Establishing The Mutant Race - Cover

Establishing The Mutant Race

Copyright© 2007 by OldBoy101

Chapter 2

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Homo Sapiens experience a new mutation that includes a remnant of the Neanderthal. This new man can sense when a female is fertile, is highly intelligent and uses mind control.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Historical   Interracial  

The Good Seed

Sammy watched from his darkened bedroom window as the pretty girl next door got undressed and ready for bed. Sally had forgotten to pull down her window shade. The boy watched with growing excitement as she took off her clothes. Sally hung up her blouse and skirt in her closet.

She sat on the edge of her bed to take off her sneakers and sox. Sammy saw this reflected in her dresser mirror. She stood then wearing only her bra and panties. Reaching behind her back the young girl unhooked her bra and took it off. Sammy gasped at the sight of her bare breasts.

The girl was 12 and her titties were only half grown. Still they were quite interesting to the boy who was spying on her from the house next door. He had seen pictures of tits before of course but these were the first real ones he had seen. Sally posed before her mirror and ran her hands lightly over her growing breasts. The girl seemed pleased with her new mammary development.

Sammy was rubbing his stiff young cock now, knowing that this marvelous sight was going to make him cum. He tried to hold off long enough to see if she would take off her panties and show him her pussy too. He wished it could be his hands now roaming over the girl's titties, feeling them, caressing them.

He watched as Sally brushed out her long blonde hair, her back to the bedroom window and to the boy spying on her from the window across from hers. Sammy had a good view of her front too which was reflected in the dresser mirror. As she brushed her hair out her titties jiggled a little on her chest. The pink nipples seemed to wink at the boy and he was thrilled by that.

Finished with her hair, Sally tucked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties. Down came the panties as she bent over to take them down past her knees. Sammy was treated to the sight of her firm young bare ass. The girl's ass cheeks were so smooth, so round, and the boy would love to feel them too. He could see just a little of the back of the crack between her legs as she took the panties off over her feet.

Sally straightened up and turned then to face the window, completely naked now. Sammy gasped at the sight of her bare pussy, the first real one he had ever seen. The girl had a little blonde fuzz above her crack, new pubic hair, but it wasn't thick enough yet to hide anything from his staring eyes. He could see the pinkness of her girl crack between her legs, so different from boys.

The girl turned away then to get a nightgown from her closet. But Sammy had seen enough. The boy lost control and his cock was shooting, shooting, cumming, cumming, ropes of his semen spurting from his cock and shooting against the wall just below his window. He gasped as he shot, the feeling so thrilling to him. He had cum a few times before but never so hard as this.

Sally was wearing her nightgown now as he noticed her reaching for the light switch on her wall. She turned off the light and Sammy could no longer see into her bedroom. He knew that the girl must be in bed now and about to go to sleep. The boy pulled down his window shade and then he turned on his own light. He had a mess of cum running down the wall and he had to clean it up. Sammy didn't mind the mess he had made though. It had been worth it to see Sally naked.

Sammy was 13 and he had only recently become interested in girls. He was a very muscular boy and good at sports. He was also very bright and a straight A student at school. He knew that his dad was not his biological father but that didn't matter. He was his dad in every way that really mattered. Both of his parents were proud of their talented son.

Sammy's dad was a slightly built man and so was his mother. The couple had tried for years to have a baby but his dad had a low sperm count. So they had turned to artificial insemination and Sammy was the result. The boy had some instinctive knowledge of his true paternity and it fascinated him to realize that there was a bit of Neanderthal flowing through his veins.

Sammy also knew that this was something he could not share with others. Modern men would persecute any who differed from their own kind. In the long history of the human race one fact was evident. Whenever a hominid came along who was a little smarter than his predecessor, that predecessor was squeezed out, even murdered. The full Neanderthals were thus killed off. Only a secret remnant remained, a line that had crossbred with modern humans thousands of years ago.

Their numbers were never very large and in fact many times these crossbred men had nearly become extinct. Then recently something quite wonderful had happened. A genetic mutation resulted in one of these men having superior intelligence, the ability to read minds and even exercise some mind control over others. This mutant man was determined to thrive.

