Life with Livvie - Cover

Life with Livvie

Copyright© 2007 by SBW

Chapter 5: Pushing the Boundaries

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Pushing the Boundaries - The story of a young couple in New York who hire a 19 year old girl to be their personal servant.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Torture   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Food   Enema   Spitting   Needles   School  

Mike returned with a few packages and a large cage. Well, large probably isn't the right word since it said for animals 60-80 lbs and our little animal weighed over 110. The other bag of stuff contained "surprises for both of us." He walked into the bedroom and slipped a blindfold under the closet door. "Put that on, Liv, and then tap twice on the door," he instructed. After the taps, he opened the door and told her to crawl out. She looked sweaty and dirty. "What did my girls do today," Mike asked.

"Well, I gave Livvie a little message about hesitation and then she cleaned the kitchen floor. Oh and she also got an enema," I replied.

"Turn and spread your cheeks girl," he ordered. "Wow, it looks like we have been a little rough back there. Well, I got some birth control so we can, or I should say I can, do a little more with her pussy. Do you like needles, Livvie?"

Her red and sweaty body got even brighter red. "No, Sir, I am really scared of needles. One time my friend convinced me to go with her to get a birth control shot and it was awful. Three nurses having to hold down a 14 year old."

"What did a slutty 14 year old need with birth control, anyway," Mike asked smiling.

"I had bad periods, still do, but that shot made me sick for a week. It didn't sit well with me."

"How many times have I heard the bad period line. Anyway, you convinced me to change my mind. Not so much because of the "sick for a week" but because having rough periods is good for the mind and body. When is yours due and how long does it usually last?"

"In about a week, but I'm sometimes a bit irregular. It's last 5-6 days but for the first 2, I just feel awful."

"I can't wait. So, diaphragms are sort of out of fashion, but my friend makes them and guarantees me they work well. We will fit you with one tomorrow. And before you get your hopes up, you have not avoided the needles." He removed the blindfold showing eyes full of fear. "I thought that you might not like needles, so I had the single shot divided into 5 syringes. Now just because we are not using the medicine doesn't mean we want this nice needles to go to waste, does it?"

"Um, Sir, may I speak freely."

"Yes, dear, of course."

"I really do not like needles. They scare me to death. Of course, as promised, I will do whatever you and Ms. Lori wish, but if there is, like, some other thing that I could do, that would be kinda great."

"What should matter more to me; whether you feel great or whether I am happy."

"Your happiness, of course, Sir, but I am sure there are many ways to make You happy, Sir."

"That is true, sweety, that is true. Nevertheless, I wish to push you a bit and thus you will take the needles. Since you are doing well, however, I will give you a choice. You will choose who gives you the shots, Lori or yourself. Whoever gives them, however, gets to decide where to give them. Also, you are ordered to not shed tears during the process. Of course, failure will lead to punishment. Now, dear, you may choose."

"Um, um well I guess I can try to give them myself." The poor girl was completely not expecting it when I slapped her hard across the face. Mike seemed a little surprised too. Tears were now pouring out.

"Why were you punished when we first met, you little bitch?" You could almost see a light bulb go off in her head.

"For stuttering, Maam, and I am doing it again. I am so sorry. I will get better I promise," she cried.

"You would think that a belt to the ass would teach you a lesson. I can't believe you. You have disappointed me so much." Those words hurt her the most as she sobbed openly. "And to think that Mike was trying to be nice to you. YOU will give the shots and I will tell you where to give them. Then you will be punished. I expect this behavior to improve. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Maam. I am so sorry Maam."

"Save it for someone who cares. You will have to regain the respect I have for you. Now crawl to the living room and kneel on your mat." I smiled as she crawled, as broken down as I had seen her. I actually felt a little bad. Mike emptied the medicine from the syringes and placed them on a plate. They were standard needles, about 1 inch long and my mind raced as I thought about all the sensitive areas of her young body. I kissed Mike and told him, I had a little surprise for him too but it had to wait because I had class soon. As I walked in the living room, Livvie looked as hot as ever, tears subsiding, stilly sweaty and marked. She kept her head bowed as she quietly spoke.

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