Robbie Macrae - Cover

Robbie Macrae

Copyright© 2006 by Scotland-the-Brave

Chapter 11: Goodbye mum and dad

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 11: Goodbye mum and dad - A young boy on holiday with his parents is involved in a car crash that leaves his mother, father and the driver of the other car dead. The young boy's spirit leaves his unconscious body to look after the wife and young daughter of the other man with startling results for his emotional and sexual development. Slow to start but plenty of sex later.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Romantic   Mind Control   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Mother   Father   Daughter   Slow  

Robbie put his key in the lock of his parent's apartment in the North side of Glasgow and opened the door. He entered, closing the door behind him, and, dropping his bag, slowly walked round each of the rooms. All too familiar yet now changed forever. The loss of his parents hit him hard as he realised he would never see them here again. No more family discussions, no shared time with dad watching their favourite football team on the huge plasma screen TV. No more mum putting her fine home-cooked dinners on the table, no more Christmas mornings exchanging presents, turkey, roast potatoes, all the trimmings and the Queen's speech on TV at three p.m.

He was alone.

Sitting on the large leather sofa, he felt all his despair rise up within him. It was uncontrollable, overwhelming, forcing him to break down and cry. The sobs came from deep within his chest, racking his whole body, leaving him gasping, unable to breath, tears blinding his eyes and snot leaking from his nose as he all but choked in his grief. Memories of his mother and father flooded his mind.

After the best part of an hour he slowly calmed down and shook himself. He realised the tears had helped and surprisingly he felt a little better. He decided he needed to have something to eat but when he checked the fridge there was virtually nothing in it. He would need to take a trip to the shops. Once more he broke down as he realised he couldn't drive and there was no mum or dad anymore to take him in the car. He had very little money. He forced himself to calm down once more and sat down with a pad and pen to draw up a list of what he needed. Deciding that lists were a good idea, he turned to a fresh page and began to itemise all the things he needed to take care of. It was a long list but drawing it up helped return some sense of being in control for him.

Her used the phone to call a local taxi and locked up, heading downstairs to wait for his cab. The taxi dropped him off at the local supermarket and he used his bankcard to withdraw some cash from the auto-dispenser located just outside the store. Her quickly picked up the items on his list, mostly perishable goods like milk, eggs etc, and then hopped in another taxi at the rank outside the store.

Returning to the apartment he cooked a simple meal of spaghetti, green pesto, prawns and spinach, sprinkling a liberal portion of parmesan cheese over the top. He realised he had been very hungry as he gobbled the whole plate of spaghetti in minutes. He washed the meal down with a glass of milk and then returned to the list of things that he needed to do that he had prepared earlier.

First on the list was to make contact with the family solicitors (lawyers in the US). He needed to sort out his parents' estate, get advice as to his own legal position as an adult, hopefully sort out funds etc. A phone call was all that it took to arrange an appointment for the next day.

Robbie then went to his parents' bedroom and hauled out the metal filing box that he knew they kept in their wardrobe. All the family's important papers were filed away in this box and he needed to sort through it to find a number of things. He looked out policies for life insurance for his parents, endowment policies that secured the mortgage for the apartment, bank details for mum and dad and finally, a copy of their last will and testament.

He spent the remainder of the afternoon making various phone calls to try to sort things out but was finding the going difficult because of his age and apparently having no legal standing to deal with his parents' affairs until after their wills had been acted on. He eventually gave up, made himself a sandwich and curled up on the sofa and promptly fell asleep.

The next few days were something of a blur for Robbie. His meeting with the solicitors had confirmed him as his parent's sole heir and that granted him the legal status to settle things with the insurance companies and other firms that he had to deal with. He was stunned at the amount of money the government took from him in death duty and inheritance tax. It seemed somehow immoral to him that his government should be making money out of people's personal losses.

The British Consulate had made all the necessary arrangements to have mum and dad's bodies flown home and Robbie had organised a joint funeral, cremation for both of them. The service at the crematorium was a quiet affair. Some of Robbie's friends, his athletics coaches and two neighbours attended. The outpouring of grief earlier in the week seemed to have settled things for Robbie and he remained stoic throughout the service, arranging with staff to pick up his parent's ashes the next day.

He had returned to training and was feeling better if a little rusty. He was also keeping in contact with Zoe, having downloaded MS Messenger and creating an account for himself. He chose the screen name 'Scotland-the-Brave' and cropped a picture of a highlander from the internet to include with his address. Glasgow, Montana was seven hours behind Glasgow, Scotland time and he was now used to calculating what time it was for Zoe before trying to contact her. She was full of gossip about school and proved to be very supportive around his parents' funerals. Robbie remembered that she had recent experience of the same situation and he thanked her trying to cheer him up. He was also pleased when Zoe informed him that Amanda was missing him too. They discussed setting up a link using webcams and skype (a web-based webcam/phone system).

