Khartoum - February 2007 - Cover

Khartoum - February 2007

by expatdad

Copyright© 2007 by expatdad

Erotica Sex Story: A busy father takes his 17yo daughter on a business trip where she is arrested for indecency and loses her virginity in a Sudanese prison.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Black Male   White Female   Oriental Male   First   .

Author's Note: Statements made in Arabic are indicated by the use of italics

"Sahib! Sahib! Come quickly there is trouble!"

Robert sighed as the over-excited Arab grabbed at his arm.

'What now?' he wondered.

They had only arrived in Khartoum the day before, and he wanted to prepare for his business meeting later that day. The Arab porter was hopping in his feet as he pulled and urged Robert Carter towards the hotel entrance.

"It's the white 'miss' she's being arrested!"


Robert broke into a run as he raced for the hotel entrance.

'What trouble has my blasted daughter got into now?' He had brought her with him because he felt it was safer than leaving her at home. She was still upset over the fiancé breaking off their marriage plans. Not that Robert minded, he had not seen what her daughter had seen in the little twerp! Though there was some comfort in the knowledge, and indeed some surprise, that the relationship had come to an end due to his daughter's refusal to 'go further' with him before the marriage.

Not that Jenny had told him that. He had listened in on the intercom when had realised Jenny was getting upset while talking to her fiancé. These thoughts passed through his head as he rushed through the hotel entrance. There was a disturbance on the hotel lawn as it ran down to the sluggish Nile River. A group of men in turbans and robes had seized Jenny and were seeking to drag her off.

"Hey let go of that girl, she's my daughter."

None of the Arabs let go. It was as though each wanted to get a hand on to part of her as they tugged and pulled. Jenny was squealing and yelling and trying to get free. The Arab porter hurried along, his greedy eyes devouring the display of long bare legs on the white miss. A smartly dressed Arab had followed from the hotel, accompanied by two of the hotels armed security guards. From the main road outside the hotel two uniformed Arabs were also rushing across the lawn.

The Arabs holding Jenny were ignoring Robert as they pulled and pushed Jenny towards the road.

"Stop that! Let her go now!"

Robert ran to one of the Arabs and wrestled with him. The hotel's guards had rushed in and pushed the other Arabs off her and had grasped Jenny between them. A furious row erupted in which everyone was yelling and screaming at each other in Arabic! Robert went to Jenny to reassure her, but the hotel security guards continued to hold her firm.

The two uniformed Arabs arrived with guns already in their hands; a few shots in the air quelled the hysteria, though the Arabs spat words between them.

Robert turned to the hotel's assistant manager, who had run down following them.

"What's going in? Get these men to release my daughter!"

"I'm sorry Sahib but there has been a serious charge made."

"A serious charge! Don't be ridiculous."

He looked across at Jenny with eyebrows raised. She looked back equally confused.

"Release my daughter now!"

One of the uniformed Arabs stepped forward and from behind his back drew out some handcuffs and slapped them on Jenny's slim wrists.

"I'm sorry you are hardly in a position to deny the charge."

"What? Don't be ridiculous what charge?"

"Indecency... it can hardly be denied... your daughter stands there in front of everyone in hardly any clothes!"

Robert turned to look at Jenny. She was wearing shorts and had tied a sleeveless shirt around her bust leaving her midriff bare. It was her usual attire on hot days in England. But they were not in England there were in the Sudan. He had warned Jenny about not leaving the hotel.

"But we are in the hotel grounds. Jenny has just gone for walk by the river in the hotel grounds..."

The others all stopped and looked at Jenny. She blushed at being the centre of attention. Everyone was looking at her legs and her midriff, and the full breasts straining at her tied shirt as though they had never seen a woman before. It was embarrassing!

The faces on the watching Arabs were calming down now the girl was in cuffs. The police came forward and took her arms, freeing up the hotel guards who started pushing at the Arabs who had seized Jenny. They burst into a vocal appealing din.

"What are they saying?" Robert turned to the assistant Hotel Manager.

