Robbie Macrae - Cover

Robbie Macrae

Copyright© 2006 by Scotland-the-Brave

Chapter 5: Discovery

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5: Discovery - A young boy on holiday with his parents is involved in a car crash that leaves his mother, father and the driver of the other car dead. The young boy's spirit leaves his unconscious body to look after the wife and young daughter of the other man with startling results for his emotional and sexual development. Slow to start but plenty of sex later.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Romantic   Mind Control   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Mother   Father   Daughter   Slow  

Robbie didn't know how long he was slumped in the bedside chair before he roused himself. The memory of his latest encounter with nurse Becky was still deliciously fresh in his mind. How many sixteen year-old boys could claim to have had their first blow-job and full-blown intercourse before they had had their first kiss? And all with a sexy young nurse? And most bizarrely of all, while unconscious?

A doctor entered the room accompanied by nurse Becky. Robbie realised that he was probably completing his rounds.

"Good" he thought "perhaps I'll find out something about what's wrong with me."

The doctor checked all of the monitors that Robbie's body was hooked to and compared the readings with the chart he held in his hand. Robbie connected with Becky so he could hear her thoughts.

"Still no changes to any of the vital signs" he said to the nurse. "We haven't found any physical reason for the coma. All our tests have come back negative but he just seems to have shut down. "

"He was performing just how I like them a few hours ago" thought the nurse with a smile to herself.

"I guess its just a matter of continuing to take good care of him and letting things run their course."

"Oh, I'll continue to take good care of him alright," thought Becky and she quickly licked her lips and unobtrusively squeezed her thighs together.

Robbie blushed at the nurse's lewd thoughts but felt a sense of anticipation too, happy that he seemed destined to have a repeat performance with the sexy blonde nurse.

"Have we heard anything about whether social services have contacted a next of kin?" asked the doctor.

"Nothing so far" the nurse advised. "They are in contact with British consular authorities but at this point they have not been able to find anyone in Scotland who is related to the boy."

The doctor replaced the chart on the end of the hospital bed and he and the nurse left the room.

Robbie considered what he had learned. His life didn't seem to be in immediate danger but the hospital were not able to identify why he remained unconscious. Neither had they been able to contact a next of kin and he knew they never would as his mum and dad had no siblings and both sets of grandparents had also passed away. A sense of deep depression settled over the young boy as the realisation that he really was all-alone in the world hit home. On top of that, he had promised a dying man that he would look after his wife and daughter, taking on an awesome responsibility.

"Not bad" thought Robbie "and all while lying unconscious in a hospital bed. Still life is not all bad" he thought forcing himself to try and be positive. " He had been taught that nobody liked a whinger and that there was power in positive thinking. "Nurse Becky is certainly looking after me well," he chuckled "and looking after Zoe and Amanda also has its compensations."

Feeling a little better he thought that it was perhaps time to return to the Gray Household. He thought about being back in Zoe's room and instantly he was there. The large figure of Bruno remained leaning up against the wall but there was no sign of Zoe. Robbie headed out of the bedroom and downstairs. He heard voices coming from the family room and turned in that direction, entering the room to find Amanda was sitting on the large leather sofa and Zoe was seated on the floor, resting between her mother's legs. They were in the middle of a conversation.

"... so honey, your father has made sure that we will be okay financially. Money is not a worry for us. The house will be fully paid off and your father's life insurance will mean we have plenty to live on. The lawyer has confirmed everything is in order. I've also made arrangements for a small family service at the funeral home on Friday."

The young girl sniffled at the thought of her father's funeral. The idea that money might have been a potential problem had never entered her head so she didn't really register or remark on that. No, it was the loss of her dad and the imminent funeral that fully occupied her thoughts at the moment. She folded her arms on her mother's thigh to cushion her head and sighed heavily. Amanda began to rub her back, much like her father would have done if he had been here. Eventually Zoe rose.

"I'm gonna go play on my PC" she told her mother "maybe I'll IM Alison."

"Okay honey."

Robbie watched Zoe leave the family room but this time, instead of following the young girl, he remained with Amanda. He floated over to the sofa and touched Amanda gently, immediately tapping into her thoughts.