Robbie purchased a webcam and installed the software for it. He downloaded skype and then IM'd Zoe to check whether she had done the same. She confirmed she had and Robbie tried to connect to her. It all seemed so easy and before he knew it, there was Zoe's smiling face staring out at him from his computer screen.

"Hi angel," he said to her.

"Hi yourself hunky Scotsman," she squealed.

"It's good to be able to see you, I'm missing you a lot."

"Me too. And there's someone else here who wants to say hello."

Zoe disappeared and her face was replaced by Amanda. She took a minute to take the headphones and microphone from Zoe and put them on but then smiled warmly at him.

"I'm missing you too Robbie. I hope your parent's funeral went okay and that you are managing to get by alright on your own."

"I'm doing fine Amanda. Once the money comes through from the various policies I'll be set financially and I can pay off all the bills that are stacking up. At least I've now got access to cash to live on."

"You poor thing, I wish I could be there for you."

"I'm fine, honestly, but I wish you were both closer."

"Okay, Zoe is pestering me to get back on so I'll sign-off now. Look after yourself and keep in touch."

"Will do, bye for now."

Zoe re-appeared and lodged the headphones onto her head.

"I'm sleeping over at Alison's tonight so don't try and get me first thing tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I hope you have fun. She seems very nice and I can tell she's a good friend, there was just something a bit sad about her when we met."

"Yeh, I think it's something to do with her mother abandoning her and her dad being a bit of a creep if you ask me. Anyway, she's been on at me for a week now to stay over and without you to help me get to sleep (she sniggered) I thought I might as well!"

Robbie blushed as he remembered how he had helped her get to sleep the last time.

"Aw the hunky Scotsman looks cute when he's embarrassed."

"Cut it out Zoe. What you need is a good spanking to remind you how to behave like a young lady."

"Promises, promises," she laughed.

They chatted for a few more minutes before agreeing to speak again the next afternoon (Zoe's time).

Zoe clicked off her skype connection and smiled to herself. It was good to be able to see Robbie again. Although she had only been with him (in spirit and then in the flesh) for just over a week, she knew she already loved him and the distance between them was an absolute drag.

She packed an overnight bag and went downstairs to ask her mother to take her over to Alison's house. Amanda was in a good mood having had the opportunity to see and speak to Robbie and she was bubbly as she drove her daughter across town. The journey was only around three minutes but she didn't like Zoe walking and her bag would have made cycling difficult. She dropped Zoe off and waved at her as she completed a 'U' turn and drove home. She was still thinking about Robbie, admitting to herself that she had quickly developed feelings for the young boy.

The night before she had lain awake in her bed, thinking about the great sex she had had with Robbie and gently teasing her clit and pussy. The image of him was very fresh in her mind, she could feel his weight on her, vividly feel his cock pushing into her, his pelvic bone mashing her clit on each stroke. Her pussy was sopping wet at the memory and she had lifted her dildo and positioned it at her hole, imagining it was Robbie's cock, she had slid it slowly into herself and began a steady rhythm.

"Ooooooohhhhhhh, yesssss, Robbie, yesssssss."

Amanda shook herself, she was liable to end up crashing the car if she continued with her daydreaming but she did wish Robbie were here now. She was going home to an empty house and if he had been here she would have given-in to her horny urge to have the young boy again.

"I wish he were here, I wish I could feel his big, hard cock again," she thought.

Zoe and Alison played music for a while in Alison's room. Zoe was still worried about her friend. She knew that something was wrong but couldn't get Alison to open up.

Alison was uptight and very nervous. She knew her father had something planned but didn't know the details. She had managed to screw up her courage to approach him the day before with news she had been worrying over for a couple of weeks now. Her period was late and she believed she was pregnant. When she had told Doug, he had exploded.

"You little slut," he screamed in her face. "You're too stupid to use protection and now some boy has knocked you up. What a stupid, little, cunt."

"Daddy, I'm sorry, I'm not, please, I'm not a slut. I'm not doing it with anybody else. If I'm pregnant, the baby must be yours."

Doug had reacted true to form, as only a bully can, he had punched Alison violently in the stomach, causing her to scream and fall to the floor, rolled up into a ball.

"You just can't do anything right, even act the slut. I told you to get the Gray girl interested in me but you couldn't do that. I expected you to be able to keep yourself from getting pregnant while I'm fucking you and you can't do that. What are you good for? Eh, tell me, what are you good for? You're fucking useless, a useless slut."

