Slaves Of Locust Street - Cover

Slaves Of Locust Street

Copyright© 2007 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Four beautiful housewives who trade one form of slavery for another.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Group Sex   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Slow  

That night was a repeat of that afternoon with one possible exception. Brandi had met Chico at the door in a sheer, floor length nightgown. Although it was very sensuous, Chico had her take it off and wear only a miniscule thong. Brandi not only felt self conscious about her virtual nudity but also the way in which her breasts quivered and swayed from side to side as she walked. They had a bite to eat, then, at Chico's request she danced for him, ending in her removing the thong and giving herself to him on the living room floor before they adjourned to the bedroom. The exception to the afternoon's performance was that tonight Chico pulled out all the stops. He had given her more than she'd ever had before that afternoon, but tonight he unveiled virtually every technique he had acquired in his short but illustrious career as neighborhood Casanova.

Brandi was in a continual state of ecstasy throughout the night. Exhausted, she would fall asleep only to awaken to the amorous caresses of her paramour and they would soon both find themselves in the throes of passion.

If was well after four a.m. when they fell asleep for a final time. Brandi slept impaled with Chico's long, thick lance, her labial lips periodically quivering as they kissed the shaft within her.

The small alarm clock on the night stand read 9:11 a.m. when Brandi's eyes came open. Yesterday had seemed a dream but the shaft she felt inside her was no dream. She really had made love with a seventeen year old boy on her kitchen table and then again for half the night. She thought about getting up, but the feel of him inside of her was just to good to let go.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he whispered over her shoulder.

Aching with the withdrawal, she turned to face him.

"Did I dream all those positions last night."

"Nope. You were in every one — and begging for more as I recall."

They kissed long and deeply, Brandi desperately trying to hold onto this dream come true.

"Did... did you mean what you said last night?"

"And what was that?" he asked.

"About me being your woman."

"Maybe. You'd have to be the best. I only screw the best."

"I... I can be the best... for you!"

"We'll see," he said making his way into the bathroom.

"Brandi hugged herself, vowing to make him want her as much as she wanted — needed him.

Later, over breakfast, he jellied a piece of toast and listened.

"I'll get some new outfits. Really short ones that show a lot of cleavage and leg and thigh. And heels. Really high heels. You said you liked women in high heels."

"Yeah, my women have got to look hot."

"I will, Chico. for you I'll look really hot!"

"Hey, you were a really hot piece last night. But it takes a lot to satisfy me."

"I will, Chico. I promise."

"You got my cell phone number," he said. "You get lonely you let me know."

"I will!" she responded enthusiastically.

With that he was out the door and gone.

An hour later the recriminations began. As the afterglow of her night with the neighborhood Adonis faded, she began to tell herself what an idiot she had been, acting like a naive schoolgirl. True it had ben a long time since she had felt a man's arms around her and if she was honest she had to admit that no man had ever given her a ride like Chico. Not Kyle, not anyone.

My god, she thought to herself, he's only seventeen, the son of my neighbor and good friend. How could I be so stupid? How could I let myself fall for for him like that?

It didn't take long for her to figure it out however. Yes, of course he was magnificent in bed, far and away the best lover she had ever had, but she knew it had as much to do with her as with her teenage lover. She was lonely. A single mom since Kyle's death, life had been a constant struggle. The rigors of raising a teenage son had often left her exhausted, wishing there was someone who could help shoulder the burdens, someone she could lean on for support and guidance. However, love was perhaps the largest thing missing from her life. She ached for the romance, the sharing of those day to day things, large and small, and the knowledge that at the end of the day she would have strong arms to fall into. And yes, she admitted to herself, she missed sex. She and Kyle had made love less often than she would have liked, but it was those moments of his exploding inside her and her own eruption in return that she longed for constantly. Perhaps she told herself that was why she had succumbed to the temptation of Chico. Yes, he was handsome and, for his age, rather a smooth operator but she hadn't just wanted him — she had needed him — needed him inside her, ravishing her, taking from her and giving satisfaction in return. Except Chico had actually given more than he had taken. She realized he was a much better lover than she. How could she possibly think she was good enough for him?

She shook her head to clear it. This had to end. She would simply not call him. What clearer message could she send? He would move on and she would — what? Go back to life as a single mother and lonely woman?

It wouldn't be easy, but she resolved it had to be done.

The remainder of that day and especially that night were torturous for Brandi. Try though she might she could not get the image of the handsome young man out of her mind. Perhaps even more ingrained in her memory were her own screams of sheer ecstasy and the moment when his hot seed flooded her womb.

At work she was like an automatron, her mind a million miles away.

At home she paced. She tried reading. She tried watching TV, even some of Joel's computer games, but nothing could erase the intense feelings she held for the boy who lived just across the street.

By seven the next evening she was a wreck.

"Hello," came the voice on the other end.

