The Devil Knocking At The Door - Cover

The Devil Knocking At The Door

by Dakar

Copyright© 2006 by Dakar

Erotica Sex Story: This is one of the seromons on Sex Stories. It is designed to offer a different approach to religious doctrine

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Mother   Son   DomSub   MaleDom   .

"Thank you for your words this morning Father." Andrew Barns was twisting his hat in his hands. It was likely it would not survive if he continued. Already the hat band of the expensive bowler was creased. "My wife... She's been very depressed lately. Do you feel it could be... well, like you said, and evil presence."

"Could be" the priest gestured to the heavy leather chair and closed the door behind the parishioner who had requested an audience. "Is there a reason for her depression?"

"Not usually" the man was concerned and the concern was growing. The sermon that morning had been about demons and evil spirits and how their presence can affect the way we feel. "Sometimes she just cries for no reason. She says she is just sad."

"Are you using her regularly?" the priest asked. His face showed knowing concern. The big man blushed and turned away embarrassed by the question. "Answer me man. It's important. Depression is an indication that an evil spirit is attempting to enter her and possess her."

"Do you mean... Are you asking about..." he couldn't seem to put words together.

"How often do you mount her" the priest elaborated. "A woman needs to be used and filled. You're her husband; it's your responsible to keep her protected from the evil influences by filling her with the shield that keeps her safe. Are you doing your job, man?"

"Well" the bowler was now a rumpled mass of felt. "She hasn't been in the mood much lately. Since the kids were born..."

"Oh saints preserve us" the priest looked heaven ward and made the sign of the cross across his chest. "What is the matter with you? Women are so much more vulnerable then men. They have more openings that spirits can use to gain access. That's why the evil spirits focus on them. Thank God she is not already possessed. The spirit is trying to enter her. Of course she is depressed, she lives with an evil presence near her at all times. Your seminal fluid is the only thing that will protect her and keep it from taking over. The demons want the souls of men."

"But Father, she doesn't want me." He was coming out of his embarrassment. "Maybe I can get her to a psychiatrist. She has said she would be willing to enter counseling."

"Are you daft man?" the priest demanded. "Practitioners of the mind are the tools of the devil. Think man. They try to tell you that this is a chemical imbalance in the mind?" The priest shook his head at the ridiculous concept. "The scriptures warn of these tricks: Satan says: 'I am no devil, for there is none.' Don't be deceived my son. What will they do for her?" "Well, the doctor thinks maybe Prozac will help" the man offered.

"Prozac" the holy man shouted. "Don't you know what Prozac does to her sex drive? Can't you see Lucifer's cunning? She needs a man's cream to keep her pure and she needs to orgasm to cast off the evil influence and these servants of Satan will drug her to make her more vulnerable."

"What am I supposed to do?" the husband offered. "She doesn't want me on her."

"You are her husband" the priest reiterated. "Sex was never intended to be the woman's decision. You take her into the bedroom and tell her you are going to have intercourse. You strip her and you spread her legs and you shove your penis into her and you service her. God made men stronger than women for a reason. Since the Garden of Eden women have been the target of the evil one. Only men can protect them from the evil influences. The pure blessed seminal fluid is the only thing that will keep the devils out of them. Of course she doesn't want sex. The devil knows that it will protect her and he is using all his influence to keep her in an unprotected state."

"Are you saying I should rape my wife?" The man could not believe what he was hearing.

"I am saying you should be doing your duty as a husband" the priest replied. He shrugged his shoulders showing his frustration with the man's ignorance of simple scriptural edicts. "You should be filling her two or three times a day, more if possible."

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