Gender Swap Program - Cover

Gender Swap Program

Copyright© 2007 by sam177

Chapter 4: Thursday

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 4: Thursday - To promote gender sensitivity the government instituted a program of gender swapping. Every year half the junior and senior high school students swap genders and live for the rest of the year as the opposite sex. This is the story of how Marie tries to cope with her best friend suddenly being a boy. Story codes will be updated as the story progresses.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Science Fiction   Humor   First   Body Modification   Slow  

Hello Mrs. Abernathey,

Before I write about what happened this morning, I wanted to thank you for making me read Paul's story aloud during class today. I really enjoyed reading how he'd taken Valerie's virginity over the summer in the back seat of his father's car. That he'd taken it the day before her swap and then dumped her the day after she became a guy was especially touching. I really appreciated reading it. And I know Valerie did too. That he just sat there silently shaking while Paul laughed her head off told me he did. As if the pen he'd bent with his thumb didn't.

How's that for sarcasm Mrs. Abernathey?

I really wish you had listened to me when I told you it wouldn't be a good idea to read it aloud. It made me sick reading how proud Paul was of "popping her cherry". And I knew it would devastate Valerie.

Still I have to give you some credit. I saw you recognized your mistake as soon as I read her title. Waiting until I'd finished reading and then saying "Very well written Paul. You have a good imagination. Unfortunately last night's assignment was autobiographical not fictional." That did a good job of discrediting her story and took a lot of attention off Valerie. I'm sure she appreciated that. I saw the grateful smile she gave you before she left but still I'm sure she'd appreciated it more if he hadn't had to go through that though. I know I wish I hadn't.

Still I suppose seeing Paul get laughed at was worth it though. He is a jerk. And seeing how Val got back at her was priceless. I still giggle ever time I picture his face when she said. "He got the crying part down right. I really should have used more lube. He is a tight end after all. Hmm ... maybe that's why he broke up with me?" (giggle)

It even made you giggle. The rest of the class went out in stitches they were laughing so hard.

I know it's not exactly fair since we both know it's true but he did deserve it for how he treated her. I just hope you don't get into trouble for it.

Okay. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I've got to tell you about what happened last night and this morning.

Last night I had this awful nightmare that I was trapped in a shower with a bunch of girls and they all turned into boys. They were approaching me like zombies moaning, "Let us wash your back," over and over again, their hard cocks waving and bobbing with each step.

I kept trying to get away and calling for help when Miss Clark came up behind me and said, "Join us. Let me wash your back." Miss Clark was a man and her hard cock was pointing straight at me. I was staring at in horror when my arms were grabbed from behind and someone started rubbing a soaped sponge up and down my back. I watched in horror my breasts shrunk with every stroke and my clit grew into this ginormous cock. They stopped washing me after my transformation was complete and Miss Clark said, "Now you're a man so you won't have any more trouble in the locker room."

I woke up screaming.

Angie was out of her bed and into mine holding me before Mom even got there. We were in her room last night. Mom came in wanting to know what had happened while Angie was rubbing my back. When Angie explained that I'd had a bad dream, Mom gave me a hug and asked if I was ok. I told her I was. She still gave me a worried look though.

She wanted to know if I wanted to talk about it but I said, "Maybe later," as I was tired. Mom said ok and gave me a kiss and tucked me back into bed. Tucked US, actually. Angie climbed into bed with me. We always slept with each other after a nightmare. It helped us get back to sleep. Mom did give Angie a funny little look but tucked her in and gave her a kiss too and then told us goodnight.

It felt really good having Angie hold me. Too good. I couldn't help thinking that she was a guy now and that she was spooned up behind me. I was so embarrassed when Angie gave me a squeeze and told me, "As good as it feels could you stop squirming? I'm trying to sleep." Then she kissed the back of my neck and told me I could squirm against her later." I could feel her pressed between my butt cheeks and I was so mortified! And aroused! I couldn't help it! It felt good having her pressed up against me like that. I just hope she couldn't tell.

