Bobby's Good Deeds
Copyright© 2007 by Lubrican
Chapter 8
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Bobby wanted to be a good Boy Scout, and a good Scout does a good deed every day. Bobby had some problems with that, until he met Mrs. Wilson. He did lots of good deeds for her. By the time they were done, she'd done some pretty nice things for him too.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa Teenagers Consensual Romantic Reluctant Heterosexual First Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Slow
It's hard to describe how I felt, as she took my hand and led me to her bedroom. I'd come there, that night, expecting to close one chapter of my life, a chapter I loved, and would miss horribly. I'd come to say goodbye, and to mourn the death of love. Now, though, things had changed so radically that I was operating on auto-pilot. It's a poor analogy, but it was a little like I had been informed that my beloved dog had been hit by a car, and died, but when I came to collect the body, I found out it was all a mistake. If you've ever had a dog you really loved, you understand what I'm trying to say. To find her alive, tail wagging... to find that her love was still available... the sense of relief and joy is impossible to describe.
And now, as she led me to her bedroom, Gloria's love was suddenly available to me again, when I'd thought it was gone forever. Just the feel of her hand in mine was ecstasy so strong that I wanted to weep. Had she only taken me to her bed to hold me, and murmur that she loved me... that would have been enough. I had an erection, but I think that was a physical response to her as a woman. What I felt in my heart was far beyond that, and stronger... firmer... more rock solid than any erection could ever be.
Once there, I stood, mute and almost helpless as she unbuttoned her shirt, and shrugged it off, exposing the dark coronas of her breasts, that had hinted their existence, through the cloth. My mouth watered, as I saw her nipples were distended, and erect. She looked at me as she slid her jeans down, exposing that thin line of hair that was like an arrow, pointing to her sex.
Still, I had not moved, stricken immobile by her beauty. I still wasn't thinking about what we were actually going to do. I was just drinking in her beauty, like a long drink of cool water that satisfies and soothes a parched throat.
She didn't rebuke me for standing there. She cocked her head, and "that look" appeared on her face. "That look" awoke, in me, something that complimented the feeling in my heart. I'm sure some would call it lust, but I think it was more than that. I had pleasured this woman in the past - delighted in the signs and sounds that I was making her happy. She had pleasured me also, creating in me new feelings that soaked me like a summer thunder shower. Now, "that look" suggested there was even more... that we could join in a way that would make us one being, inseparable. "That look" invited me to give her a part of myself that she would always keep, that I could never get back, and would never want back, in any case.
She came to me and unbuttoned my shirt too, leaning forward to kiss my chest. She kissed each of my own hard nipples, and rubbed her face against my skin. Her fingers flicked my belt and pants open, and she knelt to make me naked. She stared at my erect phallus, and kissed the tip, but stopped there.
I kicked out of my shoes by instinct, as she made me lift first one foot, and then the other, to leave my pants lying in a heap on the floor.
Then, gracefully, she stood and moved to the bed, sitting, rolling as she fell backwards, to end up with her head on the pillow, her legs spread, knees bent, in open invitation. Her fingers went to slide across her belly... across that line of hair, following it to the split of her sex. Her pussy lips were already dark and engorged. Her finger slid through glistening moisture, and entered her body while she stared up at me.
Her only sign of impatience was her soft comment. "My finger isn't enough. I need you."
I won't say that control returned to my body. That I acted with conscious intent is true, but I don't think I was in full control. I should have gone to her gently, but, the emotions I was feeling were so powerful that they demanded a powerful physical response. I had never done this thing we were about to do, but I had some idea of how it should work. From the time that my knee first touched the bed, to the time my pubic bone crushed her clit, my prick fully embedded in her, was, perhaps, six seconds.
She gave a whining moan, equal parts discomfort and passion as I entered her fully, and too quickly, in one lunge. It had been many years since she had accepted a penis into her, but I didn't think of that. The pain in her voice, combined with the sudden feeling of strong, gripping heat on every square millimeter of my prick, caused me to pause, and my own groan followed hers.
"I'm sorry," I said.
I meant a lot of things by that. I was sorry for causing the obvious pain I heard in her voice. I was sorry I had doubted her. I was sorry I had caused her emotional distress. I was sorry that I had wasted so much precious time, pouting, staying away from her, when I could have been near her instead.
"It's all right," she panted. Her hands came to my back and smoothed all over it, ending on my buttocks, which she gripped, and pulled toward her.
Lying there, on top of her, I suddenly felt like a bear, huge and heavy, crushing my prey beneath me, ready to consume her. Her breasts felt hot and soft under my chest. I had come to this room, willing to accept just a kiss, or to be held. Now, the feeling of my prick, joined to her, was all I wanted. It would be enough, if only I could stay where I was, not moving.
I felt a ripple of movement all along my penis, and her hips moved.
"You feel so gooood," she moaned. "I need this so badly."
