Getting Away
Copyright© 2007 by sam177
Chapter 32
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 32 - A young woman still grieving the loss of her loved ones goes on a trip to try to recover. She doesn't know just how far she will go. I'll update codes when I get there.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa ft/ft Consensual Romantic Science Fiction Time Travel First Masturbation Slow
Monday, September 28
Not a whole lot happened today. I worked out with Faith, May, and Beth. After I helped out making breakfast for the school kids, I went down to the beach and hung out for a while. I tried to read some, but I was mostly worried about what Amy will say and think when she sees the picture I sent her. I hope she'll like it and won't think any less of me.
I couldn't get into my book, so I swam a little, went up to shower, and after getting dressed, I went to help out with lunch. Then I kept May company while she did some school work.
Other than that, like I said, not much happened.
Tuesday, September 29
I had a really nice massage today. I didn't do any modeling, as Mark had to fill in for another teacher at the college. It felt kind of weird not doing it, because it's kind of become a weekly thing. Instead, after thanking Faith for the wonderful massage, I came back home, gathered up my bath things, took a nice long hot shower, and then a nice soak in the camp facilities. I felt kind of daring, so after putting my things in the locker, I went nude. I'm still glad no one else came in.
After I got home, I had started to gather my things to do some laundry when the phone rang. It was Amy. I was really glad to hear from her but I was also very nervous, especially when she said, "Guess what I got today?"
I tried to keep my voice from trembling, but I don't think I quite managed it when I said, "A good grade on a test?"
Amy laughed and said, "Nope! Guess again."
"A reduction in your car insurance?"
Amy grunted. "I wish! Come on, Sam. Guess."
"Good news?"
Amy laughed. "Something like that. I got your pictures today."
I could feel my face getting hot as I replied. "Oh, I didn't think they'd get there so quick."
Amy's voice softened. "Thank you for the pictures, Sam. It means a lot to me that you sent them."
My face was burning, but my heart felt so light. "Do you really like them?" I quietly asked her.
"I love them, Sam."
"Even the one ... uh ... um..."
"Yes, even that one," Amy replied.
"You don't think I'm a..."
"No way. I love them, Sam. Thank you." Her voice then got kind of husky. "I'd love to see more of you."
My face wasn't the only part of me that felt hot when she said that. "Amy!"
She laughed, "Really, Sam. I'd love to see you completely uncovered."
I didn't know what to say, but I wanted that too.
Amy started to say something else when I heard another voice over the phone and someone said something. Amy muttered, "Crap. Sam, I'm sorry I've got to get to class."
I told her it was okay, and she said, "Thanks, I'll call you in a couple hours, okay?"
I couldn't keep from smiling when I said, "Sure." I think she was smiling too when she said, "Great, talk to you then."
I hung up and leaned back with a happy sigh. I'm so glad she likes the pictures! It's so great! When I took my laundry over a few minutes later, I practically floated. I don't think I've ever enjoyed doing laundry as much as I did today. I did bring a book to read, but I kept daydreaming of posing fully nude for Amy, with her being the one drawing me.
I was totally nervous and excited the rest of the day while I waited for her call. Whenthe phone did ring, I practically flew down from the bedroom to answer the phone. I couldn't help smiling though when Amy brightly said, "Hey, Sam!" when I picked up the phone. I said, "Hey" back, and asked how her class was.
We talked about all kinds of things, including my modeling. She thinks it's great that I'm getting braver, and she's thrilled with the pictures, both of them. I'm thrilled she likes them. As great as that is though, I think it was even greater when Amy asked if she could come down and visit again. Of course I told her she could.
Wednesday, September 30
I had a nice bike ride today. I hadn't really planned to go anywhere, but I thought I should ride my bike some since I had Dad bring it down, especially when he'd put so much work into it. Since he did go through all that trouble for me, I figure I should use it. So after our morning workout, I had a quick shower, and after getting dressed, I went out and unlocked my bike. I really should think of some kind of door for my garage.
It took me a little bit to get used to the engine. It's on top of the front tire, kind of like a front basket. It's pretty balanced, but it does it does weigh some, and that takes a little getting used to when moving my bike around.
I rode it up and down the lane a bit before I tried the engine. It took me a couple tries, even after reading the manual, but I finally managed to get it started. It was kind of scary, but fun too. Once I practiced turning the engine on and off a few times while making laps of the park, I stopped and got the trailers out. I tried the two-wheeled trailer first, since it has the easiest hook up, it just clamped onto the frame in front of the rear wheel. The single-wheeled is more complicated and I had to get the toolbox out to hook it up, which is why I ended up leaving it on after I got it hooked up. It does have this pin thing that you can pull out so you don't have to keep the trailer attached all the time but the connection is still on the bike.
Like I said, I tried the two-wheeled trailer first. Peddling with it wasn't too bad, but it did take some getting used to. The engine didn't have any problem at all though. After making a full lap with it, I stopped and exchanged it for the single-wheel trailer. It was easier to pedal and made turns easier, but I'm still not sure which would be better. In a way, they're both easy to use. The two-wheel can carry more, but the single-wheel can fit into smaller spaces.
