Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

"James, how am I going to get enough money for my prom dress? Between school and the job I have at the grocery store I do not have anymore time ... and you know mum and dad can't give me any more than they've already promised me." My girlfriend sighed.

"I know Callie. We'll work something out ... or maybe you can just buy a different dress than that one ... I mean..."

"No way" Callie interrupted "You know I love that dress. It makes me look like a princess and you know I've had my eye on it for months"

"We'll work something out" I said, taking Callie into my arms. I glanced at Callie's bedroom mirror in front of me reflecting on what a gorgeous girlfriend I had. Sweet 17, with soft chestnut hair cut into a neat and tidy bob, but long enough for her to loop her hair behind her ear. Although not my first girlfriend, Callie was definitely someone I was really serious about, and she felt the same about me. Her 5ft 9 slim frame turned me on every time I saw her. Her boobs were just the right size, about a 36C, and she had a cute little ass that would make even Jessica Alba jealous! She was blessed with having an Asian mother, giving her a sexy Eurasian look with just the right amount of both worlds. Her skin was completely unblemished, and she had the kind of skin which would tan really easily, which made all the other girls super jealous! Her smile could melt a glacier and with her hazelnut eyes she could get exactly what she wanted from teachers at school with her smile alone. She was fantastic and she was mine.

The problem was, that neither of us had much money and our parents were not exactly rich either. I was lucky enough to be able to buy a suit which looked ok ... I mean guys suits all looked the same to me anyway, but dresses were so different, and the one Callie wanted really did look nice but at almost $500 it was much more than her parents could afford, and much more than we both had in savings. We needed an extra $300 and we had a few weeks to get it.

The next day at school I tried desperately to think of a way to get the money for the dress. Like Callie said, she already had an after school job and I was working at a restaurant nearby ... but that was not enough. There had to be a way.

After school, Callie and I met up and decided to walk home instead of the usual bus ride. We thought we might see some other dresses which looked good. Instead we walked past a jewellery store. I had an idea.

"Wait" I said, grabbing Callie's arm.

"James, we can't even afford the dress, let alone jewellery..."

"No no ... just ... just hang on a sec" I interrupted. I scanned the shop through the window. We had walked past this shop before but never paid too much attention to it. Inside there were two staff, the manager and owner who was a middle aged Asian man, and a younger white guy, probably mid twenties. There were three groups of customers inside, two couples and three middle aged women. The owner and the other staff member were going back and forth between the three groups while they looked at necklaces, rings and earrings.

"You know, if we sold a couple of those things, we could buy you that dress, and maybe even get a limo! Wouldn't that be great?" I said excitedly.

"You're not serious. Of course it would be nice, but don't be silly. We can't do something like that. Imagine what would happen if we got caught! Come on, lets go"

Of course, Callie was right. We could not do something like that. There had to be another way ... but try as we may to think of one, there was not. Over the next week, the weather was great and we walked home and past that same shop two more times. Both times there were the same two staff, and the shop always seemed quite busy. I did not mention anything to Callie and we just walked past, chatting about normal stuff.

A few days later, we decided to walk again. As we passed the shop I briefly stopped at the window.

"Callie, look inside." I said, discreetly rolling my eyes towards the shop. "Every time we have walked past this place there have been quite a few people in there. It would be easy."

"Look, " I said, as I pulled Callie round the corner. "If we went in, looked at say six or seven things, umm and ahh for a while, and while the guy goes and attends to another customer, we slip one in our pocket, look for a while longer then politely decline and leave. It's fool proof. By the time he puts the items away, we will be long gone!"

"I don't know James ... its really risky. If we get caught we'll be in such big trouble, you know that."

"I know, I know ... but just think. We can do this. It isn't like something we're going to do all the time. Just once and we can have enough money for the dress."

"Well, I..."

"Come on Callie." I interrupted "Imagine yourself in the dress. You will look so incredibly beautiful. You've been talking about it for ages. Can't you just picture yourself wearing it? The dress was made for you. We'll be able to rent a limo as well. Come on ... just once"

"Are you sure we won't get caught? ... I mean, I've never done anything like this"

"Me neither, but baby we can do this ... its so simple"

"Ok ... god I'm so scared!"

"Don't worry. Just follow my lead and go with the flow" I said, grabbing her hand.

With that, we went in the store. Inside, the jewellery was under glass counters which lined the back of the store as well as both the left and right sides. There were customers on the main counter and the one to the left. I guided Callie towards the right hand side and sat down on the stools there.

"Wow, look at those earrings, they're really pretty" Callie said excitedly, pointing at some silver earrings with small diamonds on. I was not sure if she was acting or whether she really did like them! Maybe she would want to keep them for herself!

"Hello, may I help you?" said a voice. We looked up and saw the owner smiling. He did not have a completely American accent but one mixed in with a Japanese accent as well. Something about him scared me a little actually. He was not a big man but had a slightly untrustworthy look. Having said that it seemed to suit the image of the entire shop, which was not one of the more well known jewellery store names.

"Yeah! Could I have a look at these two earrings, and these two necklaces? I want to compare them and see how well they go together." Said Callie excitedly.

Wow, she was getting right into it! Next thing I knew, the Japanese man had the four items on the display table and Callie was examining them closely.

"Ooh, the pearls are nice, but the diamonds are also really nice. What do you think?" Callie said turning towards me.

"Er ... the diamonds are nice ... but I like the look of those red ones there, and maybe even the jade ones over there" I pointed to them, looking at the Japanese man.

Without saying a word or smiling, he fetched the other two necklaces out for Callie to see.

"Excuse me" called a lady sitting at the center counter. The Japanese man went to help the lady but as soon as he got the item she wanted, he came back to us. I guess we looked like a couple of kids to him and maybe was suspicious. Perhaps this plan was not quite as easy as I had thought it would be. The man came back and stood there quietly while Callie put the earrings up to her ear and the necklace to her neck, looking into the desktop mirror. I looked up at the Japanese man and suddenly realized why he was so quiet. He was trying to look down Callie's shirt as she leaned forward to look at herself in the mirror!

"Come on Callie, we are going to be late for ... er ... the appointment that we have" I said, tugging at her arm. I realized that taking anything would not be easy, especially with the scary Japanese man giving my girlfriend all his attention.

"Yeah, that's true. Ah well, we can come back when we have a little more time." She said, putting the necklace and earrings back onto the countertop. "Thanks a lot" she said to the man as we got up. The Japanese man smiled widely at Callie, never taking his eyes off her and never looking at me.

We left the store and continued to the next block and went into a 7-11 for a drink.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was going to be a lot easier than that. The guy never really left us alone ... and you know he was totally trying to look down your top" I said to Callie, grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"Yeah I noticed he was doing that, but..."

"What?! Why didn't you cover yourself up or tell me it was time to go?!" I said, interrupting her.

"'cos ... it's what he wanted to see." Callie whispered "besides, look". Callie pulled her hand out of her pocket slightly; just enough for me to see a sparkling diamond necklace in her palm.

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