Naked In School - The Students and The Principal - Cover

Naked In School - The Students and The Principal

by Lost One

Copyright© 2007 by Lost One

Erotica Sex Story: A school finally decides to implement the Naked in School program. They hire a man who has experience as a VP in another school to help them. He sees the opportunity to take very personal approach to the situation. However, as has been noted by others: Be careful what you wish for, you might get it!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Petting   .

Monday, At School — The Principal

He stared out the office window at the landscape of Bluff Oaks, Iowa, a lush but slightly arid town in Taylor County at the bottom of the state. It was a lovely day, the summer heat had subsided a bit, but the cool of the fall had not yet arrived. It was the third week of school, the first week of The Program.

It was either going to be the best or the worst day of his life. It all depended on the eight children coming to his office, two from each class, ranging in age from fourteen to seventeen. Four boys, four girls. He shivered slightly, whether from excitement, fear, or dread he couldn't discern for sure. A bit of each he decided.

His intercom buzzed, followed a second later by his secretary's voice, "They're all here, now, Mr. Phillips."

He touched a button, "Thank you. Send them in please."

His door, a solid piece of old dark oak, opened with a faint click and the eight students hesitantly trooped in.

He smiled reassuringly at them and motioned them further into the room. His office had been remodeled over the summer, a condition of his employment, to double its original size by merging a storage room with it. It had been barely nine feet long and ten feet wide last spring. Now it was eighteen feet long.

Under the window was a long couch, with a recliner beside the small table in the corner between them. His desk was across from the recliner, but a few feet from the end of the couch. The room's door was at the far corner of the room, with a small table and four chairs across from it. There were eight boxes on the table and a small stack of towels and pamphlets.

The students grouped in the open space between the table and his desk He turned his chair to face them. "I'm sure you've guessed why you're in my office this morning. You are the first group selected for The Program." He could tell from their expressions that they understood. "Please take a moment to read one of the pamphlets on the table." A girl, the Freshman, grabbed a handful and passed them on to the others. They were quiet for a minute as they read.

"But our parents... , " one girl started to object.

"... know all about this. The fact you are enrolled in this school is defacto permission for you to participate in The Program. Take a box from the table and begin undressing please." He smiled pleasantly, "Come on, you know you have to do it. The longer you delay the harder it will become to do. And if you won't undress voluntarily, I will get one of the janitors to assist you."

At that thinly veiled threat, they slowly started undressing. He tried not to stare, he didn't want to make them anymore nervous than they already were, but he could feel his palms sweating in anticipation. It easy to ignore the boys, much less so the girls, especially the Sophmore and Freshman, both were just to cute for words. The Junior girl was overweight and as she stripped it became more obvious just how fat she was.

He pursed his lips. Toni, the Junior girl, was in for a rough week, kids were just so intolerant of differences, and being fat was an easy one to target. The boys were all staring at the girls, especially Barbara, the Senior girl. She flushed scarlet under their scrutiny, and at the realization that all four boys were sporting erections that seemed to point straight at her. "Hurry up," he admonished, startling the slower two girls and boys into quickly dropping their clothes into their designated boxes.

At first they tried to cover up, but a quiet reminder that hiding behind their hands or hair was forbidden stopped that. He studied them for a moment. He saw the sly glances taking place, "Go ahead, look. Take a good look. Remember, you are going to be getting the same looks when you leave here." They glanced up at him startled, then started taking frank looks at each other. Everyone was blushing now, but it subsided as they realized they were all embarrassed.

He gave them a brief recap of The Program. They were to be naked the entire week at school, they had to comply with any reasonable request from another student, and they had to use the restrooms and P.E. showers of the opposite sex.

"Okay, Miss Jones," the Freshman girl jerked around from staring at a boy's erect penis to look at him, "please come over here." She stopped at the side of his desk. "Turn around please." She faced her fellow students.

This was it, the make or break stage. He took a breath and summoned his courage. He stood, hoping they didn't notice his shaking knees, but then again they were so wrapped up in being naked, and seeing others naked, they probably wouldn't notice anything less than an elephant walking into the room. He stepped beside the girl.