Somehow Sammy knew he was a son of this first mutant man. He understood the imperative to perpetuate his kind. This was only becoming clear to him now that he was grown enough to mate and produce offspring of his own. Then there were the dreams, dreams with a kernel of reality in them. The dreams told him how it came to be that Neanderthals were not completely extinct.

Tens of thousands of years ago early Homo Sapiens, Cro-Magnons, settled in what is now France. There they came into contact with the old ones, Neanderthals, and they co-existed with them for over a thousand years. During that time a Cro-Magnon girl had been abducted and raped by Neanderthals. She subsequently was returned to her tribe and later gave birth to a son. That son's progeny still lived in Sammy and others like him.

That night Sammy had a very mixed up dream. Somehow the Cro-Magnon girl was in his dream along with a family of Neanderthals and they were having sex with the girl. Sammy was there too and so was Sally. They watched the Neanderthal men raping the girl but they were not trying to hurt her. They simply wanted to enjoy fucking with her and she seemed to accept this.

Sammy and Sally were naked and sitting together on the floor of a cave, perhaps as guests of the Neanderthals. After watching the girl being fucked they turned to each other and began copying what they had just seen. Sammy had his cock inside Sally and they were moving together in the age-old dance of mating. The Neanderthal men came over to them and grunted approvingly at what the young couple was doing. Then Sammy came inside Sally's body.

Sammy woke up then to discover that he had just had a wet dream. He had to change his sheets and put the soiled ones in the wash. Then he went back to sleep, this time more peacefully. But in his mind he knew that soon he was going to make his dream come true. He was going to fuck with Sally.

Sally was a year behind Sammy in school and so they didn't see each other that often there. But a week later Sammy saw her walking home just ahead of him. He quickly caught up to the girl and greeted her.

"Hi Sally, mind if I walk you home?" he asked, hoping she would agree.

"Oh hi, Sammy. Sure, I would like that." she replied, giving him a dazzling smile. Feeling emboldened the boy took her hand in his and held hands with her as they walked. Somehow he sensed that the girl really liked him.

Sammy had been thrilled during the past week to see that Sally kept forgetting to pull down her window shade when she was getting ready for bed. Every night he had been able to watch her undressing and he had cum at the sight of her naked body. She was just so pretty.

Sally knew that the boy had been spying on her. After the first night when she realized it she kept her window shade up. She wanted him to see her naked. She really liked Sammy. He was such a good-looking hunk, so muscular, and he was the smartest boy she knew. She would love to have him as her boyfriend. Sally had only recently come to this realization.

Sometimes in bed at night Sally would rub herself down there between her legs and imagine that it was Sammy touching her there. Once in awhile she would even cum while she masturbated. This was a totally new thing to her and she was only learning how to give herself such pleasure.

"Come on in Sammy, and maybe we can have a snack together," she invited the boy when they reached her house.

"Uh, sure Sally. I'd like that," he replied.

They entered the house but Sally found that her mother was not home. There was a note on the kitchen table telling her that she had gone to the hospital to visit an old friend who had been in an auto accident. The note told Sally to fix herself a TV dinner for supper as her mother did not expect to be home until later that evening.

"Well it looks like I am going to be on my own for awhile. Hey, would you like to stay for supper, Sammy? We have a coupon for a free pizza and I can call and have it delivered. I'm sure my mom would not mind." Sally said.

Sammy loved pizza. He also loved the idea of sharing a pizza with Sally for their supper. He called his mother and got permission to stay with Sally for supper. The girl was delighted.

"Hey Sammy, would you like to see my room? I've got a computer and some cool games to play on it." she offered. The kids went up to her room. Sammy sat down on her bed instead of looking at her computer games.

"Gee, you sure have a nice bed Sally, real comfortable," he said. "I wouldn't mind sleeping here."

She giggled nervously. "You mean you want to sleep with me in my bed, Sammy?" she blushed.

He hadn't expected her to say that but he liked the idea. "Sure. I bet it would be great, sleeping with you, Sally. Come on over here and sit with me."

Shyly she went over to the boy and sat down beside him. "You know my room is right across from yours, Sally," he said. Immediately he regretted saying that. She would pull down her window shade for sure from now on. But she surprised him.

"Yes I know, Sammy. I've sometimes seen you sitting in the shadows and watching me." Sally said. The boy was stunned. She knew he was watching her and yet she had been letting him watch her getting undressed! Wow, he could hardly believe it!

