Gender Swap Program - Cover

Gender Swap Program

Copyright© 2007 by sam177

Chapter 1: Monday's Big Shock

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 1: Monday's Big Shock - To promote gender sensitivity the government instituted a program of gender swapping. Every year half the junior and senior high school students swap genders and live for the rest of the year as the opposite sex. This is the story of how Marie tries to cope with her best friend suddenly being a boy. Story codes will be updated as the story progresses.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Science Fiction   Humor   First   Body Modification   Slow  

Hello Mrs. Abernathy,

Here's my first journal entry. I don't really know what to write so I'm just going to let my thoughts flow and put them to paper. I hope that's ok. And I really hope you don't put this up for people to read. I'm already embarrassed enough that you're reading this. So please, please don't let anyone else read it.

Hi. My name is Marie and my best friend has been turned into a boy. I'd just started to eat my cereal when in walked this total hottie and said with a strangely familiar voice "Hey sis! How was Japan?"

All I could do was sit there staring with my mouth open. The parts of my mind that were working were thinking ... well more like arguing, "Who is this hottie and how does he know my name?" "Who cares? He knows my name!" "I care! How dare this strange guy just walk into my house?" "He can walk into my bedroom anytime." "What?!"

The rest of my mind was frozen in panic. The most gorgeous guy I'd ever seen just walked in and was talking to me. If the rest hadn't been frozen it'd be thinking, "Where can I hide?"

My body of course knew what it wanted. It wanted him! Oh did my body want him! My mouth was watering, my nipples were hard and aching, and my pussy was moistening. Oh did I want him! (I so can't believe I'm writing this. Don't show this to any one! I'd just die if anyone read this!)

The guy gave a very familiar laugh and twirled quite unguy like before me. He said "Not bad huh? It was a bit of a shock at first but I've gotten used to it. So what do you think?"

I just continued to stare.

Then he reached over and put a finger under my chin, closed my mouth and said "Marie you're drooling."

After the wave of lust, that his touch gave me, finished coursing through me, was when it hit me. This most wonderful male before me was my best friend Angie. I just hadn't recognized her. Now that I did I could see that it was obviously her but she had changed. A lot! She was just bit taller than she used to be, and her voice was a just a little bit deeper. And her hair was shorter but other than that all her features were the same. You know what I mean! She obviously had a different figure. She looked like her male twin if she'd had one.

Once I managed to find it, I said "Angie?" in a quavering voice.

She put her finger on my nose and said "Bingo!" and then added "So you think I'm a hottie do you?"

I could feel my face get hot with embarrassment. I stood up. Partially to hug my best friend whom I hadn't seen in months, and partially from shock. I'd been dying to see her! We hadn't gotten to talk as much as we used to since my laptop's modem died.

I have on old lap top and modems aren't available for it anymore. So instead of chatting online and sending emails, I'd written letters and sent post cards. Of course I called her when I could but not as much as I'd have liked. And she couldn't really get a hold of me since I'd been traveling all over Japan and Taiwan with daddy. I'd hoped that she'd be able to go with us once school had ended but she hadn't been able to. So I'd spent the summer missing my best friend. Now here she was only she was a he. Now I know why she couldn't join us. She was in the Program.

Yep! That's right. It's her turn to be in the Gender Swap For Opposite Gender Sensitivity Program. The year long program where you have to spend an entire year as the opposite sex to increase your sensitivity of them. Every year about half the junior and senior class in our high school spends the entire year as the opposite sex. The half that doesn't has either been through it the year before (seniors) or will be in the program next year (juniors).

That means I'll have to be a boy next year. Yuck! It's not that I don't like boys, because I do. Like you couldn't tell from my reaction to seeing Angie as a guy? I like guys. A lot! I just don't want to be one. And now the one person on this planet I've shared everything with is now one of them. Not only is she one of them but she turns me on like no guy ever has. How am I supposed to share that with her? What was I supposed to do?

I did what every shy girl faced with such a shock would do. I fainted.

