Best of the Best - Cover

Best of the Best

by JRParz

Copyright© 2007 by JRParz

Mind Control Sex Story: A billionaire's teenage daughter is abducted and collared by a Sex Slavery Ring. The billionaire offers Agent Chris Winters, who just so happens to be the best of the best in his field, a billion dollars to rescue her, Chris isn't fully aware of what this will entail.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Science Fiction   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Transformation   .

I. The Mission

"Look, Mr. Winters... My research committee pointed to you as the "Best of the Best"... and given the time constraints, I need to know your answer," Jonathan Danthers responded in a strong commanding voice.

"I was under the impression Jordan Carmichael was on this mission", Chris replied.

"We lost her," Danthers stated.

"What do you mean, you lost her?! Jordan is the best damn female agent in this business."

"Was the best, maybe, but now she's probably more into getting laid," Danthers replied.

"You know something, Danthers, Jordan is my friend, and I suggest you explain what happened to her."

"My Intelligence sources indicate that she's been collared... just like my daughter... and will probably join my daughter on the auction block in less than 24 hours."

"Are you telling me Jordan's wearing a slave collar?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you."

"Wait a second. Slave collars can't be activated unless the subject consents of their own free will."

"I was under the same impression, but this group we're dealing with has discovered a way to surface those feelings in every female, regardless what they may not want intellectually. These enhanced feelings trigger the collar to activate."

"But how the hell can they... do you realize the implications?!"

"Yes, I do... and this is why I have a group of scientists working around the clock to come up with a way of fixing this, but they haven't found anything conclusive at this point."

"Look, I don't know about your daughter, but I do know Jordan. There is no way in hell that she would allow herself to become someone's sex toy... even with the damn collar!"

"Then you're a fool for underestimating what you're up against. Just for the record, my daughter, Audra, had been very much a rebel like your friend. From what my operatives say, she's no longer a rebel and quite docile now. Don't underestimate these people... they're pros and very dangerous."

"How far did Jordan get before they nabbed her?"

"We aren't sure, but at this point we believe she's been collared and has already undergone their treatment."

"You mean the collaring isn't enough?"

"The collar places the girl in the proper frame of mind, and allows treatment - even from a distance."

"I don't believe it."

"Look, Mr. Winters. Normally, I wouldn't harp on this but I'm doing so because I need you to succeed. Miss Carmichael is female and therefore subject to the same science as other females. Studies have proven that regardless how aggressive or how unfeminine a girl might be on the outside, they're natually subservient on the inside."

"Why haven't you gone to the authorities on this?"

"Because that would be sealing my daughter's fate and once she's auctioned off, her subservience becomes permanent and exclusive. You're my last hope. If you fail... then Audra is doomed to be someone's sex slave for the rest of her life."

"Have you considered the possibility that it might already be too late?"

"As of an hour ago, it's not too late."

"I knew these damn collars would eventually be used for evil."

Danthers nodded his head as he opened his desk drawer and pulled out a collar. "This cost me $1,000,000. It's designed for a girl with a true calling. Once the collar has been activated, they're enslaved for life... but getting to this point requires true submission."

"I suppose you're going to prove it," Chris responded.

Danthers 'hit' his intercom button and moments later a very beautiful woman in her late twenties appeared.

"Yes, Mr. Danthers?" the woman asked.

"Darlene... put this on," Danthers instructed the woman.

"But Mr. Danthers, that's a slave collar!"

"Trust me, Darlene... I know you're a happily married lady and I would never do anything to jeopardize your marriage,"


"Do I need to call someone else," Danthers asked.

Chris watched the young woman take the collar and place it around her neck.

"Now, say the words," Danthers instructed.

"Please, Mr. Danthers! I don't want to..."

"Say them! I told you to trust me... Now, tell me out loud that you want to be my slave".

"I... I want to be your slave," the woman whispered, tearing up.

Danthers turned to him and smiled.

"I take it she isn't your slave."