"I'm going to give you a quick primer on what is expected and what is not allowed." He turned to the girl. "June," he said softly, "Trust me and just relax." She nodded nervously, anxious at what he might do to her, unsure how she should react.

"First, any student or teacher can ask you to stand still or pose you so they can look." He made an obvious show of examining her body, staring at her budding breasts and leaning slightly sideways to look at the "v" of her legs and the tiny folded slit residing there, graced by a few sparse dark hairs. He noted absently that she was turning a bright red, embarrassed, no doubt, at his obvious interest in her "naughty bits" she had always been told to hide.

He straightened again. "June, please turn right and bend over." Hesitantly, and blushing even more, if that was possible, she did. He kneeled behind her as the students stared in shock. She was now showing him her ass and her pussy. He looked at the tight pink lips of her cunt, surrounded with a few stray dark little hairs, and barely restrained himself from kissing it. "Second, they can touch, but they still have to ask. June, may I touch you here?"

She nodded, then, realizing he probably couldn't see her head, said, "Um, yeah," her voice shaking.

He gently placed a finger on her butt and stroked her. She shivered at his touch. He did this a few more times before he slid his hand down to her sex and stroked her lips there. She gasped and took a half-step away from him. "Now, stand and face the others please."

He rose with her and a glance showed the other students were stunned and entranced by what they were seeing. June had blushed all the way to her tummy, now, and he thought it made her quite irresistible. "May I," he asked lifting his hand to her breast, but stopping only a fraction of an inch away. Eyes wide, she nodded again. He started stroking her small breasts. Actually, they were mostly wide puffy nipples on little mounds, just the way he liked them. It would be a while before this girl needed to wear a bra and he liked that. But his stroking showed they were functional as the tips hardened and stuck out.

After a minute of this, he noticed her breathing had picked up and her face was flushed again, but this time it wasn't from embarrassment. He stepped in front of her. "Excuse me a second." And he put his hands under her arms and lifted her to sit on his desk, turning her so her legs straddled the gently rounded corner of the desktop and her crotch was right on the edge of the desk. Then he resumed his stroking. Being partially sideways to the others made it easier for the other students to see what he was doing, and observe her reactions.

"This next is up to you," he spoke to the group in general. "If you feel it is too intrusive you can say no." He leaned down, took her breast wholly in his lips, and started licking her hardened nipple with his tongue. She gasped at the sudden contact, but then sighed. He felt her hands stroke his back and raise up to the back of his neck, pulling him slightly closer.

He switched to her other nipple for a moment, and then dropped his hand to her lap. Reluctantly, he released her stiffened nipple from his lips and raised his head. He cleared his throat. "It is permissible for a boy to fondle you here, if you agree." Suiting actions to words, he ran his fingers up and down her tight slit, which he noticed after a second was a bit damp. He smiled to himself as he went back to sucking on one of her delicious little nipples.

She spread her legs and the entry to the Promised Land opened as well. She was wet there and he spent a moment spreading the wetness up to her clit. Hidden by the fold of skin at the top of her slit, he could tell by her sudden stiffening that he had reached it.

He massaged it and stroked her for another minute, daring at last to probe gently forward at the hole at the bottom of her slit. She gasped again and hugged his head tight to her chest.

Her position on the table and the fact he was bent over slightly gave the other students a clear view as he slowly inserted his finger into her cunt. He heard a few noises from the group and smiled again. If the boys weren't stroking themselves by now they would be soon. He stroked in and out a few times, massaging her clit with his thumb continuously. She suddenly gasped and he felt her try to clench her legs closed. Him standing between them made that not possible.

He grudgingly pulled away from June's swollen and hard nipple. Turning his head to look at the students, he was gratified to see he was right, almost. Three boys were stroking themselves, but one boy had his hand between a girl's legs as she stroked him. The other two girls were holding their hands over their genitals, but not to hide them, he could tell.

