Gender Swap Program - Cover

Gender Swap Program

Copyright© 2007 by sam177

Chapter 2: Tuesday - The next day

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 2: Tuesday - The next day - To promote gender sensitivity the government instituted a program of gender swapping. Every year half the junior and senior high school students swap genders and live for the rest of the year as the opposite sex. This is the story of how Marie tries to cope with her best friend suddenly being a boy. Story codes will be updated as the story progresses.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Science Fiction   Humor   First   Body Modification   Slow  

Good morning Mrs. Abernathey,

It's me again. Today is going ok so far. Just the normal beginning of the school year stress. Well, normal if your best friend -along with half your classmates- had suddenly swapped genders. But other than that everything is just normal.

No, I'm not giggling insanely. Why do you ask?

Of course this morning was far from normal. I expected to have hard time sleeping last night, especially since Angie said she was going to spend the night with me catching up. I guess I was more tired than I thought however, as I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

I guess I thought yesterday was a bad dream or something, as I was totally unprepared for waking up. Not that I'm ever really prepared to wake up. I'm not really a morning person. Actually, mornings and I rarely get along. And that's being polite. I tend to avoid them as much as possible. Unfortunately I can't avoid them as much as I'd like during the school year. Plus with all the excitement from the night before, I was understandably still half asleep when I opened my eyes and saw this gorgeous guy leaning over me.

This is so embarrassing! You see, I had this really romantic dream last night, and it was really ... interesting. I must have thought I was still dreaming when I saw her leaning over me, since there's no way I'd have tried to pull her down to kiss me if I'd been awake! None! I don't think...

Of course that made her start giggling, and that woke me up! I must have really looked shocked as she started laughing. Then she said "Morning sleepy head." Then she leaned down and gave me quick kiss.

It may have been quick but I felt that kiss all the way down to my toes! Wowey! It still makes me tingle thinking about it. And it didn't help any that she was straddling me either!

Our bunk bed is the kind where only half the bottom bunk is covered by the top. The rest of the space is taken up by a small desk. That's how she could be over me like that.

And the kiss, quick as it was, plus her leaning over me like that, knees on either side of my hips and her hands on either side of my head, had predictable results on my body. My nipples hardened so fast they ached and my pussy got so wet! I was never more ready than I was at that moment. And I thought yesterday morning was bad! If she'd asked me if I was ready I would have said yes! That's the state I was in.

It still makes my head spin thinking how fast I got aroused! You know how guys always talk about how fast cars can get to 60? It was like that. Zero to ravish me in 2.0 seconds.

Of course with just waking up, and being shocked my poor brain was totally fizzled. I was so totally unprepared to wake up seeing a guy leaning over me like that, that I just couldn't think. The wave of lust that flowed through me didn't help me think either. And did I mention how yummy Angie looked in a kimono? On top of it all, it happened so fast! Is it any wonder my brain fizzled?

After the kiss she straightened up laughing. I think it was then that I really realized that it wasn't a dream, and I sat up with a cry too. Actually, it started off as a scream. After all, if you found some strange guy leaning over you in the morning you'd scream too, right? Only my scream turned into a cry of pain as I banged my head on the upper bunk.

Normally I can sit up without banging my head, as I've had lot's of practice avoiding the top bunk. This time though I smacked my head on it and fell back down on the mattress, clutching my head in my hands from the pain.

Looking back it was probably a good thing. If I had screamed Mom would have been up in a flash. Probably Dad and Pop too. And I most certainly did not want to explain waking up trying to kiss Angie!

Angie of course immediately started apologizing while she leaned down again to examine my injury. When she finally managed to pull my hands from my head and pushed them out towards the top corners of my bed. As she took a look at my forehead it was all I could do to breathe, as I sure couldn't move! She was almost lying on top of me. She was so close I could feel the warmth of her body against mine and smell the clean scent of her skin. And she felt so deliciously male! And with my arms out to the sides and above me I felt so vulnerable.

By this time I recognized Angie and remembered she'd been turned into a boy but still, how could I not be aroused? I'm lying under the man of my dreams and all he'd have to do is ... and I know she'd be gentle with me and make it good for me ... Arrgg!!!! I've got to stop thinking like this!

Where was I? Oh yeah! Angie lying on top of me.

I whimpered. It wasn't like I could help it any. And I still don't know if it was from pain, fear, need, or some combination of the three.

I guess Angie thought it was pain as she said, "I'm so sorry Marie. I didn't mean to startle you like that." and she leaned down to kiss the bump on my head. Then she said that it wasn't a big bump and that she didn't think anyone would notice. Mom noticed. Of course. Fortunately she didn't have time to make a big deal of it as we were running behind.

After that she bounced off the bed saying she'd get the shower ready for me, and that mom would have breakfast ready soon and to hurry up or we'd be late. It was the shower that nearly made me late, but can you blame me?

So I guess you could say my morning started off with a bang. Literally. Still, what a way to wake up. The only way for it to be better would be if ... OH WOW! I really shouldn't have thought that!

Oh, saved by the bell! I'm off to the library. I just hope I don't have a wet spot on the back of my skirt.

I'm back. No wet spot thank God! And since all the books are checked in and on the shelf I have time to tell you about last night. Joy. (That's sarcasm, Mrs. Abernathey. In case you missed it.)

Any way, I'd just finished my bath, and was about to get dressed for bed, when Mom knocked on the door to let me know dinner was ready. I said ok, and that I'd be down as soon as I got dressed. I thought about just going down in pj's, but I'm so glad I decided on an old pair of comfy sweats and a sweater instead. It turns out Angie, Mom, and Pop had organized a welcome home party for me.

I found out later that Mom had thought about canceling it because she was concerned about my fainting and that Angie had argued that not only was be too late to cancel but that it would cheer me up. I guess the cheering me up part is what convinced her. She's canceled things at the last minute before.

Seeing everyone there did cheer me up, although not right away. I first had to get over being scared half to death, and the crying that came after that. Then came being mortified at arriving at a party in just an old pair of sweats. Fortunately everyone was dressed casually so it wasn't too bad, but still I wished for a pair of jeans. And underwear!

When I walked into the kitchen and they all yelled, "Welcome home!" I jumped about two feet into the air screaming. Then I started crying. It was just too many surprises too soon. Not that I wouldn't have been shocked any way. I think if Mom hadn't been behind me I would have fainted again. As it was I spent the next half-hour or so on my knees sobbing. It took a long time for me to get calmed down enough to greet everyone.

I think I worried them all because I cried for so long but wouldn't you? It was so totally unexpected. Add in all the other surprises I'd received in the past day and you'd cry too. (Congratulations Angie, your plan to surprise me worked. Boy did it work!)

Still it was nice to see everyone. Somehow Angie managed to invite all my friends over. Not that I have very many, and they're all from different circles, but she still managed to do it. Yeah, yeah, I know I moaned about not having a place, or being close to anyone, but I am glad to have them all as friends. Even if they do make a rather odd collection of people.

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