Lauralee - Cover


Copyright© 2007 by expatdad

Chapter 1: An Opportunity Taken

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: An Opportunity Taken - A bored 17yo white teenager goes exploring the Zimbabwean night and loses her virginity to an African who had only popped outside for a quiet cigarette.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   First  

N'gama had been enjoying a quiet moment away from the bar, a cigarette in the dark. As was his manner he had slipped behind some bushes to be out of sight while he smoked. He had learned the hard way to be as discreet as possible. White men tended not to like him on sight, and his own countrymen were wary of his ways. Some thought he was mad, and when he lost his temper, maybe he was a bit.

He liked to think things through slowly, but once he had thought it through and made his mind up he usually did what he had decided. When people saw him moving purposefully they usually got out of his way even white men. Not that N'gama noticed. Once he had decided to do something all other considerations tended to be forgotten. That sometimes got him into trouble, but his size and scars usually got him out of trouble. He could flatten a man with one punch, so most people just got out of his way.

There was a young white woman nearby, and he did not understand what she was doing or why she was there. He had spent ten minutes trying to think of a reason why she was there. At first he thought it was a trap, but the Neighbourhood Watch car had passed by and he was sure it was not waiting nearby.

There were no police cars likely to be about. Any such cars were more likely being used to take drunken police officers home. He had peaked through the bushes and trees for men hiding and waiting to trick him, or catch him out, but he had not seen anyone.

It must be a trick though!

So N'gama waited, watched and smoked his cigarette. His head tried to think of why the girl was there. Unfortunately for N'gama it was hard to think at the best of time, but when his cock got hard it was even harder. His cock was not just hard at the moment it was straining fit to bust. Normally if this happened when he was at work, he just went into the villa and fucked the white madam, Mrs Flannigan. She had not made much fuss when it first happened ten years ago, and he had regularly become horny three or four times a week since. Her husband just seemed to pretend it was not happening and he had settled into a nice routine over the ten years.

Tonight his usual routine had become disturbed; he had only seen the girl when she had moved. The flash of white thighs in the night had seemed like the ping of an echo sounder on N'gama's radar. 'What was she doing in the bushes near the bar?' His cock was painfully hard and he was going to have to do something soon. He had recognised the young woman. She was with the white family that had arrived a month ago, and moved into number three Downing Road. N'gama worked at number eleven. He had seen the girl a few times and wondered why she had no babies, or a husband to protect her? She seemed far too old to be living with her parents and he wondered if she was really the mistress of the white engineer rather than his daughter. After all 'what sort of man would not make arrangements for the marriage of his daughter long before now?' N'gama had thought these things over the past month and come to no conclusion.

Mrs Flannigan was thirty eight years old and like many white women she was in good shape, but the young woman who was now only ten feet away was much younger. She was fresh and pretty and smelled nice. His cigarette abandoned N'gama edged closer through the darkness. Without realising it he had stopped thinking, and instinct had taken over.

Lauralee was bored! Bored! Bored! Bored!

Her father had brought her to Zimbabwe one month ago. She had not wanted to come, but when he was offered the job he had refused to leave her behind with Uncle Bob. Her father had muttered of a dark past with Uncle Bob, but Lauralee liked him. He always bought her presents and given her special hugs. When she was fifteen for her birthday he had bought a set of naughty underwear. Her father had gone apoplectic when he had found out, but Lauralee had loved him for it and taken it around to his house one day to show Uncle Bob what it looked like on her.

It had made her feel very funny in a nice way to see how Uncle Bob had looked at her in the naughty underwear, and when she gave him a big thank you hug he had held her close for a long time. She really wished she could have stayed with cute Uncle Bob. Her daddy's habit of showing new boyfriends his gun collection had resulted in boys not hanging around Lauralee long, despite her eager kisses. At seventeen she was still a virgin despite most of her friends humping like rabbits!

It was ridiculous that at seventeen she had to sneak out of the new villa to go and explore. Her father locked the gate every night when he came home, and Lauralee had been bribing the gardener, who also had a key, with chocolate to let her out. She had not worked out that all the gardener had really wanted was to hold the hand offering the chocolate. To feel the softness of her white hand and take in her fresh scent as she came close to him with the chocolate.