"Witnesses. They are demanding to be witnesses to your daughter's punishment. Islamic justice is swift in the Sudan, or there would be even more trouble."

"Punishment! What punishment?"

"She will be taken to the Central Prison... a... a what you would call an examining magistrate will be appointed and he will declare the punishment."

"I don't suppose he will consider her to be innocent?"

The Arab shrugged, " But sir, she is so obviously guilty."

Robert wanted to hit the man but suspected such would not help Jenny. Jenny was bewildered. She liked dressing like this. Liked the way men looked at her even if she was saving herself for her husband. Though now since she had dropped her fiancé she had no idea when that might be.

Now as she stood in this circle of Arab men she was much more disturbed by the hungry looks coming her way. These were not civilised and polite Englishmen she realised. Her skin tingles, and shivers ran up her spine at the pent up lust she could feel sense building around her. She edged closer to her father.


"I'll sort this out Jenny don't worry." Though he had a sinking feeling in his stomach.

'The Sudan had a notorious reputation, his daughter might be facing a public switching with a cane, and he suspected there might be nothing he could do about it.' The police ended the conversation by taking Jenny by the arms and marching her off to where a crowd had gathered to watch. Robert made to follow.

The assistant hotel manager grabbed his arm, "They won't allow you in the police vehicle. The hotel will drive you to the central prison, follow me it will be quicker. Have you someone you can call?"

Robert was drawn between following his daughter and keeping her in sight and the logic of the assistant manager. He reached for his mobile phone and hurried after the assistant manager.

In the police car Jenny found the police officers were far more aggressive than her fiancé. With her hands cuffed she had felt totally helpless as the police officer in the back of the car with her unloosened her shirt and start playing with her now exposed breasts. His hands cupped and weighed them in his hands. His fingers toyed with her nipples. She squirmed and wriggled and tried pushing him away, responses the police officer took in his stride as his hands played with the magnificently firm white breasts.

"Please... don't."

The officer looked at him and Jenny used her best pleading look. The officer looked into her face, then looked closer. He took hold of her chin and stared at her face. Alarmed Jenny sought to turn away, but his hand rose up and held her face, his head moving from side to side as he looked in her eyes.

"Hey, she got blue eyes! Real sparkling blue eyes!"

Jenny did not understand his Arabic words. The driver swerved to avoid traffic. The officer held her face steady, looking into her eyes, then he brought one hand to cup and fondle one of her breasts. His palm ran backwards and forwards across her nipple and he watched her eyes for a response.

Jenny tried to ignore the warm male hand massaging her breast. When the palm passed across her nipple the sensitive tip reacted in ways she could not control. The officer grinned as her eyes wavered and he felt the young woman tremble.

The Central Prison was a depressing and crowded place and took Robert and his Sudanese agent Farouk some time to work through. Farouk was able to identify that a provisional judgement had already been given.

"We need to go to the Punishment Rooms," he told Robert, "I understand that she has been spared Public Punishment."

"Punishment! What punishment?"

"She has been sentenced to twenty lashes with a cane."

Robert winced. He was not sure how his protected sheltered daughter would cope with such and needed to be there.

"Can't we stop this?"

Farouk grabbed Robert's arm and held him still.

"Robert! You must understand that you can't interfere. If you do it will be worse for you, and even worse for Jenny!

"But Farouk, this is Jenny my daughter. I must do something!"

"Robert, trust me, any fuss and it will be far worse for you both."

"Come on we are nearly there. They may allow you to see Jenny after the punishment. Then she will be taken for treatment, and you will be able to pick her up from the main gate at 3.30pm."

Robert looked at Farouk, surprised at his knowledge.

Farouk shrugged, "Everyone knows how it works here. Any bruised and broken skin will be treated."


The loud sound of cane on soft flesh created silence in the crowded corridor. Robert's heart jumped and he pushed forward. Prison guards had blocked further progress down the corridor and were obviously guarding a particular room.


"Robert!" Farouk grabbed Robert before he pushed against the guards causing more trouble.

"He's the girl's father," he explained to the guards in Arabic.

"Family and friends are not allowed to witness punishment!"

