I Feel Lucky - Cover

I Feel Lucky

Copyright© 2007 by cmsix

Chapter 10

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 10 - REWRITE IS DONE - ALL NEW CHAPTERS NOW. A new Corvette for your fourteenth birthday and beautiful twin sisters to start your harem and then help you add Mom and more to the mix. Along comes the PE teacher who lets you discover a mind control trick that's all in the way you ring her chime. Lo and behold, home schooling teachers with titties for days. So what if the Homecoming Queen tries to hold out, you can pick her up on the turnaround.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Mind Control   Science Fiction   Mother   Son   Sister   Harem  

The driver pulled up below Judith's second floor apartment just in time for me to hop out with the flowers and get up to her door on time. According to my new watch, I knocked precisely at seven PM and waited, flowers in hand for her to answer.

Shelly and Shelia and Mom had warned me not to try hiding the flowers behind my back and then sweeping them into view.

"You'll look silly trying to hold them behind your back and even though there won't be much water in the vase, you might spill it on you or Judith if you whip them around too fast."

So I had the flowers held out in front of me when the door swung open.

It was a toss up as to who was more surprised when she opened the door. Judith's eyes went wide when she saw the roses but I barely noticed because mine slammed open when I saw what she was wearing.

It was a black dress; shiny black and it seemed like a second skin. There was a golden loop between her breasts that was attached to the zipper, which ran all the way to the hem. It was suggestive, to me at least. The top was scooped low and I could see at least a third of her breasts above it and they were impressive.

The contrast between her white skin, black hair, and black dress seemed to scream, "Look at Me," loudly. The body that was in the dress said, "Don't you Wish," even more loudly, and did I ever wish.

Shortly after Judith's eyes went wide, a thousand watt smile spread across her beautiful face.

"Jimmy, they're beautiful, come on in and let me put them somewhere."

I entered and she took the vase and as soon as she touched it she raised it for a closer look.

"The vase is beautiful too, and I've never seen one with the card etched into it. Confess, who picked it out?" she asked.

"I'm not sure if it was Mom, Shelly or Shelia and it might have been all three of them but I made the delivery and I'm supposed to get all the credit," I said, teasing.

"Don't worry, they're so nice that there's plenty of credit to go around."

"Mom said to tell you that they'd need some more water, she poured out most of it to make sure that I didn't spill it on myself," I told her.

"Well come on in and sit down, I'll give them a drink and then of course I'm not quite ready yet, I am a woman you know," she said, laughing a little.

"If I'd forgotten, that dress reminded me, it's wonderful and you're still beautiful," I said, and hoped I wasn't laying it on too thickly.

"Thank you," she said, and then she took another look at me. "Wow, nice suit, don't tell me that you picked it out either. I can see some more of your sisters' handiwork," she said, teasing again.

"I can not tell a lie, well I could but I won't. Not only did Shelly and Shelia pick out the suit, they picked the shirt, tie, socks and shoes; all I got to choose was my underwear and they had to approve that," I said.

I wanted to tell her that they bathed and dressed me too but I decided not to at the last second. Judith might not be ready for that type of revelation.

I was standing in her living room and I watched her go to the kitchen and add water to the flowers. She came back out and put them on an end table by her couch and then she walked up to me. She came close and then kissed me, running her tongue in to take command of my mouth.

I'd been hoping for a big kiss over the flowers and had already made up my mind that I wasn't going to miss the chance to get hold of her ass if it came up. As she hugged me close and knocked my socks off I put a hand on each of her cheeks and gave them a good groping. She didn't shy away at all and actually seemed to press toward me a little tighter. Her ass felt fantastic.

She backed off after a few seconds but not far. I still had a purchase on her buns as she looked into my eyes.

"I only need a few more minutes and then I'll be ready, do you want something to drink while you're waiting?"

"No, I'll be fine, just go ahead."

"Ok, I'll be right back."

I reluctantly released her ass and she disappeared into her bedroom. She was back shortly and we left, heading for the car.

The limo was parked near the stairs and Judith spied it, as we were about halfway down them.

"Wow, look at that limo, I wonder who it's waiting for?" she asked, and I could tell from the way she said it that she really didn't have a clue.

"It's waiting for us, it's Shelly's and Shelia's work, I know for sure that Mom wasn't in the loop on this until the decision had already been made."

Judith was gobsmacked; I think that's the technical British description for her condition. She stopped, stared at it and her mouth dropped open, though she closed it again pretty fast. She had a hard time believing it at first.

"Jimmy, you didn't have to hire a limo for our date, I love your car," she said, and she really wasn't prepared for what came next.

"Oh, I didn't hire it, it's Dad's. He has to use it taking clients around sometimes or to fetch them from the airport and things like that," I said, being sure not to make a big deal out of it.

"Oh," she said, and I couldn't help but be happy then, since she snuggled a little closer into the arm I had around her waist.

Of course the driver had been watching for us to come down and he was out of the car and had a door open when we got there. I could practically feel Judith's smile widen when he did it. I held her hand to help her in and I kept my eyes open wide and trained on her lap.

Her dress's hem only reached about halfway to her knees and I was expecting a lovely display. Her legs were lovely but the dress was about a quarter-inch too long for me to give her an underwear inspection. I didn't realize that she was watching me too but I knew it as soon as I looked back up to her face. She was smiling her widest still.

