Lauralee - Cover


Copyright© 2007 by expatdad

Chapter 2: A step into the dark

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: A step into the dark - A bored 17yo white teenager goes exploring the Zimbabwean night and loses her virginity to an African who had only popped outside for a quiet cigarette.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   First  

Lauralee looked out into the darkness beyond the gate. Her parents had gone out for the evening to a restaurant. She had cried off going with them telling them that she had a good book to read and they should enjoy themselves on their own for a change.

Now has peeked out into the darkness and her heart beat faster than normal. Would the African N'Gama be out there waiting for her? She found her breath being caught in her throat as she imagined what might happen to her soon in the hands of the horny African.

Yesterday she had been a virgin; tonight her loins were already wet in anticipation of a cock thrusting into her. N'Gama had not struck her as very bright, but he was a man and he had a cock. At the moment that all that Lauralee cared about was repeating the experience of last night and recreating the delightful experience of a horny man holding her tight and ravishing her.

The family gardener arrived at the gate looking surprised, with the gate keys in hand. Lauralee's parents had never thought she might need her own keys, and he was looking askance at her as she indicated that he should open the gate. However, he knew better than to challenge or question the young white madam.

As he slid the gates open she stepped outside and looked around nervously.

"Are you going to be alright Miss. I'm not happy letting you out in the dark without your parents knowledge."

"Oh don't be silly Rwandi, I'm just going for a walk."

The gardener noted the way the girl's eyes darted about searching the darkness. There were few streetlights in this part of Harare. Then she saw he was standing watching and waved him away, and set off down the street.

She had barely gone a few paces into the darkness before a dark mass loomed in front of her and she jumped in shock. String arms grabbed her tightly and before she could scream hot lips covered her mouth in a hot greedy kiss. She pushed at the man in front of her.

An arm had encircled her waist and pulled her close, and she was startled to feel a hot hardness pressing against her. Her pussy pulsed in recognition of an aroused male member ready and eager pressed against her body.

She pulled free of the kiss and looked up into the confused African face above her.

"You don't want to kiss?" Lauralee looked up into the now recognisable features of the African N'Gama.

"You give me a scare! Hasn't anybody told you how to behave with a girl?"

"You not want to kiss?"

N'Gama sounded confused and worried now. She wondered at her memory of their limited conversation last night, remembering her suspicion that this African was a bit slow. She did not want to scare him off before he did it to her again.

"Well, it's not that, it's just that you jumped out and surprised me."

"Kiss yes?"

"Well yes but..." she got no further.

One of N'Gama's hands had reached up behind her and grasped her hair firmly and tugged her head backwards. Her gasp of surprise and pain was smothered as hot lips covered her mouth again.

The arms around her waist slipped lower and a hand grasped her bottom tightly and pulled her in tight against the African. The hot hardness pressing her stomach began an urgent humping against her softness.

Oh my God the boys back home were never like this! He's an animal. Her pussy seemed to flood with her juices. Her sensitive breasts were grinding into his hard chest, and when his tongue invaded her mouth seeking out her tongue she felt a strange languor seep through her.

Her initial protests at his aggressive behaviour were replaced with a passive acceptance. A willingness to let this strong horny male do as he liked with her. Her arms came around him and she found herself hugging him tight. Her tongue seemed to know what to do it as it eagerly engaged with the hot seeking tongue of N'Gama.

Chuckling voices around them startled Lauralee out of erotic reverie. She pulled away from N'Gama and looked around. There were two griming black faces in the darkness watching her and N'Gama.

"What?" She tired to push the African away wrestling with his strong arms. "Who are these?"

"Just friends." Then his head was bending low seeking out her lips again, she twisted her head to one side.

"What are they doing here?"

N'Gama arms encircled the slim wriggling white teenage girl, revelling in her warmth and clean healthy scent. He could smell her female arousal and his cock jerked in the knowledge that she was ready to receive him. He had been two years working in Harare and had suffered enforced celibacy during that period.

