The Grollins - Cover

The Grollins

Copyright© 2007 by Nyramilac

Chapter 4

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Enter a fantasy world, where Mailyn is thrust into meeting a race thought to be extinct, the Grollins.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   First  

Mailyn took a seat opposite Master Lumon and blushed as Gaeln took up position behind her with his large hand reassuringly on her shoulder. Disregarding their state of dishabille she raised her head proudly and nodded to her pledged employer.

"Yes sir, it was quite a difficult journey with distressing losses but I have arrived. May I introduce my husband Gaeln to you sir."

Behind her the very handsome Grollin bowed respectfully to Lumon who returned it with a bow of his head and an arched brow.

"Can you two tell me what exactly happened to my hired escort, Ramod?"

With his hand heavy on her shoulder, Gaeln answered.

"Yes sire, we can; if you are willing to believe and keep the following information secret."

Master Lumon's brow arched even further but he nodded in agreement. Gaeln lifted his hand from Mailyn's shoulder and gently pet her hair to encourage her to divulge the beginning of the tale.

"Ramod and I were attacked by a lone assailant in the Pryn Mountains. He received a staggering blow to the head with a very large rock and when he fell his head hit another. I fought back but I was quickly overpowered and knocked unconscious. I feared at the time that I too would be killed or worse. My fears were realized when I came too inside a sealed cave. The assailant entered and revealed his intentions. Luckily before I could be injured, Gaeln rescued me and defeated Braagd. We were making our escape when we discovered the deep connection between the two of us. It was not to be denied and the ceremony was binding before we arrived here."

They watched expressions flit across the apothecary's face, from loss to fear to disbelief to shock. He was shaking his head and frowning.

"How were you in a sealed cave? And how did either of them enter?" Lumon asked.

Mailyn knew she should have left that word out. A heavy hand upon her shoulder lent her courage and acceptance that her husband would take care of the explanations.

"Easily sir, Braagd and I are Grollins." Gaeln said just before shifting into his paternal form

"Grollins?" Came the shocked reply to the statement and transformation.

"But they are extinct! Haven't been any seen in centuries." Lumon mumbled almost to himself. He stared fascinated at the creature in front of him.

"You rescued the maiden then? Just like the lore. Fascinating! How many, if you don't mind me asking good sir."

"Many. And they do not wish to be detected." Gaeln replied as he shifted back into first his hybrid form then back into his Elf form. "When my mate was revealed to me by the Goddess, I relinquished the rescuing for more husbandly duties."

Master Lumon stood and began pacing behind his desk. Occasionally he bumped into a chair or stood at his drying table for a moment. His muttering was unintelligible but Gaeln feared that he would not abide by his prior agreement. The two were losing hope for any semblance of a normal life when the apothecary turned his serious eyes upon them.

"Are you sure I cannot tell anyone? What if your lovely wife or I write a book and claim it was just unearthed? Scholars fight over mysteries like this and it would be so satisfying to be able to put the discussion to rest with definitive facts for once."

The couple looked at each other and contemplated the request. Something like that if done properly would protect all species though it might also make travel through mountains lessen or security to heighten which would translate into less mates for others. Still if they felt the call sooner or later the maids would find a reason to venture near the rocks and stone.

Gaeln looked at Master Lumon and bowed his head before speaking. "Would you be amenable to allowing us to settle into life here before we make that decision?"

Master Lumon nodded eagerly. Having them living and working here would be much preferable to them retreating into the mountain and taking all the secrets with them. At least he now knew the unanswered question of one species. Even knowing that was enough for him. For now at least.

"Please. That would be quite acceptable. Come back in three days for your first day of training Mailyn. We will begin after sunrise." He pondered for a moment before rummaging around in his desk for a moment. "Do you two need an advance to find a room to let?"

"Thank you Sire, but we simply need the name of the exchange merchant." Gaeln stated before withdrawing a small chunk of jade from his pocket.

Lumon once more blinked in surprise. More and more legends were being found as true the long these two were in his office. He felt giddy like a young boy just learning that there was such a think as fae and dragons. It had been many years since he had felt such astonishment.

"Well then, you might just speak to Merchant Drumow who is holding land along the mountain for sale since the Baron died plus he can exchange that for you. And buy a horse, but not from Flannery, his stock is much abused."

With a nod of satisfaction Master Lumon returned to his mixing table and resumed his work effectively dismissing the couple. While he was still quite interested he knew enough not to push for more information if the Grollin did not feel comfortable revealing it yet. Simply knowing they existed was enough for now.

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