Home for the Summer - Cover

Home for the Summer

Copyright© 2007 by Virgil Black

Because Of A Little Kink

Incest Sex Story: Because Of A Little Kink - A bored young man, home from college, plays a game of strip poker with his tipsy sixteen year old sister and three of her tipsy friends. As the summer progresses, this event leads to a variety of sexual situations.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Light Bond   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism  

I went to the gym Saturday morning with Sam. I'd started going regularly when I came back from school, because I found out that, even with a full time job, having almost no social life leaves you with a lot of free time.

While we were there, Sam got a cramp in his leg and we ended up quitting early. Jenna had spent the night with my sister again, and when I got home her car was still parked outside. I could hear music coming from upstairs when I came in the front door. Mom and Bob must have been out, because there was no way they would let her play her music that loud.

I was feeling kind of crabby, so I went upstairs to tell them to turn it down. The door to Megan's room wasn't closed all the way, so I didn't knock, I just pushed it open. I should have knocked.

Megan and Jenna were naked on her bed, tangled up on top of the bedclothes. They were on their sides on the bed, head to tail, eating each other out. Megan was facing away from me, but Jenna was facing the door, her face between Megan's lean thighs and her tongue busy at Megan's clit.

I froze. That was my second mistake. I should have stepped away as quickly and quietly as possible, but I didn't. A moment later, Jenna happened to look up, and her blue eyes opened wide in surprise.

THEN I moved. I pulled the door back almost closed and walked quietly back downstairs, my heart racing. I decided to go to the kitchen, make a sandwich, and pretend that everything was normal. I mean, it was normal. I knew that what they were doing up in Megan's bedroom wasn't so unusual for girls their age. I just felt bad for invading their privacy and I hoped there wasn't going to be a scene. I sat down to watch an early ball game and eat.

About an hour later, the music stopped. I heard them coming down stairs.

"Hey, Bro!" said my sister as she walked through the TV room, heading for the kitchen. Jenna was right behind her. They were dressed for the day in sandals, shorts, and T-shirts, hair in ponytails, looking perfectly normal for a weekend afternoon. When Megan was past me, Jenna put her finger to her lips and shook her head. She hadn't said anything to Megan, and didn't want me to either. I felt such relief.

The next night after dinner with my folks, I was feeling pretty lucky. It seemed like no one was going to make a big deal out of what I'd seen yesterday morning. After watching TV with Megan for a little while, I went upstairs "to read." But wasn't really going to read.

I was going upstairs to masturbate. I hadn't been with anyone since Amy called me last, more than two weeks ago. We'd only gotten together a couple of times since her first booty call, but it was probably hard for a sixteen year old girl who has a boyfriend and lives at home to find some free time for her fuck-buddy. I wasn't complaining, though. She was the best thing I had going.

Once in my room with the door closed, I took off my shirt and pants and lay down on the bed.

I pushed my boxers down, the elastic around my thighs - it was an old habit, but I hardly ever jerked off totally nude. Unless I was with a girl, that is.

I reached into the top drawer of the nightstand and grabbed the small bottle of baby oil I kept there. I had years ago determined that this was the best stuff to use for a nice, long wank. I squeezed a bunch into my right palm and grabbed my soft cock, squeezing and pulling at it slowly. Hand on dick, I leaned over and put the oil back on the side table. I leaned back into my pillow, images of the girls I'd been with or wanted to be with flitting through my mind. I'd settled on this hot brunette cheerleader I'd known in high school. Did she go by Becky or Becca? I remembered watching her lean over our trig teacher's desk, her long straight hair hanging over her face - her cheer skirt would rise up over her thighs, showing just a little cheek and a hint of the crotch of her matching, dark blue panties. When I looked hard enough, I could see the shallow crease between her labia. I always wanted her to bend over just a little more, or reach a little further across the desk... I would like to kneel behind her like that, put my hands on her ass, and just...

My cell phone rang. Swelling cock in my right hand, I crawled off the bed and fished the phone out of my pants pocket with my free hand. I hoped it was Sam calling to make some plans for later in the week.

It wasn't Sam. I didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" I answered, thumbing the talk button.