When I got back after going around with the single-wheeled trailer, May was at my trailer watching me. After saying "Hi," she said, "Kewl trailers, can you hook them both together?"
I didn't know and said so. It turns out you can, though it was harder to pedal with both trailers. I tried them with the engine and it did pull them, but I'm not sure it would pull them if they were both loaded.
When I got back, May said "Kewl! Want to go take it for a real test drive?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'll get my bike and we can go shopping on the other side of the farm. It'll be great."
I didn't really have anything else planned for today, so I said, "Sure, let me lock up."
While I did that, May ran off to get her bike and let Mavis know where we were going. I went in and got my purse and my keys. After locking up, I put my purse and a light jacket in one of the saddlebags, then started to unhook the two-wheeled trailer. I was just starting to wheel the two-wheeled trailer back to the garage when May asked if she could try it. I shrugged and said, "Sure."
May said, "Kewl," and we hooked it up to her bike and then started off for the shops.
We had fun. We didn't get a whole lot, but we had fun. Even if we hadn't, I would have been glad we went. On the way back, we ran into Angelique and Jackie. They'd been sent on a shopping trip, and one of their bags broke on the way back. When we arrived, Angelique was trying to stuff everything into the baskets and the remaining bags on Jackie's bike, while Jackie was chasing things that had rolled away.
We helped them gather everything up and then put the bags that were hanging on their handlebars into my trailers. Then we transferred some things from an old wagon that Angelique was pulling into the trailers. Since I had the engine, the trailer on my bike got most of the weight. Lucky me! Still, I can't complain too much, as Angelique and Jackie were both very grateful for our help. It made me feel good, and I think May did too.
When we got back, we rode to their places and helped unload their things. Both of their moms thanked us for helping. They thanked us again too. It was kind of embarrassing, but nice too, and May was blushing. Angelique brought me some cookies to thank me. It wasn't necessary and I told her that, but I thanked her and told her I really appreciated it. And they're good too! She seemed pleased when I told her that, and she gave me a shy smile before thanking me again and wishing me a good night.
After we left Jackie's, we rode back home. May unhooked my trailer and put it in the garage while I did the same with the other one and locked them all up again. Then May gave me a quick hug and thanked me for the bike ride, then ran off to the shop. The hug surprised me but it felt good.
Thursday, October 1
Today was nice. I mostly just read, but I also talked on the phone some. Sue has a part in a play. She says it's only a small supporting role, but I'm still really proud of her. I'm thinking of driving back home, three weeks from today, so I can see her performance. I did promise her I would, after all. Maybe I can visit Amy on the way back? It would be nice to see her too, but I don't want to impose. I suppose I should call Charlene, I mean Mom and Dad, and make sure it's okay, but I think it will be.
Friday, October 2
It was kind of warm today. We had a nice workout on the beach. Everyone but me went nude. I kept my spandex on. After that, we went up and fixed breakfast for the kids, then started decorating the Rec Hall for Halloween. The people here in the park really go all out when it comes to decorating. There's a room full of decorations in the basement. I lost count of all the trips May and I made bringing things up. At least they're organized. They had decorations for all the different seasons boxed up and labeled. It still took a while to bring everything up. We finished bringing things up after lunch and then started sorting things out.
We did start putting up some decorations, but May says it'll take a couple days to put everything up. And that's just for the Rec Hall! The Office/Store/Locker Room building and Kitchen Building get decorated too. The store and office get most of the decorations, but the other places also get some, mostly lights along the roof and window decorations. Hank and a couple of the other guys do most of the outside lights. We just get to go through them all and make sure they work. (Joy)
Despite all the hard work, everyone seemed happy, especially May. She had this little happy smile and a bounce in her step the whole day. It was nice to see. I'm happy she's enjoying herself.
Saturday, October 3
More decorating today, as the guys have been hanging lights on all the buildings. They look really nice. They've also been setting up some of the other decorations, mostly things that require ladders, since I fell off one today. I'd just finished taping little ghosts and bats onto a ceiling fan in the living room, and was on my way down, when I fell. I was trying to move down to the next rung, only I was standing on my shoelace and my foot wouldn't go that far down, just missing the rung, making me fall. I fortunately landed on the couch, but it still gave us a scare.
After that, I was sent to color with the kids. I didn't mind, though. I'd had enough climbing for one day. One little angel, Rachel, crawled into my lap and gave me a big hug. Then she sternly told me not to do that again and demanded I draw spookables with her. I hugged her back, telling her I wouldn't, and agreed to draw with her. It was great. We had a lot of fun. Even May, although she complained a lot about having to babysit. She also draws really good spookables.
When we were done decorating the Rec Hall, the guys threw a big barbecue. Mavis provided most of the food since we did the work, but some of the others did bring things too. I wanted to bring something, but I didn't know what. Mavis, and a couple of the others, told me not to worry about it as they already had plenty of food. They did too! Everyone ended up taking some leftovers home. Overall, it was a really nice day. I'm glad. Right now though I think I'm going to go have a nice bath.
Sunday, October 4
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