Who's In Control Here? - Cover

Who's In Control Here?

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2007 by Anonymous

Incest Sex Story: Mother and son read the same book about hypnosis. Each has an idea to put the other "under". Who succeeds?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Hypnosis   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Size   .

Roberta had done a fine job as a single mother, bringing up her son Jason alone, from the day his father got kicked out (for cheating) right into Jason's high school years.

He had taken his mother's encouragement to heart and read quite a bit, and to keep up with her son, Roberta also read what he was reading, especially since she worked from home very often. Her systems design (computer science) degree came in handy when it was time to toss Dave, her ex-husband. The child support from him would only last another two years now and it was time for Jason to decide upon a college study.

Unfortunately, Jason was into some heavy shit, reading-wise, and Roberta sensed it might prove to be too much of a distraction.

She had been quite open with her son, giving him as rounded a knowledge as possible, except for getting her older brother to give him "the speech", back when he was twelve. At seventeen, Roberta knew that Jason either was awkward around girls or he never chose to bring any of them home. She wondered if he was still a virgin.

So it was with morbid anticipation that she picked up Jason's newest book, a "how to" on hypnotism, and began perusing it. She found out that she couldn't put the damn thing down until she had read it from cover to cover!

It didn't take a college degree to figure out that Jason could use this skill to seduce girls, and what boy can be trusted in those circumstances?

Roberta thought long and hard about what to do because she didn't want to let on that she had read any of Jason's books.

She studied and re-studied the art of putting up a block to hypnosis. Although hypnotised people can't be made to do things they wouldn't do consciously, there are any number of "gray" areas where someone might be hypnotised into doing something they might have dreamt of doing, like sexual experimentation! Roberta had read or heard about a plethora of incidents whereby the girl insisted she was slipped a date rape drug when tests proved otherwise.

Roberta didn't want Jason to get derailed at the starting gate over something as irresponsible as getting a student pregnant.

It was over a month later and still no girls in sight that made Roberta believe she successfully blocked her son from hypnotising anyone, but that's not what caused the long delay. Jason had cold feet for what he planned to do, and he re-read his notes until they were second nature to him.

It was a Friday night, usually a night when Jason would be out until up to midnight, but he was home at 9:00 PM, and he had a small package!

Her curiosity piqued, Roberta decided to put Jason "under". He didn't even know what hit him when Roberta "suggested" he drop everything else and go take a hot shower.

Blindly obliging, Jason immediately headed for the shower.

Roberta was nonplussed to learn that Jason's package was a dozen condoms. It didn't make sense.

Jason never returned from taking his shower and Roberta finally figured that he suddenly felt tired and laid down. She was wrong.

When Roberta knocked gently, she never expected an answer, but Jason was sitting up in bed reading his geography book, but inside that book (opened) was Jason's little tome on hypnotism, she would later find out.

Roberta tried to make small talk with her son until she realized that Jason was trying to hynotise HER!

A million thoughts raced through Roberta's mind until her senses became confused.

When Jason suggested she loosen her top button because she appeared feverish, Roberta found herself loosening two buttons!

Jason then maneuvered the conversation until he had Roberta staring into his eyes, all part of the exercise!

Roberta almost went totally blank when Jason suggested she also take a shower, but he insisted she do it NOW!

Roberta slowly disrobed as Jason smiled wickedly. In perfect cadence, she didn't miss a beat. There was no hesitation as she slipped out of her panties and flashed her trimmed coochie at her horny son. Then she entered the shower, closely followed by Jason, now also nude!

Jason had been waiting so long for this because he wasn't sure it would work, but Roberta showed no signs of having been with a man recently so Jason thought she was finally receptive to his suggestions.

As the pair showered, Jason soaped his mother all over, his intentions now clear.

When her son sported the same 7 1/2 incher as his father used to sport, Jason "suggested" that Roberta indulge herself and go down on it! So she did, over and over again, until Jason, unaccustomed to this kind of stimulus, began rocking in Roberta's mouth, pressing against her throat hollow, finally drenching her tonsils with is copious spend. Roberta drank down as much as she could. The shower washed away the excess.

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