"Under normal circumstances, Darlene doesn't have to worry about being forced into a life of slavery because the collar is purposely designed NOT to work on a girl who doesn't truly want it."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Danthers," the woman whispered with downcast eyes.

"I'm sorry too, Darlene."

"I'm sorry I doubted you, sir," Darlene responded, taking the collar off and handing it back to Danthers.

Yes... you should have... and we'll discuss that later on... But for now, run along," Danthers replied.

Chris waited for the girl to leave before turning to Danthers. "If the collar can be tricked into believing a girl is submitting, then why won't it make the correction once it detects their true feelings?"

"Good question, Mr. Winters... an obvious flaw in the original design of the collar. Bottom line, it can't deactivate once it's been activated, therefore once a slave, always a slave... and I believe these people specifically capitalized on this flaw".

"How can you be sure that these feelings they surface aren't artificial?"

"Not possible. Trust me, they have learned to surface a girl's deepest feelings and when they do, the collar is activated".

"Then isn't it already too late?"

"Not really... Right now if we were to get them back, they'd be subservient and perpetually horny, but it wouldn't be directed and therefore they'd be able to function somewhat normally".

"What about the treatment?"

"Brainwashing is relatively easy to reverse but once they've been 'keyed' it's over".

"What exactly does being keyed mean?"

"The collar is keyed to the operator's brain frequencies, ensuring and a slave-like devotion and absolute obedience. The mean thing is that the keyed girl is still all there underneath her new persona, utterly powerless to be anything other than a slave. Through simple thought the operator can force to girl to behave certain ways... feel certain ways... made to hate it... made to love it... anything. Hell, the operator can even give the keyed girl an orgasm through mere thought".

"Like I said... the damn thing is evil".

"Under normal circumstances, there are people that would argue with you, but remember, the collar was designed for the female that truly wants this type of life and where is the evil in that? The fact is... it isn't the collar that is evil, but the people controlling them".

"Spoken like a true Republican, Danthers... I'm one myself... but this device crosses the line".

"True... and that's why I have my scientists working around the clock on this".

"Cut the shit, Danthers... If your daughter wasn't a victim, there wouldn't be anyone working on it," Chris replied with a grin.

Danthers looked at him with a slight smirk and nodded his head... and then a few seconds later a very lovely young woman, who couldn't have been much older than 21 appeared... dressed professionally, yet stylish. She possessed long dark hair, emerald green eyes, and quite frankly, breath-taking.

"Meet, Theresa Nichols... In public, she's my girlfriend and has been for the last two years".

"How are you?" Chris asked, extending his arm to shake the girl's hand.

"Fine, sir... and you?" she asked, smiling back at him.

"Isn't she a doll?" Danthers asked with a smile.

"Yes, she's quite beautiful," Chris replied.

"Would you believe in private, she's my sex slave," Danthers added.

Chris looked at the girl's neck... and noticed the collar. Could this beautiful girl actually be Danthers slave?

"Theresa here was keyed to me as a birthday present".

"Are you saying that Theresa's a product of these people?!?"

"Yes... and now these very same people have come back and abducted my daughter".

"You're as bad as the people that have your daughter!"

"I told you, Theresa was a gift from a very important client".

"Just because she was a gift doesn't excuse keeping her your slave".

"Don't you get it? Once a girl's been keyed, her free life is over. She quite literally becomes your property and responsibility. In Theresa case, she was plucked right out of a beauty pageant, collared and keyed to me within an hour".

"She seems normal... almost like she isn't enslaved at all".

"A testament to these people's work... and another reason they are so successful. Given Theresa's a prime example, there's no way of telling how many girlfriends... or wives are actually slaves".

"Amazing," Chris whispered.

"Watch," Danthers added, and then quite suddenly the lovely brunette began to strip. Beautiful was an understatement and he couldn't help but stare at her naked perfection. Then the girl started to openly caress her boobs with one hand while she fingered herself with the other... and she blushed the whole time! Then she cried out from an orgasm and collapsed down to her knees.

"Holy, Christ!" Chris responded, having never seen anything more erotic!