Now this delightful angel had fallen into his hands. He was beginning to regret inviting his friends, but their total disbelief when he told them of his adventures last night had irked him. N'Gama reached up and grabbed the girl's hair to hold her head still for a moment.

"N'Gama share with friends." In the darkness he did not see the widening of the girl's eyes. He found her mouth again and eagerly thrust his tongue into the hot wet interior. Her heated struggles and wriggles excited him. He could feel soft but surprisingly firm breasts crushed against his chest, and her lithe full thighs had already parted as he humped his cock against her loins.

His hand on her bottom relaxed its grip for a minute then dipped lower to jerk her skirt up and feel for the soft curves of her bottom. He pushed his hand into the joining between her legs, and found the gusset of her panties was soaking wet.

N'Gama grinned. He may be a bit thick but he knew what soaking wet panties meant!

The two grinning Africans watched with a mix of awe and disbelief at the pretty white girl seemed to have melted into N'Gama's arms and was making no protest as his hand dug under her skirt and between her legs.

The young white woman was truly magnificent and they could not believe that N'Gama had somehow got involved with her, but they had every intention of getting their share of her.

"Come on N'Gama. You can't have her here! The first white man who comes along will drive us off. Let's get her into the bushes at the end of the street."

N'Gama had no interest in the words of his friends. His cock was aching with his lust and he pushed aside the panties to find the slick wet entrance of her pussy and pushed one of his thick fingers inside. He felt the girl stiffen then sigh, her head seemed to sag back and he seemed to take her whole weight in his arms.

As her head lolled back, and he gazed down at the soft bare skin of her neck. A hunger enveloped him and he leaned down and bit his teeth into the exposed softness. The girl seemed to jerk and then her body was thrashing wildly in his arms. Confused he hung on to her tightly. She was not trying to get away; indeed her hips were jerking and humping against his cock in what seemed like a frenzied need.

Then she collapsed again in his arms.

Lauralee swooned as the orgasm overwhelmed her. She was in a daze when N'Gama lifted her in his arms and walked with her to the edge of street. Then he and his friends strode quickly across the road circling the edge of the city and they all disappeared into the bush country.

She recovered as N'Gama set her down on her feet in a clearing among the bushes. The Africans closed on her and black hands touched, squeezed, and caressed her. N'Gama's hands rose up under her short dress caressing and squeezing her firm full thighs before reaching her panties and urgently pulled them over her hips and down her thighs.

The African hands that stroked her arms were hard and calloused, and Lauralee shivered at the feel of them. One of the Africans pulled her close and cupped one her full seventeen year old breasts and squeezed it sending shivers of pleasure through her.

N'Gama's hand were busy under her dress, exploring the soft satiny skin of her inner thighs, and the slick wetness between them. His fingers nipped and squeezed her clitoris sending shooting flames of passion flaring outwards from her loins.

Lauralee was shaken from her aroused state when she felt the Africans pulling at her dress eager to strip it off her. She could never explain to her parents why her favourite dress was torn if these Africans were not careful!

"No, no you will tear it!" She pushed them away. She looked around at the hungry black faces barely seen in the moonlight. She could see the whites of their eyes and gleaming teeth. Despite the darkness she could feel the atmosphere pervading the clearing the eager lust among these men to do to her what N'Gama had done to her last night.

Her pussy throbbed in response. 'God, this was one of her wildest fantasies coming true!'

With a sudden dryness in her mouth her hands went to the buttons of her dress and she flicked them open. A silence seemed to have descended on the clearing. The African men seemed to have stopped breathing as they watched her with eager hungry eyes.

She shivered and kept on unbuttoning her dress, before shrugging it off her shoulders. It pooled around her feet and she stood in bra and panties in front of these men. Her heart was pounding, and her knees felt weak. She wondered if she had gone mad. Yesterday she had been a nervous virgin, now all she understood was a hot hungry need centred between her legs as the men watched her.

Grown men.

Black men.

Men with hard cocks who wanted to pierce her body.

Her hands reached behind her and she unclipped her brassiere, and let it fall to the ground.

