Robbie Macrae - Cover

Robbie Macrae

Copyright© 2006 by Scotland-the-Brave

Chapter 12: Black Spots

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 12: Black Spots - A young boy on holiday with his parents is involved in a car crash that leaves his mother, father and the driver of the other car dead. The young boy's spirit leaves his unconscious body to look after the wife and young daughter of the other man with startling results for his emotional and sexual development. Slow to start but plenty of sex later.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Romantic   Mind Control   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Mother   Father   Daughter   Slow  

Amanda returned to the ward where Zoe was being treated, worried now about Robbie too. A nurse informed her that Zoe was comfortable but still unconscious and she would need to remain at least overnight. They had taken some blood for tests but she reassured Amanda that Zoe should be just fine.

She checked on Alison and was told that she too was being kept overnight, for observation mainly the nurse said. With little else to do she decided to go home and try to get some rest.

Robbie awoke and found himself in another hospital bed. He remembered fighting the black cloud as it seemed to reach out to the black spot inside his head. After what seemed like hours he felt the power in the cloud begin to weaken and he redoubled his own mental attack on it. At last the cloud had simply evaporated away, leaving him once more in control of his mind and his body.

There was a button to the side of the bed, he assumed it was for summoning assistance. He pressed it and spent the next thirty minutes arguing with first a nurse and then a bleary eyed young doctor, when he informed them he was fine and was discharging himself. Eventually they accepted his decision and he dressed and made his way out of the hospital, flagging down a passing black cab.

He checked the time when he entered the apartment and saw that it was four-twenty AM, nine-twenty PM in Montana. He lay down on the sofa and zipped to Amanda's house, finding her sitting alone in the family room. He floated over and sat beside her, touching her arm to let her know he was there.

Amanda jumped when she felt the touch.

"Robbie? Is that you? Oh god I've been so worried."

"Shhhhh, Amanda, it's okay, I'm fine. How is Zoe?"

"This is just too weird. How can you be here talking to me when you're in Scotland?"

"It's a long story and if you don't mind, one I'd rather explain when I can be here in person," he said. "How is Zoe?"

She shrugged at the bizarre situation, here she was, talking to herself but 'hearing' a boy who was currently on the other side of the Atlantic. Still, she knew it must be happening, the events of earlier this evening left her in no doubt that Robbie was somehow able to do this.

"They're keeping her in overnight at the hospital," she told him. "She still hasn't woken up but they've told me she should be fine. Oh Robbie, that bastard was going to rape her wasn't he? If you hadn't come to me when you did, he would still have her now, god alone knows what kind of hell she would have been put through."

She felt his arms surround her, gently hugging her, stroking her hair as he tried to comfort and calm her.

"Shah Mandy, she's going to be okay, you saved her. I'm so proud of you, you were like a wildcat in there." He paused and then sniggered "or perhaps more like a field-kicker for the Red-skins if that kick in the balls was anything to go by."

She laughed with him, feeling some of the tension in her ease.

"You hit him so hard, he's probably got three Adam's apples now," he added and that set them both off, laughing together uncontrollably.

When they calmed down Amanda asked Robbie what had happened to him. She told him she knew he had been taken to the hospital because she had spoken to his neighbour.

"I don't want to go into all the details now," he said. "But, there are some things you need to know. Alison's father is a very dangerous man. He killed his wife and he's buried her body in the foundation of the decking in the garden. He's obsessed by you and wants nothing more than to have you completely under his control."

"Robbie, you're scaring me."

"Amanda, you need to tell the police what he's done. You obviously can't tell them how you know, so tell them he told you this when he was trying to frighten you or something. They also need to know that he has been brutally raping and molesting Alison for some time now. She thinks she's pregnant."

"Jesus, that poor girl," Amanda thought, "I just can't imagine what she must feel like."

"She needs you and especially Zoe to be there for her," Robbie projected into her head.