"As owner, I have complete telepathic control of her actions and emotions... plus that very lovely pussy of hers. She came because I allowed it. So, you see... she's very normal looking on the outside, but very much my personal sex slave on the inside".

"Is she aware of what she just did?"

"Very much so... and despite her embarrassment she was made to enjoy it," Danthers replied.

Theresa suddenly got up off the floor, quickly put back on her clothes back on and left the room.

"You mentioned an operative inside... Why don't you use this person to intervene?"

"She's not an agent and lacks the skills. If she tried, she'd be dealt the same fate immediately. She's more useful to me in her current position".

"What about Jordan?"

"What about her?"

"Isn't there an outside chance that you're wrong about her?"

"No... not a chance. If you can get her back without interfering with your mission to return my daughter, then 'go' for it".

"Not too much gratitude for her efforts, are there? I mean... she did sacrifice her life to rescue your daughter, right?"

"Like hell she did... She sacrificed her life for $50,000,000".


"Yes... and she knew the risks".

"Given I'm a guy and this mission really does call for a girl, what makes you think that I have a better chance of success?"

"Because, Mr. Winters... The collar won't work on a guy".

"But how do I get close enough?" he asked.

"First we perform a mind transference operation".

"A what!?!"

"You'll be undertaking the mission in the body of a teenaged girl".

"Like hell I will! What ever gave you the impression that I'm allow something like that?"


Chris's eyes lit up.

"I see I caught your interest," Danthers responded with a grin.

"I'll admit that I'm curious... but tell me, what makes you think that I won't meet the same fate as Jordan?"

"Because my scientists assure me that you're immune to their technology," Danthers replied with a smile.

"Immune?" Chris asked, looking for an explanation.

"Yes, it is our theory that their technology relies on the natural desire of a female and although you will look and act very female, you'll still be a man underneath where it counts and men don't have a natural submissive side. So, it is our belief the collar won't work".

"And if you're wrong, not only would I be forced to wear this female body for the rest of my life... I'd be someone's sex slave, too!"

"The risks are astronomical... hence the price tag".

"That's why I'm going to demand you double it".

"If you take a moment to check your savings account, you'll note that I have already transferred a half billion dollars into your account and the contract will read that you'll receive an additional half billion upon my daughter's safe return".

"What happens to my body during the mission?"

Danthers pressed a button on his desk and in walked three very beautiful girls. They all looked in their teens and were dressed in loose fitting white robes. Each girl stood at attention before him.

"They look drugged".

"They've been given a mild hypnotic. Anyway, I'm giving you a choice to select the girl you're to become".

"Mighty nice of you... and I suppose whoever I select will wear my body," Chris replied.

"Yes, Mr. Winters... but other than a daily exercise program, she won't be allowed to do anything else. She'll remain under close supervision until you either succeed or fail".

"And then what?"

"If you succeed, the girl's family becomes rich... we slip her a 'psyche patch', condition her if necessary, and then we release her".

"How much is she getting for her troubles?"

"Her family will receive $5,000,000".

"What happens if I fail?"

"We'll find a suitable body for her, put her through some serious conditioning... do the same with her family and close friends... and her payment is doubled".

"Interesting... Next concern... Now, how is it possible to pass myself off as a girl?"

"We have a 'psyche patch' that will alter your actions, reactions, and overall behavior".

"I won't allow it. I've heard of those patches and I've heard that they have permanent side affects. Plus, I have to be myself in order to execute my mission".

"The patches I have are state of the art and not at all like the ones you've read or heard about. Our patch allows you to walk, talk and behave very female, but doesn't tamper at all with the real you. Trust me... You'll still be your ugly self underneath that pretty shell".

"I don't know about this... I'm one hundred percent heterosexual and if I allow you to use a patch on me I can imagine how feminine I'll be acting when I returned to my own body".

"What if you're propositioned by a guy?"

"Then I'll tell him I'm a lesbian because I won't use the patch!"

