Doctor's Appointment - Cover

Doctor's Appointment

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2007 by TheMoose63

Incest Sex Story: Kathy had waited over six months for her check-up with her gynecologist and imagine her surprise when the doctor required a stand-by for the exam. She was even more surprised when with no one else available he suggested that she use her 16 year old son Chris. Chris was happy to watch the exam and even happier when the doctor asked for his help.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Cream Pie   .

"Chris honey, hurry up... I have to be at the doctor's in twenty-five minutes!" Kathy called upstairs to her sixteen year old son.

Chris tossed his school bag on his bed and walked out in the hallway and yelled back. "I'm coming mom." He loved his mother dearly but he hated it when she made him go everywhere with her... if only she were still married he wouldn't have to... then he remembered what an asshole his father had been and the thought disappeared. He shrugged his shoulders and took two steps at a time as he ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where threw his arms around his mother and hugged her. "Gee mom," he pleaded, "I don't know why I can't stay home; I mean I'm sixteen years old!"

Kathy smiled at her son and then ruffled his hair. "I know honey but what if something happened while I was gone... how do you think I would feel then?'

He brushed her hand away from his head and ducked around behind her. "If something happened... like what mom?"

Kathy put a finger to her chin and thought for a moment, "Well what if the house caught on fire, then what?"

Chris exhaled in disgust and just shook his head knowing that once again she had rebuffed his plea to stay home. "Yea, a house fire... sure mom. And maybe a 747 might crash on the roof too." He mumbled.

"Oh honey, come on... it will just be for an hour or so and I really don't want to go alone, not... well not today. I'll tell you what... afterward I'll treat you to dinner at the Pizza Hut, what do you say to that?"

He shrugged his shoulders and thought that a pizza sounded good. "Oh alright, you win." Then he got a worried look on his face, and turned to her, "Mom... are you alright? I mean there isn't anything seriously wrong with you is there?"

It warmed her heart that her son worried about her, but then being without a father did that to a boy. She thought about why she had made the doctor's appointment in the first place... her vaginal dryness and inability to have a climax when she masturbated. Since she had thrown Chris' father out of the house going out on dates had been out of the question, not with a teenager to take care of, so masturbation had become her only sexual release and now she couldn't even look forward to that. She would have liked to explain her concerns to her son but what would a sixteen year old know about loneliness and a woman's needs, after all he was way too young to understand what was going on inside a woman's body and besides he didn't need to know anyway. "I'm just fine honey; it's just that I need a check-up on my... ah... plumbing system. It's mostly just a yearly thing; you don't have to worry but thanks for thinking about me."

They arrived at Doctor Martin's office at 5:25, signed in and took a seat. They were the only patients in the waiting room and Chris rummaged through the stacks of worn magazines finally picking up a year old copy of Sports Illustrated while Kathy thumbed through a Ladies Home Journal.

"Excuse me Mrs. Ogden." The receptionist called.

Kathy looked up when she heard her name. "Yes?"

"I'm getting ready to leave for the day but Dr. Martin told me he would be with you shortly. Is there anything I can get for you before I leave?"

Kathy smiled at her courtesy. "No, I think everything is fine." The woman shut the glass window that separated her from the waiting room and Kathy went back to her magazine. After a few minutes the reception door opened and the receptionist exited closely followed by another woman dressed in green scrubs. It was about five minutes later that Dr. Martin opened the door and stepped into the waiting room. Kathy stood up and shook his hand. "Doctor Martin, this is my son Chris — Chris, Doctor Martin."

Chris stood up and shook the doctors' hand. "Gosh it's nice to meet you Doctor Martin. I'm going to be a doctor too, at least I hope so. I've taken all of my pre-med courses at high school and made straight A's and I'm pretty sure I'll get accepted into the pre-med program up at state when I graduate"

"Really, that's great... when do you graduate son?"

"Oh well it's almost 15 months from now but I think I'm ready for college."

"Well that's the ticket son." He turned and looked toward Kathy, concern registering on his face. "Look Mrs. Ogden I know how long you've waited for this appointment but I've got a small problem and I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel your visit."

Kathy looked perplexed. "A problem... cancel my appointment, why doctor?"

Dr. Martin looked sheepish. "Well there's a new state law that says that I can't examine a patient without someone else being in the room to act as sort of an escort or as we say in the business, a stand-by. The law was enacted to protect both the patient and the doctor, you know from any false accusations... but my nurse had to leave after the last patient, she had an emergency at home and the receptionist is already gone for the day. I'm really sorry Mrs. Ogden but I'm going to have to reschedule your appointment."

Kathy was sad but not angry, after all things like this happened... but still. "But... but

Doctor I've waited six months for this appointment! I mean I know it's supposed to be a routine GYN exam but I've waited so long and I have to get some answers to..."