There was a collective gasp as the African men stared at her full upstanding pink tipped mounds. Tips that stood hard and proud and had never been kissed by man! Her teenage breasts were firm, and jutting with no hint of sag. Lauralee had often looked at them in the mirror with pride, but this was the first time she had bared them before men.

All three Africans lunged for her simultaneously.

She squealed as three pairs of dark hands grasped and seized her. The Africans competed with each other, pushing and shoving in their lusting eagerness to feel for themselves her soft womanhood.

With a grunt N'Gama exerted his strength and hurled his two friends away from the girl.

"Me first," he grunted.

The two Africans snarled in their combined lust and eagerness, but held back. N'Gama may be a bit daft in the head but they respected his strength. Besides if he opened the girl up she would be hot slick and wet when it came to their turn.

They held back.

N'Gama lifted Lauralee into the air as though she was a small child then laid her down on her back.

Her lovely white thighs parted for him as he came down on top of her.

Lauralee thought her heart would burst it was racing so hard. She had never realised it would feel so thrilling to have men squabbling over her. She looked at the two waiting Africans as she spread her legs for the muscular N'Gama. They would be next and she could see the hard bulges in their shorts.

When N'Gama found her centre at the first attempt and his hard cock thrust deep on the first surging lunge she exploded into a far fiercer orgasm than she had experienced last night. Her world seemed to be exploding starlight as she bucked and plunged around the cock now buried deep inside her.

There was nothing like this in the whole world...

The gunshot broke the quiet of the night.

In a flicker of movement the two watching Africans disappeared into the bush. N'Gama looked confused and Lauralee grasped him in fear.

"What do we have here then?"

Lauralee looked up into the darkness.

An African stepped out of the bush. He was wearing a crumpled suite, and unbuttoned white shirt. He held a revolver in his hand.

"Do your parents know what you are doing here? It certainly did not look as though you were being raped?"

N'Gama growled and pushed himself to his feet. Without a moment's thought he lunged for the new arrival. The blunt end of the gun jabbed him in the stomach bringing him up short. Even N'Gama understood his peril and froze.

"Let's not have any overexcitement. Time to move on N'Gama this young lady is out of your league."

N'Gama growled his hate and anger at this intruder he knew well. It was Solomon, a low level henchman of Joseph Farei a prominent businessman. Solomon pushed the gun forward poking N'Gama in the stomach.

"Move on N'Gama. Don't give me any trouble."

"He was not doing me any harm!" Lauralee called out, her fear receding.

"Oh I don't think he was doing anything that you were not quite willing to let him do, and no doubt you would have happily let his friends take their turn."

The darkness hid her flush of embarrassment.

With a snarl N'Gama backed away, then turned and strode off through the bush.

"N'Gama," Lauralee called out to him as he disappeared into the undergrowth, but he ignored her as he angrily slunk away.

She reached down for her dress and pulled it in front of her.

"Bit late for that isn't it young lady."

Solomon stepped towards her and with the barrel of his revolver pushed her hands holding her dress apart. It fell back to the ground and he ran his eyes over the delightful charms.

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen." Solomon looked over her over. She was a bit old for some of the men he knew. Nevertheless she was a choice example of white womanhood. His boss would be delighted with her.

"So perhaps we should go and find your parents and reassure them you are OK."

"They are out!"

"Then perhaps we should wait for them."

Lauralee was in torment. The last thing she wanted was the embarrassment of this African explaining what he had seen to her parents.

"There is really no need. I can get home quiet safely."

"Is that what you want to do?"

Lauralee looked at the African wondering at his meaning. Then he rubbed his crotch.

"Perhaps there is something we can do while waiting for your parents?"

Lauralee stared at the hand rubbing the African's crotch. Her heart seemed to start beating faster. Did all men want to do things to her? She watched mesmerised as the African lowered the zip of his trousers and extracted a lengthening black cock.

"Come here."

