Slaves Of Locust Street - Cover

Slaves Of Locust Street

Copyright© 2007 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Four beautiful housewives who trade one form of slavery for another.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Group Sex   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Slow  

Thus the slaves of Locust Street were established, all trading one form of slavery for another. Damius had little choice but to allow them to use his house every Friday. He would spend the night at a hotel while the five masters took turns using his bedrooms and dungeon for their own amusements.

Derek was now using Christine Matthews to entertain his friends. On his Friday he would invite some classmates both male and female and start off the evening by having them watch as he instructed his slave to first strip and then masturbate. He would then hold a raffle in which each friend would ante twenty dollars and put his/her name in a gold fish bowl. After collecting the money Derek would draw out a name. That lucky kid then got to either take the totally demoralized teacher upstairs to the bedroom if privacy was wanted, or the winner could whip her first then take her in front of the others. It was all great fun and Derek was now able to buy many things on his own although the more expensive items were left to his mother to procure. When the winning student was finally satisfied another raffle would be held and Christine's body would wind up pleasuring another boy or girl. In this way the hapless teacher would pleasure from eight to ten students every Friday night and by the end of the evening Derek would be several hundred dollars richer. Even though the friends were always sworn to secrecy, rumors were beginning to circulate at school and Christine was devastated by the knowing looks and coy smiles she faced each day.

Derek brought his mother to the dungeon about once a month where he and/or Latonya would privately put Sabrina through her paces, stripping, masturbating, dancing nude, performing fellatio or cunnilingus and most of all giving them her body in any way they wanted. For the moment Derek was not willing to share his mother with anyone other than his sister. It was his teacher who was being traded around like a common whore. His mother, on the other hand, was more like his private concubine.

Joel had brought Brandi to the dungeon a couple of times but she was terrified and he, frankly, had gotten little satisfaction out of hurting her physically. When his father had died she had once told him he was the man of the house now. That had pleased him greatly and it was that role that he now assumed. He was, for all practical purposes, her husband as well as master He liked it when she listened to him and obeyed his wishes just as she had done when Kyle was alive. So Joel tended not to use the house and dungeon very much, rather staying home and having his whore as he called her wait on him hand and foot and then offer herself to him in whatever fashion he fancied on a given night.

And then there was Elena. Chico and Trica had kept her to themselves taking her whenever and however they pleased when their father wasn't present. Chico seemed to take special pleasure in ordering her to wait until Raul was asleep then slip from his bed and join Chico and /or Trica for a twosome or threesome while her husband slept peacefully down the hall.

But there comes a time when the novelty, even of an incestuous affair with your own mother, begins to pale a bit, especially among over sexed teens looking for a new thrill. In addition to his mother's charms, Chico had already bedded three more seniors at school and an attractive young girl who worked at the local drug store. Besides splitting his attention between Christine Matthews and Sabrina, Derek was also pursuing new conquests. His latest triumph was a pretty redheaded freshman whose family had just moved from Florida. A week ago she had been a virgin. After two dates with Derek, she no longer was. Latonya had finally put the moves on Sissy Yakimura and the two were now a couple although they still had to hide their relationship at school. Trica had sought sexual release with her mother several times since Elena's enslavement but her worries about remaining a virgin were beginning to wear on her. Chico and Derek both volunteered to take care of that little detail but Trica insisted she wanted it to be something special. Chico immediately began hatching a plan.

In the meantime, Chico still could not get the image of Derek's mother that night in the dungeon out of his mind.

The two were sipping cokes in Derek's car watching girls pass by.

"You know I can still picture your mom in that outfit."

"She was hot, wasn't she," agreed Derek.

"Ever thought of letting someone else have a go at her?"

"Well, that depends."

"On what?"

"On what you have to offer in exchange."

Chico grinned.

"I have just the thing for you."

The following week Derek and Sabrina, waiting in the dungeon, heard Chico and his mother drive up outside. Knowing how Chico felt about the outfit, Derek had Sabrina dress in the same leather outfit she had worn the night they taped her performance with Damius. Sabrina was on her knees by his side as he sat in a stuffed chair drinking a beer.

Sabrina had asked several times why Derek was being so secretive, but he would only smile and tell her she would find out soon enough.

They heard the front door open and close. Both looked to the door at the top of the basement stairs. In a moment it opened and to Sabrina's total surprise and shock Elena Alverez clad only in a sheer bra and panty negligee walked down the steps accompanied by her son Chico.

Elena was just as shocked to see Sabrina.

"Get me a beer. There's a fridge in there," Chico pointed and sat down eyeing Sabrina lasciviously and making her self conscious. She had now been naked many times in front of Derek and Latonya as well as Damius, but the idea of one of Derek's friends from school...

Elena returned with the beer and when Chico gestured, took a kneeling position beside his chair just like Sabrina.

"My god, Sabrina, you too?" whispered Elena.

The black housewife nodded. Both women's eyes held for a moment in recognition of their plight, then dipped in shame and embarrassment.

"So," said Chico smiling, "Mrs. R, I'm sure Derek has told you but you see I was with derek the night he taped you and your boyfriend in this very dungeon. I told Derek then how hot I thought you were, especially in that outfit you're wearing now and how I'd love to get into your pants. And Derek assures me he'd like a piece of my mom as well."

Both women's mouths dropped open.

"Chico, Honey, you can't mean..." started Elena.

There were haughty laughs from both boys.

"That's exactly what I mean, Mom. both of us have decided we'd like something a little different. The two of you are here tonight to provide it."

"Derek, I can't do this," begged Sabrina. "Being your... your... slave is one thing, but..."

"Shut up, Mother. When I want you to talk, I'll give you permission. Yes, you belong to me now and as such you'll do exactly as I say. Don't and you know what happens."

Again Sabrina lowered her head in defeat.

"Now," smirked Chico, "I think the first order of business is for the two of you to strip for us. Derek, put on a little music."

Derek loaded a CD and turned on the player. Sultry music filled the dungeon.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he said to his mother. Chico gestured for his mother to begin as well. Burning with shame both women slowly got to their feet and began swaying to the music. Elena, of course, had the more voluptuous body, but Chico found Sabrina's slim and petite body as much of a turn on as it had been the night of the videotaping.

Impatient that both women were hesitant to disrobe. Derek spoke to them both.

"You know what we want!"

Sabrina's breasts were already exposed through the cutouts of her outfit, but as she began unzipping and peeling off the leather she was burning with embarrassment and shame. The same was true of Elena who saw Derek's eyes widen as she let the flimsy bra drop to the floor. At last, knowing they could delay no longer and at the insistence of the boys, the two women completed their disrobing. Elena Alverez and Sabrina Radner stood naked before the smiling boys.

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