"Hi, it's Jenna," said the voice.

Uh-oh, I thought.

"Hi Jenna," I said, sitting back on the bed, my cock still in my oily hand. It was getting soft again.

"Um," she paused.

"This is probably about yesterday?" I offered.

"Yeah," she agreed. "I, uh... You're not going to say anything to anyone, right?"

"Of course not," I reassured her. "It's not my business. I should have, you know, knocked, at least."


"And I'm fine with it. It's no big deal to me. I love my sister no matter what. And if she's lucky enough to have a nice girl like you for her girlfriend, that's great."

"Thanks," she said. "Um, we're not lesbians, though, okay? I mean, I still like boys, and she does too."

"Well, yeah. But like I said, that's your business, not mine." I told her, again.

"Yeah, I know. But I really want to tell someone. Since the three of us already have a secret, I figure it's all right to tell you."

"Hang on," I said, "I'm going to put my headset on." I found it and plugged it in. With my left hand now free, I pulled up my shorts and lay back on the bed, propped up on the pillows. "Okay," I said. "What were you saying?"

"I want to tell you about it. Is that all right with you?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, it is. If you want."

"Cool," she paused. "So it started last fall when Megan was sleeping over. We were laying in my bed, talking about guys and I was getting kind of horny. When we decided to go to sleep, I waited until I thought she was sleeping and then I started, um, playing with myself, real slowly so I didn't wake her. Pretty soon I was really excited, and I guess I forgot and started moving too much, because she caught me.

"She asked me what I was doing, and I said I was scratching an itch, but she didn't buy it. She said she was horny, too, and we could do it at the same, if I wanted to. So we did.

I came pretty hard. It was so sexy listening to her, even though we were trying to be quiet. She came, too, right after me. And then we both rolled over and went to sleep. That was the first time.

"When I slept over at your house the next weekend, we did it again. Then it became, like, a ritual! We would do it every time, after we turned out the lights and before we fell asleep. We spent the night together almost every Friday, sometimes Saturday, too. Getting off together was totally the highlight of my week."

My cock was hard again. I lifted my hips up, pushed my boxers back down, and started stroking it with my still oily right hand.

"Is that weird?" she asked, but without waiting for an answer continued. "One time, I wanted us to do it with the lights on so I could watch her. I thought that would be sexier. But Megan wanted to be naked, too, so we both stripped on her bed. That was really cool.

"Then a few weeks later time, in my bed, which is kind of narrow for both of us, I started touching her while we did it. I was so scared. I was afraid she would freak out, but she didn't. Pretty soon we were kissing and feeling each other up. That was the first time another person made me come. Actually, I remember coming a couple of times before we stopped that night!"

The head of my cock was swollen now, and I was stiff as a post. I pumped my fist up and down slowly, savoring the feel as my palm rubbed the sensitive head. With my left hand I held my balls, slick from the baby oil that had dripped down my cock. I was trying to breathe normally.

"So that's pretty much it. We did that through the spring, play with each other, I mean, until the slumber party we all had in June. After you did oral on us, we started doing that, too. That's pretty much the end of the story, y'know?"

I didn't say anything, I just stroked my cock.

"Hello? You still there?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah, I'm here."

"I freaked you out, huh?"

"No, no. I, uh, in fact, I think it's really hot."

"Oh." She paused. "Me too," she said quietly. "Telling you about it kind of turned me on."

"Are you touching yourself?"

"No!" she said indignantly. Then she asked, "Are you?"


"Ewww! You are such a horndog!" she said.

"Not as much as you think," I replied. "I was doing it when you first called. You kind of interrupted me. And then you got me worked up again."

"You were masturbating when I called?"

"Yeah, it's not like I have a girlfriend anymore," I told her. "I have to take care of things myself."

"Really? What do you do?"

"What do you mean?" I fisted my slippery cock up and down.

"How do you do it?"

"With my hand! Don't they teach anything in sex-ed now?"

"I mean, y'know, details," she told me.

"Like, 'What am I wearing?'" I teased her. She didn't take the bait. "Okay, I do it lots of ways. But I like to lie on my bed almost naked..."


"I wear my boxers, but they are down around my thighs"

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