Gender Swap Program - Cover

Gender Swap Program

Copyright© 2007 by sam177

Chapter 6: Saturday Sept 15

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 6: Saturday Sept 15 - To promote gender sensitivity the government instituted a program of gender swapping. Every year half the junior and senior high school students swap genders and live for the rest of the year as the opposite sex. This is the story of how Marie tries to cope with her best friend suddenly being a boy. Story codes will be updated as the story progresses.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Science Fiction   Humor   First   Body Modification   Slow  

Good morning Mrs. Abernathey,

I had a real nice talk with Misa-chan last night. I was so nice to be able to talk with her and tell her about things and hear what she's been up too. We didn't get to talk long though as she, her father and Miss Yoriko were going to be going to making and testing the fireworks Mike sent her. She says she'll let me know how it goes tonight. I'll probably have a message from her telling me all about it when I get home.

Talking with Misa-chan made me aware of some of the little things that had been bothering that I hadn't really noticed. Like not wearing a uniform to school or stopping at the shoe locker first thing when I arrive at school. And there's the whole changing classrooms thing. In Japan it's the teachers who change classrooms, not the students. Except for PE of course. They have to change for that. It's a lot of little things like that. Nothing big just different. I mean it feels normal and weird to wear regular clothes to school all at the same time. It took me a while to get used to doing things their way. I suppose it'll take me a while to get back to "normal".

One thing I hope doesn't change though is how I treat the school. In Japan we (us students) did all the cleaning. They didn't have janitors. We did it. It kind of make us have more pride and respect for our school because it was ours. We didn't just attend it. We took care of it and we maintained it.

Here though nobody seems to care about the school. I guess the attitude is that if there's a mess the janitor will clean it up. I know we have janitors and that they work hard but this place is always a mess. Even when it's clean it looks dirty and dingy. I mean when was the last time this place was painted? Or the floor washed? Or the windows cleaned? Out of the different schools here ours should be the most beautiful. And we should be proud to attend it but how can we when there's still toilet paper in the trees left from the first day of school? It's kind of depressing really.

I can't help wonder if there's some way to get a clean up the school program or something going. I've been thinking about asking Mr Lopez about it if I can work up the courage. Maybe people would help if there was the right spin on it or something?

After saying bye to Misa-chan and Miss Yoriko I turned the light off and went to bed. As I lay there I couldn't help think about all the things that had happened over the week. I tried not to think about the bad things though so I ended up thinking about the kisses and that led me to wonder what was going on at the party. And more importantly how it would feel.

I was just starting to enjoy thinking about it when the bedroom window was lit up briefly as a car turned into the drive next door. I figured it had to be Angie and Brad since they were the only ones out this late. (And it was.)

I hurriedly got myself together all the while hoping she wouldn't notice what I'd been doing. After a while when she didn't come in I figured she was sleeping in her room so I settled back down. I'd just started to get close when the door suddenly burst open. It was Angie.

Even in the dark and without my classes I could tell she was tired but incredibly happy. Her glow practically lit the room!

I don't think she noticed me scramble to straighten my pjs out as she was spinning around with her arms out saying "He did it Marie! He did it!" softly so our parents wouldn't hear.

Blushing I said "Hi." And then asked how the party went and said that I hadn't expected her because I thought she'd gone to her room.

She ignored my questions and sat on the bed next to me saying, "We were in his car. And he finally did it Marie!" and she gave me a big hug followed by a big kiss. It wasn't a romantic kiss, just a big happy kiss. It still surprised me though.

When she let go of my face and pulled back I said, "Did what?" while I tried to figure out why my lips were suddenly tasted salty. (Yes I know what it was now. No comments please.)

Angie smiled so big as she whispered, "He sucked my cock!" and then squealed with delight. I sat there stunned, my mind whirling.

"In the car?" I asked my mind coming to a horrifying conclusion. Well not horrifying but not one I wanted at that point.

Angie nodded happily, "Uh-huh! He wouldn't suck me all the way though but he finished me off with his hand."

My emotions were all over the place right then. Part of me was happy for Angie. The rest of me was confused because of her answer and my reaction to it. I said, "That was nice of him."

Angie continued without even noticing. "And it felt so incredible! I've had better blow jobs but Brad's mouth on my cock felt so much better! You know?"

I nodded though I didn't really.

She gave me a big smile and said, "I was so thrilled after I just had to thank him." She flopped back on to the bed. It took a while but "Mmm! It was worth it! I can still taste him." She licked her lips. "Yum!"

My eyes when really big while brain and my boddy fizzled as she confirmed what I'd suspected. That salty taste was Brad's ... I alternately paled and blushed so much thinking about that I thought I was having hot flashes and chills! I was shocked and embarrassed and thrilled and angry.

In a way I was just embarrassed as I now knew what guys and Brad in particular tasted like. And I was glad that I hadn't had to do it in person and risk a bad experience to find out. But at the same time I also felt robbed of an experience. Part of me was relieved and part of me was angry by that.

While my mind was whirling about I felt my face smile as my body said, "That's great Angie. I'm so happy for you." And I was! I am very happy for her. I just can't help wishing she'd washed her mouth out first before she'd kissed me.

Angie said quietly, "Thanks Marie. It's a big relief Brad being able to do it."