Farouk held on to Robert's shoulder tightly as he translated. He could feel that Robert was as taut as a steel cable.


He spoke again to the guards in Arabic quickly. He leaned forward and slipped them a hundred Sudanese Dinars. They nodded and he turned back to Robert.

"I have told them I am your legal representative and they have agreed I can go through and witness the punishment. At least I can be there..."


"... at least I can be there for her. I will keep you informed."

Robert looked anguished but nodded and clapped Farouk on the shoulder. He had been surprised not to hear Jenny cry out so perhaps they were going easy on her.


His hopes would not have survived the sight that greeted Farouk.

Jenny was gagged. She was also naked. Farouk ran his eyes over her appraisingly. 'Her father was right she was a lovely looking girl.' She had been tied over a wooden frame prepared for the purpose, her long legs tied widely apart. Her wrists were bound in leather thongs, which were in turn fixed to rings in the wall.


The girl jerked and strained at her bindings. The Arab behind her grinned and waved his cane in preparation for the next stroke. He was obviously a man who loved his work.


The room had ten men watching the Jenny's punishment, most were Arabs but some were tall dark skinned Nubians. None were making any attempt to hide their arousal as they rubbed their groins. There were the two arresting officers, and the four Arabs who had grabbed Jenny on the hotel lawn.


There was the examining magistrate, who was making a mobile phone call. Farouk watched as the magistrate, who was standing between Jenny's outstretched arms, reached below the girl and fondled one of her breasts, as he continued the call.


There was the enthusiastic cane wielder and two other court officials. None were making any attempt to hide their excitement and delight at the scene in front of them.


Jenny was not enjoying herself. Pain radiated from her bottom. Her embarrassment and outrage at being stripped naked in front of these foreign men had soon evaporated when the caning had started.


Her backside radiated heat. She had never in her life been treated like this, never experienced pain. The Arab bastard who had imposed this punishment was standing in front of here sporting an erection and fondling her breast. It was unjust!


The hand on her breast was creating a different kind of heat and Jenny cursed the way her hard nipple was responding to his touch. The heat in her breast seemed to be communicating with the heat in her bottom.


Flashes of pain intermingled with the hot heat in her bottom. The sensations in her breast seemed to be flashing down to her quivering derriere via her loins, and she was feeling the strangest sensations she had ever experienced between her legs.


The Arab in front of her seemed to have finished his telephone call and now two hands were fondling her breasts! She squirmed as her other nipple quickly thickened and lengthened. Now both her breasts were aroused and excited. The sensations between her breasts, her bottom and her loins were even more intense.


Jenny jerked and her actions seemed to thrust her breasts into the Arab hands fondling her breasts. She heard the Arab in front of her chuckle, and cursed him silently.


The pain seemed to have passed beyond her consciousness now. Each blow seemed to add to the heat in her loins and she squirmed against the bench. As she did so her now enlarged clitoris rubbed against the bench and she wailed into her gag.


Jenny tried to hold herself still after the next blow, but her hips jerked forward and her clitoris again was crushed against the bench as the magistrate squeezed her breasts.


'Oh god, this can't be happening!' she thought as her body sizzled and jerked and the heat in her loins surged and rolled through her senses.


Jenny's eyes shot wide as a surging rolling exquisite sensation overcame her. Her hips rolled and her arms tried to thrash in their binding. Her legs strained at the restraining bench. Then the watching Arabs stared in delight as the girl began humping at the bench. Desperately putting pressure on her clitoris. Her orgasm was the first in her life and left the 'good girl' inside her totally confused.

There was silence in the room. All seemed to be holding their breath. The examining magistrate released her breasts and looked across at the court official with the cane.

"One more I believe."

Jenny whimpered into her gag. The official grinned, and flicked the cane. One more. He looked down at the quivering, round bottom now streaked with red striped. One more, he was going to make this a good one...