Lauralee had visited the shops and soon learned not to wear her short skirts in the shopping mall, groping Africans hands may have felt nice, but her father looked like a volcano about to erupt! It was dark now, the shops closed, and the streets quiet so Lauralee had slipped on one of her favourite very short skirts and gone for a walk. She had not dared to wear her low cut top, though it had been thrilling to walk through the shopping mall and see in the eyes of every African man a rutting lust to rape her there and then. Her father had banned her ever going out in public again in her favourite clothes.

He was mean! One month and no boys! She had even taking to sunbathing by the pool in her bikini when the gardener was cutting the lawn. He was an old black man, but she loved the way he struggled and failed to keep his eyes off her. Did her father really think she could go two years without a boyfriend? In the last month she had only seen two boys her age and they were both held tight by possessive girlfriends. So she sneaked out. She had walked down to this 'bar' if that was what it could be called. It was not like any bar or café she had known in England. It was tucked away off the main road, and was mainly in darkness. There seemed to be no windows. Only when the door smashed open did light shine out as one drunken African came out, or another rushed in to get drunk.

The noise and racket from inside gave away its nature. Wild singing in some African dialect, and the raucous music blared out. When the door opened it was like a fog horn suddenly baring out sound. Even her own wild character had baulked at going inside. She had seen no white men go in or come out. She was no racist, but she understood it might be dangerous to go in on her own. So she had hid in the bushes and watched with a yearning desire for some fun.

She heard a sound behind her like a snapping twig, and her heart leapt, and her stomach lurched. She turned around and stared into the darkness.

"Is someone there?"

She strained to see into the dark shadows. There were no streetlights nearby, and she realised there was no Moon either, an easy night to hide in the bushes and observe. It had not crossed her mind that the darkness might also hold danger, and now her heart was pounding as the darkness in front of her seemed even get even darker and loom over her.

N'gama stepped forward and gathered the young woman up in his arms. Her held her in a bear hug, and squeezed tight when her felt her building up to cry out. He stepped silently back into the darkness of the bushes. The lowered his head to kiss the startled woman. Her lips offered no resistance as he hungrily kissed her. She smelled delicious. He could feel her fear and that excited him more. It reminded him of the fear in the white madam when he had first taken her. He knew if he was patient she would calm down.

His hands gripped her bare arms, he loved the feel of her softness in his arms. Her head was moving now trying to pull her mouth free, but N'gama was determined to keep kissing her till she stopped struggling. He put a strong arm around her shoulder to hold her head steady then used his other hand to hold her head in position to allow him to indulge in a long kiss. He lifted his head free of her lips for a moment and looked into the startled whites of her eyes.

"Stop! What are you doing? Let me go!"

N'gama grinned the girl had not screamed. He tilted her head back and lowered his mouth again to soft lips and a remarkably pretty face. He pressed the young woman up against the wall and with his arm firmly around her head freed the hand holding her mouth and dropped his hand to grasp one of the firm mounds that had been pressing into his chest. He gripped the warm firm breasts and squeezed. Not too hard, but to leave the woman in no uncertainty as so to what he was doing to her.

Her clothing was light and her breast was full and firm in his hand as he fondled and caressed it but he wanted to feel her bare flesh in his hands. He lowered his hand and pushed it up underneath her top. The woman's breast were large and he was struggling to push the brassière up over them when the clasp holding the cups together at the front give way and his hand rose to cup and fondle the exposed breast. His palm ran over the nipple then his fingers tweaked and played with it. He watched the woman's eyes open wide, and could see the confusion within. Then they fluttered closed and he felt her tongue reach out and respond to his own exploring probing digit.

He recognised the woman was not going to give him serious resistance and moved on quickly. He had to get his straining cock into this woman as soon as possible! His hand dropped lower and pushed the short skirt high. His hand enjoyed the feel of her soft warm legs. He had seen her lovely legs many times in the last month and he ran his hand over them greedily as he pushed her skirt up. It was too small to offer resistance, and once it was around her waist, his hand moved around to her front and pushed her legs apart easily. This woman was weak and soft N'gama realised. No strong African woman would have accepted such advances. The thought that she was helpless to resist his lust excited him more, and he pushed aside her panties and searched for the folds of her womanhood. It did not surprise him that she was already moist and his delving exploring fingers delved within her womanhood exciting and arousing her as he had learned to do with the white madam.

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