Slaves Of Locust Street - Cover

Slaves Of Locust Street

Copyright© 2007 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Four beautiful housewives who trade one form of slavery for another.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Group Sex   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Slow  

Elena Alverez peered out the window at her new neighbor across the street. He had moved in only a few days ago and was still carrying boxes and materials to and fro. He was handsome, his muscles rippling as he lifted and carried. She tried to tear her eyes away from him, but still she stood, looking out the front window, admiring the hunk of humanity only a few yards away.

Elena and her husband Raul had been married for almost nineteen years. Raul had been born in the U.S. while Elena was born and raised in a small town in central Mexico. Raul had been visiting relatives when he noticed the beautiful young woman. Women had never showed him much interest so he immediately went to Elena's father and mother and asked for her hand. She found him not very attractive and overbearing, but since she would be marrying an American citizen it was considered by all to be her dream ticket to America. Reluctantly she consented and the two had married right away and returned to the states.

Raul was a small man, but possessed of a fierce temper which he had unleashed upon her on more than one occasion. His jealousy bordered on psychotic and had since the day they had met. At first she had been flattered to think he loved her so much, but flattery soon turned to disillusionment and fear as his paranoia seemed to grow worse. Even the adoption of Chico and birth of Trica did not seem to dispel his unwarranted belief that she was being unfaithful. Once, several years ago she had simply smiled and said "thank you" to a man who picked up a package which she had dropped while shopping at the mall. Even though it occurred in a busy mall, as soon as they were in the parking lot he began to rail at her for acing like a slut. The harangue continued until they reached home whereupon he had told her that should she ever do such a thing again he would leave her and take the children. She did not take the threat lightly as having no life outside her family, her children were everything to her. Losing Raul would mean she would have to go to work and with her lack of education and experience it would be extremely difficult. It was, however, the thought of losing her children which kept her slavishly bound to him.

Raul made his feelings clear on frequent occasions demeaning her by calling her vile names and threatening divorce and loss of custody of Chico and Trica.

Although her kids grew up pursuing the American (teenage) dream, Elena had very little. Her clothes were conservative and stodgy because Raul did not want her wearing anything which might call attention to her. He rarely took her out for again he felt that other men might see her and be attracted to her.

He was right in that one regard. Elena had matured into a very attractive forty-two year old. Her complexion was dark and alluring, her large brown eyes bright despite living under Raul's thumb for these many years. Her straight dark auburn hair flowed down her back in cascades. She was full figured but that did not mean fat. Her bust and hips gave her solid body sensuous curves which Raul made her hide behind baggy formless outfits. Except for her lovely face, she was visually robbed of her natural sensuousness — just the way Raul wanted.

At home they rarely made love anymore and when they did it was all about pleasing him. Typically he was on and off of her within a minute or two, then it was lights out and he was snoring within seconds.

It was no wonder then, that Elena Alverez was a lonely and unhappy woman. Oh, she took solace in her children, but, entering their teens they had grown away from her and seemingly closer to their father, perhaps because he controlled the family purse strings and spoiled them with all sorts of outrageous gifts.

She felt a sense of guilt in looking at her handsome neighbor. If Raul knew she had even peeked he would be outraged. She often envied her married neighbors who seemed so happy. At forty-two, life was slipping away and before too long Chico and Trica would be graduating and moving out. Then where would she be? But how could she possibly feel any lonelier than she did now, she wondered. Raul had refused to allow her to visit her family in Mexico and he did not socialize and did not want her to as well.

With a sigh and resigned shrug of her shoulders she went back to dusting. It would soon be time to start supper.

Tom meadows hefted another box up and overhead in the garage. Divorced less than a month, he mused that he missed Cherie for one reason only: she was a hell of a screw. Otherwise the two had grown to detest each other — well the truth be known Cherie had grown to detest him since he had started going out on her. Could he help it if he had an active libido? He had assured her that he would never engage in an affair. There was no love involved, just the desire to get a little "strange". She had informed him that screwing other women was screwing other women and he could stop it or get the hell out. He had tried, but within a few weeks there had been that cute new sales girl at the office and before long he was banging her several times a week. When Cherie finally got wind of it she had thrown him out. Since there were no kids involved, the divorce had been finalized in short order and he found himself looking for somewhere to live. He hated apartments so when the realtor had found this three bedroom at an affordable price, he had snapped it up.

From the shadows of his garage he looked across the street at the Alverez house. He could see nothing but a reflection in the big front room picture window but he knew she was in there. He had noticed Elena Alverez the day he had moved in. She was gorgeous. She had been watering the lawn and even though she wore a baggy suit suit he could still make out the enticing curves beneath.