"Chico, it's me, Brandi. I have to see you."

"Okay, when, where?"

"Walk to the end of the street, I'll pick you up in my car. We'll go to a motel."

"Okay, Brandi. See you in five minutes."

She had meant for their stay in the motel to last only an hour or so. It was almost five hours later that she pulled back in her driveway.

God it felt so good to have her body violated like that young man could. He took her and yet in the process gave her pleasure she never knew was possible.

As she climbed from the car, she realized she was aching in several joints of her body. She smiled. He certainly put her through her paces, but oh, was it worth it. She had at last made up her mind. She wanted to be Chico's woman. She no longer cared about the age difference. She wanted to belong to him. She wanted to give herself to him. And most of all she wanted him to love her as she had come to love him.

Over the next few weeks Brandi's calls to Chico became more frequent until, at last, she was calling him virtually every day. She could no longer stand it without him. She knew she was growing more dependent on him emotionally as well as physically but didn't care. She needed him — needed what he could provide. She simply could no longer imagine facing each day without him. Life without him was losing its meaning. She was becoming obsessed with him and knew it, but no longer cared. She wanted to be his woman. Wanted to belong to him. Wanted to be with him.

"So how's the plan proceeding?" asked Joel.

He and Chico were seated at the school lunch table by themselves.

"Great. She's eating out of my hand. It won't be long now."

"How good is she?"

"I've had better but I've had worse. But she'll make you a great first piece."

"Is she ready?"

"Almost. She's beginning to fawn all over me. Can't do enough for me. She needs it in the worst way. Man when you boff her you'll have her eating out of your hand."

Joel grinned from ear to ear.

"Is she really that easy?"

"I gotta be honest. She's the easiest I've ever gotten. Even little freshman high schoolers who want to lose their virginity aren't as easy as she is."

"Damn, I just never realized what a slut she was."

"Oh, don't be too hard on her. It's been a while since she was last laid. She's horny as well as lonely."

"So, how soon?"

"Give me another few days. I want to be sure she is absolutely hooked on me before I cut her loose. She'll be devastated, of course, and that's when you walk in. Just be sure you don't rush it and that you have that palm corder rolling when she finally puts out."

"Yeah, okay. You just let me know when she's ready."

"Will do. In the meantime I'm going to fuck her for all she's worth."

"Yeah, I know," replied Joel without much enthusiasm.

"Hey, I told you I was gonna be up front with you about this. Unless I make her want it really bad..."

"Yeah, yeah. I got it. Just don't wear her out before I get my chance."

Chico laughed as he got up to leave.

"She's tight my man. Nice and tight. You're gonna love it."

With that he walked away.

Chico knew it was time. it had been two weeks since his little talk with Joel. During that time he had laid Brandi a dozen times. She had wanted more but he had said no, keeping her aroused and longing for his sexual ministrations. She was now slavishly devoted to him, having (despite her modest wages) bought him two new outfits and a new computer game. She called him at all hours and Chico had told her several times to be more careful or his parents might catch on. She now hung on his every word and worshiped the ground he walked on. She couldn't do enough for him and begged for every morsel of attention he gave her. She was his, lock, stock and barrel and she was ready.

He was getting dressed after their latest tryst at her house. Joel was out for the evening but would be expected back soon.

"When can I see you again?" she asked.

"Well, babe, that's something we need to talk about."

"What do you mean?"

"There isn't gonna be any again."

"What?" she asked, her voice taking on the sound of desperation.

"It's over, Brandi. I'm moving on."

"Moving on? But you can't. I'm your woman now. You said so."

"No, you were the one who said that. Not me. I told you it took a woman who was the very best to get me and keep me. Hey, you've been a good fuck, Brandi, but..."

"What? What are you saying?"

"I'm saying you aren't good enough. A good fuck, just not a great fuck. So now I'm tired of you and I'm moving on."

"But... but... you can't!"

"Not only can. I am."

She reached out to him but he stepped back. She fell off the bed and to the floor then reached out and grabbed his leg. Tears rained down her cheeks.

"You can't leave me! What will I do?"

"Find yourself another man. Just like I'm finding myself another woman."

"But I don't want another man. I want you!"

"Well you can't have me. Better get used to it."

"No, please, PLEASE!" she begged as he tore away and made for the door.

"Your not a bad fuck, Brandi. Just not all that good. Find a guy who'll settle for less than the best and you'll have it made."

"You can't mean that," she cried.

"Oh, but I do mean it. You're pretty enough and your body's not bad. You just aren't much of a fuck, that's all."

Disbelief written all over her face, Brandi's world was collapsing around her.

"No. No! This can't be!" she cried.

"Afraid so, babe. Hey, good luck. I really do hope you can find a guy, cause you need one — bad!"

Anger flared and she threw her shoe at the closing door, then she stood and, her knees weak, fell onto the bed where she cried for the next hour and a half.