"Look Mrs. Ogden," he interrupted, "I really apologize for this mess and I am sorry but I don't quite understand your urgency, is there something of an emergency nature in your visit today?"

Kathy shook her head no but she did need an answer as to why she was so dry that she couldn't even masturbate with out tearing up her labia, much less why she couldn't climax. She looked at the doctor with pleading eyes knowing that she couldn't exactly explain what her problem was, not with her son standing next to her. "Well there really isn't any emergency but it's been six months and there are some... uh, well some personal things I need to discuss with you."

Dr. Martin was shaking his head in sympathy with her plight. "I understand Mrs. Ogden and I'll make sure that you get the first call for any cancellation. Look, I'm sorry but I just can't break the law, I have to have someone in the room while I do your exam and," he stopped in mid-sentence, thought for a moment and put his finger tip to his chin, "hey wait, I've got an idea... maybe you could call your husband and have him come over; after all a family member would meet the intent of the law and it would be alright with me and I'll be happy to wait for him to arrive."

Tears were forming in the corners of Kathy's eyes as she looked at the doctor then over to her son. "I... I don't have a husband doctor; he's been gone for a couple of years now." She hesitated, then looked at Chris again and then back at the doctor, "Uh, how... how about my son? Could he be a stand-by... I mean I certainly wouldn't want him to see me undressed or anything but maybe we could do the exam behind a screen or something like that. Would that work?"

The doctor thought about her offer. "Hummm, well I guess it would be alright to use Chris but the hang-up is that we can't use a screen, the law is very specific that the third person must have visual access to the examination so that nothing untoward occurs, but... if Chris is going to be a physician anyway there shouldn't be any harm in letting him witness a physical exam... I mean I think that we could keep you pretty modestly covered... would that be alright with you."

Chris had been standing there listening intently to the conversation and couldn't believe what his mom and Dr. Martin were suggesting. She was actually thinking about letting him inside the exam room while she had her physical. He wasn't sure what all that would entail but if it was anything like the sports physicals he had taken for his high school track team there was going to be some nudity involved and he was already getting excited just thinking about it.

It had been over a year since Chris realized that his mother was more than just a mother, she was a woman too and a damned good looking woman at that. The light bulb had finally gone off in his head when all his friends began to tease him about having a mom who was a genuine MILF! After a number of lurid comments about her body Chris began watching her, peeking at her breasts when she wasn't paying any attention to him and admiring the way her butt swayed back and forth as she walked around the house. Twice he had found an occasion to 'innocently' walk into her bedroom when she was undressing and caught her in just her bra and panties. After those encounters he would race back to his room and lock himself into the bathroom and jack off thinking about his mother and what it would feel like to play with her breasts or to have her lips wrapped around is cock.

"Oh I'm not sure that's a good idea doctor, I mean Chris is so young and..."

"It's alright mom, I'll be glad to stand-by if you need me." Chris quickly volunteered.

She reached down and patted his head like he was still a little boy. "Thanks honey but I don't think this is a good idea, I mean you're only sixteen and that's a little young to be..."

"It's perfectly alright Mrs. Ogden, I understand." Dr. Martin interrupted. "I'll have the receptionist call you when we have another opening."

Kathy hesitated for just a moment, the conflict showing on her face... she really needed to get examined as soon as possible to find out what was the problem with her vagina... but to have her own son in the exam room... she was about to say no then she shrugged her shoulders and caved in. "Well I guess maybe it might be okay if I can stay gowned." She looked over at her son. "Are you sure you'll be alright with this honey?"

"Sure mom, I'll be fine... I mean I'm not going to faint or anything silly like that and besides I know all about the human body from my biology course and I've already taken the sex education class."

Oh great Kathy thought, biology and sex education... well that isn't like seeing your own mother half naked on an exam table.

Dr. Martin nodded his head in approval. "Look Mrs. Ogden I'll keep the exam to a bare minimum and promise that I won't expose you any more than absolutely necessary and you can be the guide." He took her by her elbow led her and Chris through the door and down the hallway that led to the examination rooms. Dr. Martin opened the last door and let Chris and Kathy inside the large room, complete with an OB/GYN exam table with stirrups, and led her over to a chair. "Alright Mrs. Ogden, if you'll just pull the privacy curtain around you," he pointed to a curtain hanging from the ceiling down to about three feet above the floor, "and get completely undressed then put on the gown with the opening towards the front. I'll go and wash up and be back in a couple of minutes. Chris you can sit over there in that chair." He pointed to a chair over by a counter top.

"Alright doctor."

