The Idea
Copyright© 2007 by niteowluk99
Chapter 4
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Two friends form a company for filming ladies fantasises, here are two of their customers requests. Further episodes to follow.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft Fa/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual NonConsensual Rape Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction True Story BDSM Light Bond Humiliation Gang Bang Group Sex Orgy Interracial White Couple First Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Water Sports Exhibitionism Doctor/Nurse
How it all began.
It all started with a crazy idea. Sat in a public bar, Mick and I were simply bouncing ideas off each other for possible ideal jobs. He turned to me and said "the best job in the world has to be filming those porno stars" to which I replied "No ... The best job in the world would be filming everyday housewives and their dirty little fantasies"
He almost instantly agreed. We both looked at each other and simultaneously said "could we!" So one week later we had developed our idea and produced the literature for FANTASY to REALITY. We bought two digital camcorders and placed our first advert in a swinger's magazine. Well we were expecting a long slow wait till our company name had become better known. Triple X enterprises was appropriate but we shortened it to T X enterprises for modesty's sake.
The Doctor fetish.
All names changed to protect the guilty.
We were approached by a 23 year old woman, Cassandra Crabtree; she was 5'6" tall short cropped blonde hair (almost boyish in appearance) vital statistics 36 — 28 — 35. We met her in her local public house and sat in a corner when she confided her fantasy to us.
We asked the sort of time scale for this as her fantasy posed us a few problems equipment wise. As soon as possible was her reply and she handed us an envelope with £250 in as a deposit against any expenses. We gave her a code name and took a contact number and said "we will be in touch".
Having made several enquires about hiring venues with studio type accommodation; we drew a blank finding anything resembling a doctor's surgery. However a contact from my previous employment in security put us on to two things. 1. A company that hired theatrical props and a self storage company that turned a blind eye to what the storage were used for. We could even hire the area by the hour if need be.
Again my D I Y skills came in handy as we made bolt together false walls which when painted would suffice for the doctors surgery. We manage to hire a medical exam table but got several funny looks when we asked for it to be delivered to a self storage address. I decided to level with the woman taking the order and explained about our company.
I Contacted Cassandra, and arranged to meet to show her the photos of her doctor for approval, she chose Bob, my ex Security manager. The nurse was more of a challenge; I only had two photos of women. Sandie the nurse from our first film, who had agreed to sign on with us, and my soon to be live in slave Karen.
Cassandra chose Sandie, especially when I told her she was actually a real nurse. A date was arranged for the filming and everything was Go. Cassandra asked me what the final cost was likely to be. I explained that out of her £250 deposit I had paid out £25.00 for the storage area, £35.00 for the hire of the exam table, £40.00 for timber and sheeting to make the room look like a surgery. So by the Time I paid £50.00 expenses to the two other stars she had only £50.00 left to cover incidentals like speculums, latex gloves and costumes. I estimated she would need to find a further £200 to cover costs of filming and editing. She agreed and asked me to walk her to a cash point where she would give me the cash there and then. I explained that was not the way we worked the balance would be due upon handing over the final DVD. "What if I decided not to pay you though" she said.
"Oh we never worry about that because until final payment is made, the film is our property and would be sold to an internet site for more than enough to cover our costs" I replied. "Then the only worry for the customer would be whether or not their neighbours got to access the internet file" I added.
"I can see how that would persuade even the meanest of women to pay up!" she laughed.
We shook hands and I left having everything sorted for a Wednesday night filming. I checked with Bob and Sandie and both were available for that night.
Wednesday daytime, was a bit rushed for Mick and I, we had to deliver the backdrops and bolt them together, and be there to accept delivery of the examination bed, sort out other bits of furniture to compliment the surgery. So by 4 pm we were both hungry and knackered. We knew the stars would not arrive till after the main storage depot had closed.
Mick had really out done himself this time he had managed to pick up from a second hand source; a metal examination drawer unit on wheels; a backless stool on wheels. The gowns to be used by the GP and the nurse came from Sandie as did the plain blue open backed gown for Cassandra to wear.
When Sandie turned up, she handed me a black case and said "These things went missing two weeks ago from where I work and have not been missed so you may keep this for future endeavours!" I checked them out, there were Stethoscope, three different Speculums, two boxes of latex gloves, a box of surgical masks, plastic spatula's as used in the real clinics. She even produced a blood pressure hand operated unit, but said this unfortunately will have to be returned. I could not thank her enough, I handed her expenses and promised her another £40 for the equipment she had supplied.
We were finally all set, the lighting was in place, and the stars had arrived and were changing. Lights, Action, rolling.
Cassandra led by Sandie entered the room, was assisted up on to the Examination table, her legs were placed in the stirrups and her gown discreetly pull up to display her cunt. Dr Bob entered the room and walked over to Cassandra, introduced himself to her and said "Are you ok, with the fact that this examination is outside normal surgery hours?"
Cassandra answered "Yes Doctor, its good of you to fit me in because my employers would not allow me time off during the day."
Dr Bob then introduced Sandie "This is nurse Stevens, who will be assisting me" The two women nodded their heads to each other. Seating himself on the stool between Cassandra's legs he asked "What seems to be the problem, Miss Crabtree?"
"Please call me Cassandra." She replied. "It's just that I get uncomfortable when my boyfriend and I make love. It always ends up hurting me so I cannot enjoy the experience!" She added.
"OH and May I ask is your boyfriend very well endowed." Dr. Bob asked.
"No that's just it, even fully hard he is only four inches and really thin at that" came her reply.
"So you think the problem lies within you, I take it?" asked Dr Bob.
"I don't know, but if it keeps happening I am afraid I will lose him" she responded.
Several questions later, "Cassandra, I am going to suggest a little experiment, all your replies seem to indicate a lubrication problem" Dr Bob suggested. "Please feel free to refuse if you think it strange" he continued, "nurse Stevens here will stimulate your body until you're on the verge of an orgasm and then I will examine you!" he offered.
"That is a strange sort to exam, but I am desperate to find a solution, so carry on" said a shaking Cassandra.
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