"You are the prettiest girl I have ever known," he said. Then Sammy kissed her. She kissed him back. The kissing became more intense and soon they were shedding their clothes. Naked, they shyly explored each others bodies. Sammy had never imagined that the girl would want to do this, to make love together with him.

He kissed and sucked on her pretty titties. Then he moved down and kissed and licked her pussy. He explored the girl there and poked his fingers into her vagina, her fuck hole. There was her tiny pee hole above that and at the top peeking out at him from beneath its fleshy hood was her clittie. He toyed with that bit of girl flesh gently and Sally squealed with delight. It was true, clitties are very sensitive. He bent his head to her pussy and kissed and licked the girl there. It was great fun.

Meanwhile Sally was playing with his penis. She discovered that she could move the foreskin back and forth with her fingers, exposing the sensitive glans. On a whim she bent and kissed his glans and he moaned. So she decided to lick it and he moaned again. She had heard that some girls sucked cocks. Sally didn't know if she wanted to do that, but she would just try to take the glans into her mouth a little ways. Somehow she took more of the cock into her mouth then.

Sammy was stiff and eager to poke his cock into her cunt. Maybe he would let her suck him off some other time but now he wanted to really fuck the girl. She was getting wet down there and he figured she was ready. Sammy positioned himself between her spread legs and then he shoved himself into her.

Sally cried out with pain as the boy's cock shredded her hymen. But then he was inside her and the pain lessened. She wanted him almost as much as he wanted her. The girl clung to him and wrapped her legs around him as he began moving in and out, up and down, fucking a girl for the first time ever.

Sammy was thrilled with Sally. At that moment he wanted to marry her and have a bunch of kids with her. Then he realized something about her, something he had never sensed with a girl before. Sally was ovulating and she could get pregnant if he came inside her. He knew this just as certainly as he knew it was day and not night.

"Would you like to have my baby, Sally?" he asked her as he continued fucking her.

Sally replied, "Some day maybe, Sammy. But I'm not old enough to have a baby yet."

"Oh, I think you are, Sally. If I get you pregnant will you have my baby?"

She giggled, not taking him seriously. "Sure Sammy, if you get me pregnant I will have your baby."

Then he fucked her harder and she responded to him, fucking him right back. She cried out as her orgasm kicked in and her spasming vagina milked him off. Sammy cried out too and he came with her. It felt great, pumping gobs of cum into her belly like that. Sally loved the feeling of the boy spurting inside her too. It might be interesting to have his baby some day.

The young couple kissed and relaxed together after their love making. Then they got dressed again and ordered a large pizza to be delivered. They had some fun feeding each other slices of the pizza. They would have loved to make love again after supper but her mother might be home any time. So reluctantly Sammy went on home.

After that evening Sally left the window shade up all the time and the girl did a strip tease dance for him every night. She was shocked to discover a few weeks later that she was indeed pregnant. She wondered how Sammy had known but that was his little secret. He could just tell about that.

Sally kept her word and refused to get an abortion. She wanted to keep her baby and finally her parents agreed that they would keep her baby and raise it as their own. She never told them that Sammy was the father but later on as her baby boy grew older they recognized the resemblance and knew that Sammy had fathered the baby. By then it no longer mattered that much to them.

Meanwhile Sammy discovered other girls who liked him. He could tell which ones were ovulating too and he made it a point to only date such girls. Somehow he always managed to coax the girls into fucking with him and he impregnated most of them. He was certainly doing his part to establish the mutant race.

The Bad Seed

The young girl struggled beneath the young man who was raping her. He was too strong and she could not escape from his firm grasp on her arms, pinning her to the ground. She was unable to cry out because he had stuffed her panties in her mouth.

After that only muffled whimpering noises came from her as he assaulted her, biting her all over her tender body. Then the boy joined his body to hers. His penis invaded her vagina, destroying her hymen, fucking her. Her bare legs waved frantically but vainly in the air, unable to escape.

George did not know it but his real father had once done something like this to another young girl. There was a difference though. His father whom he never knew had the wisdom to manipulate his girl and get her to enjoy the coupling, turning a rape into consensual sex. George though was full of lust for this girl and he intended to satisfy himself with her body without regard for how she might feel about it.

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