smiling. Once again the football team was getting an eyeful.

The next photo revealed a little about where they were. It was still nowhere I recognized but was a zoomed out shot of the bus parked next to a large house ... no, a mansion. There was a circular driveway and a grand entrance to the house with statues of people either side of a set of dark brown doors which must have been about four meters high each. On one side of the house there was grass of what appeared to be a nice garden with a tall hedge and trees and some colourful flowers. On the other side of the house you could see what appeared to be a beach with the sea in front of it.

The sea was about five hours drive from where Callie and I lived. When did she have time to go there? It then dawned on me. The only time she had was when she told me she was going to spend the weekend at her Aunt's house for her birthday. She must have lied to me! It just had to be that weekend. There was no other time for this to have happened. That was clearly a beach by the sea and there were definitely no beaches near here. Why had she lied to me? I could not think of any reason she would want to keep this from me. It was not as if I did not know about what was going on.after all I was the one trying to think of a way to stop it all! With more questions than answers swirling in my head, I clicked onwards.

In the next photo, Callie was standing alone in the living room of the mansion, staring at the ceiling. It was definitely a grand place. The decorations did not look like anything I particularly liked but it did look very luxurious like a palace with chandeliers, oil paintings on the walls framed by lavish gold trim, heavily patterned Persian carpets and solid looking furniture with carved wooden sides. This place looked like it was fit for a king.

I clicked 'next' and saw Callie biting her lower lip looking innocent as she stared into the camera. She was surrounded by the large group of guys who were all grinning sleazily. The next photo showed Callie on her knees, still fully clothed but now surrounded even more by the guys. Whoever was taking the photos was obviously standing on the top of a small ladder looking down at Callie. The guys standing closest to her had their dicks out and in their hands. There were seven dicks in the photo and each was completely stiff and standing to attention. There were four blacks and three whites and although they differed in size, none were smaller than average. The black dicks were all pretty big looking to me and must have ranged from about seven inches to about ten or even more. Callie was still biting her lip looking innocent but she had that look like she was saying 'no', although I think more for the camera than for real.

I knew what was coming next and with my heart beating like a jackhammer I clicked onwards. As I had expected the next image showed Callie with a dick in her mouth. It was Neil's dick. He was one of the guys on the football team that most of the girls found hot and most of the guys were jealous of. He had his pants around his ankles and the tip of his eight inch dick was lodged in the mouth of my now not so innocent girlfriend. Callie had her eyes open, staring up towards but not quite at the camera, presumably at Neil. In her hands were two huge black dicks both of which must have been around nine to ten inches and as thick as Callie's wrists. The next photo was similar to this one except that Neil's dick was jammed further into her mouth. I clicked on and Callie now had her eyes closed tight and looked like she was resisting a gag reflex as Neil's dick was fully in her mouth and throat, with his pubes up against her nose. She was deep-throating this guy and I was sure that blowing one of the most popular guys in the football team was not exactly going to make Callie popular amongst the girls at school.

In the next photo Callie had one of the black dicks in her mouth, or at least the tip of it. It belonged to a guy called Jamal, and again was a guy that most of the girls at school found hot. Jamal's dick stretched Callie's mouth wide and although there must have been about five or six inches still showing, the strain on her face showed that she was finding it difficult fitting it all in. In her hands were two dicks, one black one which was presumably the same one as before and a white one of average size. Neil's dick was still poking into the photo, but shiny and wet, no doubt slick from Callie's saliva. Crouching behind Callie was the greasy face of Ace, who was grinning wide. He was pulling Callie's cheerleading top upwards. The sweet plump and firm breasts of my girlfriend were being exposed and it was obvious she was wearing no bra.

In the next photo Callie was completely topless. Ace was behind her still, but reaching forward and grabbing her breasts. He had a hand on each and was giving them a good squeeze. Jamal's dick was still in Callie's mouth and only three inches of it was still showing. His dick grew wider towards the base and it did not look like she was capable of stretching her mouth any wider to fit any more of it in. I clicked the next photo to see.

