Hope - Cover


©Poet of the Shadows AKA Shadowpoet

Chapter 17

In the sterile environment of a room with white walls, a heart monitor is steadily beeping, showing no change in the patient's heart rate again today. For three years he has lain here unmoving. The chart says his name is Leon and this particular nurse had taken care of him every day since he was brought in, having recovered from a gun shot wound. Her name does not really matter because the people on this floor are never awake to notice her. THIS IS THE COMA WARD. If a patient wakes up, that patient is moved to a more appropriate area of the hospital for continued treatment.

After looking at his chart and checking his vitals, she begins bathing him with a sponge as she has so many times before and remembers the circumstances that brought him to this room.

Three years ago, on a nearby highway near a wilderness area, a married couple was involved in a minor auto accident. The circumstances that made this accident unique were two fold. The individuals in the car were doctors, she was a medical doctor and he was a veterinarian. However, strangely, two wolves seemingly forcing the car off the road had caused the accident.

After confirming that neither he nor his wife was injured, he realized the wolves were waiting out side the car. His first thought were that the wolves might be rabid but after studying them for some time both he and his wife believed the wolves were trying to communicate. As soon as they stepped from the car, the wolves ran to the edge of the woods, stopped, and ran back toward the car and just gazed at them. They turned again, and ran back to the edge of the woods and waited. It was obvious the animals wanted the people to follow them, which they did. After following the wolves some distance into the woods, they came upon a boy lying unconscious on the forest floor. The Veterinarian immediately called 911 while his wife administered first aid until the EMTs arrived.

After an examination by the Emergency Room Physicians they found that Leon had been shot in the left lung but fortunately the bullet had missed all other vital organs. It was, however, a serious injury that he would not have survived had he not been found by the two doctors who had been lead to Leon by the wolves. His recovery from the gun shot wound went well, however, that was three years ago and he remains in a coma.

As the nurse dries her unresponsive patient, she shakes her head in wonder, speaking her thoughts aloud.

"Leon, I didn't believe in miracles before you came into my care but you were saved buy the wolves that lead the doctors to you in the forest. Wolves that have not been seen or heard from since. Something or someone wanted you to live. I pray you will wakeup one day and bring them much happiness".

Had she had been looking at him, she would have noticed his eyes balls moving rapidly beneath his eye lids, indicating he was in REM sleep but she had turned to replaced his chart, gather her supplies and leave the room to go to the next patient.

With no one there to hear, in a voice no louder then a whisper, Leon spoke one word, "Hope".

Hope felt it.

In an unknown place, in a room that was about the size of a jail cell Hope had felt it.

It had been three years. She was beginning to believe they had killed him as they repeatedly told her. But...

She HAD felt Leon in her mind. Just for a moment but she knew he was alive. That's all that mattered. Her love was alive and he would come to her rescue somehow. Hope now knew Leon would come.

He just needed to wake up.

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