Women's Health Issues 101 - Cover

Women's Health Issues 101

Copyright© 2006 by cafetray

Chapter 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Cindy's roommate drags her to a health class.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Mind Control   Hypnosis   Lesbian   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   First   School  

A Surprise Visit

The knock on the door caught Cindy off guard. She hadn't been expecting anyone, let alone the person she saw when she opened the door.


"Hi honey," Madison smiled.

Cindy squealed with joy and stepped into the hall to give her mother a big hug. She got her second surprise when she saw who her mother had brought along.

"Holly? Laurie?"

"Hey," Cindy's sisters replied in unison.

The four women laughed and shouted with glee as they wrapped each other up in a group hug. After a few moments, Cindy broke the hug to shepherd her visitors into her room.

"A friend of mine had this room when we were freshmen," Laurie smiled. She'd graduated two years ago. Holly, Cindy's younger sister by two years, would in all likelihood be going to this same school in two years herself.

"Yeah, I love it. I have a great view and it's close to the bathroom," Cindy said. "So what are you guys doing here?"

"Well," Madison explained, "none of us had plans for the weekend, so we thought we'd drive up and surprise you."

"I'm definitely surprised. Let me show you around, not that there's a lot to see," Cindy said. It was a single room, so there most definitely wasn't a lot to see. Cindy pointed out all of her roommates things. She went out of her way to show her Mom all of her books and all the work those books were generating. Cindy's parents were paying 100% of her college costs and she wanted to make them feel like they were getting their money's worth.

"Cindy, we brought some food up for you. It's back in the car. Why don't you help me bring it up?" Madison suggested.

"Sure. No problem," Cindy turned to her sisters. "Make yourselves comfortable. I think I have some Diet Cokes in the fridge."

Madison and Cindy took the stairs down to the ground floor. The car was near the front door, and the two divided up the grocery bags. Cindy was ready to head back up, but her Mom stopped her.

"There's another reason we came up this weekend," Madison said quietly.

Cindy recognized that tone. Something was wrong, "What's up?"

"Do you remember Miriam Johnson?"

She had to think about that, "She's your friend from work, right?"

"Right. Did you know she has a niece that goes to this school?"

Cindy shrugged, "I had no idea."

"Well, she does," Madison said seriously. "Miriam was up here a couple weeks ago and took her niece to dinner."

Cindy nodded.

"She said she saw you at the restaurant."

"Did she? She didn't say anything."

"That's because," Madison spoke softly, but firmly, "she says you were at your table making out with another girl."

Cindy gulped. She knew exactly what her Mother was talking about.

"Cindy, I'm not a bigot. What people do with their lives is their business. But we raised you better than that. You know your father and I disapprove of that sort of thing."

"Mom, that is so not what happened..."

"So it was you?"

"Yes, it was. I was there with my friend Gracie. It was her birthday. I gave her a gift and she gave me a thank you kiss. We weren't making out," Cindy replied and everything she'd said was true. Up to a point. It had been a single kiss. But they'd both lost control and that kiss had turned into something long, deep and wet. But still, it had only been that one kiss, and that's obviously when Miriam Johnson had seen them. Just bad luck, really.

"That isn't what Miram said."

"I don't care what Miram said, I told you what happened." Madison looked anything but convinced. "Look, I'll tell you what. I was going over to Gracie's tonight for dinner anyway. Why don't you and Holly and Laurie come along, and you can see for yourselves that you don't have anything to worry about."

Madison thought it over, "Okay, we'll do that. But I'm warning you right now... if I don't like what I see over there, the next conversation you and I have will be about your going to school somewhere a little closer to home."

With that, Madison picked up her bags and walked away. Cindy was stewing. Even if her parents were paying her way through college, they had no right to tell her how to live her life. And she wasn't hurting anyone. She beat back her anger. Making decisions while angry was a good way to make bad decisions. She took two deep breaths, and let them out slowly. The she pulled out her cell phone and called Gracie.

"Hey baby, you still coming over?" Gracie cooed when she realized who was on the line.

"Yeah, but we got a problem," Cindy answered. "My Mom and sisters are here. They know about us, and they aren't happy."

"Uh-oh. What are you going to do?"

"I need you to call Professor Sawyer. Have her meet us at your place, and have her bring a couple of the control orbs. Then call a couple of the girls and have them get to your place as quick as they can."

"What do you have in mind?"

Cindy smiled, "I just want to convince Mom, Holly and Laurie that things aren't as bad as they think."

Gracie's place was within easy walking distance of Cindy's dorm. She greeted her guests at the door, dressed in loose fitting jeans and white blouse. She invited everyone in and directed them to the living room. As soon as Cindy stepped in, she could hear the hum of the control orbs, so relaxing and reassuring. It made her wet everytime she heard it.