"Wait a minute, are we communicating through our thoughts?"

"Yes, when I'm touching you like this I can read all your thoughts and project my thoughts directly into your mind. That's how I know what Alison has been through and that her father killed his wife, I linked with both of them earlier and read their thoughts."

"This just keeps getting weirder and weirder."

"I promise I will explain everything from the start but not now, there's too much to do and we're both tired. I need to go now to sort some things out but I'll speak to you again tomorrow. Make sure you pass the information on to the police, okay? Things will be fine Mandy, I promise."

Amanda felt soft lips on her own as Robbie apparently kissed her goodnight. She savoured the moment, no doubt in her mind any longer that he had really been here. She picked up the phone and hit the first speed-dial number. Jason had insisted that they programme certain numbers in case of emergency. The police station answered and she asked for Deputy Richards. He came to the phone.

"Officer I'm sorry but the situation earlier obviously affected me badly, I guess I was a little confused, not really thinking straight. But some of the things Mr Beckwith shouted at me have come back to me and I think I need to pass them on."

"Ma'am, given the circumstances, I surely understand that. Now, what is it that you want to tell me?"

"Well, at one point he screamed at me that he was going to use me and then kill me like he had his wife."

"You believe he killed his wife?"

"I'm just repeating what he said, although I must say that he certainly seems capable of it."

"Well there was no body in the house, I searched it thoroughly."

"Officer, Alison told us that her mother ran off with someone some time ago. If Mr Beckwith did kill her I'm sure he would have disposed of the body by now."

"I guess I could check that out."

"He also made it clear he's been molesting Alison, possibly beating her too."

"You got that right. I already knew that much and I asked the hospital to give the girl a thorough check-up. If he has been mistreating her physically then we'll get the evidence. Is there anything else?"

"No officer, I think that's all for now. Thank you for listening and understanding."

"My pleasure ma'am. Someone will need to come round to take a statement from you and your daughter I'm afraid. If she were discharged tomorrow would it be too soon to call? Experience tells us that we need to get things down as quickly as possible before people begin to forget details."

"I'm not sure officer. I think it's perhaps best to see how Zoe is first. Can I call tomorrow to let you know?"

"Sure thing ma'am, that would be helpful."

"Okay officer, thank you, goodnight."

"Goodnight to you too ma'am."

Amanda felt the events of the day, and the latest stress from making the phone call, catching up with her. She had been unsure earlier as to whether she would be able to sleep with everything that was going round in her head but now she felt exhausted.

She walked round to make sure all the windows and doors were secure before climbing the stairs and getting ready for bed. Her thoughts turned to Zoe, she was relieved she had rescued her in time, and she shuddered at the memory of Doug Beckwith. Amanda then couldn't help smiling to herself at Robbie's description of how she had handled Beckwith. She fell asleep thinking of Robbie, wishing he was with her and marvelling again at his apparent abilities.

Robbie had zipped to the hospital to check on Zoe before returning to his body, tired from a long day. He too climbed into bed and fell asleep quickly, dreaming of Amanda, proud and fierce in defending her daughter. Classy and beautiful, even in the worst of circumstances. His dream changed to the picture of Alison's father pawing Zoe's little mound, rubbing his hard cock through his pants. Unconsciously his teeth clenched as he slept and he tossed and turned, obviously agitated.

Robbie slept late, not getting up until midday. Once again he sat and prepared a list of things he needed to do as he wolfed down a bowl of cereal. He rinsed the bowl and began to work through his list. He phoned his solicitor and told him to take immediate steps to put the apartment on the market, he emphasised that he wanted a quick sale. The solicitor advised that property in his area was scarce and he felt sure they could make a sale within days.

He then e-mailed his coach to let him know that he intended to fly to the US as soon as he could get a flight. It was the winter season and as such he mostly did cross-country running as a way of maintaining condition and building stamina for the summer track season. He promised his coach that he would continue to work hard while he was in America.