"Now, and this is important, boys, girls," he made sure they were listening. "This is what is not permitted under any circumstances." He had previously opened his zipper while stroking June, so it was a quick and simple matter to pull his very stiff erection out of his pants and into view. The girls gasped, but June was too wrapped up in the feeling emanating from her pussy to notice much of anything.

He rubbed his thick and long erection against her tiny slit. It was well lubricated by now and he slowly worked the tip of it inside. Only a moment later he reached an obstruction. She was a virgin, all right. God, he was going to love this job.

He rubbed faster and harder with his thumb while his other hand braced his erection. As her orgasm intensified, he shoved hard and the obstruction disappeared. She froze for a second at the shock, but his continuous assault on her clit soon had her hunching back and forth on the desk, sliding herself on his erection. She was small and tight, as he had thought she would be, squeezing his cock in the velvet soft wet confines of her cunt. It didn't take him long, merely a half-dozen strokes before he reached the full limit of her cunt and felt his cock mash against her cervix. It was his turn to freeze as his cock spasmed and pulsed, pouring his seed into the little girl on the desk.

After a couple of seconds, when he felt in more control, he pulled slowly out of her. "No," she whined, "Don't stop." But he didn't. He gave her clit one more good rub as he straightened. She blissfully fell back across his desk. It was a good thing he had cleared it of everything this morning. He stuffed his softening erection back into his pants, and then turned to face the students. He could hear June gasping for breath behind him.

"Boys, that is what you cannot do to any girl, in The Program or not, while on school grounds or at school functions. Girls, that is what you cannot let a boy do to you no matter how much you want him to.

"Boys, you know the rule about requesting relief at the beginning of class, use it. Girls, you can't do that, so, if you feel you are about to lose control because you are so frustrated, come see me and I well help you." He looked each one in the eyes to make sure they understood. The three girls nodded. The fat girl had an interesting expression on her face, half acknowledgement half calculating. He worried, briefly, that she might cause trouble, later.

He sat down at his desk, looked at June laying there with a smile on her face, chuckled to himself, and opened a drawer to pull out the pre-written notices. He got up, reached over and gently tweaked June's left nipple with one hand, making her sigh contentedly, and then walked over to the other students and gave them their late slips for their next class. "Okay, off with you. You know the rules. I hope you all have a good week." And he intended to make it as good as possible. He had a vested interest in making sure that his implementation of The Program was trouble-free. At the teachers' meeting last week he had laid down strict guidelines on what the teachers were to allow to happen, and when they were supposed to step in before things got out of control with any Program Participant. Teasing and experimentation were one thing, harassment and cruelty were another.

After the others left, he walked over to June and helped her to sit up. "Here's your late slip," he handed it to her. "I think maybe you should go to the restroom first and clean up a tiny bit. You look like you've had a bit too much fun to have been in the Principal's Office." She blushed prettily. He hoped she would quickly find herself in need of relief later today. He kissed her on the forehead. "I trust you are relaxed now."

She blushed an even deeper shade of red and nodded. He helped her off the desk and to the door, making sure she had her books and towel. He watched, smiling, as she headed unsteadily out of the main office to the hall, and on to her class.

His secretary stared at him. He shrugged, "Monday's are always the hardest on the Program Participants, they really need help understanding what's going to happen the rest of the week." The secretary nodded and smiled at him, satisfied with his concern for the well being of his students during their difficult situation.

Principal Phillips stared out the window, taking a brief break from his paperwork. He had certainly not expected to be a principal so quickly in his career. He was barely thirty with just five years teaching and administration experience, and a Masters in Teaching, but here he was. All thanks to The Program.

Last spring he had been a Vice-Principal at a large school in Pennsylvania thinking it would be another five or ten years before he reached Principal. And then a small school system in Iowa had advertised for a Principal with Program experience.

They were finally adopting The Naked In School Program and knew little about it. Rather than repeat the mistakes of others, they had decided to look for someone who knew the pitfalls and could guide them around them. Not to mention that the former Principal had let it be known in no uncertain terms that if The Program came in, he went out. Phillips had applied and been accepted.

