Just The Beginning - Cover

Just The Beginning

by Isabel Blyss

Copyright© 2007 by Isabel Blyss

Erotica Sex Story: When the wife's away, the sissy will play, but when fantasy meets reality Daryl gets a little more than he bargained for this weekend.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Heterosexual   CrossDressing   FemaleDom   .

It was finally Friday and Daryl had butterflies in his stomach the whole afternoon at work. He could barely keep his voice steady when his wife called him from the airport to say she was about to board her plane. When he got home that evening he went straight to the garage, to the little beat up metal shelf at the back. His hands were shaking so much he dropped the tiny key twice before he got it in the hole. He reached in and pulled out the pale pink rectangular package, his heart was thudding in chest and he felt his face flush as the memory of his shopping expedition flooded back to him. All the other times he had played he used his wife things but this was the first week he was alone since he got the courage to indulge his fantasy. Today everything would be perfect and he had all the time in the world.

In the bedroom he placed the package on the bed and lifted the cover. Nestled in the pink crepe paper were the items he had chosen for this night: a pair of pink satin panties with a touch of white lace on the waist band and a sheer white teddy with pale pink frilled edges. His cock throbbed just looking at them. He stripped off his work clothes dropping them on the floor, never taking his eyes off the items on the bed. He lifted the pink panties, savoring the feel beneath his fingers, then he stepped into them and started pulling them up. He gasped at the feel of that soft satin against his skin. The material slid up his legs and he whimpered as it touched his balls and glided over his already hard cock. He had to pause for a moment, close his eyes and catch his breath. Then he reached down and picked up the teddy and lifted it over his head. It dropped around his torso like a whisper, so soft and light.

Daryl walked towards the full length mirror; his breathing was hard as he watched himself. He ran his hands over his chest, down his stomach and over the hard bulge in the satin panties. He could tell he wasn't going to last long but that was okay, he had the whole weekend. His hand stroked up and down over his satin clad cock. He sank to his knees, tipped his head back and sighed as he melted into the moment.


He snapped his head around and dropped his hand from his cock. Standing there in the doorway was his wife.

"Daryl, what are you doing?"

He tried to talk, to move, to hide himself, to do something but he just knelt there frozen and gaping. His head felt woolen and heavy at the same time. Janice stepped into the room, still looking at him with that puzzled yet calm expression.

"Daryl?" This time she said his name slower and there was a hint of steel in her voice that he never heard before. He tried standing up but his legs threatened to fail him so he resorted to just turning around on his knees to face her, his hands fluttering about as he tried to hide what was already in plain sight.

"I... uh... Jan, it's..." His pathetic attempt at speech faded away as he watched the corners of her mouth curl up into a small smile. She walked to the bed and sat down on the edge, crossing her legs and smoothing her tan skirt over her thighs.

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