It took a long time for me to get back to sleep. Angie managed to, soon enough, but it took me a long time. And just when I'd about fallen asleep she'd moved her hand up to gently hold my breast. That woke me up right quick! My nipple was throbbing under her palm. I couldn't help wanting her to pinch and roll it with her fingers. And I really wanted to touch my clit but I didn't dare. I was afraid she'd wake up. And I was too embarrassed to wake her up trying to move her hand off me so I left it there. Beside it felt good. As it was I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning. I didn't get to sleep until she'd let go of me and rolled over sometime later.

Then this morning I had another shock. I saw it! Angie's IT! I saw it! And it was hard!

I'd gone to use the bathroom after I'd gotten up this morning. I opened the bathroom door and there she was standing in front of the toilet holding it around the base.

I stood there frozen in shock staring at it. I hadn't expected her to be there, much less be there like that. And I couldn't stop staring at it. I wanted to but I couldn't. It was beautiful. I still can't help wondering how it would feel to hold it, to run my hands up and down it; or how it would taste. It looked so good! Arrghh!!! Stop it Marie!!!

When I heard Angie mutter, "Oh come on!" I gasped and then said, "I'm sorry!" and shut the door in a hurry. I heard Angie yell, "Wait Marie! It's not what it looks like!" But I'd already raced back to our room.

I was so embarrassed! I'd thought she was masturbating. When she finally got me cornered so she could explain I found out it was something she called a piss hard-on. Apparently guys get hard during the night so they don't have to get up to pee. She said I could ask Dad or Pop if I didn't believe her. Like I could really do that!

Then she said if she had been "beating off", as she put it, her hand would have been going up and down. I have to admit she was just holding it. Still, I can't help thinking that "Getting hard so I won't pee" is code for "Having really steamy thoughts about Brad."

Then she asked if I saw it and I felt my face get hot and she started laughing. Then she wanted to know what I thought of it. After a lot of prodding and threats, including tickle torture, (I hate being tickled!) Angie finally got me to admit that I thought it was beautiful. I was saved from saying whether or not I wanted to touch it when Mom yelled, "Girls! Breakfast is ready!"

After breakfast I got to drive Schultz to school. Angie usually drives. Today though she had an early practice and she wanted me to drop her off at the field and then drive around to the shop class so Schultz could get an oil change and a tune up. Pop could do it in his sleep but this way we give the shop class something to do. And our money goes to support the school. Besides it doesn't cost very much since they get a discount on oil.

When I dropped Angie off, Heather made a crack about Schultz. She'd said, "Are you still driving that toy car? When are you going to get a real one?"

Angie just smiled sweetly and asked her what she was driving. Heather didn't like that at all. Her car got impounded last year after she was caught with a whole bunch of unpaid tickets.

Heather was even less happy when Angie leaned in, gave me a kiss and said, "See you at lunch." I was surprised and embarrassed not to mention thrilled to my toes. Heather looked not only jealous but mad enough to spit nails.

I couldn't help sighing as I drove around to the shop. I don't like it when we get teased about Schultz. Neither does Angie. We're used to it though. We've been getting jokes since we got him. Most of those our age with cars usually go for the newer flashier ones. A few go for classics like Mustangs, Volkswagen Bugs, and Minis. Schultz isn't any of those but he is unique. And I have to admit he's a little unusual. There weren't many of him around when he was new and none of them have been customized like Schultz. Still all the jokes and laughs were hard at first. Schultz is family after all and we love him.

People stopped laughing though when we could still drive to school and they got stuck in the snow. We started laughing then. We even started a trend. Once people saw Schultz driving over the snow other people started changing tires for tracks during the winter too. Pop made a bundle selling and installing the track kits. Shrewd Man, our Pop. We got a great little car and he got a lot of free advertising.

Not everyone made fun of Schultz though. Some people thought he was cute. (I think so!) Marcy fell head over heals in love with him. Or is that piston over gaskets? Either way Marcy loves Schultz. And I can't blame her one little bit. I love him too.