Three years experience with The Program had been a tremendous help. Of course, he had never admitted to them that one reason he was an ardent supporter of The Program was because he liked young teenaged girls, and the Program provided them naked for his viewing entertainment all year long.

It was just before the passing bell to third period rang that his secretary buzzed him again. A moment later, Toni, the fat girl came in and closed the door behind her. She was flushed, upset, and, he could see, on the verge of tears. "Oh, it's so unfair," she said unevenly, "I see the other girls and there's always a bunch of guys around them and barely anyone comes over to me. Even in the showers the guys are avoiding me. I know they think I'm a freak 'cause I'm so fat."

He stood up and walked over to her. He took her in his arms. She was slightly damp, apparently having come straight from said shower. "That's okay," he said, "teenagers are notorious for being cruel to anyone they think is different, and unfortunately your weight makes you different."

She started crying. He just held her. "I'm so ugly," she whispered, "No boys like me and nothing I say or do changes that. My tits hang down like sacks of flour, and I've got these rolls of fat everywhere. How could anyone love someone who looks like I do?"

He sighed. "No, you're not ugly. Overweight, yes, but not ugly. Inside you is a beautiful girl just waiting for someone to notice, and when he does notice, nothing else will matter. And, believe it or not, there are some guys who like girls with a bit of weight to them, 'Barbie' girls make these guys afraid they'll break them."

"Yeah, right," she said despondently.

He turned slightly, brought his left arm closer, and started massaging her left tit. It was large, almost the size of a grapefruit, and sagging with its own weight. The nipple immediately popped out. It surprised him because it was long, not a little pencil eraser-sized nubbin, but poking out for almost three-quarters of an inch. He squeezed it, twirled it between his fingers, and she stirred against his shoulder. She giggled, "What are you doing?"

"I think that's obvious, I see a student here who needs some tension relieved."

She looked up at him, studying his face to see if he was laughing at her. He wasn't. He led her over to the couch and motioned her to sit beside him. As soon as she did he pushed her sideways until he could take her long nipple in his mouth. He sucked on one while he toyed with the other. It was almost like having a small tongue in his mouth. She apparently liked the attention because she started running her hands through his hair.

It took only a couple of moments before her breathing was ragged. He slipped one hand down her side to her leg. After a brief hesitation she slowly moved her legs apart and he slid his hand to her crotch. Of the three older girls, she had the most hair there and had never seen the need to trim it. After all, he figured she must have reasoned, she wasn't going to be wearing a thong swimsuit any time soon.

He wormed his fingers lower and gently massaged her crotch with his hand, testing the slit underneath his palm with a finger for wetness. He wasn't surprised to find it a bit damp. Under his ministrations she was soon spreading her legs as far as she could on the couch and he had worked a finger into her cunt, spreading the moisture he found there all over her slit.

After another few minutes, he heard the class start bell ring, and she was thrusting her hips against his hand as he pumped his finger in her and rubbed her clit with his thumb. He was still sucking her marvelous nipples, alternating between them, flipping them back and forth with his tongue, and seeing how much of her big tits he could get to fit in his mouth. He could feel her long nipple brushing the spot where his tonsils used to be.

He shifted on the couch, using his left hand to pull her leg up beside him, then pushing down his pants. She pulled his head up to her lips and frantically shoved her tongue as deep in his mouth as she could. They tongue wrestled while he positioned himself atop her and held his cock at her entrance.

Like June, Toni was a virgin, he discovered after pushing in, but a hard shove as he squeezed her clit took care of that. She didn't seem to notice until he was pressing his balls against her pubes. "Oh my god, that feels good. I never dreamed it could feel this good," she gasped, as he worked in and out.

She was older than June, but just as tight a fit. Fat or thin, it didn't matter; the girls all had small cunts unused to the presence of a man's cock. It took longer this time, but soon she was bouncing up and down on the couch to meet his thrusts so violently he worried briefly that they would end up on the floor. Then she started keening and went rigid. He could feel her cunt muscles clamping down on him, squeezing him even tighter than before, and, a moment later, he came for the second time that day, pumping all his seed into the young girl.

