Partying with my Sister - Cover

Partying with my Sister

Copyright© 2007 by FamilyMan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The parties that happened at Ron and Marcie's had a certain reputation and were hardly spoken about loudly. That's why I was surprised when my sister Linda invited me to one of those parties.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Tear Jerker   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Orgy  

I'm Billy Ferguson and I just turned 16 two weeks ago. Being good looking — tall, blond, blue eyes, athletic etc. and in sports — means that I was popular both with the boys and the girls at school.

Popular with the boys meant that I had lots of friends and always had some company when I wanted. It also meant hearing about the girls' capabilities and likings in sex by way of comparing notes. Not that I told about my experiences (I believe that sex is something intimate not to be shared by others, and I also believe a girl's reputation is an asset not to be damaged), but free information was always helpful so I just listened.

Being popular with the girls meant some other things, like, girls hanging around me, being able to choose the most beautiful ones when I wanted to date and... yes... lots of sex. And I mean lots... in the last year I dated about 30 girls of whom only two refused to have sex with me. One had her period at the time and the other just wanted to show on our first date that she wasn't easy.

There was, though, one girl who was unapproachable for me. That was Linda, the most beautiful and the sexiest girl in school who was 17 at the time. She gave me a hard on almost every time I saw her, and my friends often remarked how they'd like to get in her pants — but to no avail. This girl hardly spoke to me at all, as I was younger. She also happened to be my older sister.

There was also a group of people of whom we heard in whispered rumors only and never in a loud and straight conversation. This was the group of people who were regularly invited to parties at Ron and Marcie's home. Ron and Marcie were brother and sister in their early 20's, after college and were reputed to live in incest, although (rumors again) you couldn't find any one who could prove the rumors. No one knew for sure who the people in the group were but we were all trying to guess. Somehow, we never found even one person who admitted to being one of that group. (Some said they used to be, but could not prove it). So why were we all so interested? Because rumors said (yes, those rumors again) that those parties were actually wild orgies where sex was free in all its forms and without limits.

So last Friday I almost fell off my chair when my beautiful sister came into my room early afternoon, and being the girl who hardly ever speaks to me — opened conversation.

"Billy, can we talk a bit?"

"What happened? A revolution has started? Do you need to find a nuclear air raid shelter? Has someone bothered you and you need help?"

"OK, ok, I probably deserve this. I haven't really been an example of a good sister, have I? Well, I've grown up a little and I hope we can improve our relationship. I can't understand myself why I acted the way I did, when actually I have a brother I can only be proud of."

Now I really needed to hold onto the desk in order not to fall off my chair. For a minute I just sat with my mouth gaping open in total surprise.

"Linda, you want something very badly and feel uneasy asking for it. What is it that you want? It will be some time before I can believe this 'improving relationship' stuff, but you know I can almost never say 'NO' to anything you want."

"It really wasn't my thinking that brought this on. A few of my girlfriends have the hots for you and they drew my attention to the fact that you've become one of the most popular boys in school and that you are a real hunk. You've also dated two of my girlfriends and they really speak highly of you."

"Oh? In what aspect?"

She became red and it was obvious she did not feel comfortable.

"In all aspects," She said, blushing some more.

"Well, and they say that the boys are the ones who kiss and tell..."

"Billy, how good are you at keeping secrets?"

"Oh, I think I'm quite good at it, and you should know. I never told anyone about the time I came home early once and saw you fucking Johnny the Stud, or the time that you went skinny dipping with Marge, her brother and two more boys and what went on in the pool room afterwards..."

"God! You saw me then? What else? How come you've never used it against me?"

"I've seen you two more times with whoever was your current boyfriend at the time. I can easily say that you and your friends are quite imaginative in sex. From watching you I learned at least two tricks that some girls enjoyed. As for not using it against you? Well, it's your business and I even felt uncomfortable watching you, not that it made me stop. It was quite educational. And I have to remind you that it was always you who ratted about something or other that I did and never me. You made me suffer quite a lot even for things I've never done, when it made you benefit somehow."

"Yeah, you're right; I've been really bad for you. But listen, I've a few things to tell you that may change everything between us for the better."

"I'm listening."

"Have you ever heard the rumors about the parties at Ron and Marcie's?"

That made my ears stand up.

"Of course, who hasn't? But I haven't yet met anyone who could confirm or even deny those rumors. So what's it to you?"

"I can confirm that the rumors are true, and I know it from first hand."

"Wow!" That was a new surprise that left my mouth gaping open. (A state that happened too many times during that conversation). "You participate in wild orgies?"

"Surprised, huh? After seeing me and even commenting on how original I and my friends were you really shouldn't be surprised. The only people who still think that I'm as pure as Snow White are our parents. I think Dad would have a heart attack and Mom would become a nun had they known the truth."