"Mom, what's the matter? You look like crap." said Joel having received the okay from Chico and then having waited an appropriate amount of time to let the devastation set in.

"Honey, I'm... okay," replied Brandi trying to smile.

"No, you aren't okay. Don't try to snow me. Look, I know we don't always agree on stuff but I hate to see you cry," he lied. "Whatever it is, you can tell me."

"Oh, Honey I... I don't know if I should."

"Okay, you're choice," he said starting to walk away as Chico had instructed.

"Wait! I... I do need to talk with someone."

"I'm listening," he said.

And for the next hour Brandi poured her heart out to her son, telling him everything -- how she had become attracted to Chico, the car washing incident and their torrid affair until he had dumped her a few hours ago.

"He's a bastard all right," said Joel, "but he's right about one thing."

"What's that?" she asked.

"You do need a man in your life. Someone who can and will love you and keep you satisfied."

She looked away in embarrassment, then tried to lighten the mood by smiling.

"Know of any good candidates?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact I do."

"Oh," she smiled, "and who would that be?"

"You're looking at him."

Brandi's eyes widened in surprise and shock.

"Honey, I love you so very much, but the kind of relationship Chico was talking about was about romance and... and..."

"Sex?" he finished it for her.

"Well... yes."


"So surely you aren't suggesting that we... you and I..."

"Why not? You need a man. I want a woman."

"Joel! You're too young to be..."

"I'm almost fifteen. I have needs too you know. We could give each other what we want and need."

"That would be incest. Surely you're not serious!"

"I'm serious as a heart attack. No one else ever has to know. It will be our little secret. I'll keep you satisfied for as long as you want. If you meet someone else we can always cool it."

"Joel, Honey, I appreciate your wanting to do this for me, but..."

"Hey, you're hurting right now. So just think about it. We can talk again later."

"There's nothing to think about. I can't... we can't..."

"You have no idea how much ribbing I'm getting at school because I'm a virgin. I want to learn to be like Chico — a knockout with the girls. But I need to have that first time. I don't want just any girl. I want a real woman who can teach me and who I can learn to satisfy. What could be better for both of us? I get a woman who's experienced and horny and you get a guy who's gonna be available whenever you want and who thinks you're just plain hot!"

"You... you think I'm hot?" she said, the words coming out before she realized she had said them.

"The hottest!"

"Joel, this is impossi..."

" Look, Mom. You screwed Dad..."

"But he was my husband."

"He was also a man who gave you what you wanted and needed. Then there was that store manager, what's his name?"


"Yeah, Ben. It may have started as you being pressured into it, but you grew to love it. You may not have been madly in love with him, but he supplied what you wanted. I can do the same."

"I'm sorry, Joel. As much as I love you for offering, it just isn't right. Why, I'm so much older than you for one thing."

"Thirteen years isn't that much. Besides, I'm not a boy anymore. I've got what it takes to keep you satisfied," he said, his hand moving toward his crotch.

She looked away in shock.

"Joel, no! We just can't."

"Like I say, think about it. I'm not dumb, Mom. I know you and Ben were careful but I saw how much you needed what he was giving you and obviously what Chico has been giving you. You may not need it right at this moment, but you will, and when you do I'll be here. Just don't wait too long because I may find someone else in the meantime."

"Joel, I..."

But he had already turned away and was headed for his room.

The next two weeks were torture for Brandi. She missed Chico so much. She had tried calling him but he was obviously using another cell number now and even when she called his home number he refused to talk with her.

She felt hollow, empty and alone. With each passing day her torment grew. Chico and Joel had been right. She missed it so much she could think of little else. And now with Joel's outrageous proposal to weigh on her as well, she grew weary. At work she simply ran on autopilot, her mind a million miles away, the aching a constant reminder of what she so desperately needed — and no longer had.

At home it was even worse. Although he had said nothing further, every time she saw Joel she was thrown into a quandary. Twice she had caught herself actually looking at him from behind, admiring his strong tight buttocks as he moved within his skin tight jeans and once she had entered the living room while Joel was watching TV his legs sprawled apart and her eyes had strayed to his crotch. She looked away quickly but not before he smiled, noticing her stare. She railed at herself for those indiscretions, but it did little good.

If only, she thought, she had never met Chico. Before that fateful afternoon car wash she had been able to keep her desires in check, smother them with activity and caring for Joel. Now, however, those desires had been unleashed and she was powerless to get them back into the box. She was being eaten up with longing and desire and everything she had tried to distract her had been to no avail.

When she was alone she had tried masturbating but it did no good. It either left her unsatisfied or in some cases even increased her sense of urgency.

Joel and Chico had been in daily touch about the plan. Both were pleased with how it was progressing. Although his mother had said nothing further, Joel had sensed her misery and the build up of stress and tension within her.

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