Women's Health Issues 101 - Cover

Women's Health Issues 101

Copyright© 2006 by cafetray

Chapter 4

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Cindy's roommate drags her to a health class.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Mind Control   Hypnosis   Lesbian   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   First   School  

Lisa cast a worried look at the clock on her desk, then went back to her reading. It didn't feel like she'd made much progress, but when she looked up, a whole hour had passed. The fact made her groan... she'd never finish before Christine arrived. There was no getting around that, so she started plotting contingencies. Maybe if she went light on the drinking, Christine would fall asleep fast when they got back from the bar hopping, and she could sneak a little more work in. She looked at the piles of textbooks and notes on her desk. There were still hundreds of pages to read, then lab notes to organize, and papers to write. She'd never get it all done. But she couldn't let Christine down, either. There was a knock on her door.

"Who is it?"

"Tiffany and Elina."

Two people Lisa didn't want to see. She didn't think much of her floor mates. Too flighty, more concerned about partying than working. Lisa knew the type; only in school to get their MRS degrees. They'd probably work in "sales" or "marketing" after college, just long enough to meet and marry a doctor. Well, Lisa was actually going to be a doctor, so she didn't have the time for these two. She didn't bother looking up from her text, "Not right now, I am really busy!"

The door swung open and the two girls entered. Lisa had to actually bite her tongue to keep from screaming at them. She was a bitch. She knew it and she embraced it; her "bitchiness" drove her ambition. It helped her separate the people who could help her from the people who couldn't. Tiffany and Elina definitely fell into the latter category. Then again, she had made a New Year's Resolution to work on her people skills.

"We're so sorry," Tiffany began, and she really did sound apologetic. "But I had a question, and it couldn't wait."

Lisa decided to treat this as an early lesson in "bedside manner", "Okay, let's just make it quick. What's up?"

"Didn't you say that friend of yours from high school was coming up this weekend?"

"Christine, yeah?" Lisa vaguely remembered saying something about it to Elina in the bathroom the week before. "She'll be here tonight."

"When," Tiffany asked.

"What's it to you?" Lisa thought. Out loud she said, "I dunno, 2 or 3 hours or so."

"And isn't her Dad the CEO of some really big company?"

Lisa didn't remember mentioning that, "Yeah."

"Which one?"

The Hell? "Mericon."

Elina reached into her pack and pulled out a magazine. Lisa recognized it. It was Forbes, the one with the top 500 list. She whipped it open, "Number 8."

"Perfect," Tiffany purred. The slightly vacant, party girls were gone. The two gave Lisa looks that were harder, colder, sharper. Something had just happened. Lisa had no idea what.

Elina closed the dorm room door, and strode to Lisa's closet. She opened it and rifled through the contents.

"Hey... HEY!" Lisa yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Picking out something pretty for you to wear for Christine," Elina said. She held up matching, lacy light pink panties and bra that were sheer to the point of being transparent. "Ohhhhh, I bet you look really hot in this!"

Lisa turned to Tiffany, "You two need to leave... now!"

Tiffany dropped a bag onto the desk, which landed whit a solid thud. She opened the bag, pulled out a grey metallic orb and placed it on top of a book. She pressed a button on the top, and suddenly Lisa was very dizzy.

"Don't worry," Tiffany said sweetly. "In a few minutes everything will be alright."

Christine struggled up the last of the stairs, grateful she'd decided at the last minute not to enroll at this college. Apparently they didn't believe in elevators. She took a moment to catch her breath before stepping into the hall and counting off the doors to Lisa's room.

"Who is it?" she heard Lisa yell in reply to the knock.

"It's me, open up!"

"One sec!"

Christine could hear bussle, like there was more than one person in there, and that they were moving around. It took Lisa forever to answer the door. And when she finally did...

Lisa was sweaty and disheveled, like she'd been working out. She wore frilly, flowery light pink panties and matching bra that were practically see though. The pink looked awesome on her ebony skin, but t looked like something she'd wear to surprise her man. Lisa squealed with joy and wrapped her friend up in a hug. Lisa's nipples felt like bullets.

"C'mon in," Lisa escorted Christine into the room. "These are my friends Tiffany and Elina."

