Getting Away - Cover

Getting Away

Copyright© 2007 by sam177

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - A young woman still grieving the loss of her loved ones goes on a trip to try to recover. She doesn't know just how far she will go. I'll update codes when I get there.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Time Travel   First   Masturbation   Slow  

Sunday 16

Today was, mostly, a lazy day. Other than going down to the beach this morning with Faith, I've just hung around here. I did return Angelique's bike with a big 'thank you'. I also hung out with May, for a bit, in the store. Other than that, I spent the day just being comfortable, reading, listening to music, and watching some TV.

I suppose I could have done something else, but my legs were still a bit sore from yesterday; I haven't biked that much in a long time. Besides, I never really feel like doing much at this time of month. I prefer to do as little as possible, really.

I'm thinking of, maybe, going to Home Depot tomorrow, or Tuesday, to get some wood and things to put doors on the counter in the lean-to. Then I could move all the gas into it, and not smell up the shed — not that there's been a problem with that. I've kept the windows open a little, just in case, but I'd like to close the windows to keep the morning moisture, and any rain, out of the shed. I may also ask Hank how to put skirting around the trailer. I'm not sure about doing that yet. I just want to know what would be involved, and how much it would cost.

Monday 17

I talked with Amy last night. I still can't believe how I feel when I hear her voice. We talked about all kinds of things. Its amazing how comfortable I am talking with her. I usually don't talk much. Amy still did most of the talking, but I could talk with her. One of the things we talked about was her visiting me this weekend. I'm really looking forward to seeing her again. I'm also scared to death! I mean, she's coming to visit me! What will we do once she gets here? What if she doesn't like it? What do I wear? Where will she sleep? I guess I could clean off the other bunk for her. What if she expects ... Calm down, self. Calm down. She wouldn't expect that. She said she'd take things slow, and I believe her. What do I want, though? I am curious, and maybe I shouldn't wait? I missed out on so much with Paul and Shelly. I don't want to miss out on anything with Amy.

Whoa! Slow down, girl. Take a deep breath. I can't be in love with Amy. I mean, sure, she makes me feel all warm and squishy inside, but still, we barely know each other. I can't be in love with her. I can't! Can I? I can't think. I need ice cream.

I'm back. What else was I going to say? Oh yeah, I talked to Dad and Charlene. They turned the motor-home in, and are on their way back home. They said they're going to be home Thursday or Friday. They plan to spend the week at home, and come back here, along with Shelly's family, next weekend. They wanted to know if I wanted them to bring anything. Other than my bike, I couldn't think of anything.

What else happened?

Oh, morning yoga, cooking breakfast and lunch with Faith. Faith wanted to know if Tuesday mornings, between breakfast and lunch, would be ok for my massage appointments. I was a little surprised, but said, "Sure"

After lunch, I spent some more time on the beach. I did hang out with Faith and Mavis, and with May when she came down after school. I also just walked along the beach for a while by myself. It was nice.

Seeing Faith, Mavis, May, and everyone being nude and enjoying it, and not being bothered by it, makes me wonder what it'd be like. They all seem to enjoy it. Not that I'd go nude today (or ever, really), but I half considered being topless just to feel what it was like. Ok, and so I wouldn't stand out as much. I was the only one there wearing a one-piece. There were a few women wearing bikini bottoms, but everyone else was nude. It made me feel conspicuous, at least until I got back on the other side of the rock. There were more clothed people on that side. I don't know if I could do it — I'd be too embarrassed. Plus, I hate getting sunburned, and I certainly don't want to burn my sensitive bits. I can't help wondering about it, though.

Tuesday 17

I had a nice workout with Faith this morning. Then, after breakfast, we did some more stretches before my massage. I stopped at the trailer, washed off, and then headed for Faith's.

The massage was really nice. I still cried some, but I felt better afterwards. I'd planned to go to the beach, so Faith rubbed me down with suntan oil so I wouldn't have to do it myself. After I'd dressed, and thanked her, I headed for the beach. She did charge me, since I'm a regular now, but she only charged me a quarter of the normal price since I'm a resident, I'm letting her practice different things on me, and because I'm still helping her with breakfast and lunch. She was a bit hesitant to bring it up yesterday, but I told her that it was ok, and worth a lot more than what she was charging me. She seemed pleased by that.

She also seemed pleased that I was more comfortable with her. I took my panties off for the massage. I was pretty nervous, but I trust her, She was very careful to make sure I felt comfortable and everything was covered. It was still weird feeling her hands rub my butt, especially since it was bare. It did feel good though and it felt really good when she stroked from my feet all the way up to my shoulders and down to my hands. It was like she was pushing everything bad up my body and then pulling it out of my hands. Then, she'd lightly run her hands in the opposite direction soothing me. It was weird, but it felt good.

I was going to help Faith with lunch, but she told me to go ahead and relax and enjoy the massage. She said to enjoy today, as there'd be lots of work tomorrow. That may be true, but I think she just didn't want me to burn any more sandwiches.

When I got to the beach, I saw there weren't as many people there as yesterday. I guess they all had to go back to work. I'm not complaining; I enjoyed the peace and quiet. I swam for a while, mostly just out a bit to let the waves carry me back to shore. Then I walked along the beach for a while. When I got tired, I sat down and tried to read, but I just couldn't concentrate. I guess I felt a little homesick, as I was missing everyone.

I don't know how long I sat with my arms folded on my knees and my head resting on them, when I noticed this guy with a sketchpad. I briefly wondered what he was drawing, but then put him out of my mind. So I was surprised when he got up a while later, came over to me, and said, "Excuse me, Miss?"

I looked up and blushed. He was nude. I hadn't noticed because of his sketchpad. He didn't approach so close as to make me feel threatened, stopping a few feet away from me. I still felt weird, though, since he was nude.

He blushed too, and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you."

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