I guess now would a good time to tell you a bit about me and my relationship with Angie and our families before I forget. Let me start at the beginning. Like I said my name is Marie and my best friend Angie have shared everything for as long as we can remember. She's practically like a sister to me since we've been raised all our lives together. Her parents, George and Allison, are like a second set of parents for me. I call them mom and pop. And Angie calls my dad, dad. She calls her dad pop too. That's how close our families are. Our families have been together before we were even families.

Our parents grew up as best friends who were practically inseparable since they were in school together. Once they met that was it, there was no separating them. They were each other's Best Men and Maids of Honor at their weddings. They even bought houses right next to each other. And me and Angie were born within days of each other. I'm older by three days, not that you can tell. We always celebrate our birthdays on the day right between them. You wouldn't know it by looking at us but like our parents we're the best of friends and we share practically everything.

I say practically because there's some things we obviously can't share. Like I said, even though we're practically sisters we don't look like sisters. Cousins maybe but not sisters. And you wouldn't think we're best friends either by looking at us since we're so opposite. I have brown hair and green eyes. Angie is blond with blue eyes. I wear glasses she doesn't. I'm a quiet shy book worm. She's a varsity cheerleader. The differences don't stop there but I'm sure, those of you who don't know us, can imagine them. For those of you who do know us they're obvious. (Not that you're ever going to read this.)

The other reason it doesn't seem like we'd be best friends is that we're often apart for long periods of time. My dad travels all over the world working as an installer, and trouble shooter for Transportation Specialists Inc. That's the company that invented energizers. It's the energizers that make gender swapping truly possible. It sort of works like the Transporter on an old 1960's TV show my dad likes to watch. He says that show inspired many of the inventions in later half of the 20th and beginnings of the 21st centuries, including energizers. And my dad installs, repairs, and maintains them.

He doesn't get paid as much as you'd think because instead of a big paycheck, he had provisions put in his contract so he can take me with him, if he's going to be gone for more than two weeks at a time. And the company pays for everything, including tutors and guides. He says he'd rather have me with him than lots of money in the bank. I happen to agree with him.

So while we don't have a lot extra, we don't have to worry about bills either. So that's why I'd been gone since mid April to now, mid September. It's also why I expected Angie to join us for summer vacation. Since her family and ours are practically one family daddy had his contract written so that Angie and her parents can come with us, at half price. I'd been a bit surprised when they didn't this year but Pop said he had to work in the shop, and Angie was going to cheerleading camp. Now I know what the other reason was. The Program.

Pop (Angie's dad) is the best mechanic ever! There isn't a vehicle he can't fix, build or modify some how. For Christmas last year he gave us a snowmobile he'd made out of an old tiny car that he said was named after a world war two German fighter. I'm not sure it could be descended from a fighter though. It's so cute! Angie and I named him Schultz and we both love him! Schultz is kind of a tight fit but he's fun to ride in. And we don't freeze driving to school in the winter! The best thing though is that we can take the skis off and replace them with wheels for when it's not snowing. He doesn't go very fast but he's ours. 

Mom, (Angie's mom) is a stay at home mom. She's the best. She knows whenever we need to talk or just need a hug. She's practically raised me too since I was little. She's been there for me my entire life. I lost my mom when I was four and I don't have many memories of her. Most of them are just dim impressions and feelings. I do know that she loved me very much. I also know that Allison (That's her name) loves me just as much. And I love her right back. Since mom died, She's been the only mom I've had.

She's always been a mom to me though and my mom was a mom to Angie also. Sometimes when we talk about mom, our parents sometimes joke that when Angie and I were little and would call for mom they'd have to ask which one. Or that sometimes one would answer and we'd say not you mom. I meant mom meaning the other one. Dad and Pop never had that problem though. They were always Dad and Pop. So you can tell our families are very close.

Dad like I said works on energizers. And it's energizers I have to thank for turning my life upside down.

Energizers have lots of uses, although Dad says energizers have yet to see their full potential yet. We can't use them to "beam" to any place we want to like they did on that TV show. There has to be a receiver on the other end. And so far the government won't allow people to travel by them anyway. After some old lady was sent to the hospital after her fax machine blew up trying to out put a penis during a test transmission the government said that it wasn't safe to transmit any one or any thing without a dedicated means of transmission.