The smell of incense was overpowering, and there was a strange, soft buzzing noise, like broken stereo speakers. The two girls looked as rumpled as Lisa, but seemed friendly enough. Tiffany was tall and leggy with thick black hair that flowed past her shoulders. And she had really big tits, Christine couldn't help but notice; not even the baggy sweatshirt she wore could hide that. Elina was a "big" girl up there also, but more exotic looking then the "girl next door with big boobs" Tiffany. Elina features were chisled: High cheekbones, almond shaped blue eyes, thin, arched eyebrows. Her brown hair had red highlights and was so perfectly messy Chritine figured she must have spent a fortune to get it styled just so. Elina was, apparently, less shy about her breasts. The t-shirt she wore left little to the imagination. Christine could see her nipples outlined perfectly in the thin material, as well as the stud that pierced Elina's left nip. Christine suddenly realize d she'd been staring. She pulled her eyes away and sat on the nearest bed.

The three other girls began talking at once. How are youDid you have a good tripWhere do you go to schoolHow are things back homeWe're going to have such a great weekendWhat time do you have to head back? It was overwhelming. The drive, the girls, the smell, the buzzing in her ears were starting to get to her. She suddenly felt strange.

Then Lisa was rubbing her knee, "Are you okay? You still want to go out tonight?"

Christine took a deep breath, and noticed the incense again, along with something else, "I'm fine. I just need a minute to rest."

"Okay," Lisa smiled and went back to her banter.

Christine paid no attention. She took another sniff. Normally she loved the smell of pine, but this was completely overpowering. The incense tray was on Lisa's desk, next to some weird looking grey ball. Five sticks were burning. The room was actually becoming a little hazy from the smoke. And there was that something else in the air. It was as if they were burning the incense to cover that something else up. Christine took another sniff. It smelled familiar, it was on the tip of her tongue. Another sniff. She was close now, she was sure she'd figure it out. A long, deep sniff. It smelled like... kind of like...

It smelled like pussy!

It all fell into place for Christine. Lisa had been fucking Tiffany and Elina when she'd arrived. It explained everything: why it took so long to answer the door (they'd been getting dressed), why they all looked so flustered (duh!), Lisa's tittie hard on (double duh!), the incense (to cover the smell). Christine did a double take at Lisa.

"Are you sure you're okay?" her friend asked.

"Positive," Christine said a little too loudly. She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. There was nothing wrong with any of this, of course, and Lisa was a grown up, even if she'd always seemed so hetro! Sure, the evidence was all circumstantial, but it was compelling. Christine never would have believed it if she hadn't figured it out for herself.

As she calmed down, as she came to grips with it, Christine realized she was okay with it. In a way, she was kind of glad for it. Lisa was always so focused on getting ahead, being the best, securing her future that she never seemed to have fun in the here and now. She never seemed to relax, or take time to be happy. If this made Lisa happy, then Christine was all for it.

But she had limits, and once she realized she started to define them, she also realized Lisa was starting to push them. First was the annoying division of her attention. Lisa was normally so focused, but as she talked, she kept stealing glances at Elina who sat... lounged actually... on the bed against the opposite wall. Christine understood, up to a point. Elina was really beautiful, so was Tiffany. Christine didn't go in for all of that, but if she ever changed her mind, Elina and Tiffany were precisely the kind of girls she would have wanted to be with. And to be fair, she could see why those two went for Lisa. She looked really hot in pink. While she wasn't as curvy as her two friends, Lisa had curves enough, and in all the right places. And she had the most adorable little outie belly button. So Christine well understood the attraction all the way around, she just wished Lisa wouldn't be so blatant about it. It made her feel like the proverbial third wheel, even if there were 4 in the room.

Then there were the little things, any one of which was nothing but when put together were annoying. There was the way Lisa kept touching her when she made a point, the way her hand would linger just a little too long, and the way Lisa's hand seemed to land higher up Christine's thigh each time she made a point. And when she wasn't touching Christine, there was the way Lisa was touching herself. She was constantly twirling hair through her fingers, gently raking her nails over her breasts, caressing the inside of her thighs. At one point, while stealing yet another glance at Elina, Lisa's index and middle finger drifted over the little flower sitched into the panties right where the clit would be. Christine couldn't believe such beautiful little... panties... could get that wet. Lisa gave herself a little rub, flinched and stifled a moan. Christine looked on in slack jawed amazement.

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