Jenny jerked and shook as pain seemed to return through her excited loins. Farouk let his breath out as he watched the naked lovely curvy white girl tremble in her bonds. Her skin seemed damp and he noticed the droplets on her forehead. She seemed so fresh, and wonderfully curvy. He wondered how her father would have responded to seeing his daughter having an orgasm in front of these Arab men. It would probably have increased his anguish.

He would be able to go soon and report to her father that it was over. He watched as the examining magistrate ducked under her arms and stepped over to a side table. He opened one of the jars and scooped out some white cream, and walked back to Jenny. Farouk watched the dark hand slide over the red striped curvy bottom. The girl jerked at the cold cream on her heated skin. The Arab's hand circled gently over the soft skin, gently rubbing in the cooling ointment. She seemed to squirm and twitch but made no effort to escape the comforting hand.

He waved for the ointment jar, and an official rushed over and fetched it for him. A moment later another rushed over and fetched a towel in anticipation. The Arab dipped his hand in the jar, and scooped out some more ointment. Then he returned to stroking his hand over her soft bruised curves. He gathered a small blob of ointment on the end of one finger, pulled open the curvy full cheeks, then carefully applied the ointment to the exposed pink rose between.

Farouk watched as the girl's head jerked up, and her eyes shot wide. The gag prevented comment as the magistrate eased his finger inside and gently lubricated the tight opening. He knew he would be doing the girl a favour. His finger circled a few times before just as gently withdrawing. Just as the girl started to relax he scooped up some more ointment then slid his hand between her legs and rubbed and caressed her vulva. Jenny whimpered under his exploring hand, but her wetness told him all he needed to know.

He worked his hand between her legs, stroking and delving and enjoying the trembling he could feel in the young woman. Then he parted the flower of her womanhood and pushed a finger inside. He slid an exploring finger deeper and was surprised to encounter resistance. The girl jerked as he probed, but he explored with disbelief the evidence that the young woman was virgin!

He withdrew his hand and accepted the offered towel to clean his hands.

The he paused and looked around the room. The other nine men were all avidly watching. He could see lust on every man's face. He grinned at them, shrugged and spread his hands. Then he lifted and removed his robes. Farouk watched with bated breath as he shuffled up behind the girl. He knew every man in the room would be given a chance at her. That was why he had made such an effort to get admitted.

Jenny hardly moved as two hands came to rest on her hips. Her own emotions were all over the place. Her orgasm and the fondling and groping had triggered many unfamiliar sensations. If only her fiancé had made her feel like this she might not have dropped him. She couldn't believe she could think like this while tied and trussed over a bench in a Sudanese prison.

She had no idea what was going to happen next and the hands that had arrived on her hips seemed comforting. She tried to look behind her but the bench was solid and she could see nothing. She felt something warm and hard nudge between her legs. It slithered through the wetness between her legs. Whatever it was had a hard thick tip. She shuffled her hips and it seemed to lodge in the entrance to her pussy. Suddenly alarmed she tugged at her bonds, and sought to pull away, but the hands on her hips held her firm. She gasped into the gag, as she felt it push up inside her!

'Oh God, not this!' I wanted to save my virginity for my wedding night!' Her desperate wriggling only excited the magistrate. It had been many years since he had enjoyed a virgin; he held her firm and pushed. Jenny's loins seemed to be quivering around the penetrating cock. She felt it nudge up against an inner resistance and the knowledge of her impending defloration set her off in a desperate and futile attempt to pull free.

'This should not be happening to me!' she wailed to herself.

Then something tore inside her and a hot throbbing manhood slid up into her! The gag muffled her scream. Farouk looked over his shoulder suddenly conscious of the girl's father waiting outside. He would not have heard her cry he decided and turned back to watch as the examining magistrate leaned over the girl and started a steady humping.

Jenny was surprised that there was so little pain when her hymen was ruptured. The cock slithering up inside her was thick, but strangely comforting as it filled her. That had been the last feeling that she expected. The warm body of the man pressed against her and when he started moving his cock backwards and forwards she gasped at the pleasurable sensation. His cock throbbed and pulsed inside and she could feel its head pushing deeper into her. She relaxed and opened herself. It was done now! She hadn't expected to enjoy it!

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