"Look, I'll revise the contract to read that my patches won't have any adverse affects, and to prove how confident I am about that I'll include the fact that you will receive an additional billion if I'm wrong," Danthers responded.

"Fine, Danthers... I'll agree to it as long as it's in the contract," he responded.

"Good... Now, which girl would you like to become?"

"They're all very beautiful... but also very young".

"Necessary. Audra is only sixteen. In order for the slavers to be interested in you, you'll need to draw their attention and they've demonstrated an attraction towards youth".

"But Jordan was in her late twenties and if she apparently had no problem".

Danthers retrieved a picture from his desk and handed it to Chris. "This is what Miss Carmichael looked like before she left on her mission".

"She undertook the mind transference operation, too!?!"

"Yes... and right now her body is safe and secure upstairs".

"Do the girl's parents know about Jordan?"

"We won't tell them until Miss Carmichael is auctioned off. Now, if you please, Mr. Winters. With every second that ticks by I'm in greater danger of losing my daughter".

"Interesting how little you value these three girls who are the same age as your daughter".

"These girls are not my daughter, plain and simple".

"Have you sampled their charms?"

"If you mean did I fuck them, no".

"Are they virgins?"

"The youngest one is, but the other two have had sex before. In fact, the oldest has a boyfriend".

"What does he think about this?"

"I'm sure the family didn't give the girl the option to discuss it with her boyfriend given the amount of money involved".

"Is the one in the middle the youngest?"

"Yes... and the blonde is seventeen... and the brunette eighteen".

"Well, the eighteen year old is way too top heavy and I'll be damned if I'm going to carry those things around".

Danthers smirked and then whispered something into the girl's ear. Without saying a word, the girl turned and headed out the door.

"Which of these two is the better athlete?"

"The youngest is currently one of the finer soccer stars in the state".

"Well, she's too young for my blood, so that leaves me with the blonde".

"She's stunning... very curvaceous with the exception of her breasts".

"Are you kidding? They're perfect".

"Her name is Heather Thompson and she's captain of her high school's cheerleading squad".

"Swell... When do you want me to undergo the transference?"

"Then you're agreeing to the mission?"

"Yes, as long as you stipulate the additional billion dollars if the patch leaves me acting on the feminine side".

"It'll be in there," Danthers promised.

While Chris waited for the new contract to be drafted, he took some time to look at his soon to be new body and as he did, he pondered what the mission would entail. True... he was the 'best of the best' but there was no way of telling how he'd react as a girl!

"I remembered a friend of mine that won a 24 hour experience in a female body. According to him it was the best time of his life and he ended up seducing three girls into having lesbian sex. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be experiencing the same thing".

"I guess money has a way of swaying people," Danthers replied with a smirk.

Chris looked at his new soon to be body again before he picked up a pen...

II. Waking Up as Heather

"Heather... wake-up," a soft voice called out to her.

Slowly, Chris opened her eyes, responding to her new name and immediately realized feeling different... and it was about this time when she noticed her long blonde hair and slender feminine arms and hands, but when she looked down at her chest, she gasped in shock!

"They're beautiful, don't you think?" the woman commented, smiling at her.

"They're huge..." she responded, and then paused to absorb how her new voice had sounded.

"Mr. Danthers is expecting you," the woman responded, adding, "the bathroom is through that door over there and your clothes are over there on the chair".

"Wha... what did he do to me?!?" she asked, cupping her new boobs, which suddenly sent a jolt of pleasure straight to her groin.

"Mr. Danthers will explain everything," the woman replied with a smile, obviously noting her aroused state.

"He had no right!" she snapped, shifting around to get off the bed... and when she did she felt her new boobs jiggle every which way.

"I'll wait for you outside the door," the woman responded, maintaining her smile.

Chris slipped out of bed, feeling her new boobs bounce up and down. She cupped them again to stop them from bouncing, but when she did she felt another jolt of arousal. Quickly, she made her way to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror and what she saw stare back at her nearly made her swoon. Knowing what she was getting into and the reality of it were definitely two different things! If Heather had been a ten before the transference operation, she was now off the charts! But she distinctively remembered that Heather had small boobs, which wasn't the case anymore!