Callie's face was red and her eyes clamped shut once again but she had done it. Jamal's short knotted pubes were against the tip of her nose and her lips were pressed against his black wrinkly ball sack. It was amazing that such a huge thing could fit in her mouth. Callie had obviously learned to relax her throat muscles and just let the dick slide down it slightly. There were so many thoughts and feelings swirling around inside my head but for some reason I could not explain I felt a tinge of pride that Callie had successfully taken all of Jamal's dick. I immediately shook the thought out of my head as being sick, seeing my own girlfriend's throat impaled on a thick ten inch black dick.

In the next photo Jamal's dick was only half in Callie's mouth. The other half was wet with her saliva. Ace had pulled Callie's small skirt up around her belly and below her breasts. You could now see the brown fur of her mound. The camera angle was much lower than before and you could plainly see Ace's arm stretching from behind and below, and half of his index finger lodged inside her pussy. I clicked on to the next photo. Callie was now gripping Jamal's dick with one hand, the other still grabbing the other black dick. Her tongue was stretched out and curled around the tip of his huge shaft. It was obvious that she was giving this dick a good licking. From below, Ace now had two fingers side by side inside her pussy. Although you could not see the entrance to her pussy clearly you could see that her delicate little pussy lips were being parted wide and her clit was just about visibly exposed from the hood protecting it.

I clicked to the next page and waited for it to load. I felt ill from the thought of my girlfriend being taken in this way by such a big group of people yet I also felt excited by it. I was jealous beyond belief yet happy to see Callie on this website sucking and fucking other people. I was a mess.

The first photo on this page had Callie now leaning forwards slightly, not quite on all fours but sticking her bum out. You could see the top of Ace's head and it was obvious that his face was buried in my girlfriend's pussy. Callie now had the black dick that she was grabbing before lodged in her mouth. In her hands were two white dicks but I could not see the faces to identify them. I did recognize two guys that had knelt down either side of her. It was Frankie and Steve, two white guys on the football team. They were two guys who were always hanging around at school together and I hated them. They were a bit like Ace and loved to flirt with the girls. They had a reputation for treating girls badly, acting all sweet until they got into bed with them then sleeping with them and dumping them. You could guarantee they were the rowdy ones at any party and it pissed me off to see them in that photo. I knew that they were in the football team so I should have known they would feature in this series somewhere but it was not until I saw the photos that the thought occurred to me. They were each reaching under Callie and grabbing one of her breasts.

In the next photo the camera was at a different angle. There was a white guy who I could not identify lying down on the carpet with his dick pointing up. Callie was crouching over it, with her pussy hovering 2-3 inches above the tip. Her pussy lips were more exposed now and with her legs crouched and apart her pussy mound was being pulled to either side, giving the camera a good view of her slit, slightly parted and obviously stretched a tiny bit from Ace's fingering. Her head was turned to one side and her mouth open, wrapped around Frankie's dick with Steve's dick in her hand on her other side. Surrounding her were the other 17 or so guys, all now completely naked with their stiff hands in their dicks. Whoever was taking the pictures managed to make it so that the background was not in focus so I could not tell who else was there, but it was obvious that there were a hell of a lot of guys who were going to be in for a treat.

The following few photos were close-up shots of Callie's pussy, with the first one showing the tip of the white dick just touching up against her slit. The one after that had her lips being parted slightly by the tip of the dick, which must have been about the same size as mine. I clicked on to see the tip of the head of the guy's dick now impaled inside Callie's pussy and then a few more photos as Callie lowered herself, or was pushed down onto the mystery guy's dick. Whoever it was, was a lucky bastard, not only for being able to fuck such a sexy teenaged girl who was until recently off-limits for all the guys at school except for me, but to be the first amongst the group of guys there to sample her tight sweet pussy. The final zoomed in shot showed the dick fully inside my girlfriend, with her bum resting against the guy's belly and his balls squeezed to either side. Callie's pink pussy lips were stretched and wrapped around this guy's shaft and pulled tight.