Kathy pulled the curtain around until it provided a small secluded area in which she could change out of her clothes. She still wasn't totally convinced that this was a good idea but what were her options? She unbuttoned her blouse and took it and her bra off and hung them up on a clothes rack standing behind a chair. She unzipped her skirt and took it off and hung it up with the rest of her clothes then started in on her pantyhose, pushing them over her hips until she could sit down and take them off. When she sat in the chair and bent down to remove her hose she realized that she could see Chris's lap while he sat in the chair and that meant that if he looked up he could probably see her too. Embarrassed, she quickly stood and put her foot on the chair and slipped off one leg then changed positions and took off the other leg and laid them over the back of the chair.

Chris was sitting in his chair looking around the room when he noticed his mother sitting down and he realized that he could see her legs and pantyhose all the way up to her crotch. He watched in fascination as she slowly peeled her hose down one leg and he was thinking that pretty soon she would be taking them off and he would probably have a good shot of seeing her panties and when she took then off maybe even her pussy but then she abruptly stood up and all he could see was her lower legs.

A moment later Dr. Martin knocked on the door and walked back into the exam room. "Are you about ready Mrs. Ogden?"

"Yes, almost." Before Kathy pulled back the curtain she stood there naked holding what she realized was nothing but a thin paper gown that hardly covered her body. She slipped on the gown and held the front together in a death grip then she pulled back the curtain and walked over and stood next to the exam table.

"Okay Mrs. Ogden if you would just sit here on the edge of the table," he patted the exam table, "and I'll take your vital signs then I'll check your heart and lungs, all just routine stuff." He turned and looked at Chris. "Chris, you just watch what I do then you can ask questions later."

"Okay." Chris was initially interested in what was going on because of his interest in medicine and he watched fascinated as Dr. Martin took his mom's blood pressure then checked her pulse. The doctor put a digital thermometer into his mothers' ear then removed it and looked at the screen and announced, "98.8, a perfect temperature." He nodded to himself then wrote something down on a form on his desk then looked back up and moved behind Kathy and placed his stethoscope several places on her back and ask her to take deep breaths. When he finished that he moved to the other side of the table and asked her to open her gown then he gently slipped the stethoscope inside and under her breast asked her to take another more deep breath. When Kathy opened the gown the front was only open a few inches but it was enough that Chris got a glimpse of his mothers' bare breasts and he felt his cock getting hard.

Dr. Martin finally finished and stepped back and again wrote something else down on the form then turned back to Kathy. "Are you doing your monthly breast exams Mrs. Ogden?"

She nodded. "Yes, actually twice a month."

He nodded. "That's good. Have you felt any lumps or anything that felt unnatural?"

"No, nothing, nothing at all."

"Good then that will make our breast exam a bit easier. Please place your right arm over the top of your head and let me go ahead and check you." He slipped on a pair of gloves and waited for her. "Mrs. Ogden?"

Kathy looked at the doctor then over to Chris, sighed, and put her arm over her head and turned to the side so she wouldn't have to look at Chris while the doctor examined her breasts. When she moved her arm up over her head the movement caused the gown to flair open and Kathy's right breast came into view. Dr. Martin didn't seem to be paying any attention to her modesty as he lifted her breast into the palm of his hand and then put three fingers together and felt all around her orb then finished up by pulling and pinching on her nipple.

Chris watched wide-eyed as the doctor seemingly played his mother's breast. He didn't know what sized boobs his mom had but they fitted perfectly into the palm of the doctor's hand and as he touched and felt the breast and nipple Christ imagined that they were his hands and his cock got even harder.

When Dr. Martin finished with Kathy's right breast he repeated the procedure on her left breast then he told her to lay flat on the table and to swing her legs up and into the stirrups.

Kathy blushed as the doctor helped her place her right leg in the stirrup and she looked over at her son. She took a deep breath knowing that with her legs in the stirrups Chris might be able to see underneath the flimsy gown and maybe even see her vagina and with that thought her face reddened.

Dr. Martin pulled off his gloves and dropped them into a waste can then moved his stool up until he was directly between her wide open thighs and he reached down between Kathy's legs and slowly and gently pressed his fingers down on her lower abdomen several times then grunted something unintelligible and reached over and picked up a chrome speculum.

When Kathy saw the speculum and realized that he was going to do her vagina examination and take a PAP's smear and she panicked. Before he could start to insert the instrument into her vagina she whispered, "Uh... doctor before you do that there is something I need to talk to you about."

Her voice was so low that Christ could hardly hear her talking to the doctor.

Dr. Martin had difficulty hearing her too and he leaned even closer, "Excuse me Mrs. Ogden, what was that?"

Kathy looked over at her son then back to the doctor and again she whispered, "Well it's kind of embarrassing but... well I've been..." she took a deep breath, "my vagina has been extremely dry for a few months now and I don't know why. When I masturbate, or at least try to, I can't get wet and if I continue my labia bleeds and I have to stop. In addition, I haven't been able to climax the last few times and I'm... well, concerned."

