Kathy Goes To The Dance - Cover

Kathy Goes To The Dance

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: It was her turn in the barrel.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Voyeurism   Size   Slow   .

"What's on your schedule this week" Kathy asked her husband Mark.

He looked up from the morning paper and said, "Nothing special. Why?"

"It's my turn in the barrel again. I have to chaperone the Spring Dance and I was wondering if you would like to go with me."

"Yeah, right! You know how I feel about those things. I still don't understand why you have to do it. You baby sit those snot noses all day, five days a week. You shouldn't have to do it at night too. The parents should be the ones doing that. Let them set up a rotation and chaperone their own kids."

"You know why I have to be there. It is a school sponsored activity and there are liability issues. The school has to have representatives there and who better than those who know the kids bet - the people who, as you put it, baby sit them every day. Besides, I only have to do it a couple of times a year and it wouldn't kill you to go with me. We could have a couple of dances together. We haven't done that in quite a while."

"So I'll take you out dancing on Saturday, but I'm not going to spend my time watching a bunch of teenagers who will do everything they can to get away with whatever they can. It isn't my job to try and keep them out of trouble."

"Why do you talk about them that way? You were a kid once."

"Let it go Kathy, I'm just not interested."

She looked at herself in the mirror and approved of what she saw. Damned good shape for an old broad of thirty-two she thought. She giggled as she thought of all the young hard ons she was going to cause. Her legs looked fantastic. The four inch heels defined her calves perfectly and the dress was just short enough to display them to their best advantage. And black dresses and long blonde hair were a killer combination. One last look to check her make-up and it was time to go.

Mark looked up at her as she came into the room to kiss him goodbye and she saw the look in his eyes. He wanted her. He wanted her right then and with the slightest encouragement on her part he would take her right there on the living room floor. He had always been turned on by her legs and he was a high heels freak. Anytime she wanted to wind his watch all she had to do was put on a pair of heels. She smiled at him:

"Too bad you aren't going with me. Maybe we could have snuck off to an empty classroom and engaged in some scandalous behavior on some student's desk."

"If you aren't careful you could end up in one of those classrooms anyway. Those testosterone laden eighteen year olds are going to want to do bad things to you, especially looking like that."

"Hmmm, something to think about. Young, lusty, vigorous, fast recovering males. Maybe I won't miss you being there after all."

"Make sure they leave enough for me. I'll be ready for you when you get home."

"I'll just bet you will."

She bent and kissed him and then she headed for the school.

As she drove she thought about what she had said to Mark. Young, lusty, and vigorous; that pretty much summed up what she thought of the boys in her class. She giggled to herself as she thought about the 'fast recovering' part. She would never know about that, but then she really didn't know about the lusty and vigorous part either. She had arrived at that conclusion after becoming aware of all the 'tented pants' she seemed to create among the boys in her classes.

There was one boy in her last class of the day, Mike Dans, who seemed to get a hard on as soon as he walked through her classroom door and saw her and he kept it for the entire class period. She knew that because he sat in the front row. She had seen the lump and more than once she had wondered what it looked like, but she knew she would never know. There was only one way to find out and that way could land her picture on the front page of the daily paper. Add to that fact that orange was not her favorite color, jump suits were not very becoming and handcuffs were not her idea of fashion accessories.

She pulled into the school parking lot, parked and then sat in her car and went over what she was going to have to look out for during the course of the evening. At the last dance (thank God she wasn't chaperoning that one) someone had spiked the punch so she would have to check that periodically. The school had a strict "no smoking" policy and she would have to be on the watch for students trying to slip out and light up. Rumor had it that at the dance before last several students had gone outside and passed a 'joint' around.

And there were several students with 'reputations' that she was going to have to keep an eye on. Word had it that Nancy Wilde, Beverly Abbeg and Nancy Neubert were easy lays so they might try to slip out and on the boy's side Mike Dans and Stan North were natural born cock hounds and would bear watching. She giggled at the thought of Mike's lump; if she couldn't see it she would make sure that none of the girls at the dance that night would see it either.

The members of the student dance committee were just finishing the decoration of the gym as she walked in. Two of the boys on the committee saw her come in and she smiled inwardly as they stopped what they were doing and watched her walk over to where the DJ was setting up his turntables and equipment. She introduced herself to him and while the school had used him before and he knew the rules, she went over the most pertinent ones with him again. Specifically, the one about the need for him to stop the music immediately if he was signaled to do so. It had only happened once in the last ten years when a couple's behavior on the dance floor had gotten too outrageous.

As she walked over to inspect the refreshment table she noticed that the two boys who had watched her walk in and then walk over to the DJ were both sporting hard ons. Hopefully they were only the first two of many. She knew she was a cock-tease and she loved it. She kept it under wraps most of the time, but occasionally, like that night, she would let the tease inside her come out and play.

He other three chaperones arrived and they decided to split the gym into four parts and each one of them would be responsible for a part. The dance was two hours old before she had to do some chaperoning. Bud Naylor and Ruth Kalbach were dancing a little too close and were getting a little too 'touchy-feely' and when Bud's hand settled on Ruth's ass she started out onto the floor. Bud saw her coming and he stepped back and put a little distance between him and Ruth and his hand moved back up to Ruth's waist. Seeing that and knowing that Bud now knew she was keeping an eye on him she elected not to make a scene and she continued across the floor to the other side.

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