"Oh Jason honey, we both miss you so much. Look at her. One minute she is bright and bubbly, the next she looks like the saddest little girl on the planet. I know you left everything so we would be okay but I would gladly be homeless and penniless if I could have you back my darling. Oh Jason, I miss you holding me baby, I miss you so much..." Robbie withdrew from the young mother as she quietly sobbed. It was clear she was deeply affected by Jason's death but Robbie could see the strength of the woman as she tried to pull herself together, to be there for her daughter, to get through the pain and carry on. Robbie drifted off to see what Zoe was up to.

Zoe was sitting at her computer. Robbie looked over her shoulder and saw she was logged-on to storiesonline. She was reading a story called 'Tom's diaries' and Robbie lightly touched her back to hear what she was thinking. He noticed her give a slight twitch as if she was vaguely aware of his touch but didn't react otherwise. Robbie realised that he needed to be careful as for some reason he was able to physically interact with Zoe, apparently the only one he could do so. He wondered for a second what was different about her but then focussed on her thoughts.

"... Tom Ferguson you really are a rat, despite all your nice words, despite what you say, you really are a rat. But a likeable rat, I think I would like you if I met you. It would be nice to have someone treat me so nice, to be gentle and loving with me, particularly just now since I've lost my daddy. But I would have the same problem as Shannon with you sleeping with all those other girls. Oh I really don't seem to be in the mood for Tom tonight. Maybe I should IM Ally."

Robbie watched her close down storiesonline and open up MS Messenger. She typed in her 'addy' - IluvBruno - and he watched her check to see if her friend was on-line. She clicked on the icon for 'daddy'sgirl' and immediately began typing away. Robbie drifted off, losing interest. He flitted between rooms for the rest of the evening watching Zoe and Amanda doing their best to get on with their lives. At bedtime he followed Zoe upstairs once more and remained in her bedroom while the young girl prepared for bed. He was pleased when she lifted Bruno up onto the bed again tonight, knowing that he would be able to merge with the bear and comfort her as he had before.

Zoe settled down, hugging her huge bear and trying to get some sleep. Robbie climbed up onto the bed and merged with Bruno, in the process tapping into Zoe's thoughts. Tonight Zoe's thoughts were pretty jumbled and Robbie picked up only parts - she was still missing her daddy and questioning his death. There was still a hint of curiosity about the Tom Ferguson figure and what a relationship with someone could be like. And there was a sense of anticipation about a sleepover with her friend Alison, apparently arranged during the MS Messenger session earlier that day. But, not surprisingly, the most prevalent thought was about her father and Robbie could still feel her deep sadness. Eventually the thirteen year-old girl began to drop off and Robbie also began to relax.

The sound of someone moaning roused both Robbie and Zoe. The noises were obviously coming from Amanda's room. Zoe threw off her sheet and climbed from the bed, intent on going to investigate the moaning sounds. Robbie floated after her. He heard a soft gasp from Zoe who was frozen in front of her mother's bedroom door, peering cautiously through the slight gap that existed. Robbie's view through the gap was blocked by the young girl so he couldn't see what she was so intent on watching. When he noticed her breathing becoming shorter and her little hands flexing nervously he decided that he had to share in what was going on in Amanda's room.

Robbie braced himself and approached the wall to the side of the bedroom door. He floated forward and felt his ghostly body merge with the sheet-rock and wooden batons as he passed through the wall. What he saw when he was through into Amanda's room took his young breath away. Amanda lay on her back on her bed. She was wearing a short silky nightdress but had one breast free of the top, rubbing it and pinching and pulling on the aroused nipple that was exposed. Robbie swallowed as he took in the sight of Amanda's other hand as it snaked between her thighs, rucking up the nightdress, baring her pussy.

Robbie took in the sight, burning every detail into his brain. He took in the slightly prominent hip bones that framed her pubic mound. He took in the trimmed little patch of pubic hair leading down, drawing his gaze in, to where her fingers were stroking her glistening pussy. He could hear Amanda continue to moan softly, unaware that she had roused her daughter and that Zoe was peering at her through the crack in the door.

"Oh Jason baby you know just where to touch me to get me hot. That's it pinch my nipples, lick them, suck them, ooohhhh yes baby bite them." She squirmed as she squeezed her nipple roughly, imagining her husband using his teeth to pleasure her.

The pleasure was clearly written on her face which was drawn. Her auburn hair was fanned out on her pillow as she raised the hand that had been stroking her pussy and slowly drew two fingers into her mouth, wetting them in preparation for further exploration. Robbie was mesmerised by her sensual upturned lips as they wrapped around the fingers and he could see her cheeks hollow as she sucked on them. Then she lowered her hand once more and Robbie followed it as it descended to circle the little nub of her clit, which was showing clearly from its hood.