Fat she might be, but she certainly was athletic in this activity. Yes, anyone who looked beyond the rolls of fat would find a passionate young woman well worth pursuing.

Unsteadily he walked to his desk and pulled out another late slip. He stared at the girl sprawled lewdly across his couch, legs spread wide, and a stream of cum dripping from her puffy and flushed cunt lips. He had to smile.

He helped her stand. "I think," he said, "that you're going to find the boys are a bit more attentive now, coming to you like bees to flowers, and your flower," he dropped his hand to her crotch and cupped her sex, "has plenty of nectar to keep them happy. Especially," and now he tweaked her nipples making them stand out to their full inch length, "When they see these guys poking out..." He paused a moment. "Yes, that's just what you need to do, make sure they're sticking out like this and you'll find plenty of boys willing to play with them, and you."

She returned his smile uncertainly, "Really?"

He nodded, "Just brush your hand against them often enough to keep them erect, the boys will react just like you want." She sighed when he took one of those elongated nipples in his mouth for a last tongue caress. "Be confident, you know more about yourself now than an hour ago." He opened the door and ushered her into the main office area. She happily walked out of the office to the hall, never noticing the white streaks of drying cum on her inner thighs and crotch. She didn't notice, but the boys would.

And so did his secretary. She stared at the girl as she left, then turned her gaze to him. He stared back and shrugged. "She was crying when she came in and now she's leaving happy and confident. That's what The Program is all about." She thought a moment and then nodded slowly. He returned to his office.

The lunch bell brought him out of his office and into a quick tour of the building, stopping in the lunchroom/auditorium to survey his students. The Program kids were in a group, seeking mutual support as they usually did. He noticed Toni talking animatedly with a boy beside her. He also noticed her nipples were poking out and how she rubbed them every minute of so to keep them that way. And that more than one boy close to her, both naked and clothed, were staring at those nipples as often as they could. The one she was talking to reached out and took one of her nipples between his fingers, eliciting a broad smile from the girl.

He watched as a boy approached the Senior girl, Barbara, who had obviously finished eating. They spoke for a moment, then she spun her chair around and he sat on the floor between her legs and started exploring. A blissful smile slowly spread across her face. In five minutes, all four girls were responding to requests. Toni had a guy on either side playing with her nipples, she seemed quite happy to let them.

He walked slowly back to his office, thinking. He had discovered in college his predilection for young teenagers while staying with a friend in California. They had both had summer jobs as Life Guards at the beach and he had paid a small rent to his friend's parents for the spare bedroom. His buddy had a little sister, who would be a Frosh in high school the next year.

The little tease had run around the house in her underwear most of the time, giving him frequent peeks at her tiny budding breasts when she "forgot" to put on a t-shirt. Almost as frequent, in the evenings, were the peeks up her nightgown, which tended to ride up to her hips as she curled her legs under her body on the couch. Her hairless crotch had drawn his gaze like a magnet draws iron filings.

His friend, after two weeks, had started teasing him about watching her. At first, he had denied it. But one weekday night, after a few beers, he had conceded he was indeed peaking at his buddy's sister. The guy had laughed and told him his slut of a sister had had more guys in her than an open manhole. He had further confided that if Phillips wanted, he could probably get her to come to his room simply by offering her a beer.

Fourth period had just ended when his secretary buzzed him that another Program Participant wished to speak to him. She sounded amused at the request. A moment later Susan, the Sophomore, came in. Like the other girls her face was flushed and she was fidgety. "What can I do for you, Susan," he asked politely.

"Um, you said, this morning, that if, we, um, you know, got too, um, horny, we could... come see you?" She smiled nervously, worried she had made a mistake, had misunderstood his offer.

"Yes," he smiled broadly, "of course I can help you. What's the problem?"

She frowned a moment. "Well, um, I think, I need, um, relief?"