Surprisingly the lady didn't sue. Her husband did though and he claims she hasn't stopped smiling since. I don't want to know what that means. Still even though the case was settled out of court, the government put a stop to any further transmitting until there is an absolutely fool proof way to transmit without any form of interruption. Personally I think that's a good idea. I wouldn't want a part of me accidentally faxed somewhere else!

So even though energizers aren't used to transport things they're still used to reduce items into data for easier transport. For example many Airlines use energizers to reduce all the passengers check in luggage. With the space saved they refitted the lower cargo deck into a lower class passenger deck, so they can carry more passengers per flight. That's the kind of thing my dad works on, although he does sometimes work on hospital energizers.

Hospitals use energizers for things like treating burn patients and non invasive surgery to remove tumors and things. They're also used in the Gender Swap Program. They're still pretty new though and not widely available yet. And even then there's still a risk. I should know. My mom was one of the first test patients and their first loss. She died of cancer. They could have saved her but she didn't want to risk losing me. She was pregnant with me when she was first diagnosed. She did fight really hard but the cancer won before the doctors had a full knowledge on how to use the device. They didn't want to risk accidentally removing something vital or me. They did learn a lot from treating her though and they're still learning. In honor of her memory they named the new research wing at the hospital after her.

I have a lot of mixed feelings about it. I'm proud that mom's fight is helping other people but I'm also sad because I miss her. And as sad as her sacrifice for me makes me feel it also makes me feel so loved. Still I can't help wishing I could have taken her place. I think she deserved to live but I know she wanted me to grow up and be happy. So I try to do just that and be the best person I can. She risked everything for me. I hope someday I can prove that I was worth that risk.

Oh! That's the bell. Thank goodness this class is over! I need a tissue. I'll write more after I talk to Mr. Jeffers in the library.

By for now,


Hi Again,

Well that went ok. It was mostly just a review of what my duties in the library will be and putting a few books on the shelf. I also met all the other library assistants that would be working with me. Most I knew from last year although there were a couple new faces. They're all a nice bunch and I like working with them.

Oh! I've got to tell you what happened between classes. I was struggling to get my locker opened when Mike comes up and says "Yo Marie! How's yous been?" and gave me a big hug. He's sort of a cross between the Incredible Bulk and Rocky Cobra, so a hug from him is like an affectionate mugging.

I hugged him back and said "Hi." Then he asked how my trip was and I told him that it was good and that I had souvenirs for him out in Schultz. That made his smile even bigger.

As you may have guess it Mike is on the football team and is the starting center. And yes we've dated. I know it's kind of strange for someone like me to date football players. You'd think we'd go together like oil and water but I've dated several ball players thanks to Angie. It started off with us double dating since Mom wouldn't let her stay out as late on her own. So Angie would fix me up with guys she was most familiar with. Guy's she knew not to be jerks.

Her being a cheerleader meant I ended up dating a lot of jocks. Because of that I've learned that not all jocks are Neanderthals. Of course some are, and some are representatives of the stereotypical popular crowd but a few are actually nice guys. Mike is a total sweety and I have a special place in my heart for him. Since our date he's become sort of my unofficial big brother. And he looks after me just like I imagine a big brother would. The one time I really needed help he was there for me with Brad right behind him as always. So yeah, I love him. Just not in a romantic way. And I think he feels the same way.

Brad is Angie's boy friend and they've been going together since junior high. I do know they have sort of an open relationship. I guess you could say one rumor about cheerleaders and football players is true. Sort of. Outside of certain functions, like locker room and victory parties, they're completely exclusive but they don't get upset if they indulge once in a while at team functions. And she gives me all the details of what happens at the victory and locker parties. Which can be embarrassing when I see someone and I know why they're walking a bit bowlegged or they have a really goofy grin on their face.