"Mmmmmmm, uuuhhhhh, yes, baby do me please, do me Jason, do me, yeeessss. She continued to strum her clit and pinch her nipple. "Slowly baby, let it build up for me, oooohhhhh yes, you know how to do it soooo goood." She dropped the hand from her breast and let it dip into her pussy, picking up a coating of the juices that were leaking from her. Her fingers traced a line down her perineum towards the pucker of her ass-hole and she moaned anew at the feelings this obviously produced. She teased her little butt hole, dipping one finger-tip just inside.

"Ooooohhhh, naughty Jason, you know you can't have my butt, you're too big to go up there, uuuuummmmmm, but your finger does feel good there baby, maybe one day, maybe one day, I know you love my little ass soooooo much."

Robbie moved closer to the bed getting a front seat view of her adult puss, delighting in the colour of it, the smell of her juices, fascinated by how the folds of her labia were puffed up, opening her up like a beautiful flower. Fascinated by her fingers stroking over her clit, excited at the sight of the little bud sticking up, drawn by the pink hole her fingers were revealing to him, drawn by the finger-tip that was slipping in and out of her puckered ass-hole. He was so totally 'in the moment' that he was surprised when her fingers stopped stroking her clit and fingering her ass, disappearing for a second only to return with a pink rubber dildo.

Robbie heard a soft gasp from the doorway and remembered that Zoe was there watching. He had been so focussed on Amanda and what she was doing that he had completely forgotten the young girl. He glanced toward her and noticed she had widened the gap, drawn irresistibly to the erotic sight of Amanda's play. She had obviously reacted to the appearance of the dildo in her mother's hands. Robbie saw that she had one hand holding the waistband of her panties while the other had slipped inside them, clearly playing with her little pussy as evidenced by the outline of the knuckles of her hand moving up and down on the front panel. Her eyes were wide and her nostrils flared as she seemed to struggle for breath, panting as she fingered herself.

Robbie turned back to Amanda. He saw that the dildo in her hand was already shining with some kind of oil, having obviously been lubed in readiness by Amanda. She brought the head of the pink cock down to her nether lips and moaned anew as she let it ride the length of her slit and bump against her excited clit.

"Ohhhhhhhh Jason, I can feel your hard cock baby, uuuuuhhhhhhh are youu going to fuck you're little Mandy good baby, are you? Oh honey I need you soooo bad, I need that hard cock baby, please do me, please Jason, give it to me baby, slowly baby, slide it in me slowly baby come on, please Jason, do me, fuck me baby, ooohhhh love me Jason."

Amanda moved the dildo down to the pink entrance of her pussy and began to slowly force the head into herself. She groaned as its length eased past her opening and Robbie watched as she maintained the pressure, pushing inch after inch into her hot slit.

"Jesus Jason I can feel you filling me up with your hard cock baby," she panted "do it Jason fill me up, fuck me darling, Mmmmmmm, uuuuuuhhhhhhh, yeessssss, yeesssssss. She was now sliding the dildo in and out of herself, clearly focussed on believing this was Jason's cock and not a toy. "Harder now baby, harder Jason, do me harder, do me harder baby, Mmmmmmfffffff, uuuggghhhhh, yesssssss, ooohhhhhhh, yesssssss." Amanda used one hand to pick up some of her fluids and returned her fingers to her little ass-hole, forcing her finger-tip in and out of her ass in time with the thrusts of the dildo into her pussy.

Robbie could see that Amanda's hips had now begun to rise up off of the bed, matching the rhythm of her pumping actions and she was grunting with the effort and with pleasure.

"yeeeaaahhhh baby, Mandy needs it hard, give it to me baby, fuck me baby, uuuuhhhhhh, yeeeaaahhhhhh, fuck me Jason, fuck me." Amanda's climax was rapidly approaching if her movements and the increase in her vocalisation was anything to go by. "Mmmmmmmm, do mamma baby, do me soooo gooood, sooooo goooood, ooooohhhhh sooooo hard baby, big beautiful cock, give it to me, fuck yesss."

Robbie watched Amanda flip over and get on to her hands and knees on the bed, still thrusting the 7" dildo into her greedy pussy, gaining speed, getting faster and faster, losing control, forcing the rubber cock into herself harder and harder as she lost herself in the feelings it was producing. Her fingers returned to her little pucker and resumed the teasing of her ass.

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