The Triangle - Cover

The Triangle

Copyright© 2007 by Timm


Time Travel Sex Story: Epilogue - A family vacation ends when a strange storm in the Bermuda triangle claims 13 year old Tom as its victim. Tom is transported back to the beginning of time were he meets a girl older then he thought was possible.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Science Fiction   Time Travel   First  

One morning she got out of bed, and before she could get to the toilet, she stopped.

"I don't feel so good," she said.

Then she threw up.

God, what a mess she made. We had to go down to the pond to rinse her off in the waterfall. As she was holding her stomach under the fall, I realized that she might be pregnant. Oh, shit! Dad had always warned me to use a rubber. Shit! Now what? I am going to be in so much trouble over this. My sister is going to have a hey-day over this fiasco.

Hit one's self on the head!

My sister wasn't here. For that matter, neither were Mom or Dad. Oh, I missed them. Just at the thought that I would never see them again...

Well, the price of losing my family was worth it. At least, I hoped it would be.

Eva had a baby girl. Her hair was as red as Eva's. Time passed. She had a boy, and then another boy.

We are up to 9 children, now. I think it's the breast-feeding that keeps the kids two to three years apart.

The strangest thing is that I haven't grown any older, during the entire twenty-three some odd years I have been here. Our children seem to grow until they hit puberty, and then they stop. I don't know what it means, for sure.

Eva still looks the same as the day I met her. Perhaps we will stay this way forever.

We've had a problem convincing our older children not to screw all the time. We have two grandchildren already, and looks like more are on the way.

The island is fairly big, and I discovered that there is lots of wildlife on it. I seem to find a new type ever month or so. I even found wild onions and something that looks like potatoes. Fruit trees and even olive trees abound. There is even what looks like a pomegranate. I don't like them and neither does Eva.

The replicator doesn't seem to have a problem feeding so many people. It does tell us to add more organic material from time to time. I guess it needs organics to synthesize the food.

The everlight still works, even if it has been knocked down at least twice by each child we have had. One could say it is the light of our little world.

I don't know what to think of the mystery of the triangle. All I know is I am happy and so is Eva. We still haven't seen anyone new show up. Maybe we will, someday. Then again, maybe we will not.

The more I studied the Journal tablet, the more I learned about it. It seems that it is a full fledged computer and has much more stored in it than just Eva's sister's Journal.

We now use it to teach the kids to read and write, and about The Triangle, and how it works.

I don't know what will become of us in the future, but as long as I have Eva, I will be happy.

Maybe I will even add more to my journal some day. I just don't know. Being a father and a husband and grandfather seems to take up most of my time. All I can say for sure is, I don't miss Cable TV, the Internet, or my family anymore.

I have my own family, now. I even enjoy being called Grandpa Adam.

Oh one more thing I noticed the other day. I don't know what it means for sure, but I think the island is growing. It's a least 100 feet farther to the beach now than it was when I got here.

Well, that's a mystery for another time... perhaps.

Edited by TeNderLoin

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