Optical Illusion - Cover

Optical Illusion

by Duke of Ramus

Copyright© 2007 by Duke of Ramus

Incest Sex Story: He's just a schoolboy with a camera but you'd be surprised what he's seen.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   .

A Piece of my Imagination

Danny was in heaven and the contents of the kitchen table before him had a lot to do with it.

Danny was a high school geek and, whilst not proud of the label, had grown used to his perceived station in life. His particular hobby was photography and this had allowed him to get close to some of the more prestigious members of the school community.

That exposure had increased once he'd been nominated as the year book photographer, with many of the lesser lights offering various inducements to have a good picture for their entry. Danny was only human and had accepted a few of the offers though he'd never talk about it. He felt that it undermined his opinion of himself for having resorted, in effect to blackmail, albeit self generated.

The kitchen table currently held the seven images he considered the pick of the crop, images that he'd taken without being offered any favours, unfortunately.

Emma Jane was the prettiest girl in the school and her image took centre stage. He'd caught her likeness perfectly, the way her brown hair framed her tanned face, the glistening of her plump lips below her seductive dark eyes was all there. Perfect.

The picture above Emma Jane was of Sophia, another of the cheerleaders, Her giggle was infectious and he'd caught her just as she'd burst into another fit. Her head was thrown back, her blond hair billowing around her like a halo. Her face, starting with her pale blue eyes, was shown lit up with joy. Almost as impressive was the way her simple white blouse was straining over her bra encased breasts.

Moving clockwise from Sophia came Amanda and the contrast was striking. Where Sophia was all blond and bubbly Amanda was dark and serious as befits one of the cleverest people in the school. She had long, straight, dark hair that could have been boring but wasn't in this case. It glowed in a very special way as did her eyes behind the boring nerdy glasses she wore as a disguise. Danny knew Amanda well, both being in the top five percent of the school academically. He just wished that he had a similar ability to mix with other people.

In the four o'clock position of his display was Jonathon, team captain and all round hunk. The dream boat that just about every cheerleader wanted to sail on. With his blue eyes and tight curly hair he looked the part though, to his credit, he didn't seem to exploit his attraction.

The bottom picture was Zoë Rogers, an athlete and the tallest girl in the school. If the school had had a basketball team she'd have been a certainty to be in it. As it was she was the captain of the school swim team and drove all members of the team with a hard determination that achieved success. Her body matched her ambition, hard, fast and perfectly put together.

The next picture around was Robin, the male equivalent of Amanda. Clever to the point of exclusion, he made Danny feel like a dunce and, unfortunately for him, he hadn't mastered the social skills that would allow him friends. If he hadn't been a big, fit lad he'd have been the normal choice for the school bullies, as it was it was the sports coaches that chased him but he wasn't interested in any sort of physical activity.

The last picture on the kitchen table was Felicity, vivacious, sexy and the biggest tease in the school. Her strawberry blond hair was dishevelled in a way that only constant care and attention could achieve. Her blue eyes were alive with mischief. For the picture she'd got Danny to go round to her house and had gone through several outfits before choosing the picture on the table. The thin white blouse she wore clearly showed the delicate, lacy bra beneath. The fact that half the buttons on the blouse were open was merely a distraction. Danny knew that if you blew the picture up big enough you could make out the pink of her nipple through both the bra and the blouse. How did he know, because he had done it.

There was one picture missing from the table, the picture of Miss Annabel Trimbell, his favourite teacher. Miss Trimbell had a body to die for though the rest of her was fairly ordinary. It was the way she'd posed that struck Danny as so sexy. He'd asked if he could take her picture for the year book as school was finishing one day. To his surprise she'd agreed but said it had to be done here and now.

He guessed she didn't expect him to have his camera with him, but Danny carried it around in his bag like a safety blanket.

Miss Trimbells initial poses had been a little stilted but she'd softened as Danny snapped away. The picture that got Danny excited had happened purely by chance. He'd asked her to turn in her chair as he'd dropped to one knee to eliminate part of the background. Twisting in her chair, Annabel Trimbell had missed her skirt rising up slightly and then tightening across her thighs, the picture was snapped and Danny continued taking other shots not realising just what he'd captured.

He'd expected Miss Trimbell to review the pictures he'd taken but she didn't have time, telling him to bring the best in the following day for her to see.

Checking the images on the computer that night had revealed a stocking top and the bulges created by a suspender belt. Applying a soft focus filter created an image that was truly erotic and one that joined the few Danny had enlarged and printed out on high quality glossy paper.

The images he presented to her the following day didn't include his favourite shot for some reason.

The pictures he'd been looking at were still on the table when the kitchen door burst open and his mother, Celine and her sister, Rachel burst in. Danny, who had just put the kettle on, jumped in surprise and twisted round at their noisy entrance. The two of them froze momentarily when they saw him there then, looking slightly guilty for some reason, greeted him happily.

Danny, his heart slowing from the fright, managed to untangle his tongue. "Hi Auntie Rachel," he called, knowing that being called an Auntie wound his favourite relative up. Before she could come up with a biting retort he asked, "Would you both like a cuppa, I've just put the kettle on?"

His mother, her bags still in her hands breezed towards him, "That would be nice Danny," she said before kissing him on the cheek. Looking back over her shoulder she called to her sister, "I'm taking this stuff upstairs, back in a minute," and without waiting for an answer she disappeared into the hall way.

