Bobby's Good Deeds
Copyright© 2007 by Lubrican
Chapter 6
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Bobby wanted to be a good Boy Scout, and a good Scout does a good deed every day. Bobby had some problems with that, until he met Mrs. Wilson. He did lots of good deeds for her. By the time they were done, she'd done some pretty nice things for him too.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa Teenagers Consensual Romantic Reluctant Heterosexual First Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Slow
After that, I couldn't resist kissing her. Most of the time that's all we did ... share soft, warm kisses, with just a little stroking.
I went on more dates, and eventually worked up the courage to try to kiss Cathy Thompson good night. She was willing, and it was nice, but it didn't electrify me, like Gloria's kisses did. When Gloria kissed me, I got a boner. It happened every time. Sometimes she'd feel it, and smile, and kiss me some more, and then tell me to go home and take care of it.
I took Cathy out again, and this time she wanted to park. She got very excited, but was scared out of her mind. She wanted a lot of things, but she was scared to do them. When I stroked her breasts outside her clothes, she said she liked that, but then wanted me to stop. I began to understand what Gloria had told me about not being ready yet, for some of the things we did. Cathy's body was ready, but her mind wasn't. She came to my locker one day, not long after that and "broke up" with me, because things were "getting too intense".
That was a surprise to me. I hadn't even realized we were "going together".
Gloria always wanted to know how my dates went, and what the girls wanted and didn't want. She said she was proud of me for not pushing things with the girls I took out. I didn't know how to explain to her that, compared to her, all those girls were like puppies, wagging their tails, with an attention span of about two minutes.
My description of how I had been dumped, just happened to coincide with the second time that summer that Gloria ovulated, before I went back to school. She, assuming I was crushed, which really wasn't the case at all, decided to do "something special" for me again. This time she got completely naked with me, and we lay on the couch and made out like teenagers.
She started stroking my prick, while we kissed, and it was just natural for me to slide my fingers into her slickness. She humped my hand, and the movement caused my finger to dip into her. It was kind of amazing to me. I knew she had a vagina, of course, but knowing is a lot different than actually feeling that hot tunnel, with its clasping muscles.
I could tell she liked that, because of the way she wiggled, so I went deeper, until I couldn't get any more in her. She lifted a leg, holding it up in the air. Her back was to the couch, and I was lying right on the edge of the seat cushions, so we were pressed together pretty much. She was having trouble stroking me, because my prick was pressed against her lower thigh. With our head even, her pussy was about halfway between my navel and my pubic hair.
I rolled back a little, beginning to explore that hot tunnel with my finger. I could feel something deep inside of her that felt like a knot, that was rubbery, and she went crazy when I tickled that with the tip of my finger.
She went off, and bucked her belly against mine, at which point I slid off the couch cushion to land hard on my left hip. It also jerked my finger out of her.
"Ooooo" she moaned. "Where'd you go?"
"I fell off the couch," I said. "Wouldn't this be a lot more comfortable on a bed?"
Her face appeared, looking down at me.
"I can't take you to bed. That would be very dangerous," she panted.
"How could it be more dangerous than lying on the couch?" I asked.
"You didn't cum," she said, ignoring my question.
She scrambled off the couch and pushed me onto my back, which left my prick standing up, and leaning over drunkenly.
She took it in her hand, and kissed the tip. Then she slid her lips down and over it, as she slid her hand down to uncover the knob.
She did it differently this time. She only sucked the knob itself, and teased it with her tongue, while she slid here hand up and down the shaft. I was trying to figure out whether I liked it this way better than the other way, where her lips slid all along the shaft, when I felt my balls bunch up, and delivered what she was after. Keeping her lips sealed right behind the head, she stroked my prick and made purring noises that were just delightful. She kept sucking until I went completely limp, and then pulled off.
She looked up at me and her eyes were kind of wild looking.
"Soft is good," she panted. "It needs to be soft right now."
She rolled off me and spread her legs.
"Do me again, Bobby, pleeease?"
With her on the floor like that, I could put my finger in her, and suck on her nipples at the same time. I couldn't believe how long they got when I did that. They were a blast to chew on and play with, and felt so good against my lips, and in my mouth.
Her hips started bouncing off the floor and she made these funny grunting noises, in time with the bounces. She pressed the base of my finger against that bump, which I'd sort of forgotten about when I was poking my finger up in her. Then she moved my hand back and forth, sideways, like I had done before. I knew what she wanted right away. I could keep my finger in her, and still put pressure on the bump. In fact, I could put a lot MORE pressure on the bump.
She squealed and flopped around for a few seconds, and then her hand came to mine and held it still. After a few more seconds of that, she pulled at it gently, and helped me take my finger out of her. Then she went limp.
I don't think I ever saw anything as beautiful as she was, lying there, one leg straight, and the other cocked at the knee, her breasts heaving as she gasped for air. It got me hard again.
"I'm hard again," I said.
"Noooooo," she moaned. "Hard is bad, right now."
"Why?" I asked.
Again, she ignored my question, but rolled over to take me in her mouth again. Now it was my turn to lie on the floor and flop around.
I did. It took longer this time, to spurt, so I flopped around a lot.
