Healing Thoughts - Cover

Healing Thoughts

Copyright© 2007 by Nyramilac

Chapter 5

It was Friday at three and I was sitting at my desk. Work was understandably slow as most of the special orders had gone out yesterday. I was toying with nail color alone in my office waiting for five. This morning on the train I had adjusted all my nails to my preferred length and strength with just the right curve. Now I kept encouraging the color to be more and more diverse. First I made it glossy, like it was freshly buffed, then I added a pale pink tone. After going through the tame colors I now had my nails a rich shade of brown with red undertones and golden highlights. From the way things looked now, I would never have to purchase a file or polish again.

I was alternating between reviewing the current accounts receivable and reading the Mayo Clinic's web site. It was quite informative and I had since corrected my own vision, improved my hearing and fixed my hair color to a lovely auburn shade. When asked I would laugh and blame Clairol.

Before me was a map of the brain. Since it was quite slow going I wondered if I could improve my reading speed and memory as well as possibly increase my intelligence. But seeing as how I was at work, I did not want to look like I was sleeping on the job. Nor did I want to do something damaging and end up a vegetable here in the office.

I had learned the hard way that some changes can have unexpected or drastic results. Last night I had tried to grow two inches which ended up being impossible due to pain. No wonder kids dislike growth spurts, muscles stretching and ligaments straining hurts! Of course after my day of reading I think I knew what I did wrong. Rather than just telling my femur to grow I need to encourage my pituitary gland to exude more growth hormone so all of me will grow upwards. After that experience I think I will stay at my current 5' 6" though.

Maureen roused me from my reading by entering the office with a sigh. Today was just not the day for paper.

"Anything exciting happening in the books?" She asked while flopping into her own desk chair.

I smiled and shook my head. "Today is pretty boring. Everything is done, and I am goofing off."

With a wave of her hand, Maureen shooed me. "Go home then. Might as well enjoy the spring like everyone else is apparently."

Not one to be told to leave twice, I quickly shut down and gathered my stuff. Offering my boss a hug I gave her a quick boost of my anti-headache feelings. "Thanks Maur. See you Monday."

Making my way to the train station on foot helped pass the time and was good exercise. Before I had always taken the building shuttle but since the train was not expected for another hour I had plenty of time to walk the few blocks. I had a full bottle of water in each swinging hand to get my muscles moving too. From the changes in my body due to the supercharged metabolism, I knew that a shopping trip would soon be in order. But for now, my loose dresses would mask the drastic changes happening.

Sitting on the train I worked on my next project. The train wasn't crowded and I had my ankle on my opposite knee with my dress squished down between my thighs. My finger traced the small varicose veins before they disappeared. Luckily they were contained mostly on my calves but the red bumps I found there were not, I knew from this mornings shower. Closing my eyes I pictured each red raised bump, which looked quite like a small blister of capillaries gone awry. When I reopened them my leg was quite clear of the bumps as well as my upper arm when I peeked.

Smiling, I happily exited at my stop, much happier with my body even though I knew I had a lot more changes I would like to implement soon. The weekend stretched in front of me like a large block of opportunity just awaiting my healing touch.

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