Rachel, glaring at her nephew in a mock serious way, dropped her bags by the door and headed for a seat by the kitchen table. "I've got to get the weight of my feet, we've been shopping all day and I'm bushed.

As she dropped onto the seat she glanced at the pictures spread out on the table and paused in surprise. Those are very good, she thought, I could do with getting some new ones of the kids. She glanced over at Danny as he beavered away preparing the tea, "Danny." She waited for him to turn towards her, "Did you take these?"

"Yeah, they're for the year book, I hope."

Rachel moved a couple of them around to get a better look, "Did you have a studio or something, they're very professional," she asked.

"Just a plain background and a couple of lights with brollies. I set it all up in an alcove in the library entrance and just grabbed people as they walked past. Some where more willing than others."

"So what are these ones?" Rachel asked, waving at the few pictures he'd left out.

"They're the ones I think are the best." He paused, "They're also the ones that are likely to end up being given pride of place in the book."

Danny turned back to the side and picked up the tray containing the tea things and walked over to the kitchen table. He settled the tray on the table, well away from the pictures and began pouring the tea as his mother clattered back into the kitchen.

Celine dropped into the seat next to her sister and looked at the pictures in she was holding. "So what are these?" She asked. She knew that photography was one of his hobbies but she'd never really paid a lot of attention to the results.

"As I was telling Rachel," said Danny, dropping the Auntie title now that he was in a serious discussion, "They're pictures for the school year book and the ones I think are going to get the most exposure."

"Why?" His mother asked.

"Well," Danny said, pointing to the middle picture, "That's Emma Jane, she or Sophia there," he said indicating the next picture, "are the two most likely to get the queen title."

He pointed to the picture at the bottom of the display, "That's Jonathon, team captain and all round good guy, a shoe in for the king slot," he said.

Next he indicated Amanda and Robin, "These two are the brains of the school, which one takes the valedictorian prize has yet to be decided. My vote would go to Amanda but that's just my opinion."

His Aunt looked at him and smiled, knowingly, "Is that because she's a girl?"

"No, though you wouldn't mistake her for a boy. She's just a nicer person. Robin is clever but has a tendency to say things without thinking."

Both of the older women were nodding in understanding.

Danny indicated the last picture, "Felicity there is going to be voted the most likely to succeed."

"You seem pretty sure of that." His mother said.

"Sometimes things are just a foregone conclusion, no body else is even in the running."

The three of them contemplated the pictures as they drank their tea. As they finished the first cup Rachel voiced the thoughts she'd had earlier. "Danny, would you do me a favour?"

"Depends what it is?" Said Danny cautiously, he'd been caught out in the past by being to eager.

"Would you come round to my house and take pictures of the family. I'd really like some new pictures of the kids before they disappear."

That didn't seem like to much of a problem, "Yeah, sure. When?" he asked.

"Tomorrow evening if your free."

"OK, I'll be there," he said. "Does anyone want another cup of tea?" He asked, reaching for the teapot though his mind wasn't really on the task.

Danny sipped his tea and thought about Rachel and her family.

Her husband was his Uncle Robert, he was something reasonably important in the city and didn't really speak to Danny or any other child if it came to that. He was always in a suit, even when he came around for a barbecue. Danny had heard his mom and dad passing derogatory comments about Robert on more than one occasion, most of them seemed to be aimed at his lack of interest in anything other than money.

Robert and Rachel had two children. The youngest was Alan who was fourteen and Bethany who was a year older than Danny at sixteen.

Alan was a bit of a short arse though he had found his niche in school playing soccer, where his speed and balance had got him into the senior team even though he was two years younger than most of the other players. He was a bright cheeky boy who used his smile to get himself out of trouble.

Bethany really should have been giving Emma Jane and Sophia a run for their money in the queen stakes but she'd gone off on a Goth trip when she was fourteen and had only recently got over it. That deviation, as far as the majority of the other kids where concerned, had cost her a chance at heading the poll. Still, Danny looked forward to taking a proper picture of her.

His Aunt Rachel was a nice example of a mature woman and it was easy to see where Bethany had got her looks. Rachel had maintained the athletic figure she'd had when she was younger, quickly getting back into shape after having each of her two children. She was bright, intelligent and witty and seemed to get along with just about everyone.

This was the family that Danny would be taking pictures of. He'd have to set up his backdrop and both of the flash lamps with their respective brollies before he got started other wise everyone would be bored and bored people did not take good pictures.

So how would he get them to dress and pose?

"Hi Alan, want to get this over with?" Danny asked with a smile.

"Tell me about it, I don't know why mom wants another picture of me. She's got hundreds already."

Danny indicated the stool in front of the camera, "Just perch on there while I make a few checks will you." He waited as Alan crossed to the bar stool and then turned to face the camera. "I think your mom just wanted to get something more than the normal action shot of you dashing down the field."

Alan smiled at Danny, "OK. So what do you want me to do?"

"Just stay as you are for now and I'll get a couple of shots, then we'll see what we can manage."

Danny took a few casual shots, then had Alan hop on and off the stool a couple of times just taking random snaps. He then tried with Alan holding his track suit jacket over his shoulder which seemed to work quiet well.

The best shot Danny got of Alan happened because he hit the shutter release just as Bethany entered the room behind him. Her entrance caused Alan to both smile and relax at the same time and Danny caught that moment.

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