"Well, yes, I'm surprised. Having some fun in the backyard and participating in orgies are two different things, and I really hadn't known that you had it in you. How come you don't have a trashed reputation around school and that none of this comes out?"

"This is why we keep it so discrete. We act in a closed group as we wish and none of this comes out. The rumors you hear are the result of people who were kicked out of the group, but the fact that the others strongly deny the rumors still succeed in keeping it a closed group."

"How long have you been with them?"

"About 8 months now."

"So why are you telling me about it if it's such a secret?"

"As I've said, a few girls have the hots for you, saying that you are a super fuck, and they spoke to Ron and Marcie about you. Marcie wants to test you and see what makes you tick, and she's asked me to bring you in. Do you think you'd be interested? From your reputation with the girls I'd say you are certain to be..."

"Of course I'm interested. What normal teenage boy wouldn't be? I only hope you are not playing some kind of a hoax on me."

"No, I'm not. Actually, after hearing about you, Marcie threatened to kick me out unless I at least TRY to bring you to the group."

"Aha! Now there's a reason why you've become so nice! Tell me, my loving sister, I'm sure you won't give me names, but can you tell me in general terms who are the people in the group? Are they all teenagers or more college age? Are there younger people or older ones?"

"The minimum age is 16 and there is no maximum limit. The only thing is that adults over 30 pay $1000 per couple for entering an orgy. You won't recognize them, but there are a few friends of our parents who join from time to time."

"What do you mean 'I won't recognize them'?"

"Every body comes with masks. People who don't mind being recognized are allowed to take the masks off, but most people - or at least the adults — prefer to leave them on for the whole party. It's the young ones like us that take the masks off, and there were a few incidents that parents found their kids at the orgy. Those cases usually start with embarrassment but some of them end by having incestuous relations."

"Wow! I hope our parents are not participating!"

Linda did not reply, only squirmed a little on her seat.


"I can't be certain, but I think I recognized Mom's scream once. You know how she screams when she has a good one. Anyway, I memorized her mask and stayed away from her through the evening."

"And do you think Dad was there too?"

Linda became even more uncomfortable. "That was a week that Dad was in Washington DC all week."

"Oh, shit!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought too. But let's try to forget this and get back to our original conversation. Do you want to participate in the orgies at Ron and Marcie's?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"OK, here are some rules. There is a party at 10.00 tonight. It will last till about noon tomorrow, so you have to make a good story for the parents about staying out. I have a mask for you and you'll see mine when we leave. We put the masks on before entering their house. You'll see mine so that you won't by mistake try anything with me and I'll see yours for the same reason. As you are coming for the first time I'll introduce you to Marcie, who is always without a mask, and sometime tonight she will lead you to a bedroom where she'll check what makes you so famous with the girls. Dress really light, meaning some shorts of a soft material and a t-shirt. No underwear of any kind. The groping starts immediately as we enter the house and we are dressed so that we AND the gropers will immediately enjoy it. Use a good deodorant, brush your teeth and smoke as little as you can. If you smoke — there will be tick-tacks on the bar — use them. If you do anal sex — there are showers there — take one before going with the next person. NO is NO, and STOP is STOP. Never use force unless required by the type of sex you have and listen carefully to your partner's limits. Any questions?"

"The girls who want me there — how will they recognize me?"

"Don't worry. As some of them had you already they know a few distinguishing marks that even I hadn't known about," she blushed again.

We arrived at one of the most famous (or infamous) homes in town at 10.00 precisely, and donned our masks still in the car. The masks were with strings behind the head to be pulled and tied. A mask won't fall off unless untied and pulled off in a certain way. It turned out that Linda was Hillary Clinton and I was Bill Clinton. She explained that different masks were issued from time to time so that recognition would be difficult. People shouldn't be interested in personalities but only in genitals which were on display a short time after entering the house.

We were received at the door by Ron and Marcie. Ron was a tall, good looking athletic guy with black hair, but what was immediately conspicuous was his cock. It was semi erect and was a nice 8" long in that state. I guessed that fully erect it would be at least 1" longer.

Marcie was a wet dream. Her black hair flowing down to her ass, her hourglass figure just perfect, her breasts not too big but firm and with nipples standing out and her smooth shaven pussy. As I said — a wet dream.

Linda introduced me immediately at the entrance:

"Ron, Marcie, this is my brother Billy whom you asked me to bring along. Billy, these are our hosts for tonight, Ron and Marcie."

"Hi good looking," said Marcie, and followed through by lifting my mask just over my mouth and then kissed me. That must have been the hottest kiss I've ever experienced and my cock reacted immediately. The kiss was not enough for Marcie and her hand went straight for my cock, stoking it a few times through my shorts.

"Hmmm," she breathed. "Feels promising. You people go in and mingle. Feel free to enjoy whoever and whatever you want, remembering the rules which I'm sure Linda has told you. Sometime later I'm going to take you upstairs and check you out."

