Establishing The Mutant Race - Cover

Establishing The Mutant Race

Copyright© 2007 by OldBoy101

Chapter 1

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Homo Sapiens experience a new mutation that includes a remnant of the Neanderthal. This new man can sense when a female is fertile, is highly intelligent and uses mind control.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Historical   Interracial  

Amy's Seduction

The young girl struggled beneath the man who was raping her. He was too strong and she could not escape from his firm grasp on her arms, pinning her to the ground. She was unable to cry out because he had stuffed her panties in her mouth. After that only muffled whimpering noises came from her. The man joined his body to hers. His penis invaded her vagina, destroying her hymen, fucking her. Her bare legs waved frantically but vainly in the air, unable to escape.

Amy remembered how her mother had warned her not to hitch-hike rides from strangers. How she wished now that she had listened to her mother. It was a warm sunny day and Amy had decided to hitch a ride to the beach, to swim and sun bathe. She had done this before without any problems but today she ran out of luck.

The man seemed nice when he picked her up in his new car. They exchanged introductions. He told her his name was Garth. He was a light-skinned mulatto. She never expected him to take her somewhere private to strip her naked and rape her.

Instead of driving Amy to the beach the man drove off into a secluded meadow area. Then he told the girl to get undressed. When she refused he simply stripped her naked, pausing to play with and admire her firm young body.

Garth was a stocky man, very strong, and he handled Amy almost casually, amused at her feeble resistance as he removed all of her clothes. He stuffed her panties in her mouth to keep her quiet, and he took off his own clothes too. Then he took her out of the car and made her lie down on her back in the grass.

Garth had some fun with the pretty girl, feeling her up. He didn't want to hurt her. She jumped when his fingers brushed across her clitoris, already erect and poking out from its prepuce. His fingers found her vagina and entered her. He felt the membrane of her hymen inside there and smiled. He enjoyed breaking in virgins.

Amy was a blonde about thirteen and nubile, her new breasts firm. He caressed the smooth taut flesh of her mammary glands, toying with the pink nipples and teasing them to twin erections. He envied the babies that would be feeding at these milk glands. Garth took them in his mouth and sucked gently at the girl's pretty breasts.

Amy didn't like having her breasts sucked by him, but he did it anyway. Then his mouth moved lower, down past her belly button which he paused to lick, and down to her groin. She had a patch of sparse dark blonde pubic hair coming in above her pussy crack.

He parted her labia with his fingers and used his mouth on her sex, licking and teasing her clitoris into a stiffer erection. She didn't like him doing that to her but she could not stop him. In spite of her fears Amy began to respond to his oral stimulation and her vagina lubricated, preparing to be fucked by the man.

The girl struggled against him when he stuck his swollen penis into her vagina. Garth pinned her arms down and then he shoved his penis through her hymen, deep inside her. Amy whimpered through her panty gag, her hips writhing and legs flailing as she tried vainly to escape from the sudden penetration. That only stimulated his organ to get even stiffer, filling her vagina completely.

Garth rested atop her, keeping most of his weight off of the girl and giving her a chance to get used to the fullness of him within her body. He smiled down at her and talked gently to her, trying to calm her down. Soon Amy subsided, quietly beginning to accept him.

Garth began fucking her then, his cock working slowly in and out, the friction of their joined sex organs stimulating both of them. When he saw that she was ready he increased the pace, gradually working with her until she was fucking with him eagerly, as though she wanted to fuck with him.

The man held off until he was able to bring the girl to a thrashing orgasm, her vagina milking his penis. Then he came, flooding her inner parts with his sperm, her cervix opening to admit the sperm into her uterus. Garth sensed that the girl was fertile, and he intended to impregnate her. Indeed, had she not been "in heat" at this time, he would not have fucked her. It was his duty to impregnate as many girls as possible, to continue his precious line of newly mutant men.

As her orgasm subsided Garth rolled off of the girl and he removed her panty gag from her mouth. He caressed her gently, and kissed her.

"There now, that wasn't so bad, was it? You are a very pretty girl, Amy, and I really wanted to fuck with you. Will you forgive me for forcing you, honey?"

Amy stared up at her rapist. She had mixed feelings about him. He had forced her to have sex with him. But he had been gentle with her, and he had coaxed her body into responding to him. Indeed her body had betrayed her and had welcomed the fucking. She knew she would want to do that again.