Suddenly, her new bladder screamed at her to sit down and pee, eliciting a blush. On one hand she thought it was strange, but on the other she thought it was the most natural thing in the world as she dabbed at her new anatomy to wipe herself. "Damn," she muttered to herself... Every time she touched herself, she felt her arousal elevate and the urge to finger her self was strong, but as hard as it was, Chris forced herself to ignore it and headed to the chair to dress.

She walked over and began to dress, slipping on a skimpy pair of thong panties that barely covered her lower region. Her new vulva was puffy and moist and it was then that she noticed that she had no pubic hair. Had they done this while she slept or had Heather always kept herself 'clean' shaven? To say that she was sexually sensitive down there would have been an understatement. She then read the tag on her bra and saw where it was read '34D', and remembered quite vividly that she had been much smaller. "Damn you, Danthers," she muttered as she clasped the bra in front before twisting it around to jockey her new boobs inside the cups.

Then she reached for a pair of skintight low-riding jeans that barely rose above her new hips and then put on a tube top that barely covered the top half portion of her new boobs! She looked like a young tart and blushed. Then she looked around for some makeup to touch up her face.

"Ah... excuse me," she called out to the woman standing outside her door, "there's no makeup and I was wondering if I could borrow some of yours?"

"Never mind about the makeup... you'll be receiving a professional makeover before you depart for your mission" the woman responded.

Chris felt a mixture of elation at the prospect of her upcoming makeover and an unsettling feeling at having to face Danthers without makeup on and then... for a brief second, wondered what was wrong with this picture... but the swaying of the woman's ass in front of her, as she followed, gave her something else to focus on.

"Ah... Heather... so nice to see you," Danthers greeted her with a smile.

"What's the meaning of this?" she asked, cupping her new boobs for emphasizes.

"Ah... necessary, I'm afraid".

"If I wanted big boobs I would have selected the 18 year old," she responded in anger, but sounded downright sexy instead.

"Look... this mission is far too important for preferences and I can't afford having these 'slavers' pass you up because you're too flat on top".

"But why did you have to make them so big!" she cried, hating the fact that she was tearing up.

"Oh, relax... They're not that big... they just look big because of your slim frame. Anyway, they compliment your other changes as well".

"What other changes?" she asked, surprised.

"It appears you've been so obsessed with those new boobs of yours that you hadn't noticed that we've given you the body of a Penthouse centerfold," Danthers replied.

"I... You did?" she asked, stunned.

"I gave you longer hair, a much more rounded ass, and a natural sexiness to your walk. The original Heather would have drawn attention, but not nearly as much as you will receive".

"I hope for your daughter's sake that these new attributes don't get in the way of my mission," she responded.

"Anyway, remember those two girls you passed up on?"

"Yeah," she replied, hesitantly.

"They will be going ahead of you to act as distractions".


"Relax... I hired two female agents to take over their bodies".

"What are the agents names?"

"Leah North and Debbie Dixon. Do you know them?"

"I never heard of them".

"Then by all means, go meet them," Danthers replied.

Chris didn't like the idea that Danthers hired two agents that she never heard of, but strangely she didn't feel like arguing about it.

"Tina will show you to them and I'll join you in a moment".

"Okay," she responded, following Tina back out of the room.

As Chris walked, she became increasingly frustrated with how much her boobs jiggled but refrained from cupping them to hold them still because of the sensations her touch generated every time she did.

"I must warn you up front, Heather... These girls have been given a psyche patch to prepare them for their mission," the woman stated before letting her into the room.

III. The Bimbos

Chris gasped as she entered the room... Not only were the girls stark naked, but they were eagerly lapping at one another's pussy and the sight of them was arousing the hell out of her!

"Excuse me," she interrupted them, suppressing her desire as much as she could.