The next task was to search on-line for a flight. He booked the first available, for two days time, accepting that he would need to change at London, Heathrow rather than a direct flight. The first direct flight from Glasgow would have meant delaying for a further two days and he was keen now on getting back to Zoe and Amanda as soon as possible.

He began to download all of his personal files from his PC, burning them onto CD-ROM so he could take them with him, then sorted through his wardrobe selecting all the clothes he wanted to take.

A knock at the door interrupted his frantic activity. Robbie answered the door and welcomed his next door neighbour.

"Hi Mrs McKenzie, how are you?"

"Oh Robbie I thought I heard you moving about. I'm pleased to see you're okay, I was so worried yesterday when I found you." She grabbed Robbie and hugged him tightly, squeezing her breasts into his chest.

"You darling boy, losing your parents, it's no surprise that you collapsed."

Robbie didn't correct her assumption, leaving her believing he had fainted due to his loss was better than trying to explain what had really happened. He was very conscious of her breasts pushing into him, was sure that her nipples were hard.

"I'm glad I've got this chance to see you before I go. To say thanks for all that you've done for me over the past few years and to say goodbye. I've put the apartment on the market and intend to move to America for college. I'm leaving the day after tomorrow."

He continued to hug her, feel her against him. Robbie had fantasised about Ellen McKenzie many times. She was in her early thirties, married to money. They had no children and she didn't work, instead she seemed to occupy most of her time sitting on various charity groups or working out at the gym. She was always very pleasant to him from the time he and his parents had moved in almost three years earlier. Her 5'8" frame showed the value of regular exercise. 34B chest, a waist that tapered in almost unbelievably and flared back out to hips that were in perfect proportion to the rest of her figure. She had shoulder length blonde hair, cut in the modern fashion so that there was a range of different lengths and it flared out magnificently. She had huge blue eyes. To Robbie she was literally a wet dream; he had experienced his first 'nocturnal emission' while dreaming of her naked.

As these thoughts went through his head and she continued to thrust her pert tits into him, he felt his cock begin to harden. Ellen felt it too.

She had merely called to make sure he was okay but the feel of him responding to her changed her train of thought. She had watched Robbie grow into a fine looking young man, polite and handsome. Her husband was frequently away on business and she sometimes lay in bed at night indulging in a range of fantasies as she stroked herself. One of her favourites was imagining taking young Robbie, teaching him the joys of sex with an experienced partner, perhaps even taking his virginity!

Now she thought to herself, "Okay Ellen, you've fantasised about it, now here's your chance to make it really happen. What are you going to do? You've only got two days."

Robbie had surreptitiously tried to allow the fingers of one hand to 'leave' his body in spirit form. He found he could maintain this while still retaining consciousness. He used the fingers to make a connection with Ellen and was stunned when he heard the thoughts running through her head.

"No way!" He thought. "No way Ellen McKenzie has dreamed about making it with me! No way is she holding me and thinking about doing it!"

His excitement took a dip as he heard Ellen's thoughts balk at taking this huge step. She was 'talking' herself out of it in her head.

"No, I can't, he's too young and he's suffered so much recently. What am I thinking of!"

Robbie could see the chance of a lifetime slipping away from him. He decided he needed to do something to turn the tide back in his favour. He began to use his fingers to rub her back, pressing each finger into her skin with some power, almost like a finger massage.

"Um, Robbie, you have such strong fingers," she said, "that feels really good. Ahhhhh, sooo nice, sooo very nice."

He felt her thoughts change direction again and could tell her arousal had once more started to climb at the thought of doing something with him. He knew he had to press home his advance before she had time to begin to question herself again. Her thoughts had let him know that her fantasy involved teaching him, so he knew he couldn't do anything too overt or he would be acting against the fantasy. He casually dropped one hand from her back so that it was resting just above her bottom, his fingers trailing over her cheek, shyly, coyly, obviously not sure of himself, but trying to stroke her nonetheless. Acting immature and inexperienced.