I intended to go around and get in on the other side but she didn't let go of my hand. She tugged on it, indicating that I should get in with her and she scooted her beautiful ass over to make room for me. It suited me fine and after I sat, the driver closed the door and got in himself.

He knew where we were going so I didn't have to say anything to him except thanks, just as he shut the door. The interior window was already up so I'd have had to let it down to talk to him anyway.

Judith hadn't moved over very far to make room for me and she was right up against me now, so I put an arm around her and as I turned my head toward her we were kissing again, and she could really kiss when she wanted to.

I was trying to get up the nerve to put my other hand on her hip when I felt one of hers start caressing the inside of my thigh, it wasn't quite high enough to rub my balls but it didn't need much. I decided that when I got home I would kiss both my sisters' feet, Mom's too.

Judith didn't let off on the kiss and at first I thought about grabbing for a titty but decided that would be a little much, so I settled for resting my hand on the outside of her knee and letting her do most of the early petting.

As far as I was concerned we could have just ridden around in the limo all night but the driver had us at the club before long. My dick was as hard as a brickbat but the coat would keep most people from being able to see it. I wouldn't have minded if Judith saw it but I'd have been embarrassed to let everyone at the club know I was coming in under full steam.

I was reminded that I was with a spectacular woman when I saw the look on the maître d's face as we entered. Here was a guy that saw beautiful and well-dressed women every night. You didn't have to be filthy rich to belong to this club but you did have to be rich and the women that came here were almost always beautiful or rich or both.

He was dazzled by Judith and I couldn't blame him. He knew his job though and he knew who I was and we were seated at once. Our waiter was the same one that had served me when I brought Karen here and he came over right away.

"Would you care for something from the bar?" he asked, and I could tell from his tone that there would be no discussion of my age, or lack of it.

I looked a question at Judith and she asked for white wine, I thought about ordering a drink but Dad's 'liquor is quicker' lesson flashed across my brain and I only asked for a glass of water. Judith didn't quiz me about it later and I assumed she didn't even think about it.

When he came back with our drinks we ordered and then chatted until we were served. The meal was great but we both passed on desert. At this place I didn't have to bother with the bill, it was charged to Dad's membership account, so when we were done we headed back to the dancing area and found a table.

The band was good and I liked it here because they played a lot of slow dances. Of course they were my favorite and she seemed to like them too.

We were having a great time, even early in the evening but the real fun for me started after eleven when the lights went down even lower and the song selection changed to almost all slow ones.

I was happy when they dimmed the lights and I nearly said something about it but I bit my tongue, knowing that I would sound like a horny kid if I brought it up. Judith knew I was young and I knew I was young but I wanted to put the most mature spin on things that I could.

"Oh, they turned down the lights, goody," Judith said, and she sounded happy about it.

So much for acting like the mature adult, I grinned widely too.

I could tell that Judith was ready for the low lights when we got back on the dance floor. I didn't have time to pull her closer because she did it to me first. Her arms went around my neck and what was I to do, I dropped my hands to her lovely ass and gave it a squeeze.

Judith let out a little sigh and lay her head on my shoulder and the monster from below began to climb again. I flashed on the 'dirty dancing' with my Mom and sisters but I knew that I couldn't go nearly that far here in public. I intended to do my best though.

Judith must have been ready for more intimacy too. When I started kissing and nibbling on her neck and ears she held me tighter and pressed herself up tighter to junior, wiggling slowly against him. My hands kept up their fondling of her ass and it seemed to be just the thing that she wanted.

I would have happily stayed until closing time, dancing with her the whole night, but around midnight Judith told me that I should probably be getting her home soon and we danced one more dance while I wondered if I'd screwed the pooch, but if anything, Judith was more affectionate than ever.

The driver was really on the ball because we hadn't been outside more than sixty seconds before he pulled up, hopped out and had the door open. Meanwhile I was still worried that I'd made some hideous fuck-up causing Judith to want to end the night early.

It didn't seem like it after we were shut in the back of the limo. Judith was more than willing when I turned to kiss her and her hand was right back between my legs, toying with my inner thigh and still maddeningly short of the real deal.

I decided that I needed a little of that type of entertainment too and I reciprocated with my hand between Judith's legs, stroking up and down. I didn't try to get to heaven, though I did make sure to slide my hand up beneath her skirt each time. I wasn't sure but I thought that I could detect a faint smell of aroused woman for most of the trip.

When we got to her apartment I took her to the door, expecting a toe curling kiss goodnight and some more time to fondle her ass but after she had the door unlocked she took my hand and led me inside. This was a new thing for me but thinking about it for a few seconds I realized again that no one lived here but Judith and it lent a new meaning to the old 'your place or mine' question I'd heard in movies.

She dimmed the lights as we entered and then told me that she needed to powder her nose and that she'd be right back. I stood in place for a few seconds and then my sisters' pep talk began playing in my head.

I was familiar with the layout here and I knew that there was only one bathroom but that it had an entrance from the hall and also from Judith's bedroom and I'd seen her go into her bedroom to reach it.

Shelly and Shelia had told me that I should take charge and I decided to start now. I quickly ditched my coat, tie, shoes, watch, cufflinks and belt and unbuttoned the top three buttons of my shirt and then followed into Judith's bedroom to wait for her there. The only light in the room was on the table at the far side of her bed and this suited me fine.

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