I Can Hear You - Cover

I Can Hear You

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2007 by Anonymous

Incest Sex Story: Boy with special gift suffers growing pains and turns to little sister.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Masturbation   .

Randi had a gift that he misunderstood for an affliction at first because of the headaches. If not for the internet, Randi would have blabbed his discovery to the first person he saw and he never would have experienced the wonders that his "gift" enabled him to partake!

Let's back up. Randi was born with a congenital defect in his head: it usually makes children deaf but Randi's defect was altered by an auto accident while his mother carried him to term. He had an extra bone in his inner ear, and while unborn, this bone was fractured in the aforementioned auto accident. But there was no way to discover this at the time.

As he continued to gestate to term, the extra bone usually bursts the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and causes infection long after growing over where the eardrum occupied its position, leaving him almost totally deaf. But because this extra bone is the one that was fractured, its abnormal growth at the critical stage of development was mitigated to the degree that the body's stem cells no longer recognized it as bone, and it stopped growing. Randi was born with this bone impinging into his eardrum which eventually grew around it. The result was that Randi's hearing was now at a different tonal quality than most people heard, but because of the vibrations in his fractured extra bone, which eventually healed, his hearing was at three times the acuity of normal.

Randi almost literally could hear a mouse fart! He heard things clearly that few people ever do, such as borborygmi (that sounds like oy-oy-oy-oy-oy-oy-oy-etc.), caused by gases as they move through your intestines. (Many people can hear or sense their own, but Randi heard other people's, up to fifty feet!) He heard people swallowing and he also heard food pass down to their stomachs.

Since he thought it was normal, he never complained.

There were some indications, early in life that his mother dismissed as psychic in nature, such as often being able to tell who was at the door before ever seeing them. It was not 100%, such as when a stranger rings and waits silently, but with all the relatives yapping as they waited at the door, Randi not only knew they were there, but he knew when they had their hair done, if their periods were due, and other assorted inane details.

Two years after he was born, his normally hearing sister (Rachel) came into the world. Her crying made Randi go almost insane, but again, he endured what he thought everyone else was enduring.

As he grew old enough to articulate what his senses told him, today's early exposure to computers diverted Randi from revealing how much extra he heard.

By the time he was fourteen and getting ready to graduate grade school for high school, he was also beginning to develop physically. Puberty was knocking on his door and he heard that clearly! But puberty also knocked on Rachel's door at the same time. Randi thought it was unfair at first, until he realized that Rachel's puberty was much more burdensome than his own, especially the periods.

Of course, Randi was diverted now, discovering new uses for his pecker, sometimes as many as thrice daily, and he read up on what he was enjoying, but he found out that there was even more to do!

Now, a lot of previously dismissed eavesdrops on female schoolmates made sense to Randi and he took an interest in the girls' bathroom talk.

Randi knew which girls liked him, which were "wierded out" by him, and which girls wanted to "try stuff". Randi chose the "try stuff" girls first!

What a discovery sex was! Randi always gave them what they asked for - even if they never asked him to his face. He felt like a modern Santa Claus.

In the two years that it took for Rachel to join Randi in high school, his separation from Rachel during the daytimes kept him from learning all about her growing pains, and by then, Rachel knew instinctively that Randi had better hearing than most, so she kept a lot from him intentionally.

But she never knew the scope of her brother's extra sensory hearing and often masturbated in her room, making sure to never scream out. But that didn't prevent Randi from often hearing the forced heavy breathing or the miniscule little groans of ecstasy as she got off!

Many nights, Randi's parents would still do the sexual mambo and he would listen as his mother ordered his father just where and how to touch her, and he learned technique that he applied on his dates.

Yes, puberty was fun for Randi until some of his classmates decided he was a geek and they socially outcast him. (They were motivated by his success with their current and former girlfriends!) Unfortunately, with today's youthful cruelty, what applied to Randi cascaded down to Rachel, as well, and she was hit by the proverbial bolt from out of the blue, on this score. They assumed his "geekiness" also fell to her.

Rachel began to resent her schoolmates which, quite naturally, led her thoughts to her brother. She had heard of Randi's seven inches to heaven, as some former girlfriends described her brother. Her own cherry was broken over a year earlier (manually), but Rachel was still a virgin.

Randi had no date for the junior prom, but by then he was despondent about asking anyone because he wasn't about to take on the varsity team, just for having the audacity to show up.

He often lied awake nights, letting his thoughts drift, except when the parents were fucking. Then he "lent an ear".

This one night, Randi was torn between two shows: the one his parents were performing and the one Rachel was performing on herself!

When Rachel, at the very moment of orgasm, chose to reveal her imaginary partner, and Randi heard his own name whispered, his muscles spontaneously bolted him from his bed, dressed only in briefs, and padded him across the hall to his sister's room where he burst inside upon her and caught her almost finishing herself off!

Rachel froze, asking: "What are you doing here? Mom and dad are just thirty feet away!"

Randi insert a forefinger into the loose open fist of his other hand and pumped it to signal Rachel that they were fucking, then he spoke to her: "I heard - felt - you call out to me."

Rachel was in tears now as he begged her brother, "Randi, why are they doing this to us?"

Randi's answer was self deprecating and short; "It's because of me."

"What did you do?" Rachel asked.

"I showed their girlfriends to a good time. I gave them what they asked for. I gave them orgasms." he responded.

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