Even in the short time he had been here on Locust Street he could tell she was ripe for picking. Her kids seemed only to tolerate her and her husband obviously held her in utter contempt. He had seen her kind before eking out a life of desperate longing. Tomorrow, he told himself, tomorrow would be soon enough to put the moves on Elena Alverez.

The following day he waited until the boy and girl had both left for school and the husband for work. He dressed casually in a pair of slacks and open collared shirt and headed across the street.

"Hi, I'm your new neighbor Tom Meadows."

Elena was taken aback by the outgoing nature of the handsome neighbor.

"Uh, yes, Mr. Meadows. Welcome to the neighborhood."

"Thank you. Wow!" he said standing back to admire her, "the realtor told me it was a lovely neighborhood. What he didn't tell me was that my neighbors would be so beautiful as well."

Elena blushed, speechless.

"I'm trying to get a valve unstuck in the basement and I don't seem to have a wrench large enough. I was wondering if I might borrow one from you. I could go get one in town but if you have one I could use it would sure save a lot of time."

"I... uh... I don't know. My husband isn't here."

"Could we look in his toolbox?"

"I'm... I'm not sure he would approve."

"Well, okay. It was nice to meet you," he smiled, turning to leave.

"No, wait. I guess it would be all right," she breathed, her heart racing. If Raul knew she was letting a strange man in the house...

She led him inside, closed the door and began walking toward the utility room where Raul kept the toolbox.

"Here all alone? I can't imagine letting a lovely woman like you stay by herself for very long."

She shivered at the compliment. It had been so long since anyone had paid her a compliment.

"My husband will be home this evening. My children get home from school about four o'clock." Now why had she said that, she wondered.

"It must get lonely spending all day by yourself."

"Uh, yes, sometimes."

"You must have a lot of friends who drop by."

"... No. I don't have many friends — none actually."

"A beautiful woman like you without friends? I can't imagine. Well, your husband probably showers attention on you when he gets home."

"No. That is... I mean..."

"It's okay Elena," he said stopping and taking her hand in his. "May I call you Elena?"

"... Yes, of course."

"We're all lonely. You, me, a lot of people."

He could see her eyes misting.

"Maybe it's a good thing I came over today. Maybe we can be lonely together."

"I..." Elena knew she shouldn't. If Raul knew she was even talking to this man, he would go off the deep end.

"You know the old line from the song, "people who need people"? I can tell, Elena, I can sense your loneliness, how much you need. Can you sense mine?"

"... Yes," she answered, amazed at how quickly he had come to understand her, the desperation she felt.


"Tom," he volunteered.

"Yes, Tom. I... I am lonely" She could not believe how she was opening her heart to a man she had met only moments ago.

"I'm here, Elena. I'm here for you," he said, gently guiding her into his arms.

"Oh, I shouldn't..." she started.

"Shouldn't what? Share your feelings with another human being? Someone who cares as much and as deeply as you?"

"You make it sound so..."

"Sensible? Right?" he finished it for her. "You're safe with me, Elena. I'll help make the loneliness go away."

"Can you? Can you really?"

He leaned down, his lips brushing against hers. "all you have to do is say yes."

"But my husband, my children..."

"Aren't here. I am. They obviously haven't been able to make the loneliness disappear. I can."

"But what you're suggesting..." she began, her heart racing her breathing coming in short gasps.

"Is that we lose ourselves in each other. We can't change the whole world, Elena, but we can change this piece of it -- right here, right now."

He knew he had her. Oh, she would resist a bit more to assuage her conscience, but he had seen it before. The vulnerable ones were always easy pickings.

"But, I'm married... I couldn't..."

"Of course you can. All you have to do is let yourself go. Open yourself to what you can have by simply saying yes."

"But I... I just don't think I..."

Now, he thought. This is the critical moment.

"Well, if you don't want it..." he began as he turned and started as if to leave.

"No, no wait! It's just that..."

He turned back to her and she rushed into his arms. The kiss this time was long, deep and passionate. His hands dropped to her hips and grasping each cheek he gently but powerfully pulled her against him. His erection was nearly full and he knew she could feel him through the loose clothes she wore.

She gasped. Elena could not believe what was happening. A man she had met only minutes ago was holding her, kissing her, pressing his manhood against her — and most unbelievable of all — she was pushing back, her own urgency matching his.

"Say yes, Elena," he implored.

"I... I..." she hesitated, thoughts of Raul, Chico and Trica dancing through her mind. Yet as he pulled her to him even closer she was driven by an even deeper need. Her entire life had been devoted to others. Here at last was a brief chance for some personal happiness amid the drab existence which would again be hers by supper time.

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