Alison had tried to crawl away but he had come after her.

"Just get the girl to stay over here one more time, one more time, that's all I'm asking you to do you dumb cunt. If you don't, you're in trouble." With that he had kicked her as she lay on the floor and then stomped out of the room.

Alison was worried for her friend, worried about why her father wanted her but she was more worried about him beating her again so she had asked Zoe to come for a sleepover yet again. When Zoe had agreed she had very mixed feelings. She shrugged her suspicions off, maybe daddy just liked Zoe, and maybe he would be nice to her. Maybe she could have some fun with Zoe herself? She calmed down, convincing herself that she was worrying unnecessarily.

"I got another movie for us to watch." She said to Zoe.

"Which one?"

"Borat, it's supposed to be hilarious."

"Neat, I've seen some trailers for it."

They made there way downstairs and Alison put the DVD on.

"This has only just made the movies, how did you get a copy?"

"Duh, the internet dummy, I downloaded it last night."

The two young girls positioned themselves in front of the TV to watch the movie. Zoe was again a bit creeped out at the thought of Doug sitting behind her so rather than lie down on her front as she had previously, she sat up, facing the screen.

Doug was frustrated at Zoe's positioning and sat quietly, letting his anger at her build. After the movie had been running for fifteen minutes, and with no sign of Zoe changing her position, he got to his feet and made his way into the kitchen. He poured two glasses of coke for the girls and, reaching into his pants pocket he produced a capsule of Rhohypnol. He knew all about the drug and what its effect would be on the young girl. It was commonly known now as a date-rape drug and he smiled with pleasure at the thought of what he was going to do with the little slut once he had her drugged-up.

He emptied some chips into a bowl and carried them and the cokes through to the family room. The girls thanked him and remained glued to the screen as they drank and ate the chips.

Doug resumed his seat on the sofa behind them, smiling to himself as he watched Zoe drink all of the coke that he had laced with the drug.

"Now you're mine to play with little girl," he thought to himself. I'm going to make you into my next little slut and you're going to lead me right to your slut mother."

He observed as Zoe gradually became drowsier and drowsier. She slumped down onto her front, giving Doug a great view up her little skirt in the process. Alison looked across at her friend, puzzled by her sudden tiredness.

"Zoe, Zoe, what's wrong with you. The movie's not that boring."

As Zoe's head slumped down onto the carpet, Alison looked at her father and took in his evil smile. She knew something was going on. Zoe wasn't tired; he had done something to her.

"Daddy, what have you done?"

"Shut up, slut! Go to your room now and don't come back down until I tell you to."

"No daddy, I wont. What have you done to Zoe? I'm not leaving her here. What's wrong with her?"

"The little slut is just having a nice sleep. Now, get to your room before you annoy me."

Doug stood over Alison and she knew that anything less than immediate obedience would result in a beating. She leapt to her feet and dashed upstairs, frantic with worry about what he had planned for Zoe.

Robbie had been sitting on the sofa watching TV when he felt a violent tug. He found himself in Amanda's car as it pulled into the driveway of the Gray house. He held his hand up and recognised the transparency that confirmed he was here in 'spirit' form. A huge smile lit up his face as he realised that Amanda must have wished for him to be here - how else could he have been tugged half way round the world.

"I need to be careful," he thought. "She will be able to feel me now when I touch her."

He followed Amanda into the house and looked on as she hung her jacket in the closet. He hovered around the family room as Amanda watched some TV. When she climbed the stairs he trailed behind her, entering her bedroom to see her unzip her skirt and let it drop to the floor.

Amanda couldn't believe how hot she was again from thinking about Robbie. She had tried to ignore how horny she was, watching TV in the hope that she would calm down but it had been no use. The images of his cock kept returning to her and she knew she had to get some relief. Pulling her panties to the side, she thrust two fingers into her already well-lubricated pussy.

Robbie looked on, wondering if Amanda's thoughts and her wish were to do with having sex with him. Amanda looked beautiful he thought, her legs spread, her fingers pushing into herself, her bottom lip caught by her teeth as she pleasured herself.

As Amanda reached out to pick up her dildo, Robbie felt another violent tug and found himself in a strange bedroom.

Alison was panicking. She knew her friend was in trouble downstairs, she admitted to herself that her father was probably going to hurt Zoe, rape her, possibly worse.

"Oh god, what can I do? Please don't hurt her daddy, please don't hurt her," she thought to herself.

"What can I do? She needs help. Oh god, Zoe, Zoe. Robbie would help her, Robbie would save her. I wish he were here, I wish he hadn't gone back to Scotland."

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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