Lauralee stared as the African caressed his cock. It got longer and thicker and her breathing got heavier. Solomon grinned and began to understand how N'Gama had got to this young woman. She was obviously of a very horny nature, like most white women.

"Come here I said." His voice was firmer, more demanding.

Lauralee jumped at his words. Then she edged closer to him, until she was within reach, and his hands grasped her and pulled her forward. It was oddly calming to be grasped and held, it was now beyond her control.

His hands were strong and firm and she found herself being pushed to he knees in front of this African. His cock bobbed in front of her face and she realised what he wanted. She had only done this once before briefly the night before with N'Gama kneeling in the bushes outside that raucous bar.

She looked nervously up at him, but his hand was soon clasped in her hair urging her forward. When the pungent hardness nudged her lips she opened her mouth.

Lauralee's mouth felt dry when she opened her mouth and took that cock in. The first time she had taken a cock in her mouth had been a shock. This time she knew she would have more time to discover what it was all about.

"Lick it!" Solomon demanded.

Lauralee obeyed and extended her tongue. The taste of the cock was strong and powerful and she ran her tongue along the underside of it. The African with his hands in her hair tugged her head backwards and forwards and she remembered the jokes and gossip about bobbing heads. She had not understood before but now started moving her head backwards and forwards.

The cock in her mouth jerked and jumped in her mouth as she tongued it and she realised she would need to clasp it tightly with her lips, while her tongue explored the strange taste and feel of it.

Solomon groaned, as warm soft lips seemed to seize his cock. Then the girls headed started bobbing and her tongue licking. His knees went weak. He held the girls head firmly. It was rare that he had the opportunity to enjoy a white woman. To have one kneeling at his feet and working her lips and tongue over his cock so unbelievable it sent a really strong surge of pleasure through him. Lauralee's thoughts were focussed on the throbbing male meat in her mouth. It was warm and throbbing. The pungent seeping liquid that occasionally dribbled or surged across her tongue had salty taste and seemed at times to be thick and creamy. Her taste buds were working overtime at the unfamiliar and unusual taste and feel of male sperm in her mouth. It was not as unpleasant as she had expected it to be. In fact she liked it!

Solomon struggled to retain control of his cock. The obvious inexperience of the lovely white girl kneeling at his feet enhanced his excitement rather than detracted from it. Her mouth was hot. Her lips occasionally clamped quite tightly, at other times they slid over his cock in a sot wet caress. Her tongue at times seemed tentative and unsure, at others her tongue lapped firmly and its nimble slippery length threatened an early explosion.

He wanted to savour this moment. He knew rich Africans frequently acquired white mistresses, and also knew from tales around the township how some African working as domestic staff occasionally tricked white families into sexual submission. Such good fortune had not come his way.

He looked down. By the light of the moon and the stars he could see the pale pretty face bobbing and dipping at his loins. He reached down and grasped her head firmly. The girl offered no resistance to his grasp. He grinned and thrust forward.

The girl gasped and choked but made no real effort to pull away. Her lack of complaint emboldened him, and he thrust his cock at her mouth in a few quick jabs. Amid the chokes and gasps he sensed her adjusting her mouth to his hungry lunges.

He pulled his cock out of her mouth and she gasped at his feet sucking in air, but making no protest. Then he pushed her head down lower, and pulled her head forward again.

"Lick!" He commanded. He senses a moment of confusion on the girl's part then he felt her soft wet tongue lick across his balls.

"Oh Yes. God exists! Thank You God!" He exclaimed.

The girl at his feet responded to his exclamation with more confidence. Her tongue lapped and licked at the wrinkled pungent sac containing the African's testicles.

Lauralee was overwhelmed by the smell of the African man. The strong taste of him, and the perverted act he had wanted from her.

This was wicked!

Her pussy was drenched with her own juices. Her nipples strained their puckered tightly stretched aureole. Her heart pounded. She closed her eyes and breathed in the man smell, and her lithe tongue licked across salty, stained and the hair covered man sack.