When I drove up she yelled, "Schultz!" and came over and was giving Schultz a hug before I even got out of him. Honest! She really hugged him! He is kind of huggable though so I can't blame her any. And she takes good care of him so I can't get jealous.

Of course taking Schultz to see Marcy is always a little scary. She always says the same thing and she did it again today. After hugging Schultz she turned to me and gave me a dark look, "What did you do to my Schultz?" She sounded so possessive you'd think she owned him.

Nervously I said, "Angie told me it's time for his oil change and tune up."

Marcy brightened right up and said, "Oh okay. That'll be forty-two dollars. You can pick him up after school today."

I said, "Okay," and followed her over to the corner of the shop to a small battered gray steel desk. She took out a form and filled it out. I signed my name on the bottom and paid her. Then she took the keys and drove Schultz into the bay.

When I left, Marcy was kneeling next to Schultz, rubbing his fender lovingly, and telling him she was going to take such good care of him.

That brought us up to your class. I already mentioned what happened there.

After our delightful class I caught up with Valerie and apologized. She told me she was ok and that she knew I'd tried not to read it. She gave me a small smile and then headed upstairs. I'm glad she wasn't mad at me. After that I had a fight with my locker. I guess it got over Monday's fright. It wouldn't let me open it. I ended up being late for Library. At least Mr. Jeffers wasn't mad about it. He asked me what locker it was and when I told him he shook his head and said, "They never did get that one fixed. Try putting a screwdriver between the door and the frame, right by the latch. That should do it."

I guess my surprise showed on my face because he laughed and said, "I wasn't always a librarian." Then he went back into his office still chuckling. I shivered. Knowing he'd had my locker in high school is kind of creepy. Still his tip about the screwdriver could come in handy.

After library I went to Biology. I still can't help smiling seeing my bug collection mounted on the wall. Freshman year we had to collect 30 insects and list their scientific names and details about them. I really didn't want to kill any bugs. I mean, it's one thing to get rid of bugs that come inside or attack me, it's quite another to go hunting them. I tried to get out of it, but Mr. Petrovich wouldn't let me. He did say I'd get extra credit for each extra bug I caught though. I wasn't really happy with that. Still, extra credit is good.

After a lot of thinking and going over what Mr. Petrovich had said I turned in pictures of 28 different VW Beetles (including Mike's) with made up bug reports on each of them. Some of them were pictures from magazines and model boxes but I had notes attached saying that they were very rare specimens, not seen personally by me, and were only included for the sake of completeness. I also included a few pictures of people littering. I labeled them Litterbugs. At the very bottom was a note stating, "No insects were harmed in the making of this collection."

When I turned my bug collection in, Mr. Petrovich stared at it dumbfounded for several minutes before he burst out laughing. He laughed so long I started to get worried. Besides it was embarrassing! Everyone was looking at me and asking what I'd done.

When he'd finally calmed down enough to talk he showed it to the entire class as an example of ingenuity as well as how to persevere in an assignment even when it went against your beliefs. Then he said that he'd tried to hint about capturing the bugs with a camera but he hadn't counted on VW Bugs and Litterbugs.

The rest of the class thought it was funny too and a lot of them wished they'd thought of doing that. I got a lot of compliments on it, which surprised me. What really surprised me was that I not only got full credit on the assignment but extra credit as well. I had 31 bugs. When he asked if he could put it up on the wall I was thrilled. It was way more than I'd even hoped for. I'd hoped he'd be amused enough not to flunk me. I never dreamed I'd get full points and he'd use my collection as an example. Now every time I see it I have a happy.

It also makes me laugh as I started a trend. Mr. Petrovich excluded my bugs from further collections, but a couple of people still managed to surprise him. One person took pictures of toy bugs that could change into robots. Another picked bugs out of their car radiator, and gave the bugs names like Splaticus Insecticus and Radiatorus Impaledus. I'm really glad I wasn't in the class where someone brought in a bunch of live bugs. I heard the screaming from upstairs! Just gives me the shivers thinking about it!