"You shouldn't have done that to me, Mister Garth. I'm only a little girl, just thirteen you know. My mother would have a fit if she knew that I have been fucked now."

"Well, you don't have to tell her, do you, Amy?" he said with a grin. She laughed with him.

"I guess I don't have to let her know everything, do I!" she agreed. Shyly then she added "Some of that felt kinda' nice, you know. I never felt like that before." Garth was playing with her again, his hand fingering her pussy. There was only a little blood from her torn hymen.

"Would you like to do it again? You could be on top this time, and you can fuck me, Amy!" he suggested. She was surprised at such an idea. The man showed her how to mount him as he lay on his back and she squatted down over him, taking his rising penis back inside her wet vagina.

Slowly Amy rode up and down on his stiffening member, learning this new method of fucking. The girl learned quickly. Garth enjoyed a wild ride with the pretty young girl as she fucked him eagerly. Again she cried out her orgasm, and he rewarded her efforts with another gush of his semen inside her body. Perhaps she will have twins, he mused. He imagined her swollen belly.

When they were done fucking Garth got something out of his car. "I have a little surprise for you, Amy. It will make you very popular with all the boys at your school." he told her. Garth had read her mind, and he was sure that she would like the little present he had for her.

Amy did like boys. She blushed. "What is it, Mr. Garth?"

"Just stick out your tongue and close your eyes, Amy." he said. She obeyed him. There was something metallic clasping her tongue, and then it suddenly punched a small hole through her tongue!

Amy shrieked and pulled away from him, tears welling from her eyes. Garth calmed her down and made her stick out her tongue so he could pour some alcohol on her punctured tongue to sterilize it. Then he showed her the golden stud with a little ball on one end. He poked it through the hole in her tongue, and then screwed on another little ball. A very nice ornament it was.

"There now, Amy, when the boys see your pierced tongue and golden stud they will all be eager to have you suck off their penises! No doubt they will want to fuck you too. Now that you have fucked and enjoyed orgasms, I know you will want to have other boys fuck you. Most girls your age don't have tongue studs yet, so I just know you will be the most popular girl in your class!"

The girl blushed red. "What makes you think I would want to suck on boys' penises, Mr. Garth?"

The man looked at her with knowing eyes, seeming to read her very thoughts. "I know that you have already sucked some penises, Amy, and that you liked it when they spurted in your mouth. You don' t have to pretend with me, honey. Would you like to try out your new tongue stud on my penis?"

Amy was embarrassed, but not enough to prevent her from sucking the man off. She discovered that her tongue stud was very stimulating to his penis, and before long Garth was pumping another load of cum into the girl, but this time in her mouth. She swallowed it down like a good little whore, licking her lips, and then licking off his deflating penis.

After some more gentle caresses and kisses, Garth let Amy get dressed again. This time she put on the little bikini that she had wrapped in her beach towel. Then he drove her to the beach and dropped her off. So she got to go swimming and sun bathing after all.

A couple of months later though after missing two menstrual periods, Amy learned that she was pregnant. By then there were several boys she could blame it on. Her mother gave her some hell at first, but then she took her to the doctor. Amy was pregnant with twins. Because she was a good Catholic, abortion was out of the question. Amy would have her twin babies and thus contribute unwittingly to a new race of men.

Garth's Special Mission

Garth had known all his life that he was very special. His ability to read peoples thoughts was extraordinary. Moreover he knew instinctively much about his own rare ancestry. Most people thought that Neanderthals had been extinct for about 25000 years.

It was true that they had ceased to exist as a separate people, but before they were gone there were a few men who had continued their offspring by capturing, raping and impregnating Cro-Magnon girls. Afterwards they usually allowed the girls to return to their own clans, as they did not fit in with Neanderthal society. Raping girls was tolerated in those days as long as the girls were not physically harmed.

The men had done this out of lust, not as any planned thing. The resulting babies looked human enough to be accepted by their mothers and by their clans, but in fact they were half Neanderthal. The Neanderthal genetic trait was dominant in the male line, but recessive in the female line.

The Cro-Magnons were the first modern humans to populate Europe, and for several thousand years they co-existed with their Neanderthal cousins. But the Cro-Magnons were smarter, more clever, better able to adapt to their environment. Gradually the Neanderthals got pushed out, their territory reduced. When food became scarce war followed, and before long the poor Neanderthals were all gone as a separate people, surviving only as a remnant that had been crossbred by rape with Cro-Magnon girls.