Both girls slowly looked up from each other's crotch and turned to her... cum dripping off their chins. "Would you like to join us?" the younger of the two asked with a giggle.

"I... We have business to tend to and I expect professionalism," she replied, trying to sound firm and commanding, but only sounding sexy.

"Are you really the famous 'super' agent Chris Winters?" the brunette asked with a smirk.

"Yes, I'm Chris Winters... but on this mission I'm known as Heather Thompson and I suggest you start calling me by that name to get used to it," she replied.

"Sure," the younger one replied, smirking.

"If you two are agents, I'm surprised that you aren't exerted a bit more professionalism and discipline".

"Actually, we blame that on our patches," the older one responded, giggling.

"Which one of you is Leah North?"

"I am," the older one replied.

"I'm Debbie Dixon," the younger girl added.

"Were you two virgin to lesbian sex before the patches?"

"I never even entertained the thought until Leah seduced me," Debbie replied with a giggle.

"I told you, girl... I did nothing of the sort," Leah replied with her own giggle.

"Maybe I can shine some light on the subject," Danthers stated as he entered the room.

Chris turned to him and glared, still 'smarting' from her non-consenting boob job.

"Please do," Debbie responded.

"The patches have turned you two into oversexed teenagers with a carefree disposition," Danthers replied.

"Why turn them into lesbians?" Chris asked, thinking it didn't make sense.

"I didn't... they aren't lesbians, they're 'bi'," Danthers replied.

"What else did these patches do to them?" Chris asked, noting the girls didn't seem the least bit upset with this information.

"The patch basically turned them into bimbos".

"You made me a bimbo?!?" Leah asked with a smile.

"I surely did you horny little 'hottie'," Danthers replied with a grin, adding, "I dampened your surface IQs, heightened your libidos, and gave you both a case of the giggles".

Both girls turned to look at one another before they burst out giggling again.

"And how are they going to help me in this condition?" Chris asked in anger.

"Like I said before, they're on this mission for diversionary tactics to give you an opportunity to take in the overall scene".

"Everyone's expendable, aren't they?" Chris asked, hating Danthers more than ever.

"I told you before that I'd do everything that I needed to ensure the best possible chance of success. When my daughter is at stake and I'm paying over a billion dollars for her safe return, I feel I have the right".

"I... I guess I won't argue with you, Danthers," Chris replied, softly, feeling suddenly passive.

"Anyway, I've made the necessary arrangements for you to get into the club... and the bimbo twins will be there when you arrive... speaking of which, you two can get ready," Danthers stated.

The two agents quickly redressed and exited the room.

"Then that's it?" Chris asked, surprised.

"Almost... but now I need to point something out to you that you probably haven't noticed yet... and that's ever since you woke up you've been acting and responding just like a teenaged girl would".

Chris stared at Danthers with a blank expression until it suddenly 'hit', realizing that she had been acting just like a girl and it had felt totally natural as she did! In fact, now that she thought of it, she couldn't even remember what it felt like to be a guy! She was even referring to herself as a she and not a 'he'!

"What... what did you do to me?" she whispered, realizing that she was a she in every way.

"We used a state of the art 'psyche patch' that has allowed us to turn you into the pretty teenaged girl on the inside as well as the outside... and in addition we've turned up that libido of yours several notches and gave you a strong dose of docility".

"Oh, my God," she whispered.

"I need to demonstrate further," Danthers stated and then suddenly he reached out and pulled her in close to him... and started groping her as well as kissing her! At first, she tried to break free from his kiss, desperately trying to push away, but like a lightning bolt, her body lit up and responded to him, making her feel all fluttery and weak and 'wet'! Within seconds, she found her arms wrapping around Danthers, kissing him with increasing passion, despite realizing what it was she was doing! When Danthers broke it off, she blushed at having responded sexually to him and muttered "Damn you," under her breath.

"Now, acknowledge how you felt," Danthers commanded.

Chris could feel tears running down her cheeks as she stood there breathing hard feeling more aroused than she ever felt before in her life.


"Aroused," she whispered.

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