This year I don't have to mess with bugs fortunately. This year it's Human Biology. I hope I'm not asked to pin anyone to a board.

I quickly went to my seat and sat down. My seat is along the inside wall in the middle. Right after I sat down the bell rang and Mr. Petrovich went right into class. I was busy getting my notes out so I was surprised when he called out my name and asked me to come to the front of the class. I wanted to crawl under my desk and hide but I warily made my way up to the front of the class. When I got there he told me, "Just hope up on the table and have a seat." Then he said, "Now let's see. Peter come on up. Uh Marie what are you looking for?"

I'd been examining the table. When he asked, I said, "Stirrups." I'd heard rumors that last year he'd given a full gynecological examine in class. Some rumors said it was a student and others a paid model.

Mr. Petrovich gave me this blank star for a minute and then burst out laughing. The rest of the class was too. I was totally embarrassed but wasn't taking any chances. I was in no hurry to be examined in front of the entire class.

When he could finally talk, he said, "They're in the cabinet. We won't be using them today." He has stirrups in the cabinet??? I felt the blood drain from my face. That set him and the rest of the class laughing again.

I wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear.

Finally wiping tears from his eyes, he patted the table and tuning said to the class, "Today we're going to be going over the five senses. Name them Marie."

While he was speaking I'd carefully lifted myself up and sat on the table, being careful to tuck my skirt under me. I wasn't going to give any one a free view if I could help it.

"Sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste." He made me repeat it a couple times, each time saying louder, for the jokers in the back who claimed they couldn't hear.

Finally, after much embarrassment Mr. Petrovich said, "Good." And started to ask a question when a few others interrupted.

"What about sense of time?"

"Sense of direction?"

"Sense of motion?"

"Sense of humor?"

"Women's intuition?"

"The sixth sense?"

"I see dead people."

The class broke up into laughter. Even I smiled at that.

"Well get to those later." Mr. Petrovich said laughing. "Which organs go with what sense, Peter."

"Sight eyes; Smell nose; Touch skin; Hearing ears; Taste tongue."

"Good. Can one sense replace another? Anna?"


"Good. When one sense is absent the others get stronger. And in some cases they can completely replace the missing sense. Let's compare shall we? Marie wears glasses Peter doesn't. Marie read the first line on the eye chart to the right for me."

The eye charts were on the wall in the back of the room. I tried to read the first line. It wasn't easy. How do you pronounce things like that?!? Besides, everyone was staring at me.


Mr. Petrovich covered his eyes and lowered his head, shaking it slowly. The class burst out laughing. I thought Peter was going to fall off the table, he was laughing so hard.

"Okay, let's try this again. Marie would please spell out the first line for me." He was smiling so I'm pretty sure he wasn't upset. And he had said to read it. It's not my fault it wasn't in any known language.

"A C R K U F."

"The second line? Spelled please." The class laughed again.

"B T K N D E W."

I had to squint a little to read it, even with my glasses. (I guess I need new ones.)

"Good now without you're glasses, read -SPELL- out the line on the left."

I took my glasses off and squinted as I leaned forward. "A Q Z X N E P?" I said really slowly.

The class giggling and laughing as I put my glasses back on. "Nice try. Paul?"

"L B G O P L J."

"Good so you can clearly see Paul has an advantage over Marie when it comes to vision."

The class agreed. I felt sick. "Now let's see if Marie's other senses have gotten stronger to compensate. Marie, if you don't mind, would you take your glasses of again? Peter blindfold Marie for us please."

That got me scared. I saw where he was going. I felt a little better knowing that he wasn't making fun of me, but still, being blindfolded in front of a bunch of fellow teenagers? That's asking for trouble.

I nervously took my glasses off again, and then said firmly, (I like to think it was firmly): "I'm not touching anything. And you can forget taste testing!"