Almost every time she had touched my penis, it had reacted like it was on amphetamines. The first time she'd touched it, it had taken only three strokes before I was spurting all over her chest. The first time she'd taken it in her mouth, I had spurted within fifteen seconds. Other times she had masturbated me, I had never lasted more than a minute. By contrast, each time I had touched her, I had wanted it to last forever. The sounds of her appreciation drove me to make it last as long as possible. Of course, she could have multiple orgasms, and that helped, but the urge to make her insanely happy, for as long as possible, had settled into me as she had taught me to love her.
Now, I had a new way to make her insanely happy, but only so long as I didn't spurt.
And THAT thought, gave me the control I had lacked, up to that point. Suddenly, I didn't WANT to cum. I wanted to stay hard, and hear her tell me how much she loved me filling her over and over again.
Instinctively, I knew I should be moving. So I moved.
At first, I moved only a little, pulling out maybe a couple of inches. Then I surged right back in, because the exquisite feeling of her pussy clasping my prick brought back the urge to spew as soon as possible. I groaned, and fought back. Her gasp helped, as pubic bone slammed against hers. My brain recognized that as a good sound, and I ground my bone against her.
"Oh fuck," she gasped, her hips lurching up at me. "Oh yes, Bobby, Oh fuck me baby," she moaned. It was music to my ears, and I kept up that short withdrawal and jabbing motion, with a little grind as I felt my prick hit that rubbery knot deep inside her.
She blubbered, her fingernails scratching my back, as her legs flopped open and then her knees slammed against my hips. She set up a litany of little gasps, of "Oh fuck" intermingled with "Oh please" and "Ohhh YES!" sounds that drove me to more or less pound her. Her sounds got garbled as I felt her pussy spasm all around my prick, and she had an orgasm. It didn't sound like the orgasms I had given her with either my fingers, or my mouth, but I knew what it was. It was violent, but not a bad kind of violence. She was a LOT stronger than I would have believed, and she lifted both our weights, at one point. Then she subsided into "Oh yes... oh yes... oh yes." Between each "Oh yes" she kissed my chest, which was all she could reach, and, at one point sucked one of my nipples.
That made me want to suck hers too, but I couldn't reach them, so I fucked her some more, instead.
She was breathing hard, and I looked down at her face. She looked up at me and there were tears in her eyes, but she was smiling.
"I love you so much," she sighed. "I tried not to, but you stole my heart."
I tried pulling out a little farther, and felt cool air surround my prick. I didn't like that, and slid back in, rewarded with her groan.
"I'm so full," she panted. "I love how you fill me."
It took all my energy just to stop from cumming, so I concentrated on driving her to another orgasm.
"So strong," she panted, her hands sliding to my shoulders, and then back to my waist. "So HARD!" she gasped, thrusting her loins up at mine as I slid back in her.
I saw a drop of moisture drop and hit her nose. I realized it was sweat, dripping off my chin. Her head arched up, and she licked my chin. I dropped my face and her lips sucked at mine. I was close to cumming again, so I pushed in deep, and rocked back and forth. Her lips got more urgent, and then peeled apart as her head flopped back down and she wailed as another orgasm hit her. Her head flopped back and forth, and her hair flew everywhere, getting in her mouth. She spit it out and alternated between sobbing breaths and laughs as I kept up the pressure.
"I... can't... take it!" she gasped. "You're... making me... crazyeeeeeee" she whined. Her legs came up and wrapped around my back, and her arms went out to her sides, flopping on the bed as she arched her back.
I wanted to go on. I was driven to leave her helpless. No... not helpless... just intensely satisfied. I wanted her to have no more energy, to use up all the passion she had withheld over the years I had known her.
And then, suddenly, it was there, and I couldn't stop it. I realized I was holding my breath, trying my best to deny my balls, but it didn't work. Air gusted out of me in a long groan as I felt the first streak of unbelievable soothing pleasure in my prick. Now, every iota of my consciousness was centered on two balls, and my penis, as I gave up and tried to aid them in delivering what would stay with her forever. This wasn't going to hit her chest, and be wiped off, or washed away. This time, my essence would flush deep inside her, where it would stay. I was offering something I had given no other woman. I felt the urge to close my eyes, and concentrate only on what I was feeling, but also I wanted to see her face as I did it. I wanted her to see my eyes too, because, while I couldn't talk, every ounce of love that wasn't jetting through my penis, I wanted to send through my eyes.
With wide open eyes, I stared into her dark green ones, as my prick surged and spat, over and over again. I felt like my whole body was trying to enter hers, to merge with her into something that would be both Bobby and Gloria, and would never be completely separate again.
Her eyes opened wide too, as she felt the first thick stream hit that rubbery knot in her belly.
"Oh yessss," she hissed. "Cum for me, Bobby... cum in me baby."