The cameraman zoomed back out as Callie looked like she was bouncing up and down on this guy's dick, her hair in various states of movement as her mouth was now wrapped around Steve's dick, with Frankie's on her free hand. A few photos showed various angles of the three of them with Callie and then it was obviously time for a change of people. A photo showed the moment the still-stiff dick came out of Callie's pussy which was parted but already rapidly closing up. Frankie and Steve's dicks stood to attention either side of Callie as she looked to her side at someone not in this photo. Peering out from behind Callie was dickhead Ace, who had obviously been the one enjoying Callie's tight pussy wrapped around his cock ... yet again.

There had obviously been a shuffle of people as Callie now crouched over Steve, whose dick pointed up at Callie's pussy. Her mouth stretched wide as she took Jamal once again, while she gripped Frankie. The next few photos were similar to the previous few, with her obviously bouncing on Steve while sucking Jamal, and then Frankie. Five to six photos later from various angles, Steve pulled out of her, still stiff and obviously not having cum yet.

Another shuffle of people and Callie now crouched over someone else and two other people stood either side of her. Frankie had his dick lodged in her sweet mouth with a black guy standing to her other side, someone whose head was out of view. What really took my attention was the dick she was crouching over. It was Jamal, and all ten inches of his pole stuck straight upwards, poised to stretch my girlfriend's tight pussy. Jamal was not the first black dick for Callie as Butch had the pleasure of being that person. I had been there and seen it all and had seen more than I really wanted to, yet at the same token because it was live, there were certain angles where I could not see everything, and shadows hid much of the detail as did the constant movement. Here I was about to see it full screen, close-up and well lit on my computer's monitor. I clicked forward as the her pussy lips parted slightly and rested on top of the deep red head of this huge dick. Callie's pussy lips looked thin and delicate and out of proportion resting on top of the dick. The camera angle changed for the next shot and seemed to show Callie in a little bit of pain as she slid down onto Jamal's shaft. She no longer had a dick in her mouth and seemed to be breathing deeply as if in a child-birth class. Zoomed out, I could not clearly see where Jamal's dick was, but the head was already in. Back to the previous zoomed-in angle taken from behind Jamal's dick was already half inside my girlfriend. Her bumhole seemed to flare and stick outwards, pushed backwards by her pussy being filled by this inhuman pole. Her pussy lips seemed a lighter colour than usual as her lips stretched sideways. Another photo ... three inches to go. Next photo, she was fully impaled on the dick. Jamal's balls squeezed outwards and nudged Callie's bumhole. A photo taken from the front showed her brown pubes intermixed with Jamal's short and black curls and her face bright red from the effort she must have put in to make room for that dick.

I sat back in my chair and leaned into it just staring at the monitor. You would think that over these weeks seeing my high school sweetheart being raped repeatedly by different men that perhaps I would be used to it ... and maybe a small part of me had gotten over the shock of seeing it those first few times, but used to it I was not. I had this turmoil of feeling inside of me once again. Part of me wanted to rush into the scene in the monitor and save my darling girlfriend and just hold her in my arms. The horny teenaged boy in me loved the scene. I had movies downloaded onto my computer from the internet which were like this photo shoot was playing out to be, although they normally featured a porn star and not my sweet innocent girl-next-door looking girlfriend. I became aware of my own dick, stiff and straining to be let loose from my jeans. I ignored it and leaned forward back to the desk and clicked forward.

Callie pulled herself up from the huge dick and although her pussy lips looked slightly moist from the fucking the previous two guys had given her, her lips still clung to the dark black shaft as she pulled herself off it. The camera once again zoomed out as she still sat on top of Jamal. She was still surrounded by the group of guys who were no doubt enjoying the sight of this sweet not even 18 year old being fucked right in front of them, enjoying the sounds of my sweet girlfriend moaning gently and most definitely enjoying the fact that they were going to get their turn. There were a few more angles showing various stages of penetration with Callie sucking off three different guys who were all rotating around her.