I knew what she meant. She was worried they'd end up breaking up over her being a guy. Even though they've still done things since her being in the program a part of her was worried. They hadn't been as amorous since her swap. With him doing what he did last night he put a lot of her fears to rest.

I said I was glad again as Angie stretched her arms over her head and yawned. Sleepily she said "Thanks Marie. Got practice in the morning. G'night. Love you." And then she was asleep. Which kind of irked me. It's not that I minded sleeping with her. It's just she was sleeping across my bed so I couldn't lay down. By the time I finally got her the right way around I was hot and tired and more than ready for bed myself. After coming back from washing my face I put a blanket over her and then crawled into her bed and fell asleep.

I woke up to Angie kissing my cheek and saying, "Thanks for tucking me in last night."

I mumbled that she was welcome and that I hoped she'd washed her mouth. That made her laugh. It made me grumble. It was too early to be laughing.

She said, "Sorry about that. I was just so happy I forgot."

I said, "I noticed." That made her laugh more. I told my teddy to sic her and then covered my head with my pillow. She pulled the pillow away and asked what I thought.

I said I thought it was too early and grabbed for my pillow.

She held it away and rolling her eyes said, "Silly, I meant about the taste. What did you think? Isn't Brad delish?"

I felt my face get hot and she took that as a yes. I'm not sure I'd say it was delish though even though it was Brad's. It was different though and I suppose kind of nice but I'm not sure about delish. I didn't tell her that though. I didn't want to spoil her mood.

I was still trying to get my pillow back when Mom came in and said we needed to get ready for school.

I know it's Saturday but Angie has to go to school as the Cheers watch videos of their performance at the game and then work on things that they though needed improving. The football team (or another team) does the same thing. I just go on Saturdays for clubs and the occasional tutoring. If I need it. I thought about sleeping in as clubs don't have a set time period but then I remembered that Denise was picking me up today. So grumbling I got up and followed Angie into the bathroom.

I left right away when I saw she was already in the shower. And no I didn't see anything.

I waited until she was done and then went in and washed and took care of my morning things.

Denise picked us up and after chatting a bit with Mom drove us to school. She drives this great big classic station wagon that she inherited from her grandmother. She says it's like trying to drive a refrigerator but she doesn't complain since its hers. She also says she enjoys the extra room. It is quite spacious inside. I was tempted to lay down on the bench seats and nap but I didn't. I just lay back and sipped my hot chocolate, which she got me. I think that was really nice of her. It was a big cup with extra whipped cream, marshmellons, and a touch of cinnamon. Mmm! Now that was delish!

When she gave it to me I said, "Bless you.

She gave me a big smile as Angie laughed. Of course she gave Angie a latte and she had a cup of something for her.

How is it that coffee can smell so good but taste so bad? Not that I can drink it. It makes me way to jittery. But I would like to know.

When we got to school Angie said she'd see us later and headed off to meet the other cheers. Denise led me to the small gym for yoga. We were already dressed for it. I wore sweat pants and a tank top over a sports bra. Denise had a leotard over a pair of tights and a pair of sweat shorts over them. We both had light jackets though, as it was a bit cool outside. We put our backpacks and jackets down on the bleachers and then headed into the equipment room to get some mats.

I was surprised to see Miss Clark but I shouldn't have been since she's the club advisor. I couldn't help blushing when she said, "Hello Marie. Nice to see you hear. Good morning Denise"

We both wished her a good morning. And then Leanne and Becky Sue joined us. We all talked about the club a bit and they all urged me to join. Miss Clark said it was good exercise. I asked if I join does that mean I can skip dodge ball?"

She laughed and said, "Nice try but no"

I gave a big sigh as the others laughed.

Yoga was pretty nice. Some of the poses had strange names and had the potential to be embarrassing but over all it was nice. Since I was new Miss Clark and Denise helped me with the poses and my balance a lot. A couple times I did get a funny little feeling when they adjusted my pose. I think I was just reacting to Miss Clark seeing me nude though. Over all though it was a good work out. It was even fun. I might join up but I'm not sure yet.

After we put our mats away Denise said, "I'm going to go get the massage room ready for you. Instead of waiting why don't you get a quick shower to help you relax."

"Um okay" I replied.

Denise smiled, "Great. I'll come get you in a few minutes okay?"

I shrugged. "Sure"

I had a to check out a towel from Miss Clark since I didn't bring one. When I told her what Denise had said Miss Clark said, "She's real good. You'll enjoy it and she's right. A hot shower will help relax you."

"Oh ... uh ... okay" I said and thanked her for the towel.

Then she asked if I'd be ok showering on my own today and I felt my face turn bright red. She laughed and said, "I'm just teasing. The place is practically empty. I doubt you'll have any problems"

Still blushing I said, "Thanks" and went to shower.

My locker row was empty and I managed to find an empty shower area. There were a few other girls in the showers but they were on the other side of the locker room. And they were right the hot water did help.

Denise was waiting for me when I got out of the shower. She was polite enough to turn around though so I could dress. When we got to the wellness clubs massage room Denise asked me to undress and get on the table under the sheet.

I thought it was a little odd having to dress and then undress again and asked why there weren't showers here.

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