Kink - Cover


by Smutty Sisters

Copyright© 2006 by Smutty Sisters

BDSM Sex Story: Sirius Black has a secret kink. Will he find a way to share it with his lover? Harry Potter fanfic

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Consensual   Fan Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   White Couple   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   .

Sirius gripped his hard cock in a tight fist, moaning and thrusting up into the air. He hadn't been with anyone since his escape from Azkaban, and he had needs. Well, one need more than ever.

He closed his eyes, remembering the feeling of being dominated, of being pounded to completion. It hadn't really mattered who was pounding him, be it another prisoner, Malfoy, Lestrange. All that had mattered was that he didn't have to be in control. In his dog form, they had no idea it was him. And he liked it that way. He was sick and depraved but the thought of being taken by an Alpha was what turned him on the most.

He needed to release soon. Almost without realizing it, he turned into Padfoot form and began humping the covers, his ass quivering, his cock so fucking hard. He came with a yelp, which trailed off to a whimper, then he changed back to human form and cleaned the wet spot.

His cock was still fucking hard! He wrapped his hand around it. "Remus, God... fuck me. Please dominate me. Please fuck Padfoot. I need you to take me so badly."

Remus stopped in shock, outside of Sirius' room. Could Sirius really be saying what Remus thought he heard? As his cock began to twitch, the Alpha wolf inside him roared to life. He reasoned that if Sirius wanted to be dominated, he'd give his friend what he needed.

Remus pushed the door open and looked at Sirius. He was lying on the bed, gripping his cock in a tight fist, his legs held up high, his puckered hole quivering.

"Yes, Master. Please keep fucking me. Oh, Master Malfoy..."

Remus rocked back on his heels. Sirius couldn't have said what Remus thought he'd said. He hesitated and then took a step into Sirius' room.


Sirius gasped and sat bolt upright, yanking the sheet over his legs and groin.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Checking on you. With good reason. What are you on about with the Master Malfoy rubbish?"

Sirius colored darkly and looked away. "I don't want to talk about it."

Remus sat on the edge of the bed. "Well, I do. We're lovers, Sirius. No secrets can be between us, love. Why aren't you letting me help you with that?"

Sirius set his jaw. "Please leave, Remus. I don't want to talk. Later... give me time."

Remus was bothered by Sirius' level of isolation, but he respected his friend's wishes. For now. Maybe Sirius would come around soon. It tore Remus apart to know his lover was alone, fantasizing or something. He had to hope that his relationship with Sirius was strong enough to weather this storm.

Remus made a cup of tea and settled down to read a book in the study. He tried to put Sirius out of his mind, but concentration was in short supply. He must have fallen asleep because someone was shaking his shoulder.

"Sirius." His friend looked grim. Remus did a locking charm on the door and patted the comfortable-looking couch. "Are you all right?" The words sounded lame, but he had no idea what to say exactly. This wasn't a situation he had any experience with.

Sirius sat down and scrubbed a hand over his face. His expression wasn't easily read. "I should explain..."

Remus shook his head. "You don't." He paused, rethinking what he'd just said. "No, maybe you do. I need to know..."

Sirius nodded, staring at the ground. Remus grasped his chin, but Sirius resisted any efforts to have his chin lifted. "I... uh... When I was in Azkaban..."

"Yes?" Remus spoke quietly.

"I gave myself when need be. As Padfoot. They never knew who I was, but afterward they'd feed me. They'd feed me, Remus. I gave myself to them so I could survive, and come back to you."

Remus nodded, unable to speak. He had often wondered, but hearing the words spoken were something else entirely. Finally, he found the words. "Sirius, you didn't have to sell yourself for me..."

Sirius lifted his head and made a small face. "I enjoyed it Remus. I loved being dominated, I loved the release of power. It was freeing."

There was more, Remus just knew there was more...

"And I want you to dominate me, in human form. You're a wolf, Remus. My Alpha. The dog's Alpha. I need for you to dominate me."

His gaze was pleading and Remus knew this was one of Sirius' deeply held secrets. Even so... he couldn't do that. He couldn't subjugate someone else's will like that. Remus shook his head. "Sirius, no... I won't hurt you..."

Sirius' face closed off and he rose quickly, "Fine. Molly has some food ready so I'm going to eat. I'll see you later."

Remus could only watch as Sirius walked out of the room. For the first time in ages, Remus wondered if he and Sirius were strong enough to make it together.

For two days, Sirius avoided him, exiting a room when he'd enter, locking him out of their shared bedroom. He knew how deeply his friend was hurt, but he didn't think he could make himself dominate his lover.

The third day was the full moon and while Remus took his wolfsbane potion, he felt wild inside, devoid of his usual cautiousness. And he was angry. How dare his mate avoid him. Remus wasn't about to examine the emotional implications of what he was going to do. Caution paled in the rush of testosterone and animal instinct flooding his system.

There is more of this story...

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