Mother's Little Runt
by Phoenix Arrow
Copyright© 2007 by Phoenix Arrow
This work is copyright© 2007 by Phoenix Arrow. You may download and keep copies for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copies. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.
Erin fidgeted in her chair as she looked around the cheesy looking office. She took in the images of all the smiling pretty faces on the walls, each frame holding a snapshot of a girl in her prime.
She didn't want to be here. She hated what it all meant, what it all would lead to. She turned to her mother for sympathy and understanding. She knew she would get none.
"Mother... I... I don't want to do this..."
<SLAP> Erin gasped as she covered her bruised left cheek.
"I'm... I'm sorry." Erin new it best to apology when ever she got a slap from her mother. What ever the reason, it was because she deserved it. Yet as she again looked around the room she still felt that awful feeling of dread.
"Now remember Horse-face, when the nice man comes in to talk to us, to keep that back arched, those legs crossed and to smile the whole time."
"Yes Mother."
A couple of minutes later the door opened and in walked a seedy greasy haired man. Mother stood to shake his hand as Erin remained seated like her mother instructed.
"Hello I'm Joe West, porn star manager."
"Delighted to meat you Mr West, this is my daughter Erin."
Joe looked down at her as if she were nothing more than a piece of meet. A chill went down her spine.
"Hmmmm, not bad. Well lets begin shall we?"
Mother took her seat as Joe did the same. Erin made sure her back was extra arched and her smile pearly white as Mr West looked from across the table.
"Well let's see here, it says on your daughter's application that she wishes to become a porn star?"
"Yes that is correct. Horse-face tell the nice man how eager you are to be on TV!"
Erin bit her lower lip as she looked down at her impossibly high heels. Mother had insisted that she practice wearing them. 'All the porn stars wore them' she had said.
"Horse-face?", Mr West inquired. Mother simply laughed as Erin turned red.
"Well you see Mr West... Erin is well... ugly."
Joe raised an eye brow, "She may not be the prettiest girl I've had in here but she isn't so..."
"Your being too kind Mr West but Erin already knows how unsightly her Horse-face is. Why else do you think she's wants to be a porn star?"
"I... I don't think I understand."
"Erin knows she's too ugly to get a man to look after her, and she's too stupid to make anything of herself..."
"But mother I got accepted to the Tennessee State, I want to go to college..."
Erin's heart skipped a beat as she saw her mother's eyes grow wide at the outburst. Then with a lower, more timid voice she continued, "... and Tommy says he wants too keep seeing me. He says I look pretty, that he... loves me."
Mother shook her head with a mixture of pity and humor.
"Horse-face you and I both know Tommy is only interest in sex. Why else does he put that paper bag over your head when you two..."
"Well its true honey. And we both also know you'll flunk out of college in your first semester. College isn't for stupid girls like you."
There was a moment of awkward silence as Mr West waited to hear Erin's self defense against mother's painful observations, but when there were none he finally continued.
"So Erin has just turned eighteen?"
"Yes she has, last Tuesday."
"Excellent. So has she any experience?"
Mother looked down at her daughter with contempt. "I suppose that considering her lack of good looks, she HAS had a few boys fool around with her here and there. But nothing serious. That is why I insisted this latest one put the bag over her head, so Horse- face could finally loose her virginity to something else other than the bedpost."
Joe laughed, making Erin want to die of embarrassment.
"So straight intercourse and oral sex is about all she has had is it?"
"In the 'straight' department yes, that's all, but I know just as well as anyone that porn girls now a days actually have sex with each other."
Mother said it as if it were still some giant sin from the 1960's.
"Well yes that is true, most female porn stars are bi. Is Erin bi?"
Mother looked at her daughter, "Go on Horse-face, tell the nice man if you're... 'Bi'." Erin shook her head no, knowing full well it wasn't very convincing. "Nonsense, you should see all the lesbian smut she has hidden below her bed..."
"But mother you put them there..." Erin's protest died short as she saw the look on her mother's face. Thankfully the regal older woman took a deep breath and calmly responded.
"I only put them there because I suspected you weren't into boys. I was hoping I was wrong, but they're still in your room aren't they?"
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