Birthday Sex - Cover

Birthday Sex

by newt

Copyright© 2007 by newt

Erotica Sex Story: A girl, a dad, the morning after.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   .

She woke remembering, 'it's my birthday today, I'm sixteen at last, a naked sated teenager in bed with my man'

She turn lazily towards him and smiled, stretched her long tanned legs, her blonde hair tangled and wet with perspiration, her arms reaching out above her head, remembering last night, touching her vaginal lips she winced as the tenderness reminded her of the way he had taken her, at last, at last.

She remembered how he had thrust himself into her, her first lover, the first man to enter her.

Long after her first orgasm had been and gone, he had held back, till she had been overtaken again and again by more convulsions and involuntary screams of pleasure, to end soaked with perspiration and exhaustion beside him, his essence, mixed with her blood, leaking out onto her legs, till sleep took her.

He had left the bedroom curtains open in the middle, and a golden bar of sunlight from the rising sun moved slowly towards his face as she watched him, she kissed him lightly on his brow as the sun kissed his lips and she joined the warmth on his lips brushing them gently with her own kiss.

"I love you daddy" she whispered, not wanting to wake him yet, and kissed again, her hand resting on his chest she caressed him, as she touched and then kissed his nipples, her hand moved down his chest though the grey hair, down further to his waist to stop at his pajama trousers, 'when had he put them back on?'

The cord slid apart as she pulled slowly at it, sliding under the duvet she entered a warm cave lit by a golden glow from the sun, and filled with the musky scent of last nights passion, to find he was erect again, hard and stiff, her face was only inches from his morning erection, resting her head on his stomach, she watched it move slightly up and down, gently her hand took hold, her grip tightened and slid down the shaft, pulling the foreskin back to expose the purple head, 'that was inside me last night', she thought, a sense of awe overtook her, she pulled it slightly toward her mouth, moved forward to it and touched it lightly with her lips, a small kiss, a benediction, worshiping it, her man moved, a small groan escaped his lips and his hips moved up slightly, she kissed again rubbing the head cross her lips, surprised as he lunged up pushing at her mouth, he wants to do it, he wants me again, she realized, knowing she was too sore, too dry, too tender, to take him, the thought swept into her mind 'a blow job' how crude a term for what she had read about, just kissing and sucking and her hand moving up and down, a simple way to show she loved him, 'now how do I do it, oh yes no teeth that's important', her lips slid over the head feeling the silken texture of it, she sucked and pressed her tongue against it pressing her lips tight around the shaft under the head and sucked again, touching the hole at the tip with her tongue, she explored, pressing it into the cavity, he came alive straining toward her mouth, with his hips shuddering and a animal grunting sound that changed to a "Jesus Christ", she assumed that he was awake and enjoying it and carried on, now grasping the shaft hard with both hands, she pulled up and down making the loose skin bunch up against her lips as she sucked and probed the head with her tongue, he sank back onto the bed and tensed all his muscles, though gritted teeth he said 'if you don't stop I'm going to cum, ' 'did you hear me' a muffled 'mm' came back through the duvet, 'I'm going to cum in your mouth, if you don't stop' "mmm mmm" came back, the humming was too much, he gave in " ahhh god" and she swallowed the first spurt as he lunged up, pushing his penis to the back of her throat, blocking her breathing! another spurt forced its way into her mouth and up her nose, she choked on it, she pulled off his penis, coughing, and blew sperm and snot from her nose onto his stomach, she heaved a breath into her lungs, starting another coughing fit as the third spurt hit her in the face just under her nose, she quickly grabbed the throbbing penis, one hand squeezing the head to stop the next jet that squished though her fingers.

Sunlight stabbed her in the eyes as he threw back the cover, she knelt there by his side a naked nymph spluttering and heaving, about to throw up on her mans stomach, "Drink" he said as he lifted the glass of coke he kept at the side of the bed to her mouth, still cold even though the ice had melted, it brought the coughing and heaving to an end.

A last sneeze blew her nose clean and the last drops of sperm fell onto her man's stomach followed by a large burp she sat back on her heels and contemplated the mess.

They looked at each other and then to his penis limp and sticky, her hands reached out to hold it up by the tip, sperm dripped down from her fingertips into the hairs, and she giggled, "That wasn't supposed to happen".

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