I got that blank look again while half the class booed. The other half moaned with disappointment. Then Mr. Petrovich covered his eyes again, shaking his head. I like to think the way his shoulders were bouncing meant he was laughing silently. The he looked up at the ceiling and waved his hands as if asking, "Why me Lord? Why me?"

I'd like to know that too.

When we were both blindfolded he said, "I'm going to play some music at different volumes. I'll tell you the level and raise your hand [If they tell it, then the other person is clued-in, only a silent response won't interfere.] if you can hear it.

I heard it on 3. I thought I heard something on 2 but with all the other classroom noises and my blood pounding in my ears I couldn't tell for sure. Peter heard it on 6.

"OK. Marie's sense of sound is stronger than Peter's. Now let's see if their hearing helps them develop a mental picture. I'm going to play some clips on the TV. You tell us what the sounds may be. Class I want you to be quiet for this." Then I heard him turn the TV on.

It's on old TV that has a knob that you pull to turn on and turn to increase the volume. Our school doesn't waste money replacing things that work. I think that's a good philosophy. My parents do too. Our house is a wonderful mix of technologies from the past hundred years and they all work.

Once the TV was on I heard him open up the DVD tray, put a disc in and close it. He must have pushed play after that because sound flooded the room.

"Ok Peter, can you tell me what this is?"

"A racecar."


"A boat?"

There were sounds of surprise.

"Ok next sound. Marie?"

"Tree branches brushing a roof?"


"Uh, a washing machine?"

"Ok next one. Peter?"



"A ghost." It sounded like half the class burst out of their chairs at that, and some said I was cheating. It took a moment for Mr. Petrovich to get the class back under control.

"Ok Peter, can you explain your answers for us?"

"The first one had an engine racing. The second one sounded like the thing in a washing machine that moves back and forth. And the last sounded like my bike chain hitting the ground."

"Very good. Now you, Marie."

"Um, well, there was splashing in the first one. The second sounded just like the trees that brush the roof of our porch when the wind blows, and there was moaning between the chains rattling."

That got a lot of protests again. Mr. Petrovich got them all quieted down again and we all watched the clips again. He turned the sound up first though. There was splashing in the background of the first clip, wind rustling leaves in the second, and moaning in the third. He had to play it four times to find it though, louder each time. I heard him say "Well I'll be," after.

Then Becky Sue protested "How do we know she wasn't cheating?" A few others agreed with her.

Becky Sue could be described as a pit viper in the body of a cover girl. She'd knife you and smile prettily doing it. I have no doubt she'll be spreading nasty rumors about this as soon as class is over.

A couple of students defended me though. "How could she? She was blindfolded and facing us." Anne said. I gave her a smile and she smiled back. Anne's nice. She's pretty in a normal way and smart too. She's really into science. She tutors some of the nicer jocks, the ones without paws. I see Doctorate in her future.

"Let's test that theory shall we? Marie if you'll put the blind fold back on."

I did and he said, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Live long and prosper?" I said.

There was dead silence. Then I felt the air move past my face so I guess he was waving his hand in front of me.

"You can't see me can you Marie? You're not lying to me are you?" he sounded really unsettled.

I should my head and said, "No sir."

"Then how did you know I was holding up live long and prosper?"

"It seemed like something a science teacher would do?"

Mr. Petrovich snorted. "Ok you've got me on that one. Now how many?"

"I don't know?"

He turned to the class get up and I guess he showed them how many fingers. Then he turned back to me and asked again, "How many fingers?"

"I don't know."

"She's lying!" Becky Sue protested.

Mr. Petrovich had the class move around again and then said, "Where's Becky Sue?"

I sat there feeling their stares for a couple minutes before I pointed off to the right. Becky Sue said, "She's cheating!"

Mr. Petrovich put Peter's blindfold on top of mine and had me face the wall. The class moved around again. "Ok! Where's Becky Sue?"

It took me a while but I pointed off to my left. Becky Sue yelled, "It's a trick!"

The rest of the class was stunned. After a moment Mr. Petrovich said "Marie, how did you do that?"

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