The Idea - Cover

The Idea

Copyright© 2007 by niteowluk99

Chapter 8: Grandmothers are active too

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Grandmothers are active too - Two friends form a company for filming ladies fantasises, here are two of their customers requests. Further episodes to follow.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   BDSM   Light Bond   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Water Sports   Exhibitionism   Doctor/Nurse  

Agatha Clarke, was 79 years old a silver haired lady with a still trim figure. We were a little taken aback when she contacted the company. In fact I foolish reminded her exactly what we did. She responded by telling me in no uncertain terms that just because there is snow on the roof, it doesn't mean the fire has gone out.

I apologized profusely and explained that it came as a shock for a woman of senior years to want a fantasy filmed. I arranged to meet her and discuss her wants. I must confess that all the way to her home, I was searching my brain to remember an old gent who could participate in her fantasy. But I soon learned my lesson never to prejudge client's desires.

Agatha turned out be a warm cheery person, who admitted that she almost did not make the call to me. I assured her that I would do my best to accommodate her requests. She told me about herself firstly, how as a widower for 11 years she had come to realize that she missed the real life sex, as she put it. Mechanical toys are fine but there is nothing like a good hard cock to set the pulses racing. Eh! She joked. Besides a real bloke you don't have to worry about the batteries failing at the most crucial time. Again she laughed.

I was really beginning to warm to this woman and must admit I did feel a little sorry for her, after she opened my eyes to the plight of the senior woman or man for that matter. I never thought an O.A.P. would have a sex life let alone harbour designs of a fantasy. What's that old Irish saying, 'may you live as long as you want to and want to as long as you live'?

Again I must confess; her request left me pondering, where could I find a man like she described. Eventually it all sorted it's self out. (Obviously or I would not have this tale to relate).

On the day of the filming I arrived at her house with John, a 19 year old Security officer, no I was not in danger and therefore in need of a body guard. It was like this, someone joked to me about someone they worked with being really weird, saying he liked old woman the older the better. I approached John discreetly and asked him if the rumours I had heard were correct. Red faced he admitted they were. So I put the proposition to him that he could earn himself £50 expenses if he agreed to be filmed making love to a 79 year old woman. Hesitantly he agreed on one condition the money was up front because his wife was expecting and he needed a few things.

His explanation seemed plausible so I gave him the money. Hence he was now with me to do his part in the filming. Also with me was the assistant film camera man. He was to try his hand at the close up shots with a view to getting more part time work.

We entered the house, where I made all the introductions. Agatha led Tony, the Cameraman to set up in the bedroom, whilst John and I went into the Kitchen to find Agatha had laid out some cakes and a fresh pot of tea. John said "She is a little cracker, you sure she is 79 years old"

"I never asked for her birth certificate or anything like that!" I joked.

Soon Agatha and Tony joined us in the kitchen where Agatha played mum pouring out three cups of tea. It brought back memories for me of visiting an elderly aunt and they way they fuss around you in that old world charm way. I informed everyone it was time to make a start.

Agatha asked to be allowed to warm up first, with a twinkle in her eye she said "I would like to be filmed playing with my toy and have John here suddenly enter the room and ravish me" John nodded.

With that Agatha and Tony left us, I asked john if he was ok with this and he eagerly answered yes. As we were killing time, I asked John about his wife at home. "Does she know you're here doing this?" I asked.

"OH no, she would kill me if she found out. She thinks I'm a pervert as it is!" he replied.

"And how old is your wife then?" I enquired.

"16 years old, we married two months ago because I got her pregnant" he answered.

"She is right, you are a pervert!" I quipped laughing.

"By the way John, just so you are aware, any arrangements you make with Agatha for after tonight is strictly down to you and nothing to do with my company, your contract is for this one night and that's it" I informed him.

"What you mean if I get paid to come back here again, I would not have to give you a commission?" he asked.

"No, you keep the lot!" I replied.

Tony called from upstairs to tell us they were ready. I suppose out of curiosity as much as out of protecting my company image I escorted John upstairs. He opened the bedroom door stepped inside only to re emerge seconds later. "I can't do it!" he cried.

I pulled him off to another room and told him "Yes you can you like old women, you told me so yourself!" "Now get in there and perform"

"I can't, I am sorry Ray, but I can't do it" he wailed.

"Calm down, why can't you do it?" I asked.

"Have you seen it, it needs ironing!" he blurted.

"Of course it needs ironing; she is 79 years old for fuck sake." "How many old women have you been with?" I asked.

He looked down at the floor and said "None"

"You Fucking wanker!" I called him. "You've taken my money now fuck off in there and do what you have been paid to do!" I demanded. "If you don't you will have to explain to your wife why you're being sued for breach of contract" I added

Reluctantly he opened the bedroom door and walked slowly across the landing, before opening the bedroom door where Agatha was waiting. I followed him in and blocked off any means of escape.

Without much more delay, he stripped off and joined Agatha on the bed. She suddenly opened her eyes and said "OH John, whatever will you think of your grandma, lying her playing with herself!" "John, you naughty boy you are naked as I am" she added.

John replied "Yes, Nan, but seeing you like that and doing that made me want to join you"

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