Her hands came to my buttocks, and she held me deep inside her as I finished.
It was if every bit of strength I had in my body flowed from me to her. Only because my elbows were locked rigidly, kept me from collapsing on her and crushing her. My head drooped, and I felt like I'd run ten miles, as fast as I could, in a complete panic, and was now, finally safe.
The aftermath of that first time, might seem anticlimactic to you, but it wasn't to me. When I finally got the strength to unlock my aching elbows, she let me crush her for a few seconds, running her hands slowly across my back, and then helped me roll sideways. She hooked one leg over mine, and rolled with me, to end up with us on our sides, still locked together. I was already soft, completely spent, and the lack of sensation let me pull out of her and adjust, so that her face was level with mine. Her eyes stared into mine, and the look on her face was composed, but didn't say what she was feeling.
Neither of us said anything for a while, as we both caught our breath, that breath mingling, with our mouths only inches apart. Her hair was sticking to her forehead and cheeks, from the sweat, and I lifted my hand to sweep it aside with a finger.
"I can't live without you," I finally said.
She smiled a tired smile. "You can't live without that," she corrected me.
"I can't live without YOU," I corrected her. "I can't imagine doing that with any other woman."
Her eyes got misty again, and she blinked several times.
"You said you loved me," I said.
A tear broke loose and slid down her cheek.
"I've loved you since you were fifteen," she whispered. "It was wrong. I knew it was wrong, but you were so sweet, and gentle and kind. You were more of a man at fifteen than most men will ever be, no matter how old they get. I DO love you, even more now."
"Then let me be in love with you too," I said.
"I just did, didn't I?"
"No, you just had sex with me," I said. "And as fantastic as that was, and as much as I want to do it again, right now, it's more important that you let me love you. That's what I really want."
"It will be hard," she said.
"How hard can it be? You love me. Just accept my love back."
"That's not what I meant," she said, wiping her eye. "Your mother will be furious."
"You let me handle my mother," I said.
"You're going away for a whole year," she moaned.
"When was the last time you did what you just did with me?" I asked.
She barked a laugh. "I almost can't remember," she said. "Years."
"More than one?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Then you know how to go without that. But you won't have to go without knowing I love you. For the whole time I'm gone, you can get up every day of the week and look in the mirror and say to yourself "Bobby loves me." I know that's what I'm going to do wherever they send me."
She giggled. "You're going to look in the mirror and say "Bobby loves me?"
"I'm going to look in the mirror and say "You love Gloria, and she loves you, and it won't be long before you can hold her like this again."
Her eyebrows wrinkled. "I did this once before. I thought that would last, but it didn't. I'm scared."
"You got married," I said. "Maybe you'll want to do that with me too some day, but there's no hurry. You took your time with me for two years. Let's see how the next year goes. All I ask is that you try to keep loving me. I'll keep trying to love you."
"That sounds so... tenuous," she sighed.
"It doesn't feel tenuous," I said. "Not to me. Does it to you?"
Her eyes cleared instantly.
"No," she said immediately. "I know what I feel for you is love. I just can't believe that you love me."
"I know exactly how you feel," I said. I kissed her lips... just a short one. "Are you sorry you... did this?"
Again her "No!" was instant, and emphatic. "I loved every second of it," she sighed. "I needed that more than you could possibly know."
"I think I can understand. You haven't gotten to do it for years."
"That's not what I meant," she said. "I could have had sex hundreds of times since I got divorced, but I never met a man I WANTED to have sex with, until I met you. I needed YOU, to make love to me."
We lay there for another hour, just talking about this and that. At one point she traced a red lacquered fingernail up my side. It tickled... and it made me hard again. I took the finger, and kissed it, and then put her hand down to feel what she'd done.
"Oh goody!" she said, smiling.
She pushed me onto my back, and climbed on top of me, putting her hands on my chest to keep me down. At first all she did was rub her pussy all over my penis. She was messy with my earlier spend, but it just added to the sensation of slippery heat. She arched her back, laying her belly against mine, and pushed down, and, just like that, my prick was again surrounded with hot pussy. In all the porn videos I had seen, the woman bounced up and down, in a situation like this, but that's not what she did. She rubbed, backwards and forwards, and that rubbery knot kissed and stroked the tip of my prick.
I forgot to take control of my own feelings, and suddenly, I was spurting in her.
"Already?" she teased me, her rocking unabated. "Last time you went for sooooo long."
All she did was lean forward a little more, and then masturbate herself on my limp prick. As she came, she kissed me, panting into my mouth.
I wanted to stay, but she made me leave. She still understood the realities of life more clearly than I did. I thought, at some point in time, that I'd inform my parents that I was in love with Gloria Wilson, and that I'd magically be able to convert them from thinking she was a slut, to welcoming her into the family. I don't know if she knew better, or just didn't want to chance screwing things up before it was absolutely necessary.
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