Pokémon Breeder - Cover

Pokémon Breeder

by The Sympathetic Devil

Copyright© 2007 by The Sympathetic Devil

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Nurse Joy discovers first hand why Brock is called the world's greatest Pokémon Breeder.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including NonConsensual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Transformation   .

"Thanks for helping me out with all those dehydrated Squirtles, Brock," said Nurse Joy.

"I'm always glad to help you, Nurse Joy," said the young Pokémon breeder.

Joy knew the young man was smitten with her and she felt a little guilty taking advantage. But the needs of Pokémon always came first to the pretty pink-haired health care professional. And it didn't hurt to give Brock a little thrill to make him feel appreciated.

"I don't know what I'd have done without you," she assured him with a winsome smile. "Even with your help, I'm totally exhausted!"

"I bet you feel like a Pokémon who just lost a Poké-battle!" said Brock.

"That's a funny way to put it," said Nurse Joy. "What are you doing with that PokéBall, Brock?"

"I'm going to capture you," Brock said matter-of-factly.

Then he activated the ball and threw it at her.

"0h no!" Joy exclaimed as she felt her body dissolve into energy and be sucked into the ball.

Joy was disoriented and giddy. How could this happen? Why would Brock do this to her?

Slowly a world resolved around her. Joy knew that it wasn't real, that the PokéBall was creating a holographic environment to keep a Pokémon content. She knew that the lush meadow were made of pixels, as was her body, which she perceived as completely naked, her pink-maned sex swollen and moist, her nipples hard and pointed.

That didn't seem right! Why would the Pokéball display her as some sort of slut in heat? And why did she feel like she wasn't alone?


Joy spun about. There before her was a rare PusPus, a nymphoid-type Pokémon. Its fur was black with streaks of pink that was not unlike Joy's hair. What drew Joy's attention, though, was its piercing golden eyes staring at her hungrily from its feline face. A red tongue darted in and out. It briefly rose up on its hind legs. Its nipples were erect as well--all eight of them.

"PusPus!" it exclaimed as it stalked toward her, its sinuous black tail with the pink tuft on the end making a languid, undulating S as it approached.

"PusPus!" it said insistently.

Nurse Joy slowly backed away. She usually felt compassion for all Pokémon, but now she felt fear. Fear and something else. Something she couldn't or wouldn't name. She found she could back no further and let out a little scream. There was nothing visible behind her but it felt like a padded wall.

"PusPus!" said the golden eyed Pokémon in a consoling but resolved tone.

"Nice PusPus," said Nurse Joy in a quavering voice. "Don't come any closer!"

"Puuus--Pus!" it said sarcastically, rolling its eyes and striding right up to Joy's crotch.

Joy could feel its hot, moist breath on her swollen cunt. The red tongue darted out and in, a wet 'shlup' along her labia. Joy squealed and shivered.

"PusPus!" the Pokémon enthused, then pressed its black nose to her pink-maned twat.

"OhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygod..." Joy mumbled, trembling, staring in wide-eyed disbelief as the Pokémon pressed its muzzle between her labia, its tongue probing deep inside of her. It blinked its large golden eyes at her and twitched its pink-fringed black ears.

And then it started to purr.

The animal vibrations came first as a shock, and only after a breathless moment did Joy realize that she was experiencing the most pleasurable sensation she had ever known.

"Oh!" the young nurse exclaimed. "Oh! Ooooooooooooooooooooh!"

All the tension drained out of Joy as the PusPus continued to probe and purr. Joy reached down with delicate fingers and stroked the Pokémon's ears, thinking maybe she could ease it back. It responded by purring all the harder. Joy's eyes rolled back in her head. She arched her back and pressed her hips forward at the Pokémon. Her other hand found her hard, humming clitoris. Fear, worry, and thought flowed out of her in another blissful sigh and floated off into the holographic blue sky.

The PusPus pressed deeper into her. Its feline muzzle was now buried inside of her pussy. Its tongue teased at her G-spot and she started to cum. The rhythmic contractions of her holographic organs seemed to pull at the PusPus, drawing it deeper into her. Its golden eyes disappeared beneath her pink pubes. Its pink-fringed black ears followed. Now the Pokémon's entire head was inside of her.

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