He decided to try and turn up the heat a little.

"Mrs McKenzie, I'm really grateful for all your help. You know, you've always been very good to me. I think about you a lot." He said, purposely making himself sound even younger than his sixteen tears.

He thrilled as he heard Ellen begin to get into it, excited by the proximity of his hand to her ass, his shy statement and seeing an opening in what he had said.

"Ummm, Robbie, you've always been one of my favourites. I'm glad to be able to do anything to help you, particularly now. What do you mean when you say you think about me a lot?"

"Just that you're really nice," he said and paused before then adding shyly, "and very pretty."

A glimmer of guilt went through Robbie's head as he briefly thought of Amanda and Zoe. But it was brief. He was sixteen. He had the object of many of his fantasies in his arms, becoming hotter at the thought of having sex with him. His hormones quickly overrode the sense of right and wrong he had been taught by his parents. Ellen's thoughts in response to his little boy act also raised his arousal.

Ellen knew Robbie's last response opened the door for her and that it was now or never.

"Why thank you Robbie, what do you like about me? What makes me pretty?"

"Oh, you have beautiful deep blue eyes, and, annnddd your hair is beautiful too." He once more sounded very shy.

"Do you think about anything else Robbie? Do you think about where you seem to want to put your fingers? Do you think about my little bum?" She knew that she was now fully committed given this last question.

Robbie could hear Ellen getting herself hotter and hotter as they played out this little game.

"Oh Mrs McKenzie, I would never think like that, that would be dirty."

"But I know you want to touch my bottom Robbie. Wouldn't you like to just drop your hand a few inches further? Wouldn't you like to touch me?"

Robbie decided to answer by acting. He let his hand drop onto her cheek, feeling just how firm the muscles were under her skirt, how toned she was. He felt the ridge of her panties. He began to slowly massage her bum.

"There, doesn't that feel good Robbie? So, back to the question. Do you think about my little bum?"

"Yes," he said quietly, almost like a confession.

"Did you say yes Robbie? Are you admitting you've thought about my bottom?"

"Yes," he admitted a little louder.

"Oh, naughty boy. And do you think about any other parts of me? Do you think about maybe touching my little boobs Robbie?"

Robbie was finding her sexy talk very stimulating and felt himself hard as steel. He used the hand on her bottom to press Ellen forward so that she could feel his cock against her a little better.

"Ah, does the thought of touching my boobs get my little man excited, does it Robbie? Here, let Ellen help you out."

She took his arm, pulling it so that she could take his other hand and bring it up to her breast, pressing it against herself. Robbie couldn't believe how firm it was, how hard her nipple felt pressing into his palm. He couldn't believe he was actually standing here with one hand on Ellen McKenzie's bum and one on her boob. His head was swimming.

Ellen could feel her excitement physically leak from her pussy. She knew she had to have Robbie, could feel how hard he was, knew this was a chance to live out her fantasy.

"I think my little man needs some help," she said, pulling away from him and taking his hand, leading him towards the bedroom.

Ellen took control. She backed him up to the bed and let her hand drift down to lightly stroke over the bulge in his pants.

"Is my little Robbie sore, are you in pain, can Ellen make it better?"

She let her hand grip his shaft through his trousers, impressed at his size and at how hard he was. Robbie groaned. Ellen pushed him and he fell back onto the bed. She stood in front of him, unbuttoning her blouse and shrugging it off her shoulders. She licked her lips watching his eyes widen at the sight of her tits which were pressed together impressively by a lilac bra. She reached behind herself to unclip the bra, letting it drop at her feet.

Robbie groaned once more as he watched her perfect body being revealed.

Ellen raised her hands to her breasts, pinching her nipples roughly. Her eyes had taken on a smoky quality as her lust built.

She unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it, standing before him in just a pair of panties that matched the bra. She cocked one leg, posing for him, turned on by how excited he was drinking in her body.

Ellen climbed onto the bed and reached for the zip of Robbie's trousers.

"Let me help you Robbie," she whispered huskily as she pulled the zipper down and slid her hand inside, running it over the length of his cock. She used her other hand to loosen the button of his pants and fished his rod out of his boxers. She licked her lips at the sight of his impressive length, dipping to take his cock into her mouth.

Robbie felt all the years of lusting after this beautiful woman, who he had until now thought completely beyond him, rising to flood his senses and no sooner had Ellen taken him into her mouth than he felt himself shooting hard blasts of cum.

Ellen greedily swallowed everything he gave her.

"I'm sorry Mrs McKenzie, I guess I got a little too excited."

"Don't worry Robbie, I'm sure I can help you learn how to control yourself better and how to make a woman feel good too."

Robbie felt that it was now safe to drop the little boy act and demonstrate that he did in fact have some experience. He pulled Ellen upwards and began to kiss her slowly and deliberately all round her lips, nibbling and licking them sensuously. He kissed a trail along her cheek ad jaw, dropping to lick softly down her throat. He pushed her onto her back and continued his kisses down to her tits, laving her nipples with his tongue, worrying them firmly with his teeth. He sucked her nub into his mouth rolling his tongue over it while he used his hand to make sure its twin didn't feel left out.

Ellen was stunned by this turn in events. Robbie's kisses had made her shiver with their lightness, almost tickling but more intense. Gone was the young boy, instead she felt herself being brought to the brink by his command of her body and he hadn't even gone close to her pussy. This was not what she had expected and she realised her 'little man' was obviously more experienced than she had guessed. The effect on her of him taking control was beyond her fantasy however, and she was more than content to simply enjoy what he was doing to her.

Robbie continued to worship Ellen's boobs for some time, determined to savour every moment with her. He was lying partly across her, one leg over hers. She felt his cock begin to harden once more, straightening against her, beginning to climb up her inner thigh as it reached its full length and firmness. Her complete focus was on the feel of him stiffening, of his young cock almost reaching out to her pussy. She could feel it gradually inch up her thigh, taking little jumps as the blood rushed into it, feeding its growth. It felt alive and she wanted it. She knew her pussy was flooding juices and she couldn't believe how utterly breathtaking it was to feel his flesh moving upwards as it changed from soft and limp to hard as steel.

Robbie heard Ellen whimper and thought it was time he moved on although he was loathe to give up her perfect breasts after wanting to have his hands on them for so long. He began to kiss and lick down her ribcage and round under her arm again keeping his actions light but sensuous. He moved down her side and across her incredibly flat stomach. She had an 'innie' and he licked it before carrying on down her abdomen, feeling her pubic hair being to tickle his chin. His fingers trailed languidly down her breasts, ribs and stomach, feeling the goose-bumps on her skin.

Ellen had been writhing under him as he had made his passage down her body, mewling and whimpering constantly. Robbie guessed he should stop dragging this out. He lowered his head yet further, lightly running his tongue across her panties, over where he knew her clit and pussy lips were. Even using his tongue lightly he could taste the sharp juices that already soaked the satin lilac material. Ellen's hips thrust up off the bed as she tried to get more contact with him, lost in her growing desire. He used his nose, running it up her labia and bumping her button, inhaling her scent, becoming ever harder. He eased the gusset of the garment aside and took his first real tastes of her source, his tongue greedily lapping the available juice. Ellen bucked at this more satisfying contact, pushing herself up at him. Robbie sucked her button between his lips, letting his teeth graze it ever so slightly. Ellen bucked even harder and screamed as she climaxed on his mouth and tongue. But Robbie didn't let up, he increased the tempo of his tongue-lashing of her clit and inserted two fingers into her pussy, hooking them upward to rub the front wall of her passage, beyond her pubic bone.

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