This was so, so wicked, and she loved it! For the first time in her life she was focussed on pleasuring a man. All the foolish gossip about blowjobs, sucking cock and men paled into insignificance compared to the stark reality of kneeling in the dirt at the feet of a black man and licking his cock and balls.

She had never dreamed anything could be as exciting as this.

Solomon had closed his eyes. He struggled to contain his excitement as this pretty young woman licked and lapped. What they said about white women was all true! It was true.

He pulled the girl's head back up from his balls. He had to get his cock into her mouth before he came. He thrust forward eagerly and missed. His gnarled throbbing length slid along her soft cheek, before he could pull back and thrust again. The white girl had turned her head to one side and licked at the hot black length with her eager questing tongue.

"Oh Christ that's good," he gasped.

Then he pulled back at thrust again. This time the kneeling girl knew what to expect. Her mouth was open and ready and she darted forward to grasp the invading length with her lips. Solomon jerked his hips thrusting into the warm welcoming mouth. His seed boiled and surged and he braced his feet.

Lauralee remembered her first confusing time with N'Gama and the salty spurting off his seed, and sat back on her heels. This time she would have the time to understand and savour the experience of a cock jetting its man seed into her mouth.

The thick cock in her mouth seemed to pulse and jerk. She could sense the African trembling, and rose up and grasped his legs. She heard him moan, and the cock throbbed and seemed to bob and jerk inside her mouth but nothing happened.

She looked up at the African, whose head had fallen back and he seemed in a trance. Did she have to do something? She remembered all the talk about sucking cock. Was that what she was doing wrong?

Instinctively she bobbed her head forward. She grasped the black meat tightly with her pink lips tightly and sucked while running her tongue back and forwards vigorously along the underside of the head of the cock.

The way the African man seemed to almost jump in excitement thrilled her. His hands clasped tightly in her hair, but she was too caught up in the moment to care at the sudden jerking pain. His cock thrust and withdrew but she gripped it tightly with her lips not letting it go chasing it with her tongue.

When his hot seed surged into her mouth lights seemed to go off in her head. The strong tasting man juice jetted and shot deep in her mouth and she eagerly sucked it. She did not hesitate in swallowing it. It seemed the most natural thing in the world. This time however she had the time to savour the taste of the sperm.

To take satisfaction in the way she had made this man lose control. The way the cock in her mouth seemed to jerk and throb and then send even more deliciously tasting spunk to tantalise her taste buds.

This was what it was all about!

Solomon slipped his cock back into his trousers. There was a grin on the young woman's face and she knelt there as if waiting for whatever he wanted to do next. What could he do with this lovely white female?

Joshua Farei glanced from the photo in his left hand back to the letter in his right hand. The evening meal was over and his wives were clearing up the evening meal. Or at least three of them were directing the servant, and each he was sure quite deliberately issuing contradictory orders to the harassed Ndbele maid.

He kept his head down. He and all his family were of the Shona tribe. The maid he had taken on as an act of charity after the Fifth Brigade in Matabeleland killed her parents. Even then she had been a pretty thing, and since then she had entertained many of his guests, though he was always careful to offer guests one of his wives or daughters first.

Dear Sir,

I am an English student at Lancaster University and have just completed three years study. I am now qualified to teach English. While some might expect me to begin work immediately in the British Educational Establishment, both my parents are teachers, I am determined to see something of the world first.

His reading was interrupted when Daura, his latest and youngest wife joined him on the sofa, cuddling up to him. Her warm round and full curves were pressed close to him and he immediately and acutely aware of why he had chosen her for his fourth wife.

She was the daughter of a senior Zimbabwe Government Minister and the marriage and had been, as all his marriages had been, as much due to political and business advantage as much as any desire on his part to marry her.

He had been delighted to discover she had a depraved nature and a real hunger for sex, and was now firmly ensconced as his 'favourite' wife. On the other side of him his eldest daughter Laysha suppressed a glare at Daura and snuggled a little closer to her father.

Joshua's expression was neutral as the two warm curvy bodies pressed close. His cock was not so under control and thickened and lengthened. The two women on either side of him did not fail to notice his growing arousal and pressed closer, neither were discreet when pressing their full round breasts pressed against the most important man in their lives.