Garth had studied this history and anthropology eagerly, finding answers to nagging questions about his own ancestry. He and others like him had a strong and stocky build like wrestlers. Indeed some made their living as wrestlers or roustabouts. They tended to have somewhat larger noses and recessive foreheads as well, but not excessively so.

These Neanderthal traits were much modified and softened by cross-breeding with modern humans. There was nothing else to distinguish them visibly from any other men. Few would guess that they had some Neanderthal blood. These traits continued to show up in the male line. However their daughters did not possess these physical traits. They looked and indeed they were human like any other girls.

Some of this history had been passed down over the ages by word of mouth, from father to son. But much of it was known instinctively, as the Neanderthal brain had been more hard-wired than modern man's brain. Instinctively they knew that it would be dangerous to reveal this heritage to their modern human brothers, as they would likely be persecuted as outcasts.

And so this secret had persisted for thousands of years. Generally the intelligence level of these crossbred men was about the same as other men, as their brains included the more perceptive traits and thinking of modern men as well as their instinctive Neanderthal knowledge.

However Garth was even different from his brothers, something entirely new. He knew this from his earliest years, as he had the ability to read peoples thoughts. Oh, not specific details perhaps, but generally he just knew what people were thinking.

An example was his knowledge that Amy had sucked off some boys' penises. He didn't know which specific boys or how many there were, but he read her mind and knew that she enjoyed sucking boys off. That was why he had given her a golden tongue stud, to facilitate her enjoyment of this forbidden but gratifying activity. He always kept a tongue stud with him and he was happy to give one to girls who enjoyed fellatio.

Garth was also extremely intelligent, something of a genius. He realized that he had to be some sort of mutant to possess such perceptiveness, which was clearly beyond that of any one he had ever met. He knew in the very depths of his soul that it was his mission on Earth to impregnate as many girls as possible, to nurture and expand this new breed of humanity. It seemed only fitting therefore that the roots of this new people would be drawn not only from the races of Homo Sapiens, but also from the remnants of Homo Neanderthalensis.

It was not a case of conquering the world and replacing the present people. Rather it would be a gradual process in which more and more people would be like him. The new race should be smart enough to avoid wars and killing of any sort, to usher in a new age of tolerance for all people. Being extremely perceptive, the mutant boys would know which girls would like to have sex with them, and which ones were "in heat" and likely to get pregnant. This would facilitate a rapid expansion of the new breed of men.

But this rapid expansion would only happen if Garth succeeded in increasing this new race significantly. To that end Garth had graduated from medical school. He was a doctor, specializing in genetics. He had worked himself into being the director of one of the nation's largest sperm banks, supplying sperm to many women who wanted children but who had infertile husbands, or no husbands at all.

Needless to say Garth busied himself with replacing the sperm in much of the bank with his own sperm, doing this as calls were received for sperm. He had developed ways to increase his production on his own precious sperm, and of rationing it in small but effective doses to the women who wanted it. In this way he expected to father children in the thousands, perhaps in the tens of thousands over the years to come. He would be the father progenitor of a multitude.

This did not however keep him from enjoying some more personal encounters, such as the one he had recently conducted with pretty young Amy. Garth did have to be careful not to be caught raping young girls, or that would end his career in more ways than one.

He mentally chastised himself for giving in to temptation with the girl, and promised himself not to do that again. At least not until the next time he felt like raping a fertile young girl! It must be the Neanderthal within him he mused that caused him to lust after Cro-Magnon girls and their modern sisters.

Actually Garth rarely raped girls anymore. His perceptive senses told him which girls would be open to easy seduction, willing to fuck with him. There were so many of them out there, ready to be fucked. He often hung out at the Catholic Girls' High School. So many pretty young girls there, ready to be impregnated by him. Being good Catholics they would not abort their babies either.

It was easy pickings, and it became almost boring for him. That was why on rare occasions he was led to spice up his life with a more risky coupling, abducting and raping a girl as young as eleven or twelve, as long as she was fertile or "in heat", capable of being impregnated by him.