Apparently, Holly heard it also, "What's that noise?"

"A neighbor of mine is into Ham Radio," Gracie explained. "Apparently, his antenna isn't grounded right, or something like that. I don't really understand it, to be honest. All I know is when he turns it on, the speakers to my stereo make that noise. Don't worry, you won't even notice it after a while."

Professor Sawyer waited in the living room, sipping a glass of wine. Cindy took care of the introductions.

"You must be very proud, Madison," Professor Sawyer said. "Cindy is one of my best students."

"Thank you," Madison answered sincerely. "My husband and I are proud of all of our children."

Professor Sawyer looked the three sisters, and their mother, over very closely. Holly and Laurie were long and lean. Cindy had obviously inherited her more curvy, buxom figure from her mother. All of them had dark blond/light brown hair, though the sisters wore theirs long. Madison's was short and permed. All of them were absolutely beautiful. It was, Professor Sawyer thought, going to be a fun night.

"The Ziti's going to need another 30 or 40 minutes to bake, so why don't we all sit down and get comfortable," Gracie suggested. "Madison, can I get you a glass of wine?"

"That would be very nice."

Gracie returned promptly with the wine, and took a seat well away from Cindy. Madison chatted amiably with Professor Sawyer and Gracie.

"So far, so good," Cindy thought, watching her Mom and sisters for any sign.

She didn't have long to wait. She noticed it first with Laurie, who began squirming slightly, as if she were having trouble getting comfortable.

"Is it hot in here," Holly suddenly asked, tugging slightly at the collar of her sweater.

"Yeah" Laurie agreed.

"The boiler isn't great," Gracie apologized, "and sometimes it goes a little crazy. It'll stop eventually."

The small talked continued: School, classes, grades. Laurie mentioned the small promotion she'd just got at the PR firm she worked at. Holly talked about how much she was looking forward to college. There was a knock on the door and Gracie told whomever it was to come in. Two girls entered.

"Hey," Gracie greeted them. "These are my friends Dana and Kate. Dana and Kate, this is Cindy's Mom and sisters. You guys come for that syllabus?'

"Yup," Kate answered.

"It's in my room, but we're going to eat dinner in a little bit, and we've got plenty. You want to stay?"


"You know, Dana, Laurie there works in PR."

"That's my major," Dana enthused. She walked slowly to Laurie, her slim hips and large breasts swaying as she moved. When she sat down, a little closer to Laurie than she needed to, she tossed her head and shook her thick, auburn/brown hair out of her face.

Kate took the only other space available, squeezing herself into the love seat with Holly. Kate was as graceful and slender as Dana was chesty, with long, wavy brown hair, freckled face, a wide, sensuous mouth and crystal green eyes. Holly stared at her with something just short of wonderment.

Madison's gaze drifted from Dana's breasts to Kate's incredible ass. She was vaguely aware that her nipples her becoming hard, though she had no idea why. She was more concerned with the question of how two women could possibly be so beautiful.

Cindy watched the scene with growing amusement and confidence. Dana and Laurie chatted about working in PR. At one point Laurie said something that made Dana laugh, and Dana rested her hand on Laurie's thigh as she chuckled. Laurie's only response was to close her eyes and shudder. She didn't move Dana's hand.

Madison watched closely as that hand slid slowly and daringly up Laurie's thigh. Bizarrely, Madison found herself wishing it were her thigh the hand rested upon. It was against everything she ever thought she believed, but she was going to need help scratching the itch now spreading across her entire body. A small part of her scolded this was precisely the kind of behavior she'd come up here to warn Cindy against, but the rest of her had long since given into the truism that a girl has to do what a girl has to do. The problem was, she had no idea what to do.

Laurie jumped up as if she'd been touched by an electrical wire.

"I have to use the bathroom," she blurted.

"Is it okay if I go with you?" Dana asked sweetly. "I have so many questions I want to ask you about your job."

Laurie nodded yes impatiently, then took off in the direction indicated by Gracie at a brisk walk. Dana followed slowly, taking her time, a confidant smile across her face.

Madison felt all aflush. Her breath came in short, ragged gasps. She looked at her wine glass and saw her hand was actually trembling. She looked over at Holly, who seemed every bit as flustered. The teen had slipped a hand between her legs and was clenching her thighs shut. Madison almost told her to stop, but managed to keep quiet. If she thought she could get away with it, she'd be doing precisely the same thing, and maybe a little bit more. Instead, she considered cutting the visit short. It was obvious she, Laurie and Holly were in no condition for dinner. But, she realized, that would be totally unfair to Cindy. She'd promised she'd give Gracie a chance. And none of this, after all, was Gracie's fault. Gracie had been so polite, so kind, so gracious...

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