The Grollins - Cover

The Grollins

Copyright© 2007 by Nyramilac

Chapter 1

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Enter a fantasy world, where Mailyn is thrust into meeting a race thought to be extinct, the Grollins.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   First  

Mailyn awoke with a pounding head on a very hard surface. For a moment she wondered if she had fallen from her bed, but then the memories of the prior eve came crashing through. She had been on a journey to the East Sea when she had been kidnapped by a creature she had never heard of before. It stood the same size as any fae but it was quite a different species. Red and lumpy with large pointed ears like those belonging to a bat, and when it had spoken to her its overly wide mouth had been full of dagger sharp looking teeth. For the young maiden the most frightening thing had been the fact that it had only been wearing a loincloth that looked to be made of skin.

While she hoped her guard had not been killed but she was more worried about her own predicament now. Prying her sand filled eyes open she peered around the dark cavern she was in. It was lit only by a number of small plants whose blooms seemed to shine and glimmer in the dim light they cast. She lay upon a slab of stone that had thankfully been smoothed, though how and why she dare not question even in her mind. There was no apparent door nor could she see any roof to the small room.

Before she could do more than scramble to her hands and knees a strange thing happened. The largest blank wall began to crumble into an opening and in walked the creature. The distinctive notch in his left ear indicated that he was the one that had abducted her.

Laughing quite menacingly it tossed a skin to her and spoke in a frightening voice.


Fumbling with the pouch she finally got it right side up and fought with the stopper for a moment. Finally it opened to her shaking fingers and she raised it to her lips, sniffing discretely. It smelled of water so she took a mouthful. The heavy taste of minerals and sediment clouded it but she felt refreshed anyways and gulped down several more swallows while the red man laughed.

"You obey well; you will make me a fine concubine."

Eyes wide in fear she backed as far towards the wall behind her as possible while shaking her head, causing her mass of black hair sway across her shoulders.

"Please, I am a maid from Dawnshire already pledged to a man on the East Sea." Mailyn begged. She was truthful but not completely in that the pledge was for an assistant, not a wife. The alchemist had requested her specifically and her father, a farmer and healer of animals, had promised her to the service. Watching with growing fear as the red man sneered, exposing his pointy and plentiful teeth.

"You are Braagd's now. I steal you fair."

Tears swimming in her eyes as she clutched the water skin to her chest she backed herself into a corner. The small dagger at her hip would probably not be of much use against a creature like this but she tried to sneak it into her hand anyways. Unfortunately her slim waist always made the belt ride low on her full hips but never low enough to be covered by her skirts.

Deciding there was nothing else she could do; Mailyn flung the still open skin at the red man's face, hoping to distract him while she grabbed her knife. With one three fingered hand he caught the skin and laughed meanly at her before throwing it to the hard stone ground. He then pulled off the loincloth that had shielded her maiden eyes from his cock. Even semi erect it was the most frightening thing she had ever seen. Screaming at the sight of the sharply pointed red and bumpy looking flesh she clutched her knife harder in the folds of her skirt.

Prepared to do anything to prevent what was obviously his intention she was shocked when the wall behind her gave way, pulling her through. Another red skinned beast pushed her behind him and advanced upon the first. This one spoke with a deeper voice in a frightening tone that sounded almost educated.

"She is not for you Braagd. I have rescued her and you must relinquish all claim."

This statement only infuriated the notch eared first and it launched itself at the second. Fighting like wild animals, all teeth and claws, for long minutes gave Mailyn a chance to look for an escape. The hole she had been pulled into though only went a few steps before stopping at a seemingly solid wall of rock. Knife in hand she backed into it and waited for the victor to try anything.

The two red creatures fought viciously, both bleeding from claw marks on their arms and chests. It was the second one that seemed to have an advantage in size as he balled his fist and slammed it into the first one's head. A sigh escaped her as he fell but she did not release her guard or knife while she watched him notch the losers left ear with a claw.

Standing fully he brought his arm to his mouth and licked at the wound briefly with an overly long slender tongue. This one wore a pair of what appeared to be short pants over his red lumpy body. Turning towards her he tried to look friendly and harmless, which after that fight was probably impossible. He knew enough not to smile with the mouth of teeth he had but his eyes looked kindly at the woman.

"Please don't be afraid. Braagd has no claim on you now and I will take you back to your path if you wish."

Mailyn swallowed convulsively at the sound of his voice. Before he had been harsh, frightening, now his tone was soothing and almost melodic to her ears. Gathering her wits about her she tried not to let her voice tremble.

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