She was so nervous, it made him want to laugh, to reassure her she was perfectly correct, that he would be more than happy to throw her on the couch and screw her until her little tongue hung out in exhaustion. But he couldn't say that, not out loud. He had to make it look like he was merely doing his job.

"Oh, I see," he said, frowning mildly. He stood and stepped around his desk, pulling his wheeled chair behind him. "Well, why don't you come over here?" He indicated the edge of the desk. She walked over and stood beside him, not sure what to do next. He smiled encouragingly at her and then lifted her up onto the desk where June had been sitting this morning. She braced her hands on either side of her legs and looked at him anxiously.

He pulled his chair between her legs and sat down. He pulled the lever on the side of the chair and it sank dramatically. Her delightful little slit was only a bit lower than his eye level and he took his time enjoying the view. She had far less hair here than did Toni, but it was naturally sparse, not shaved. Looking closely at her slit he saw a slight gleam. There was the distinctive aroma of an aroused female at this close position. He smiled and gently put his hands on her thighs. "Just relax. I'm going to help you get relief." He lifted her legs onto his shoulders as he moved closer.

He slid his hand up her thigh until his thumbs reached her crotch. He pressed them against her crotch and gently pulled them apart, spreading her legs a bit more, but more importantly, spreading the flower of her slit and revealing her bright pink inner folds. He sighed at the beauty of it, and then he blew lightly. She jumped and giggled, "That tickles!"

He slid his thumbs closer together and spread her pink flower a bit more. The hood of skin hiding her clit moved up and revealed the little petal of joy. He leaned closer and licked it. Susan gasped. "What're you doing?" She put her hands on the back of his head

"Showing you a better way to do it than using clumsy fingers."

He licked her again and this time she sighed. He tongued her clit, flipping it from side to side and up and down, and then ran his tongue down to her cunt opening. He circled the opening and then returned to her clit. She was beginning to press forward against his mouth and her hands were running through his hair. He let go with his hands and slid a finger down her slit while he probed her clit with his tongue again. When his finger reached her opening he pushed it right in, getting a gasp and a sigh in response, and a tightening of her grip on his hair.

For a couple of moments he concentrated on pumping his finger in and out in time with his pushing on her clit with his tongue. With his other hand he unzipped and pulled out his erection. He added a second finger to his probing of her cunt and she really liked that. A second later, as he mashed her clit with his tongue, she cried aloud and pushed his face into her crotch as hard as she could. He didn't slack off, but instead increased the pumping of his fingers.

Still pumping, keeping her over the edge, he pulled back and stood. She whimpered slightly as he withdrew his fingers but he immediately replaced them with his cock and pressed forward. Susan had either been very athletic or had had a very persistent boyfriend because she had no hymen and he slid his entire length inside in just three quick strokes.

Each plunge of his cock had garnered an accompanying cry of pleasure, and he only managed six more strokes before he filled her cunt as he had the other two girls. He stood stock still for a moment, reveling in the very tight squeeze of a young girl's cunt. She slowly slid down until she was lying on his desktop, just as June had.

He leaned over her and took her nice "C" bra tits in his hands. He fondled them for a moment as Susan sighed in response. "Wow. Is that what it's supposed to feel like?"

"Yes. In fact, that's the way it almost always feels to a guy."

"Oh my word, no wonder they try so hard to fuck us."

"Yes." After another minute he slowly pulled out, making them both groan at the loss of such intimate contact. He staggered slightly as he walked around his desk and pulled out another tardy slip.

At the door, he kissed her on the forehead again. "Any time you feel the need for relief."

"Oh, yeah, definitely."

Smiling broadly, practically skipping in happiness, she left the office. His secretary looked at him speculatively for a moment before smiling. "I see you really love to help the kids."

He studied her face to see if she was being sarcastic. She seemed to be serious. She was critical to his plan. She would see everything that happened in The Program. If she suspected the truth of his motives, if she thought he was using The Program for his own pleasure, she could destroy him by simply voicing her suspicions.

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