At seventeen years old Laysha was entering her prime and becoming a full-bodied woman. With full breasts, a curvy derriere, and dark eyes with long lashes that batted unashamedly at him whenever she was home from school.

Laysha liked cock.

She liked her father's cock most of all.

She had lost her own virginity to Daura's father many years ago as part of the bridal arrangements. Since then she had slept with and delighted in being the centre of attention of her fathers friends and important men in government.

But there was something special about cuddling up to her loving father and feeling his cock expand and thicken in her hand! Nevertheless Daura was her father's favourite and Laysha was if anything a realist, and kept her envy and frustration under control.

Why couldn't she just keep her father to herself?

I have given some consideration to spending a few years travelling before starting formal work, and after meeting and spending some time with two students from Nigeria I have decided I would I would like to visit, travel and work in Africa for a few years. Though not perhaps in Nigeria itself!

Joshua smiled and looked across from the letter to the accompanying photograph. The young lady sitting in the picture was a buxom blonde, who looked to be a vibrant healthy young woman on her bloom. She was sitting on a stone wall, apparently a bridge across a river in Florence Italy. Her blond hair tied back in a pony tale. Her breasts were particularly full, partly exposed by a black top that had only narrow lacings holding in orbs that seemed determined to burst out.

He swallowed and savoured the sight of her womanly charges and glanced back to the letter ... meeting and spending some time with two students from Nigeria ... he grinned. If that was not code to say she was experience with black men he did not know what was, and now she wanted to find work in Africa did she?

"Whose that?" asked Daura reaching for and taking the photograph out of Joshua's hand.

Joshua glanced back to the letter in his hand.

After making some enquiries I have therefore written to offer my services as private tutor to your children. I am sure my experience, knowledge and training will provide an additional bonus to their existing education which while I am sure was competent, I feel I may be able to add to with a special touch and finesse.

I also appreciate that a businessman like you will have important schedule and conflicting schedules. Rest assured I am willing to offer myself to carry out any other services that you might desire, or find it useful for me to undertake to be of assistance.



Joshua's cock was hard now. He had no doubts at all what this little honey was offering ... offer myself ... desire ... Oh yes, this lady knew what she was offering. This was a horny slut wanting black cock!

Daura took the letter and ran through it.

"Hmm she would be ideal for providing Shaka and Daniel with their sex education."

Joshua laughed. Daura had quickly jumped to the same conclusion as himself. Shaka and Daniel were his two youngest sons. He also knew his friends and colleagues would find her of interest. Whatever it cost to fly her to Zimbabwe would be quickly recovered by Joseph and his demanding clients.

He grinned at the thought of sending her home to her teacher parents with that slim belly swollen with a black child.

Assuming she would ever want to return after experiencing the diversions Zimbabwe would have for her!

He looked up as his Major Domo appeared. The man was rarely needed after the evening email was over. Joshua frowned deliberately, and enjoyed the sudden scare he could see in the Major Domo's eyes.

"I am sorry to disturb you Sir, but there is a man at the gate who says he works for you, and would like to speak with you?" He wrung his hands together knowing that his boss would not expect to be disturbed at this time of night.

"Did he give his name?"

"Yes, it was Solomon." Joshua had to think for a moment before he remembered Solomon. A tall well built senior manager in the accounts department.

"Did he give a reason?"

The Major Domo looked uncomfortable.

"He refused to give a reason, but he had a teenage girl with him, White, and a pretty one."

"Hah ... well bring him in then and this girl he has with him!"

Laysha sat back. She had been determined to win her father's interest by mentioning the new girl at school. Amanda Scott was a pretty thing, and Laysha suspected she was still a virgin. Just the sort of diversion that would excite the interest of her father and put Laysha in his good books for months to come.

A few moments later the clerk he remembered vaguely was ushered into the room. It was on the pretty young woman he ushered in front of him that Joshua focussed his attention on.

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