Dr. Martin listened then nodded his head. "Ah yes, I see... well then let's check your plumbing out before I take the PAP smear." He scooted the stool backward from her then bent down until his head was mere inches away from her pussy. He slipped on another pair of gloves and grabbed a small penlight out of his white coat pocket and then reached out with one hand and parted her labia with his index and middle fingers and shown the light inside. He looked around then he grunted again then he stood up and put some lubricant on his fingers and inserted them into her vagina and slowly felt around inside her.

Chris gulped when his mom put her legs up into the stirrups. Hoping that no one would notice what he was doing he slowly inched his chair to his left so could see over the doctor's shoulder and between the 'V' of his mom's legs. He craned his neck and saw the small patch of light brown hair that covered her pussy and the crack of her butt cheeks. When the doctor spread his mothers' pussy lips apart Chris could see inside and the redness of her skin and when Dr. Martin easily slipped two fingers into his mother's pussy, Chris pretended that they were his fingers and he almost creamed in his pants.

Dr. Martin moved his fingers deep inside her then moved them up, across and down the walls of her vagina then sat back down and thought for a minute. "Hummm, tell me something Mrs. Ogden, when was the last time you had intercourse?"

Kathy closed her eyes and blushed then she looked over at Chris who seemed to be disinterested but she knew that any healthy teenage boy couldn't help from taking a peek at a naked woman even if that woman was his own mother. Her eyes lowered until she could see Chris' lap and the bulge pressing out in his jeans and at first she was embarrassed at what she had done to her son then her embarrassment faded and she was impressed as she realized how big her son seemed to be. She looked back up at the doctor, "Well doctor, it's been quite a while... my husband's been gone for two years now and I haven't been intimate with anyone since he left."

He looked at her with curiosity. "Really? You seem to have a very normal spread to your uterus... oh wait, I see. You said that you masturbate... now I'll assume that you use an instrument of some sort?"

"Well I... I have a vibrator I use on occasions."

Masturbate, Chris thought... my mother fucking masturbates and uses a vibrator?

"Look Mrs. Ogden I know that this must be a little embarrassing for you especially with your son here in the room but these are questions that I need an honest answer to in order to diagnose your condition. Now how often do you masturbate and what do you use for sexual stimulation."

Kathy closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. "Well I... guess I do it a couple of times a week and I usually think about some of the boys I dated when I was in high school."

"Really... high school sweethearts... that's interesting. Well its okay, in fact it's good... now when you masturbate how often do you achieve an orgasm and if more than one, how many?"

"Uh... well mostly I have one or two then I stop and enjoy the euphoria."

"Okay that's good. Do you use you fingers as well as the vibrator?"

"Well my fingers mostly, I like the feeling I get when I touch myself, especially on my... ah, my clitoris."

"I see... well now let me check you just one more time." His fingers entered her vagina and she felt him pushing back toward her uterus then forward until he touched her 'G' spot. He rubbed it gently for a minute or so, watching her reaction then he pulled his fingers out of her and stripped off his rubber gloves and tossed them away. "Hummmm, even after palpitating your 'G' spot you're still not excreting any fluids. Let me try this again only this time please close your eyes and think of one of your high school sweethearts"

Kathy closed her eyes and thought about her usual fantasy. The boy's name was George and he had taken her to the junior prom and afterward they had sat in the back of his parents' car and petted. She jacked him off and he sucked on her breast. To this day she still regretted now letting him take her virginity.

Chris sat there and watched as Dr. Martin basically finger-fucked his mother but he didn't see any reaction, not on her face nor in her body.

The fingers exited her vagina and Dr. Martin took off his gloves and sat back down and thought for a moment. "Still no luck Mrs. Ogden, you're as dry as a bone. Look with what you told me earlier I have an idea and would like to try it and see if it works but I'll need Chris' help and... well he will have to touch you but if you're even the least bit uncomfortable with the idea I'll stop the exam right now, what do you think?"

Kathy was confused and looked at Dr. Martin. "Chris will have to... to touch me... what for doctor?"

"Well you indicated earlier that you have been extremely dry and having difficulty achieving an orgasm but you also said that when you were successful you thought about your old high school sweethearts when you masturbate. Given that has worked for you in the past I want to know if you'll actually respond to the touch of a young male. You see Mrs. Ogden when I tried to stimulate you I didn't have any success and I think that's because even with your eyes closed you see me as a medical professional and the sensual side of your mind just won't respond to a medical examination but I think that you might respond if Chris touches you because it is from a teenager, and if you don't respond then at least I'll know, even partially, what the problem is."

There is more of this story...
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