I clicked onto the next page as Callie still crouched, but Jamal was gone. In his place was Frankie, ready for Callie to lower herself onto him. The relative close-up showed that this photo was different to those previous with Callie crouching over a dick. In this one, you could see the aftermath of Jamal's dick. My girlfriend's once very tight teen pussy now parted. Not very much, but you could see her pussy lips were more swollen and a darker colour than before. Her pussy now definitely had that freshly-fucked look, whereas previously even though Steve and Ace had fucked her, her pussy still looked tight. As she lowered herself onto him, her pussy lips no longer looked stretched tight around the dick inside her. Frankie was not huge but he was not small either. Probably average like mine. I was not sure how he felt going after Jamal, but no doubt he was still enjoying taking my girlfriend. In fact he would be the kind of guy who would love seeing someone as sweet and unavailable as my girlfriend being degenerated into fucking all these guys and having it photographed as well. I bet he and Steve were really getting a good kick out of it.

Callie bounced up and down upon her fourth dick of the day and sucked several more, both black and white until Frankie or someone decided that another change was in order. In the next photo, she was now lying on the floor on her side. A guy called Dave was lying on his side behind her, with his dick just touching her pussy lips. Butch was kneeling in front of Callie, his big dick lodged inside her mouth.

I clicked through the photos as Dave fucked my girlfriend, holding her leg up in the air, giving the camera an eyeful while Butch got his dick sucked. I paused on one photo in particular. Butch still had his dick in Callie's mouth and Dave was still pumping his now visibly wet dick in and out of her teen pussy but there was someone standing behind her. Callie's free arm reached behind her and was grabbing his dick. I am not even sure if she realised who the dick belonged to; it was Coach Stevens.

Coach Stevens was a star footballer in his prime, playing for several large teams before injury ended his career. Even though he was now in his mid-fifties he was still fairly fit although you could tell that he was probably a much taller and bigger man in his prime. He was a well respected and well-liked member of the teaching staff and there were rumours that a few of the older teachers had the hots for him, which did not surprise me as he was not an ugly man, with his straw-blonde hair, tanned skin and toned body. It shocked me that he was part of this whole thing. Coach Stevens seemed so nice. He was the kind of guy that people really felt they could confide in, and here he was taking advantage of my girlfriend's teen body.

I clicked to the next photo where Coach Stevens had replaced Butch and was kneeling in front of Callie. I couldn't decipher the look on her face. It seemed like she was shocked to see him there with his erect dick in her face, her mouth slightly gaping. The shock could not have lasted long, as in the next photo Callie had started sucking on the coach's dick. I sat back and stared at the photo of this hot young teen sucking on a dick old enough to be her dad's and remembered that she had indeed sucked and fucked my very own dad. It was an odd sight.

Dave had gone from the photo and in his place was Butch who lay behind her. Callie's pussy was slightly redder than before and even through her light fluffy brown pubes you could see that her darker skinned pussy mound was red from all the ball slapping she had obviously got. Butch's huge dick pointed straight at Callie's open and parted pussy and he got ready to jam his inches into her.

I could resist no longer and I reached down to unzip my jeans, pulling my stiff and straining dick out of my boxers. Grabbing it with my right hand I slowly pumped up and down, trying not to cum right there and then, which I could have very easily done.

I clicked to the next photo which was a zoomed in shot on Callie's wet pussy. The tip of Butch's dick was nestled between her red lips which contrasted the deep black colour of his skin. The next photo had Butch several inches inside my girlfriend but the thing which surprised me was that unlike the previous photos where Callie's tightness showed with her pussy lips being tucked inwards by the push of a dick, her pussy lips stayed protruding. It seemed that a combination of lubrication and being fucked several times had stretched her enough that even Butch's dick slid inside my girlfriend with relative ease! My once-tight and innocent girlfriend was fast becoming a stretched and used little slut in front of my eyes.

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