Getting Away - Cover

Getting Away

Copyright© 2007 by sam177

Chapter 28

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 28 - A young woman still grieving the loss of her loved ones goes on a trip to try to recover. She doesn't know just how far she will go. I'll update codes when I get there.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Time Travel   First   Masturbation   Slow  

Wednesday September 8,

We had a nice workout this morning. No one went nude though, as it was too cold. When we got back, we found that Dad and Dan had taken Henry shopping again. Seeing they were gone, Faith asked if we'd like to have breakfast over at the rec hall. They thought that would be nice. After introducing my family to the kids, they ended up helping Faith and me with breakfast, even though they didn't need to.

After breakfast was over and cleaned up, I caught up on my mail while the others got ready to go. I'd just finished writing to Amy when I heard Henry rumble in. I found that they'd brought a whole lot of treated lumber and other things, so I could build a skirting around the bottom of the trailer and even enclose the hitch area if I wanted. The plywood was cut into smaller sections, but the 2x4s weren't.

When I said they were supposed to be on vacation, Dad said he thought I could handle it myself later if I decided to build the skirting. I couldn't help saying, "Gee, thanks."

He and Dan laughed.

"What if I don't build a skirting?" I asked.

Dad shrugged. "Then you build something else. It's completely up to you, Love."

We stacked some of it in the shed, and the rest we slid under the trailer. It should be okay there until I decide what to do with it.

I was hot and tired by the time we finished, and it was lunchtime. We all changed and headed down to the beach with a picnic lunch. Charlene, Stephanie, and Sue went nude again, but they didn't pressure me this time. We had a really great time. We returned about dinnertime, and played games while the food was cooking Dad would check on the food when it wasn't his turn. After we ate, we played more games. It was fun.

Dad and Dan had brought more driftwood back with us, so after it got dark and we'd all changed into warmer clothes, we roasted marshmellons and made smores. When it had gotten too dark to play games, we just sat and enjoyed each other's company. I think we were all sorry when we had to call it a night.

Thursday, September 9

We'll, they're on their way. They woke us up real early. The sun did come up by the time Hank had finished unhooking them and they'd made sure they were ready to go, but it was still very early. I was a little surprised to see Faith had come to see them off but, I wasn't too surprised to see Mavis, since this is her place, but May was a nice surprise too. There were lots of hugs, and a few tears that we tried not to shed. We didn't get all weepy or anything but we did shed a few tears. Of course, I started bawling after they were out of sight.

We waved until they'd gone down the drive, then I ran to the top of the stairs and waved some more. They waved back and beeped at me. When they were around a bend, I started crying. Mavis and Faith hugged me, while May rubbed my back. I think she was a bit embarrassed for me. I think Hank was too. I didn't cry too long, but I already missed them. I still do.

Mavis said, "Come have breakfast with us," pulling me after her. "Why don't you join us, Faith? There'll be plenty. You too, Hank. Coffee's already on."

"That's what I like to hear," Hank said happily, making us laugh.

Breakfast was really nice. Afterwards, I helped May with the dishes. Mavis shooed us out and we walked to the beach with Faith to workout. It was a nice workout, then we returned and fixed breakfast for the kids. They tried to cheer me up by telling me jokes. I think it was sweet of them.

After breakfast, Faith invited me to her place to try on a dress for Marc's painting. It was a beautiful old style white dress with gold trimming and a gold belt. It looked like a dress a princess would wear in the Middle Ages. Faith and Marc had picked it up at the costume department at his college. They wouldn't be needing it, so they let him borrow it, together with a black dress, in return for him doing the poster for their new play.

It was a little snug in some places, and loose in others, but Faith said she could take care of that. The costume was mostly tacked so it could be easily adjusted to fit different actresses. I didn't try on the black dress, since it had already been fitted for May, but Faith did show it to me. It was a similar style, except that the sleeves were wider at the wrist and it was all black.

After my fitting, Marc asked if I had time to pose a little. I was a bit embarrassed, but did so. While he sketched me, he asked if I'd given any more thought to my request for a drawing. I blushed.

He laughed, and told me, "It's actually easier than you think. The hard part is getting started."

I nodded in agreement. "I'm still not sure, though. I mean, I don't know how revealing I want it to be," I said, and then blushed again.

He smiled. "I understand. It can be difficult jumping in with both feet at times." He was silent for a few moments as he did something to the drawing, then he continued. "We'll just play it by ear, okay? There's no pressure on you at all. I'll be happy to draw you nude or clothed."

I blushed again.

You know, I can't help think it's funny. I'm blushing at the thought of posing nude, or even partially nude, and he was nude the entire time. I guess that's because he's used to it, though. He grew up with nudity. When I asked if it had been difficult his first time going nude, he explained that he'd been brought up as a nudist.

He said, "Not really. I was brought up with it. We went nude inside the house and in the backyard most of the time, unless there was company over, of course, then we'd slip something on. We also spent summers at a nudist camp, so going nude wasn't a big deal for me until I hit puberty. Then it became a big deal"

He gave me a grin at that, and I couldn't help giggling.

"Yep, all those raging hormones, along with ... changing interests, caused a few embarrassing moments."

I giggled more. "I can imagine."

He gave me an impish grin. "Of course, the girls loved to tease us, but I think they also enjoyed discovering what they could do to a growing young man." He winked at 'growing, ' and I laughed.

Faith asked what was funny as she entered the room. She had been giving someone a massage. She went past me to look at the drawing as Marc explained what we were talking about. She laughed too, and said, "Oh yes, we did take a lot of pride in knowing what we could do to a man and that we could capture his interest."

"You caught mine." Marc replied, and kissed her. She kissed him back.

I smiled and looked away, letting them have their moment.

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