Teaching and Learning - Cover

Teaching and Learning

Copyright© 2007 by Scotland-the-Brave

Chapter 4: Standard Grades

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Standard Grades - A young teacher helps a young girl find her hidden academic talent at the same time as trying to avoid her attempts to reward him. How will it all end up?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Romantic   Reluctant   Exhibitionism  

I had set up a work placement for Kirsty with one of my friends who was a senior manager with a local company. The placement was a little unimaginative - two weeks in the human resources department - but I knew the practical experience would be invaluable to her. The school looked to identify placements for as many students as possible and this one was easy enough.

Before she went on the placement I had one more 'advisor' talk with Kirsty, this time she held back after class to initiate the discussion.

"Sir, can I ask you for some more advice?"

I was caught in two minds. While I wanted to help her as much as I could, I remembered how I had been affected a few weeks previously and didn't want to suffer through a repeat.

"What can I help you with Kirsty?" I asked.

"Well sir, I took your advice about Derek and tried to encourage him to talk to me. I explained I didn't like the way he was always trying to paw me and that he might get on better if he went a little slower and was more gentle."

"Good Kirsty, I hope it worked."

"Well it did and it didn't sir. He was gentle at first, stroking my breasts, and it started to feel real good. It was like I could feel a connection between my boobs and, you know, my... , well, between my legs."

I gulped quickly as her words created an image in my head.

"Anyway sir, he only did that for a few minutes and then he moved his hand and tried to put it up my skirt. I was disappointed, as I had started to enjoy what he was doing, but then he spoiled it all by trying to push his clumsy paws into my panties. I think I need to find a boyfriend with more experience sir, someone who knows how to teach others, who can take his time and help his partner enjoy herself. What do you think?"

"I think you need to be sure about what you're doing Kirsty." I temporised. "If you continue to communicate with your partner there is a lot to be said for learning together. But you're right, he needs to learn to take his time and to think about your enjoyment at least as much if not more than his own."

"That's what I mean sir, see, you know what I'm getting at. Derek seems to be in an almighty rush to get somewhere and I'm not sure he and I want to get to the same place!"

"Well, you'll just have to work it out between you Kirsty. Just remember what I said and don't let yourself be pressurised into doing anything you don't want to."

"That's just it though sir, I'm not sure I don't want to. It's just that I'm finding it difficult to know because he is so inexperienced. It started to feel good so maybe I do want that. I guess I'm going to have to get him to slow down huh?"

"I think that might be a very good idea young lady."

I thought this discussion had gone very well, a lot better than the previous one and I replayed my advice, re-assuring myself I had managed to steer a reasonable path.

Before her placement Kirsty and I discussed the kind of things she should be looking to experience. I covered the fourth year course material and indicated the kinds of things that would help her in the coming year. Unbeknown to her I had had a similar conversation with my friend to make sure he designed a placement that would maximise her opportunities to learn.

I surprised myself by missing Kirsty's presence for the next two weeks. It seemed I was almost becoming addicted to her being around, but I told myself to get used to it as the end of term was only days after the end of her placement and I wouldn't see her for seven weeks.

She was full of her work experience when she returned and I could get nothing else out of her for the last few days of school before the summer break. It was clear she had used her time well and had sucked every last drop of knowledge she could from her time in 'industry'. She did calm down enough to wish me a pleasant summer before she left on the last day and I wished her the same as I watched her leave my classroom for the last time as a third year.

I spent three weeks recharging my batteries in the delights of the French countryside. I had rented a Gîte and lazed around soaking up the sun and sipping cheap French plonk. The local market was a delight to walk round, fresh produce of all descriptions available, and I didn't hold back on sampling everything that took my fancy. The Gîte was comfortable and I easily found my way round its well-furnished kitchen. All in all it was a very pleasant break, and a complete break too - no thoughts of school or lessons - absolute bliss.

On my return home I disciplined myself to carry out the range of little jobs around the house that I had put off. I split my time between painting, gardening and reviewing my material for the coming year's lessons. As the break was coming to an end I at last admitted something that had been eating away inside my head all summer - I was really looking forward to seeing Kirsty again. I was missing her.