I think the reason she never told me how badly she wanted to fuck me was because she was sure, if I knew that, I might try to do it. I think she knew that if I ever ended up, hovering over her, with my prick pointed at her wet pussy, she'd have been helpless to stop it from happening. I was to find out later that that's why she wouldn't play with me in bed, and why she tried not to play with me at all, at least not in a serious way, like the one I just described.
It was therefore, pretty inevitable that, for weeks after we did something "special", she kept things really toned down. Like I said, it was mostly just some kisses, and a little stroking and teasing. If I played with her breasts too much, or tried to get them uncovered, she'd stop me, and usually send me home. I didn't like that, because I wanted to be around her. So, as nice as it was to get a look at her breasts, I behaved myself, for the most part.
School was pretty easy that year. I'd already taken most of the hard courses that were required to graduate. Only Chemistry and Calc were left in the tough subjects, and I took Chemistry first semester, and Calc second, so my homework load was manageable.
As a result, I spent a lot more time over at Gloria's that year, than I had in the past, during school. She loved doing picture puzzles, and she taught me how to do them with her. She had a system. It was mathematical, really. Depending on the puzzle, there are a set number of shapes, and they repeat, in a more or less mathematical pattern. If you separate all the pieces by shape, and you can figure out the pattern, you know what shape to look for next. It really cuts down on the time you spend with your glazed eyes just roaming helplessly over puzzle pieces. She liked the big puzzles too, with 5,000 pieces, so I needed all the help I could get.
It's amazing how a good picture puzzle can keep your mind off of getting the girl you're with naked. It's very distracting!
I don't think it had anything to do with her buying the hot tub, but it was installed while she was ovulating again. I say that not because we knew it then, but to help you understand why she acted so erratically.
You see, she was the one who regulated what we did. She understood things, both about me and about her, that I had no clue about back then. I loved being around her, whether we did anything sexual or not. Well, we almost always did something sexual, like teasing, or kissing, and stuff like that. But she kept the overwhelming kinds of things to a manageable level. I didn't know what I was missing, and she knew that, so she tried to make sure I didn't have too much to miss. She was wise that way.
But wise people don't know everything. They still make errors of judgment. For instance, she was completely sure that I would go away somewhere after High School, and forget all about her.
Like that could happen.
And, when she was at the peak of her cycle, her control slipped badly. She didn't know why it was slipping badly then - we only figured that out later - but when that happened, if I was there, her control over things got ... stressed.
So, when I came over one night in December, and there was a brand new hot tub on the back deck, and she wanted to try it out ... and was ovulating ... things kind of sped up again.
"Are you crazy?" I asked, when she wanted to know if I wanted to go hot tubbing with her. "It's twenty-five degrees out there!"
"Not in the hot tub," she said, smiling. "In the hot tub it's one-oh-five."
"Well, OK," I admitted, "but you have to get from the house TO the hot tub, and then from the hot tub TO the house, and while you're doing that, it's freezing."
"Don't be a wimp," she said, poking me. "It'll only take ten seconds to run from the house to the tub, and when we get out, we'll be extra warm, and it won't feel that bad for the ten second run back into the house."
"I don't carry around a swim suit in December," I reminded her.
"Who needs a swim suit?" she said, looking eager for some reason.
Now this was a horse of a different color. If I got to see Gloria naked, then twenty-five degrees didn't seem like such a horrible price to pay for it.
Which is how we ended up, scampering naked through the freezing air, naked as jaybirds, to her new hot tub. Which, I might add, was WAY to hot to just jump in. I bet it took us five minutes of freezing on one end, and roasting on the other, to finally get everything but our heads submerged.
"Your plan has a couple of flaws," I said, my teeth chattering. "Like getting in, and I suspect that when we get out, it's going to feel twice as cold as it does now!"
"I didn't realize it would feel this hot," she complained. She was about halfway in, at that point, and her nipples were sticking out an inch. She had goose bumps on the rest of her breast flesh. She looked delicious.
When we were finally submerged, it was really delightful. There was steam coming off the surface of the water, and the heat rose, so that our heads didn't actually get cold, even though the air temperature was below freezing.
"This is much better," she sighed.
"I probably caught pneumonia while we were getting in, though," I said, not really complaining.
"Let Gloria kiss you and make you all better," she said. She had "that look" on her face. I was beginning to love "that look".
She floated over to me, and gave me a kiss that would have warmed me up even if I'd been standing naked beside the tub. I kissed her back and started sliding my hands all over her breasts. I wanted to hear her moan in that special way again. I wanted to know I had given her another orgasm, so I dipped my hand between her legs.
We weren't sitting down this time, even though there were seats around the outside of the tub wall, and we sort of went in circles as we kissed, and my fingers probed. With her legs spread, in the tub, I had all the room I needed to slide a finger deep inside her and start playing with that rubbery thing up in there.
"Mmmmmm, naughty, naughty," she murmured into my mouth between kisses. Her hand came to my prick, which was soft as it could be. I didn't understand that. I had been hard when we ran outside, and I was excited now.
"Another flaw in my plan," she breathed into my mouth. "The heat is keeping you soft."
That turned out to be a good thing after all, because as we swirled in the water, kissing and groping each other, she ended up straddling me, and pressed her pussy directly against my cock. She was rubbing like crazy, and I am positive that, if I'd been hard enough, I'd have fucked Gloria Wilson that night.
She knew it too, because while she was grinding her pussy against my floppy prick, she murmured "Maybe soft isn't so bad after all."
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