She also gives me all the details about her dates. I've learned more about sex listening to her than I did from Sex Ed. last year. Thanks to her I've had some very vivid fantasies. I may not be that experienced but I do know how to enjoy myself. (Don't you dare tell anyone I said that!)

Where was I? Oh yes. Parties. I have been to a few victory parties but I've never been "upstairs". Only those with invites get to go there. I know Angie could get me in, if I wanted to go. They do sound exciting but I want to be in a relationship when it happens. And by it I mean sex. I'm still a virgin, despite many dates with jocks, and one bad experience. Yes the one Mike and Brad saved me from. And I don't want to lose my virginity to someone I don't know at party. Angie may be ok with casual sex but she's also got a steady relationship. I'd like to have one too before I even think of trying any thing else.

Anyway, after I told Mike I wouldn't give him his present until after school he gave me a big pout and then asked me if I was coming to the game Friday night. I told him I was planning too. It's not like Angie or our parents would let me miss out on her performance besides I wanted to go. I may not totally understand football, despite the special tutoring sessions I've received in the subject, but I still enjoy watching.

Then he asked if I was going to the party after wards and I felt that same bit of panic wash over me that I've felt ever since last year. Yes the time he came to my rescue was at a victory party and that's all I'm saying on the subject.

After declining, Mike said, "Yous knows we's gots security right?"

They do. The players who didn't play in the game act as security at the parties. And from what Angie's told me they don't let anyone get too carried away. You can have all the fun you want but if you start something your gone and you won't be back. Since people want to come back they behave. Still, the thought of going fills me with this sense of dread. I have gone to a couple parties since but they were smaller groups and I knew most of the people there. It seems like half the school comes to the victory party. Small familiar parties I've learned to handle. Big parties I can't handle yet.

I reached up and put my hand on his chest and gave him a smile. Then I said, "I know. I'm just not ready for that yet."

He said "Is ok. I understand." and he does. Then he said, "When you's ready lets me know. I'lls pick you up and we'll have great time."

I smiled up at him and said "Thanks Mike. I'll look forward to it."

I hadn't seen him smile that big since I told him that kissing him felt like kissing my brother. At least it was like how I imagine kissing my brother would be like. He wasn't upset by that though. He seemed totally pleased by the idea. And a bit relieved. He'd just told me that kissing me was like kissing his sister. I actually felt relieved too. I was worried he'd tell me I was bad at it or something. Besides kissing him really did feel like kissing a relative. Maybe that's why it felt so weird to kiss him?

That was back when we were freshmen. It was at the end of our date when we'd attempted to make out. Angie and Brad were down by the lake, doing something private. I think we disappointed them that Mike and I didn't become a couple. We were laughing and joking when they came back. I can't really do that with most guys. I still get flustered around Brad. And I've been around him a lot because of Angie. After our date Mike started going out with one of my fellow library workers, Denise. I don't know her very well since we don't usually work at the same time but they're totally in love with each other.

Just as I was thinking about that the warning bell rang and I started struggling with my locker again. The thing just wouldn't open for me. Mike seeing me struggle asked if he could help. I swear the thing rattled in fear and opened all by itself! Honest! And I can't say I blame it either. The last time Mike helped open it he head butted it and nearly got detention for damaging school property. There's a trace of the dent in the door still.

I stared at the open door with surprise for a moment and then said "Thanks Mike."

He looked a little confused but said "Sures. No problem. Sees yous at lunch?"

I nodded yes and he grinned and gave me a pat on the butt. I couldn't help yelping. A pat on the butt from him is like being spanked with an oar. He lifted me right off my feet! It doesn't hurt much now but I was sitting gingerly for a while. I suppose most girls would have taken a pat on the butt as an insult but Mike doesn't mean any thing by it really. And he doesn't do it to every girl. Just a few he knows won't take it as an offense. And he doesn't mean to hit hard. He just can't help it.

Any how I changed my books and headed for Biology thinking how pleased Mike will be with his souvenirs. I got him some chemical formulas for different gun powders for fireworks. Mike may not look or sound like it but he's actually very smart, and he loves chemistry. He actually helped me pass last year.

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