I knew it was more than just the delight at how good a pupil she was, how well she applied herself to her learning. I finally gave in and accepted that I was also enjoying her little sex games. They were harmless enough so long as I didn't do anything stupid and I had absolutely no intention of that.

I was in school the week before the kids returned, working on my classroom materials to make sure they were as good as I could get them. Then, at last, the first Monday of the new school year arrived and my new classes began to appear one by one. Kirsty's class was the first one after lunch on Monday, a double lesson, with further lessons on Wednesday morning, Thursday morning and last thing on Friday.

I almost didn't recognise her when she took her customary seat in the front row.

"Wow!" I thought.

She was simply stunning. Some of her time over the summer had been spent working on a deep tan and she certainly suited the colour. She had done some other things too. Her hair had been styled - I had never before seen her with anything other than a plain cut - and she wore subtle touches of make-up. Her eyes were now outlined with eyeliner and the black highlighted her deep brown eyes and drew you into them. Her lip colour was natural but she had applied some kind of gloss that made them shine. The effect was incredible, making her look more like eighteen than the fifteen I knew she had just turned.

I could see that she had noticed the effect her new look had had on me and her shy smile told me she was pleased. I called on her to answer a number of questions during the double lesson and was delighted with her answers, which showed she had covered the material over the break in readiness for the year to begin. It was highly unusual to find a pupil who went to those lengths to prepare themselves and for some reason it made me really happy.

While the class was working quietly on some materials I had set them I couldn't help but watch her. It was clear that her uniform was brand new this year and I wondered where the money for the haircut, make-up and clothes had come from. The white blouse was somewhat more sheer than any she had worn before and a lace-trimmed bra was clearly visible through the material. It certainly looked very nice and the white blouse did a wonderful job of complementing her sun-tanned complexion.

I didn't think she was aware of my scrutiny but I had to think again when I noticed her legs flex, causing her much shorter skirt to ride up. Once more I was treated to a view of her panties, but brand new panties this time, lace trimmed to match the bra. I swear I could see a little patch of dampness on the crotch as I dragged my eyes away from her treasures.

When I looked up she had her head down and was working away diligently. I assumed I had avoided being caught staring up her skirt and focussed myself on the remainder of the lesson.

I knew she had another lesson after mine so she wouldn't be able to linger, thank heaven for little blessings I thought. She did make a point of being last to leave the class so she could at least have a word.

"You look great sir, I take it you had a good break?"

"Yes I did Kirsty, thanks. I must say that you seem to have changed your appearance too. The sun suits you obviously."

She smiled widely at that.

"Did you miss me sir?" She asked.

The question was so unexpected that I answered without thinking.

"Lots, Kirsty."

I could have kicked myself for that slip, especially when I saw her smile widen.

"Well I missed you lots too sir, especially our little chats. I missed having somebody who could give me advice. But I had to take a summer job so I could earn enough to buy a new uniform so I was kinda busy most of the time. Oh yeh, and I studied hard too."

I was impressed by her work ethic, impressed enough to comment on it.

"That sounds like a busy summer Kirsty and your new uniform looks good, every credit for your hard work to raise the money."

"Mmhm, I could see you liked it, all of it. And before you give me into trouble again for flashing my panties at you, I won't do it again. But I did pay a lot of money for them so I had to let you see them at least once."

That all came out in something of a rush and before I could respond she twirled and dashed from the room.

I shook my head at her antics and set about using the free last period to prepare for my classes the next day.

She was true to her word; she never did flash her pants at me during class adain - but afterwards... well I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

I kept what I considered a paternal eye on Kirsty's progress through this important year. All of her teachers reported she was flying. As if her schoolwork wasn't enough to contend with, she also joined the school debating society, unusual for a fourth year, and I sat in the audience and watched her perform very confidently indeed. There was no doubt about it; she was developing into a fine human being. She was intelligent, witty, sensitive and very beautiful. Any father would have been proud of her - except perhaps her own and she deserved so much more.

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