I lifted my eyebrows and she said: "I'm sure Linda has told you that I personally check out every new man who comes in and so does Ron with the women. From what I've heard about you I'm surely going to enjoy making your acquaintance."

We went in and Linda showed me a room on the ground floor where everybody left their clothes. I just watched in quiet awe as my sister took off her clothes, only to find out what I've known long ago — Linda was a real beauty! Another dream!

Linda blushed all over — even her breasts and flat belly became red.

"If you are through looking get undressed too. I'd like to have the same privileges that you have."

I threw my clothes on a chair, letting my hard cock jump out and slap my belly.

"My, my," whispered Linda. "Had I known before..." she did not complete the sentence, but I understood and almost came on the spot. Just the thought of having sex with my sister ignited my lust to a level I hadn't known before. Then she surprised me by taking off her mask.

"Do we have to do that?" I asked.

"You don't have to, but I'm sure that on your third or forth time you will. It makes it much easier for any oral action."

She started to move out of the room and I grabbed her arm.

"I must say, Linda, that although I've known that you are beautiful and sexy I never knew just HOW beautiful you are. You are really the girl every boy dreams about."

She blushed again. "I've never expected you to see me like this although I understand that you have several times. But thank you. You just helped me overcome the awkwardness of the situation."

As we entered the large room where everybody was gathered I looked around to find myself surrounded with naked people. Most of them were boys and girls of my and Linda's age that I recognized as they were without masks, and some were very obviously older people. I could see the bigger bellies of the men and the more sagging (but still beautiful) breasts and asses of the women. Most of the adults were wearing masks, but not all. I was surprised to recognize a few without masks — Melanie Thompson — a good friend of my mother's, and Tom Fitzgerald — my Dad's partner.

There was music on and people were dancing. Slow dances of course. They were all groping each other and making out at one stage or another. I saw one of the older ladies grab Smithy — my classmate — by his cock and drag him to the staircase. He hadn't resisted much...

It was soon obvious to me why the adults were willing to pay such a high price for participating in the orgies. The women were clearly taking the young boys while the men, of course, went for the young girls. It wasn't long before I saw a masked older man going up the stairs with my sister.

Some people were already having sex on the couches around the room while others were moving up the stairs.

"Do you like what you see?" someone whispered in my ear. Marcie was standing next to me grinning.

"Sure," I answered. "This is like a dream. I'm afraid I'll wake up and find myself in a puddle of cum in my own bed."

"Enjoy everything, Billy. Grab some woman to dance and get into the mood."

At that moment a naked Kathy, one of Linda's friends whom I've dated occasionally and knew her inside and out, grabbed me and pulled me to the dance floor.

"Hi Billy. I'm glad Linda was persuaded to bring you along. The women here deserve the pleasure you can give them."

"How did you recognize me, Kathy?"

"By that big and beautiful birthmark you have just above your cock, and by that beautiful thing waving in front of you."

"Were you the one who talked Marcie into inviting me?"

"Yes. Me and Suzy Pelham. She is also here tonight, but I caught you first. Let's dance a little and then find a vacant couch, or carpet or whatever..."

We danced for about 10 minutes, a slow dance. A third dancer was squeezed between us — my cock that was oozing pre-cum. Her hard nipples that grazed my chest, the way she nibbled at my neck and how she rolled her body against my cock almost sent me over the edge.

"If we continue like this I'm going to shoot all over you," I warned.

"Yeah, your first time here. I almost forgot. There is an empty space on that couch over there. I like your shots in me and not on me."

"I'll be very quick on the first time. I'm about to explode."

"Sure, we all know how first timers react. After me be sure to let an older woman have you and then rest a bit. That will be when Marcie will get you."

"Regular procedure?"

"You know that Marcie checks out every new comer, and she doesn't want it with a quick shooter, so you should have two women — me being the first — and then when you'll be able to have a long and slow fuck, that's when Marcie has her pleasure. Now stop asking questions and fuck me."

She lay down on the couch, her ass on the edge, and spread her legs.

I ALWAYS give the girl her pleasure before I have mine, and I also knew I was on a short fuse, so I first dove with my head between her thighs and started eating her delicious pussy. For some reason she must have been on a short fuse too, because after a very short while she started thrashing and bouncing around so hard she almost kicked me off her.

"Stick it in NOW, Billy. I want to feel you shoot in me!"

I was glad to oblige, of course, and with one long move slid into her hot, wet and gushing cunt. Going immediately hard and fast I kept going for less than 5 minutes when I shot into her, and it was one of my largest loads ever. Surprisingly, Kathy came again with me. Then she lifted her hand and waved to someone.

Looking around I saw no one — apart from Marcie — paying any attention to us. There were of course people watching us and others in action and masturbating, but did not seem to be special.

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