Garth spent a busy day at the sperm bank, shipping out nearly a hundred vials of his sperm to needy women across the country. He had to ejaculate several times to gather enough sperm to divide up and supply the mothers-to-be. He should not have wasted some of his precious sperm feeding it to Amy that morning. But she wanted to try out her new tongue-stud on his penis, and what man could refuse such a request? At least the girl had enjoyed eating his precious load. He went home that night tired from a hard day at work. He ate a nutritious meal and went to bed early that evening, his body working to produce a new day's supply of baby-making sperm.

An Ancient Abduction

The ancient dream came to Garth again that night. He was with two others of his kind, on a hunt for meat to feed the mouths of women and children waiting hungrily back at their cave. The scent of deer came to them in the air, and they followed the scent and then the tracks that led them to a small herd. Stealthily the three of them spread out to encircle the deer, their spears ready.

It was not easy to kill a deer as they were wary creatures and fleet of foot. More often than not the deer escaped from the Neanderthal hunters. But that day they were successful. The hunter got close enough to throw his spear and it hit its mark, crippling a doe. The rest of the deer bounded away as the men closed in on the doe and finished it off with their spears. The small clan would have meat that day.

The hunter slung the deer carcass over his broad shoulders, and the three of them started back to their cave. Then a new scent came to them. They paused, sniffing the air. It was the scent of the new people who had come into their land and who now competed for the game, people who would later be called Cro-Magnon.

These people were crafty ones, and the hunters had learned that it was best to avoid them. But the scent was of a female. The hunter handed the deer carcass to the old man in their group, the father who had lived through some thirty winters. Then he and his brother crept up on the alien female, hiding behind the cover of bushes.

They came upon her as she was about to enter a pool of water to bathe. She was young, no more than a dozen winters. The girl had removed her deerskin garment and she was nude. It was remarkable to the hunters how slender these new people were, their limbs long and spindly, almost like deer. Yet the girl was undeniably pretty too. She should not have ventured away from her camp without others to protect her.

It was a peaceful sunny day and perhaps she did not consider that there might be danger about. The men watched her as she rubbed soapbark over her body, washing herself. They moved in closer. They caught the girl as she emerged from the pool, quickly forcing a piece of hide into her mouth to gag her before she could cry out for help.

They might have raped their prize right there, but they considered that her camp must be close by and it would be too dangerous. So the hunter slung the wet naked girl over his shoulders, wrapping her around the back of his neck. He held her wrists together in one hand, and he held one of her ankles in his other hand. That left one of her legs free to kick about wildly in the air. Her long dark hair hung wetly down from her head. His brother snatched up the girl's deerskin garment, not wanting to leave behind something that might lead the men of her clan to know that she had been captured here.

Brother grinned as he followed the hunter, admiring the naked girl wrapped around his neck. He himself was not much older than the girl. Her leg kicking about revealed glimpses of her girlhood between her legs. Brother caught hold of her leg and held her open, and then he used his free hand to feel her girlhood.

The girl squealed through the gag in her mouth as she felt brother's stubby rough finger force its way into her vagina! They walked along like that with brother continuing to finger-fuck the naked girl. She was quite juicy by the time they met up with father. He grinned as he saw what a pretty prize his hunter son was carrying.

Father handed off the doe carcass to younger brother, and he himself took over finger-fucking the young girl as they made their way home to their cave. Father knew to use his rough thumb to tease the bud at the top of the girl's crack as he worked his finger around inside her. He brought the girl to a couple of orgasms by the time they reached their cave.

The two women and three children rejoiced to see that the hunters had returned with a doe to butcher, cook and eat. The women ignored the alien girl that the hunters had also brought back. She was a toy for the men to play with. But they examined and marveled at the deerskin garment. It had been cut to fit and sewn together in ways that were quite beyond the Neanderthals abilities.

The women and their two girls set about butchering the doe. The only boy was more interested in watching what the hunters were doing with the alien girl. He was about nine winters and old enough to have desires like the men did.

The men set the girl down on her feet and took the gag from her mouth. The girl made strange noises, talking to them in a language they could not understand. It was clear enough though that she was protesting the way they were handling her, feeling her all over and poking their fingers into her orifices. The men were amused.

Father noticed boy standing there and looking at girl, and he saw that boy's penis had erected. So he brought boy forward and let him finger girl. He showed boy how to poke his fingers inside her and work them around, and how to use his thumb to tease her clitoris. Boy had never done that to a girl before.

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